package harddrake::autoconf;

use common;

sub xconf {
    my ($modules_conf, $o) = @_;

    log::l('automatic XFree configuration');
    require Xconfig::default;
    require do_pkgs;
    $o->{raw_X} = Xconfig::default::configure(do_pkgs_standalone->new);
    require Xconfig::main;
    Xconfig::main::configure_everything_auto_install($o->{raw_X}, do_pkgs_standalone->new, {}, { allowFB => 1 });

    modules::load_category($modules_conf, 'various/agpgart'); 

sub network_conf {
    my ($obj) = @_;
    require network::network;
    network::network::easy_dhcp($obj->{net}, $obj->{modules_conf});

sub mouse_conf {
    my ($modules_conf) = @_;
    require do_pkgs;
    require mouse;
    mouse::write_conf(do_pkgs_standalone->new, $modules_conf, my $mouse = mouse::detect($modules_conf), 1);

sub pcmcia {
    my ($pcic) = @_;

    #- should be set after installing the package above otherwise the file will be renamed.
    setVarsInSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia", {
     PCMCIA    => bool2yesno($pcic),
     PCIC      => $pcic,
     PCIC_OPTS => "",
     CORE_OPTS => "",

sub bluetooth {
    my ($enable) = @_;
#- FIXME: make sure these packages are installed when needed
#     if ($enable) {
#         require do_pkgs;
#         my $do_pkgs = do_pkgs_standalone->new;
#         $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed("bluez-utils", "/usr/bin/rfcomm");
#     }
    require services;
    services::set_status("bluetooth", $enable);
    my $kbluetoothd_cfg = '/etc/kde/kbluetoothdrc';
                      'AutoStart' => bool2text($enable)) if -f $kbluetoothd_cfg;

sub laptop {
    my ($on_laptop) = @_;
#- FIXME: make sure these packages are installed when needed
#     require do_pkgs;
#     my $do_pkgs = do_pkgs_standalone->new;
#     if ($on_laptop) {
#         $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed("cpufreq", "/etc/rc.d/init.d/cpufreq");
#         $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed("apmd", "/usr/bin/apm");
#         $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed("hotkeys", "/usr/bin/hotkeys");
#         $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed("laptop-mode-tools", "/usr/sbin/laptop_mode");
#     } else {
#         $do_pkgs->ensure_is_installed("numlock", "/etc/rc.d/init.d/numlock");
#     }
    require services;
    services::set_status("cpufreq", $on_laptop);
    services::set_status("apmd", $on_laptop);
    services::set_status("laptop-mode", $on_laptop);
    services::set_status("numlock", !$on_laptop);
