package install::install2; # $Id: 255825 2009-04-08 11:54:23Z tv $ use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw($o); BEGIN { $::isInstall = 1 } #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use install::steps_list; use common; use install::any 'addToBeDone'; use install::steps; use install::any; use lang; use keyboard; use mouse; use devices; use partition_table; use modules; use detect_devices; use run_program; use any; use log; use fs; use fs::any; use fs::mount; #-####################################################################################### #-$O #-the big struct which contain, well everything (globals + the interactive methods ...) #-if you want to do a kickstart file, you just have to add all the required fields (see for example #-the variable $default) #-####################################################################################### $o = $::o = { # bootloader => { linear => 0, message => 1, timeout => 5, restricted => 0 }, #- packages => [ qw() ], partitioning => { clearall => 0, eraseBadPartitions => 0, auto_allocate => 0 }, #-, readonly => 0 }, authentication => { blowfish => 1, shadow => 1 }, locale => { lang => 'en_US' }, #- isUpgrade => 0, toRemove => [], toSave => [], #- simple_themes => 1, timezone => { #- timezone => "Europe/Paris", #- UTC => 1, }, #- superuser => { password => 'a', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'God' }, #- user => { name => 'foo', password => 'bar', home => '/home/foo', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'really, it is foo' }, #- keyboard => 'de', #- display => "", steps => \%install::steps_list::installSteps, orderedSteps => \@install::steps_list::orderedInstallSteps, #- for the list of fields available, see network/ net => { #- network => { HOSTNAME => 'abcd' }, #- resolv => { DOMAINNAME => '' }, #- ifcfg => { #- eth0 => { DEVICE => "eth0", IPADDR => '', NETMASK => '' } #- }, }, #-step : the current one #-prefix #-mouse #-keyboard #-netc #-methods #-packages compss }; sub installStepsCall { my ($o, $auto, $fun, @args) = @_; $fun = "install::steps::$fun" if $auto; $o->$fun(@args); } sub getNextStep { my ($o) = @_; find { !$o->{steps}{$_}{done} && $o->{steps}{$_}{reachable} } @{$o->{orderedSteps}}; } #-###################################################################################### #- Steps Functions #- each step function are called with two arguments : clicked(because if you are a #- beginner you can force the the step) and the entered number #-###################################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectLanguage { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectLanguage'); } sub acceptLicense { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'acceptLicense'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectMouse { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectMouse'); addToBeDone { mouse::write($o->do_pkgs, $o->{mouse}) if !$o->{isUpgrade} } 'installPackages'; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setupSCSI { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupSCSI'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectKeyboard { my ($auto) = @_; my $force; if (my $keyboard = keyboard::read()) { $o->{keyboard} = $keyboard; #- for uprade } elsif ($o->{isUpgrade}) { #- oops, the keyboard config is wrong, forcing prompt and writing $force = 1; } installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectKeyboard', $force); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub selectInstallClass { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectInstallClass'); if ($o->{isUpgrade}) { @{$o->{orderedSteps}} = uniq(map { $_ eq 'selectInstallClass' ? ($_, 'doPartitionDisks', 'formatPartitions') : $_; } @{$o->{orderedSteps}}); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub doPartitionDisks { my ($auto) = @_; $o->{steps}{formatPartitions}{done} = 0; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisksBefore'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisks'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisksAfter'); } sub formatPartitions { my ($auto) = @_; $o->{steps}{choosePackages}{done} = 0; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'choosePartitionsToFormat') if !$o->{isUpgrade} && !$::local_install; my $want_root_formated = fs::get::root($o->{fstab})->{toFormat}; if ($want_root_formated) { foreach ('/usr') { my $part = fs::get::mntpoint2part($_, $o->{fstab}) or next; $part->{toFormat} or die N("You must also format %s", $_); } } installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'formatMountPartitions') if !$::testing; if ($want_root_formated) { #- we formatted /, ensure /var/lib/rpm is cleaned otherwise bad things can happen #- (especially when /var is *not* formatted) eval { rm_rf("$::prefix/var/lib/rpm") }; } fs::any::prepare_minimal_root(); install::any::screenshot_dir__and_move(); install::any::move_compressed_image_to_disk($o); any::rotate_logs($::prefix); require raid; raid::write_conf($o->{all_hds}{raids}); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub choosePackages { my ($auto) = @_; require install::pkgs; #- always setPackages as it may have to copy hdlist and synthesis files. installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setPackages'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'choosePackages'); my @flags = map_each { if_($::b, $::a) } %{$o->{rpmsrate_flags_chosen}}; log::l("rpmsrate_flags_chosen's: ", join(' ', sort @flags)); #- check pre-condition that basesystem package must be selected. install::pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'basesystem')->flag_available or die "basesystem package not selected"; #- check if there are packages that need installation. $o->{steps}{installPackages}{done} = 0 if $o->{steps}{installPackages}{done} && install::pkgs::packagesToInstall($o->{packages}) > 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub installPackages { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'beforeInstallPackages'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'installPackages'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'afterInstallPackages'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub miscellaneous { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneousBefore'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneous'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneousAfter'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub summary { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'summaryBefore') if $o->{steps}{summary}{entered} == 1; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'summary'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'summaryAfter'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureNetwork { my ($auto) = @_; #- get current configuration of network device. require network::network; eval { network::network::read_net_conf($o->{net}) }; modules::load_category($o->{modules_conf}, list_modules::ethernet_categories()); require network::connection::ethernet; if (!$o->{isUpgrade}) { installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureNetwork'); } else { network::connection::ethernet::configure_eth_aliases($o->{modules_conf}); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub installUpdates { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'installUpdates'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureServices { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureServices'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setRootPassword_addUser { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setRootPassword_addUser') if !$o->{isUpgrade}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub setupBootloader { my ($auto) = @_; return if $::local_install; $o->{modules_conf}->write; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupBootloaderBefore'); installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupBootloader'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub configureX { my ($auto) = @_; #- done here and also at the end of, just in case... install::any::write_fstab($o); $o->{modules_conf}->write; require install::pkgs; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureX') if !$::testing && eval { install::pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'task-x11')->flag_installed } && !$o->{X}{disabled}; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub exitInstall { my ($auto) = @_; installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'exitInstall', getNextStep($::o) eq 'exitInstall'); } #-###################################################################################### #- Udev Functions #-###################################################################################### sub start_udev() { return if -e "/dev/zero"; # Ensure /run is mounted mkdir("/run", 0755); run_program::run("mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755,nosuid,nodev tmpfs /run"); # Fake dracut boot (due to checks employed when running dracut during install) # as we know that we'll have the needed metadata in udevadm db due to us # starting udev nice and early here. mkdir_p("/run/initramfs"); # Start up udev and trigger cold plugs run_program::run("mount", "-t", "devtmpfs", "-o", "mode=0755,nosuid", "devtmpfs", "/dev"); mkdir("/dev/$_", 0755) foreach qw(pts shm); run_program::run("mount", "-t", "devpts", "-o", "gid=5,mode=620,noexec,nosuid", "devpts", "/dev/pts"); run_program::run("mount", "-t", "tmpfs", "-o", "mode=1777,nosuid,nodev", "tmpfs", "/dev/shm"); mkdir_p("/run/udev/rules.d"); $ENV{UDEVRULESD} = "/run/udev/rules.d"; run_program::run("/lib/udev/udevd", "--daemon", "--resolve-names=never"); run_program::run("udevadm", "trigger", "--type=subsystems", "--action=add"); run_program::run("udevadm", "trigger", "--type=devices", "--action=add"); } sub stop_udev() { kill 15, fuzzy_pidofs('udevd'); sleep(2); fs::mount::umount($_) foreach '/dev/pts', '/dev/shm', '/run'; } #-###################################################################################### #- Other Functions #-###################################################################################### sub init_local_install { my ($o) = @_; push @::auto_steps, # 'selectLanguage', 'selectKeyboard', 'miscellaneous', 'selectInstallClass', 'doPartitionDisks', 'formatPartitions'; fs::mount::usbfs(''); #- do it now so that when_load doesn't do it $o->{nomouseprobe} = 1; $o->{mouse} = mouse::fullname2mouse('Universal|Any PS/2 & USB mice'); } sub pre_init_brltty() { if (my ($s) = cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /brltty=(\S*)/) { my ($driver, $device, $table) = split(',', $s); $table = "text.$table.tbl" if $table !~ /\.tbl$/; log::l("brltty option $driver $device $table"); $o->{brltty} = { driver => $driver, device => $device, table => $table }; $o->{interactive} = 'curses'; $o->{nomouseprobe} = 1; } } sub init_brltty() { symlink "/tmp/stage2/$_", $_ foreach "/etc/brltty"; devices::make($_) foreach $o->{brltty}{device}; run_program::run("brltty"); } sub init_auto_install() { if ($::auto_install =~ /-IP(\.pl)?$/) { my ($ip) = cat_('/tmp/stage1.log') =~ /configuring device (?!lo)\S+ ip: (\S+)/; my $normalized_ip = join('', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } split('\.', $ip)); $::auto_install =~ s/-IP(\.pl)?$/-$normalized_ip$1/; } require install::steps_auto_install; eval { $o = $::o = install::any::loadO($o, $::auto_install) }; if ($@) { if ($o->{useless_thing_accepted}) { #- Pixel's hack to be able to fail through log::l("error using auto_install, continuing"); undef $::auto_install; } else { install::steps_auto_install_non_interactive::errorInStep($o, "Error using auto_install\n" . formatError($@)); } } else { log::l("auto install config file loaded successfully"); #- normalize for people not using our special scheme foreach (@{$o->{manualFstab} || []}) { $_->{device} =~ s!^/dev/!!; } } } sub step_init { my ($o) = @_; my $o_; while (1) { $o_ = $::auto_install ? install::steps_auto_install->new($o) : $o->{interactive} eq "stdio" ? install::steps_stdio->new($o) : $o->{interactive} eq "curses" ? install::steps_curses->new($o) : $o->{interactive} eq "gtk" ? install::steps_gtk->new($o) : die "unknown install type"; $o_ and last; log::l("$o->{interactive} failed, trying again with curses"); $o->{interactive} = "curses"; require install::steps_curses; } $o; } sub read_product_id() { my $product_id = cat__(install::any::getFile_($o->{stage2_phys_medium}, "")); log::l('product_id: ' . chomp_($product_id)); $o->{product_id} = common::parse_LDAP_namespace_structure($product_id); $o->{meta_class} ||= { One => 'desktop', Free => 'download', Powerpack => 'powerpack', }->{$o->{product_id}{product}} || 'download'; } sub sig_segv_handler() { my $msg = "segmentation fault: install crashed (maybe memory is missing?)\n" . backtrace(); log::l("$msg\n"); # perl_checker: require UNIVERSAL UNIVERSAL::can($o, 'ask_warn') and $o->ask_warn('', $msg); setVirtual(1); require install::steps_auto_install; install::steps_auto_install_non_interactive::errorInStep($o, $msg); } sub read_stage1_net_conf() { require network::network; #- get stage1 network configuration if any. log::l('found /tmp/network'); add2hash($o->{net}{network} ||= {}, network::network::read_conf('/tmp/network')); if (my ($file) = glob_('/tmp/ifcfg-*')) { log::l("found network config file $file"); my $l = network::network::read_interface_conf($file); $o->{net}{ifcfg}{$l->{DEVICE}} ||= $l; } my $dsl_device = find { $_->{BOOTPROTO} eq 'adsl_pppoe' } values %{$o->{net}{ifcfg}}; if ($dsl_device) { $o->{net}{type} = 'adsl'; $o->{net}{net_interface} = $dsl_device->{DEVICE}; $o->{net}{adsl} = { method => 'pppoe', device => $dsl_device->{DEVICE}, ethernet_device => $dsl_device->{DEVICE}, login => $dsl_device->{USER}, password => $dsl_device->{PASS}, }; %$dsl_device = (); } else { $o->{net}{type} = 'lan'; $o->{net}{net_interface} = first(values %{$o->{net}{ifcfg}}); } } sub parse_args { my ($cfg, $patch); my %cmdline = map { my ($n, $v) = split /=/; $n => defined($v) ? $v : 1; } split ' ', cat_("/proc/cmdline"); my $opt; foreach (@_) { if (/^--?(.*)/) { $cmdline{$opt} = 1 if $opt; $opt = $1; } else { $cmdline{$opt} = $_ if $opt; $opt = ''; } } $cmdline{$opt} = 1 if $opt; #- from stage1 put_in_hash(\%ENV, { getVarsFromSh('/tmp/env') }); exists $ENV{$_} and $cmdline{lc($_)} = $ENV{$_} foreach qw(METHOD PCMCIA KICKSTART); map_each { my ($n, $v) = @_; my $f = ${{ lang => sub { $o->{lang} = $v }, flang => sub { $o->{lang} = $v; push @::auto_steps, 'selectLanguage' }, langs => sub { $o->{locale}{langs} = +{ map { $_ => 1 } split(':', $v) } }, method => sub { $o->{method} = $v }, pcmcia => sub { $o->{pcmcia} = $v }, step => sub { $o->{steps}{first} = $v }, meta_class => sub { $o->{meta_class} = $v }, freedriver => sub { $o->{freedriver} = $v }, # fs/block options: no_bad_drives => sub { $o->{partitioning}{no_bad_drives} = 1 }, nodmraid => sub { $o->{partitioning}{nodmraid} = 1 }, readonly => sub { $o->{partitioning}{readonly} = $v ne "0" }, use_uuid => sub { $::no_uuid_by_default = !$v }, # urpmi options: debug_urpmi => sub { $o->{debug_urpmi} = 1 }, justdb => sub { $o->{justdb} = 1 }, 'tune-rpm' => sub { $o->{'tune-rpm'} = 'all' }, # GUI options: vga16 => sub { $o->{vga16} = $v }, vga => sub { $o->{vga} = $v =~ /0x/ ? hex($v) : $v }, display => sub { $o->{display} = $v }, askdisplay => sub { print "Please enter the X11 display to perform the install on ? "; $o->{display} = chomp_(scalar()) }, text => sub { $o->{interactive} = "curses" }, stdio => sub { $o->{interactive} = "stdio" }, newt => sub { $o->{interactive} = "curses" }, simple_themes => sub { $o->{simple_themes} = 1 }, theme => sub { $o->{theme} = $v }, doc => sub { $o->{doc} = 1 }, #- will be used to know that we're running for the doc team, #- e.g. we want screenshots with a good B&W contrast security => sub { $o->{security} = $v }, # auto install options: noauto => sub { $::noauto = 1 }, testing => sub { $::testing = 1 }, patch => sub { $patch = 1 }, defcfg => sub { $cfg = $v }, kickstart => sub { $::auto_install = $v }, local_install => sub { $::local_install = 1 }, uml_install => sub { $::uml_install = $::local_install = 1 }, auto_install => sub { $::auto_install = $v }, # debugging options: useless_thing_accepted => sub { $o->{useless_thing_accepted} = 1 }, alawindows => sub { $o->{security} = 0; $o->{partitioning}{clearall} = 1; $o->{bootloader}{crushMbr} = 1 }, fdisk => sub { $o->{partitioning}{fdisk} = 1 }, nomouseprobe => sub { $o->{nomouseprobe} = $v }, updatemodules => sub { $o->{updatemodules} = 1 }, suppl => sub { $o->{supplmedia} = $v }, askmedia => sub { $o->{askmedia} = 1 }, restore => sub { $::isRestore = 1 }, compsslistlevel => sub { $o->{compssListLevel} = $v }, }}{lc $n}; &$f if $f; } %cmdline; ($cfg, $patch); } sub init_env_share() { if ($::testing) { $ENV{SHARE_PATH} ||= "/export/install/stage2/live/usr/share"; $ENV{SHARE_PATH} = "/usr/share" if !-e $ENV{SHARE_PATH}; } else { $ENV{SHARE_PATH} ||= "/usr/share"; } } sub init_path() { #- make sure we do not pick up any gunk from the outside world my $remote_path = "$::prefix/sbin:$::prefix/bin:$::prefix/usr/sbin:$::prefix/usr/bin"; $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$remote_path"; } sub init_mouse() { eval { $o->{mouse} = mouse::detect($o->{modules_conf}) } if !$o->{mouse} && !$o->{nomouseprobe}; mouse::load_modules($o->{mouse}); } sub init_modules_conf() { list_modules::load_default_moddeps(); require modules::any_conf; require modules::modules_conf; # read back config from stage1: $o->{modules_conf} = modules::modules_conf::read(modules::any_conf::vnew(), '/tmp/modules.conf'); modules::read_already_loaded($o->{modules_conf}); } sub process_auto_steps() { foreach (@::auto_steps) { if (my $s = $o->{steps}{/::(.*)/ ? $1 : $_}) { $s->{auto} = $s->{hidden} = 1; } else { log::l("ERROR: unknown step $_ in auto_steps"); } } } sub process_patch { my ($cfg, $patch) = @_; #- oem patch should be read before to still allow patch or defcfg. eval { $o = $::o = install::any::loadO($o, "install/"); log::l("successfully read oem patch") }; #- patch should be read after defcfg in order to take precedance. eval { $o = $::o = install::any::loadO($o, $cfg); log::l("successfully read default configuration: $cfg") } if $cfg; eval { $o = $::o = install::any::loadO($o, "patch"); log::l("successfully read patch") } if $patch; } #-###################################################################################### #- MAIN #-###################################################################################### sub main { $SIG{SEGV} = \&sig_segv_handler; $ENV{PERL_BADLANG} = 1; delete $ENV{TERMINFO}; umask 022; $::isWizard = 1; $::no_ugtk_init = 1; push @::textdomains, 'DrakX', 'drakx-net', 'drakx-kbd-mouse-x11'; my ($cfg, $patch) = parse_args(@_); init_env_share(); undef $::auto_install if $cfg; $o->{stage2_phys_medium} = install::media::stage2_phys_medium($o->{method}); log::l("second stage install running (", install::any::drakx_version($o), ")"); eval { output('/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe', "\n") } if !$::local_install && !$::testing; #- disable kmod eval { fs::mount::mount('none', '/sys', 'sysfs', 1) }; eval { touch('/root/non-chrooted-marker.DrakX') }; #- helps distinguishing /root and /mnt/root when we don't know if we are chrooted if ($::local_install) { init_local_install($o); } else { start_udev(); } $o->{prefix} = $::prefix = $::testing ? "/tmp/test-perl-install" : "/mnt"; mkdir $::prefix, 0755; init_path(); eval { install::any::spawnShell() }; init_modules_conf(); #- done before auto_install is called to allow the -IP feature on auto_install file name read_stage1_net_conf() if -e '/tmp/network'; #- done after module dependencies are loaded for "vfat depends on fat" if ($::auto_install) { init_auto_install(); } else { $o->{interactive} ||= 'gtk'; } if ($o->{interactive} eq "gtk" && availableMemory() < 22 * 1024) { log::l("switching to curses install cuz not enough memory"); $o->{interactive} = "curses"; } pre_init_brltty(); # perl_checker: require install::steps_gtk # perl_checker: require install::steps_curses # perl_checker: require install::steps_stdio require "install/steps_$o->{interactive}.pm" if $o->{interactive}; #- needed before accessing floppy (in case of usb floppy) modules::load_category($o->{modules_conf}, 'bus/usb'); process_patch($cfg, $patch); eval { modules::load("af_packet") }; require harddrake::sound; harddrake::sound::configure_sound_slots($o->{modules_conf}); #- need to be after oo-izing $o init_brltty() if $o->{brltty}; #- needed very early for install::steps_gtk init_mouse() if !$::testing; #- for auto_install compatibility with old $o->{lang}, #- and also for --lang and --flang if ($o->{lang}) { put_in_hash($o->{locale}, lang::lang_to_ourlocale($o->{lang})); } lang::set($o->{locale}); # keep the result otherwise monitor-edid does not return good results afterwards eval { any::monitor_full_edid() }; $o->{allowFB} = listlength(cat_("/proc/fb")); read_product_id() if !$::testing; log::l("META_CLASS=$o->{meta_class}"); process_auto_steps(); $ENV{COLUMNS} ||= 80; $ENV{LINES} ||= 25; $::o = $o = step_init($o); eval { output('/proc/splash', "verbose\n") }; real_main(); finish_install(); } sub real_main() { #-the main cycle MAIN: for ($o->{step} = $o->{steps}{first};; $o->{step} = getNextStep($o)) { $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{entered}++; $o->enteringStep($o->{step}); eval { &{$install::install2::{$o->{step}}}($o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{auto}); }; my $err = $@; $o->kill_action; if ($err) { local $_ = $err; $o->kill_action; if (!/^already displayed/) { eval { $o->errorInStep($_) }; $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{auto} = 0; $err = $@; $err and next; } $o->{step} = $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{onError}; next MAIN unless $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{reachable}; #- sanity check: avoid a step not reachable on error. redo MAIN; } $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{done} = 1; $o->leavingStep($o->{step}); last if $o->{step} eq 'exitInstall'; } } sub finish_install() { unlink $install::any::compressed_image_on_disk; install::media::clean_postinstall_rpms(); install::media::log_sizes(); install::any::remove_advertising(); install::any::write_fstab($o); $o->{modules_conf}->write; detect_devices::install_addons($::prefix); install::any::adjust_files_mtime_to_timezone(); #- make sure failed upgrade will not hurt too much. install::steps::cleanIfFailedUpgrade($o); #- drop urpmi DB if urpmi is not installed: -e "$::prefix/usr/sbin/urpmi.update" or eval { rm_rf("$::prefix/var/lib/urpmi") }; system("chroot", $::prefix, "bash", "-c", $o->{postInstallBeforeReboot}) if $o->{postInstallBeforeReboot}; #- copy latest log files eval { cp_af("/tmp/$_", "$::prefix/root/drakx") foreach qw(ddebug.log stage1.log) }; #- ala pixel? :-) [fpons] common::sync(); common::sync(); stop_udev() if !$::local_install; log::l("installation complete, leaving"); log::l("files still open by install2: ", readlink($_)) foreach glob_("/proc/self/fd/*"); print "\n" x 80 if !$::local_install; } 1;