package handle_configs;
# $Id$
use diagnostics;
use strict;
use common;
sub searchstr {
# Preceed all characters which are special characters in regexps with
# a backslash, so that the returned string used in a regexp searches
# a literal occurence of the original string. White space is replaced
# by "\s+"
# "quotemeta()" does not serve for this, as it also quotes some regular
# characters, as the space
my ($s) = @_;
$s =~ s!([\\/\(\)\[\]\{\}\|\.\$\@\%\*\?#\+\-])!\\$1!g;
return $s;
sub read_directives {
# Read one or more occurences of a directive
my ($lines_ptr, $directive) = @_;
my $searchdirective = searchstr($directive);
# do not use if_() below because it slow down printerdrake
# to the point one can believe in process freeze:
map { (/^\s*$searchdirective\s+(\S.*)$/ ? chomp_($1) : ()) } @$lines_ptr;
sub read_unique_directive {
# Read a directive, if the directive appears more than once, use
# the last occurence and remove all the others, if it does not
# occur, return the default value
my ($lines_ptr, $directive, $default) = @_;
if ((my @d = read_directives($lines_ptr, $directive)) > 0) {
my $value = $d[-1];
set_directive($lines_ptr, "$directive $value");
return $value;
} else {
return $default;
sub insert_directive {
# Insert a directive only if it is not already there
my ($lines_ptr, $directive) = @_;
my $searchdirective = searchstr($directive);
(/^\s*$searchdirective$/ and return 0) foreach @$lines_ptr;
push @$lines_ptr, "$directive\n";
return 1;
sub remove_directive {
# Remove a directive
my ($lines_ptr, $directive) = @_;
my $success = 0;
my $searchdirective = searchstr($directive);
(/^\s*$searchdirective/ and $_ = "" and $success = 1)
foreach @$lines_ptr;
return $success;
sub comment_directive {
# Comment out a directive
my ($lines_ptr, $directive, $exactmatch) = @_;
my $success = 0;
my $searchdirective = searchstr($directive);
$searchdirective .= ".*" if !$exactmatch;
(s/^\s*($searchdirective)$/#$1/ and $success = 1)
foreach @$lines_ptr;
return $success;
sub replace_directive {
# Replace a directive, if it appears more than once, remove
# the additional occurences.
my ($lines_ptr, $olddirective, $newdirective) = @_;
my $success = 0;
$newdirective = "$newdirective\n";
my $searcholddirective = searchstr($olddirective);
(/^\s*$searcholddirective/ and $_ = $newdirective and
$success = 1 and $newdirective = "") foreach @$lines_ptr;
return $success;
sub move_directive_to_version_commented_out {
# If there is a version of the directive "commentedout" which is
# commented out, the directive "directive" will be moved in its place.
my ($lines_ptr, $commentedout, $directive, $exactmatch) = @_;
my $success = 0;
my $searchcommentedout = searchstr($commentedout);
$searchcommentedout .= ".*" if !$exactmatch;
(/^\s*#$searchcommentedout$/ and
$success = 1 and last) foreach @$lines_ptr;
if ($success) {
remove_directive($lines_ptr, $directive);
(s/^\s*#($searchcommentedout)$/$directive/ and
$success = 1 and last) foreach @$lines_ptr;
return $success;
sub set_directive {
# Set a directive, replace the old definition or a commented definition
my ($lines_ptr, $directive, $full_line) = @_;
my $olddirective = $directive;
if (!$full_line) {
$olddirective =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s+.*$/$1/s;
$olddirective ||= $directive;
my $success = (replace_directive($lines_ptr, $olddirective,
$directive) ||
insert_directive($lines_ptr, $directive));
if ($success) {
move_directive_to_version_commented_out($lines_ptr, $directive,
$directive, 1);
return $success;
sub add_directive {
# Add a directive, replace a commented definition
my ($lines_ptr, $directive) = @_;
my $success = insert_directive($lines_ptr, $directive);
if ($success) {
move_directive_to_version_commented_out($lines_ptr, $directive,
$directive, 1);
return $success;
add support for snd-cmi8788 driver
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions