package harddrake::ui;

use strict;

use harddrake::data;
use harddrake::sound;
use common;
use ugtk qw(:helpers :wrappers :various);
use my_gtk qw(:helpers :wrappers);
use interactive;

# { field => [ short_translation, full_description] }
my %fields = 
	"Model" => [_("Model"), _("hard disk model")],
	"channel" => [_("Channel"), _("EIDE/SCSI channel")],
	"bus" => 
	[ _("Bus"), 
	  _("this is the physical bus on which the device is plugged (eg: PCI, USB, ...)")],
	"driver" => [ _("Module"), _("the module of the GNU/Linux kernel that handle that device")],
	"media_type" => [ _("Media class"), _("class of hardware device")],
	"description" => [ _("Description"), _("this field describe the device")],
	"bus_id" => 
	[ _("Bus identification"), 
	  _("- PCI and USB devices: this list the vendor, device, subvendor and subdevice PCI/USB ids")],
	"bus_location" => 
	[ _("Location on the bus"), 
	  _("- pci devices: this gives the PCI slot, device and function of this card
- eide devices: the device is either a slave or a master device
- scsi devices: the scsi bus and the scsi device ids")],
	"device" => [ _("Old device file"),
			    _("old static device name used in dev package")],
	"devfs_device" => [ _("New devfs device"),  
					_("new dinamic device name generated by incore kernel devfs")],
	"nbuttons" => [ _("Number of buttons"), "the number of buttons the mouse have"],
	"Vendor" => [ _("Vendor"), _("the vendor name of the device")],
	"alternative_drivers" => [ _("Alternative drivers"),
						  _("the list of alternative drivers for this sound card")]

our $license = 'Copyright (C) 1999-2002 MandrakeSoft by

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

my ($in, %IDs, $pid, $w);

my @menu_items = ( { path => _("/_File"), type => '<Branch>' },
			    { path => _("/_File")._("/_Quit"), accelerator => _("<control>Q"), callback => \&quit_global	},
			    { path => _("/_Help"), type => '<Branch>' },
			    { path => _("/_Help")._("/_Help..."), callback => sub {
				   $in->ask_warn(_("Harddrake help"), 
							  _("Description of the fields:\n\n")
							  . join("\n\n", map { "$fields{$_}[0]: $fields{$_}[1]"} keys %fields));
			    { path => _("/_Help")._("/_Report Bug"),
				 callback => sub { unless (fork) { exec("drakbug --report harddrake2 &") } } },
			    { path => _("/_Help")._("/_About..."), callback => sub {
				   $in->ask_warn(_("About Harddrake"), 
							  join ("", _("This is HardDrake, a Mandrake hardware configuration tool.\nVersion:"), " $harddrake::data::version\n", 
								   _("Author:"), " Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud\> \n\n" ,

# fill the devices tree
sub detect {
    my @class_tree;
    foreach (@harddrake::data::tree) {
	my ($Ident, $title, $icon, $configurator, $detector) = @$_;
	next if (ref($detector) ne "CODE"); #skip class witouth detector
	next if $Ident =~ /(MODEM|PRINTER)/ && "@ARGV" =~ /test/;
#	print _("Probing %s class\n", $Ident);
#	standalone::explanations("Probing %s class\n", $Ident);

	my @devices = &$detector;
	next if (!listlength(@devices)); # Skip empty class (no devices)
	my $devices_list;
	foreach (@devices) {
	    if (exists $_->{bus} && $_->{bus} eq "PCI") {
		my $i = $_;
		$_->{bus_id} = join ':', map { if_($i->{$_} ne "65535",  sprintf("%lx", $i->{$_})) } qw(vendor id subvendor subid);
		$_->{bus_location} = join ':', map { sprintf("%lx", $i->{$_} ) } qw(pci_bus pci_device pci_function);
	    # split description into manufacturer/description
	    ($_->{Vendor}, $_->{description}) = split(/\|/,$_->{description}) if exists $_->{description};
	    if (exists $_->{val}) { # Scanner ?
		my $val = $_->{val};
		($_->{Vendor},$_->{description}) = split(/\|/, $val->{DESCRIPTION});
	    # EIDE detection incoherency:
	    if (exists $_->{bus} && $_->{bus} eq 'ide') {
		$_->{channel} = _($_->{channel} ? "secondary" : "primary");
		delete $_->{info};
	    } elsif ((exists $_->{id}) && ($_->{bus} ne 'PCI')) {
		# SCSI detection incoherency:
		my $i = $_;
		$_->{bus_location} = join ':', map { sprintf("%lx", $i->{$_} ) } qw(bus id);
	    if ($Ident eq "AUDIO") {
		my $alter = harddrake::sound::get_alternative($_->{driver});
		$_->{alternative_drivers} = join(':', @$alter) if $alter->[0] ne 'unknown';
	    foreach my $i (qw(vendor id subvendor subid pci_bus pci_device pci_function MOUSETYPE XMOUSETYPE unsafe val devfs_prefix wacom auxmouse)) { delete $_->{$i} }
	    $_->{device} = '/dev/'.$_->{device} if exists $_->{device};
	    push @$devices_list, $_;
	push @class_tree, [ $devices_list, [ [$title], 5], $icon, [ 0, ($title =~ /Unknown/ ? 0 : 1) ], $title, $configurator ];

sub new {
    my ($sig_id, $wait);
    unless ($::isEmbedded) {
    $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default');
	$wait = $in->wait_message(_("Please wait"), _("Detection in progress"));
    my @class_tree = &detect;

    $w = my_gtk->new((_("Harddrake2 version ") . $harddrake::data::version));
    $w->{window}->set_usize(760, 550) unless $::isEmbedded;
		 my $main_vbox = gtkadd(gtkadd($::isEmbedded ? new Gtk::VBox(0, 0) :
								 gtkadd(new Gtk::VBox(0, 0),
									   my $menubar = ugtk::create_factory_menu($w->{rwindow}, @menu_items)),
								 my $hpaned = new Gtk::HPaned),
						    my $statusbar = new Gtk::Statusbar));
    $main_vbox->set_child_packing($statusbar, 0, 0, 0, 'start');
    if ($::isEmbedded) {
	   $main_vbox->add(gtksignal_connect(my $but = new Gtk::Button(_("Quit")),
								  'clicked' => \&quit_global));
	   $main_vbox->set_child_packing($but, 0, 0, 0, 'start');
    } else { $main_vbox->set_child_packing($menubar, 0, 0, 0, 'start') }

    $hpaned->pack1(gtkadd(new Gtk::Frame(_("Detected hardware")), createScrolledWindow(my $tree = new Gtk::CTree(1, 0))), 1, 1);
    $hpaned->pack2(my $vbox = gtkadd(gtkadd(gtkadd(new Gtk::VBox,
										 gtkadd(new Gtk::Frame(_("Information")),
											   gtkadd(new Gtk::HBox, 
													createScrolledWindow(my $text = new Gtk::Text)))), 
								    my $module_cfg_button = new Gtk::Button(_("Configure module"))),
							  my $config_button = new Gtk::Button(_("Run config tool"))), 1, 1);
    $vbox->set_child_packing($config_button, 0, 0, 0, 'start');
    $vbox->set_child_packing($module_cfg_button, 0, 0, 0, 'start');

    my $cmap = Gtk::Gdk::Colormap->get_system;
    my $color = { 'red' => 0x3100, 'green' => 0x6400, 'blue' => 0xbc00 };
    my $wcolor = { 'red' => 0xFFFF, 'green' => 0x6400, 'blue' => 0x6400 };
    $tree->set_column_auto_resize(0, 1);
    my $curr = $tree->node_nth(0); #- default value
    $tree->signal_connect( 'select_row', sub {
	   my ( $ctree, $row, $column, $event ) = @_;
	   my $node = $ctree->node_nth( $row );
	   my ($name, undef) = $tree->node_get_pixtext($node,0);
	   my $data = $tree->{data}{$name};

	   if ($data) {
		  foreach my $i (sort keys %$data) {
			 $text->insert("", $text->style->black, "", ($fields{$i}[0] ? $fields{$i}[0] : $i) . ": ");
			 if ($i eq 'driver' && $data->{$i} eq 'unknown') {
				$text->insert("", $wcolor, "", "$data->{$i}\n\n");
			 } else { $text->insert("", $color, "", "$data->{$i}\n\n") }
		  disconnect($module_cfg_button, 'module');
		  if (exists $data->{driver} &&  $data->{driver} !~ /(unknown|.*\|.*)/ &&  $data->{driver} !~ /^Card:/) {
			 $IDs{module} = $module_cfg_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
				require modules::interactive;
				modules::interactive::config_window($in, $data);
		  disconnect($config_button, 'tool');
		  my $configurator = $tree->{configurator}{$name};

		  return unless -x $configurator;
		  $IDs{tool} = $config_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
			 return if defined $pid;
			 if ($pid = fork()) {
				$sig_id = $statusbar->push($statusbar->get_context_id("id"), _("Running \"%s\" ...", $configurator));
			 } else { exec($configurator) or die "$configurator missing\n" }
		  }) ;
	   } else {
		  $text->backward_delete($text->get_point); # erase all previous text

    foreach (@class_tree) {
	my ($devices_list, $arg, $icon, $arg2, $title, $configurator ) = @$_;
	my $hw_class_tree = $tree->insert_node(undef, undef, @$arg, (gtkcreate_png($icon)) x 2, @$arg2);
	   my $prev_item;
	foreach (@$devices_list) {
		  my $custom_id = harddrake::data::custom_id($_, $title);
		  $custom_id .= ' ' while exists($tree->{data}{$custom_id});
		  my $hw_item = $tree->insert_node($hw_class_tree, $prev_item, [$custom_id ], 5, (undef) x 4, 1, 0);
		  $tree->{data}{$custom_id} = $_;
		  $tree->{configurator}{$custom_id} = $configurator;
		  $prev_item = $hw_item;
	undef $prev_item;

    $SIG{CHLD} = sub { undef $pid; $statusbar->pop($sig_id) };
    $w->{rwindow}->signal_connect (delete_event => \&quit_global);
    undef $wait;
    $w->{rwindow}->set_position('center') unless $::isEmbedded;
    foreach ($module_cfg_button, $config_button) { $_->hide };
    $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su', 'default') if $::isEmbedded;

sub quit_global {
    kill(15, $pid) if ($pid);

sub disconnect {
    my ($button, $id) = @_;
    if ($IDs{$id}) {
	   undef $IDs{$id};
