package fsedit; # $Id$
use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw(%suggestions);
#- misc imports
use common;
use partition_table qw(:types);
use partition_table::raw;
use detect_devices;
use fsedit;
use devices;
use loopback;
use log;
use fs;
%suggestions = (
N_("simple") => [
{ mntpoint => "/", size => 300 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 5, maxsize => 6000 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82, ratio => 1, maxsize => 500 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "/home", size => 300 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 3 },
], N_("with /usr") => [
{ mntpoint => "/", size => 250 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 1, maxsize => 2000 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82, ratio => 1, maxsize => 500 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "/usr", size => 300 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 4, maxsize => 4000 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "/home", size => 100 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 3 },
], N_("server") => [
{ mntpoint => "/", size => 150 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 1, maxsize => 800 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "swap", size => 64 << 11, type => 0x82, ratio => 2, maxsize => 800 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "/usr", size => 300 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 4, maxsize => 4000 << 11 },
{ mntpoint => "/var", size => 200 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 3 },
{ mntpoint => "/home", size => 150 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 3 },
{ mntpoint => "/tmp", size => 150 << 11, type =>0x483, ratio => 2, maxsize => 1000 << 11 },
foreach (values %suggestions) {
if (arch() =~ /ia64/) {
@$_ = ({ mntpoint => "/boot/efi", size => 50 << 11, type => 0xb, ratio => 1, maxsize => 150 << 11 }, @$_);
my @suggestions_mntpoints = (
"/var/ftp", "/var/www", "/boot",
arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "/mnt/sunos" : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? "/mnt/macos" : "/mnt/windows",
#- RedHat also has /usr/local and /opt
my @partitions_signatures = (
[ 0x8e, 0, "HM\1\0" ],
[ 0x83, 0x438, "\x53\xEF" ],
[ 0x183, 0x10034, "ReIsErFs" ],
[ 0x183, 0x10034, "ReIsEr2Fs" ],
[ 0x283, 0, 'XFSB', 0x200, 'XAGF', 0x400, 'XAGI' ],
[ 0x383, 0x8000, 'JFS1' ],
[ 0x82, 4086, "SWAP-SPACE" ],
[ 0x82, 4086, "SWAPSPACE2" ],
[ 0x107, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x3, "NTFS" ],
[ 0xc, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x52, "FAT32" ],
if_(arch() !~ /^sparc/,
[ 0x6, 0x1FE, "\x55\xAA", 0x36, "FAT" ],
sub typeOfPart {
my $dev = devices::make($_[0]);
my $t = typeFromMagic($dev, @partitions_signatures);
if ($t == 0x83) {
#- there is no magic to differentiate ext3 and ext2. Using libext2fs
#- to check if it has a journal
$t = 0x483 if c::is_ext3($dev);
#- Functions
sub empty_all_hds {
{ hds => [], lvms => [], raids => [], loopbacks => [], raw_hds => [], nfss => [], smbs => [], davs => [], special => [] };
sub recompute_loopbacks {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
my @fstab = get_all_fstab($all_hds);
@{$all_hds->{loopbacks}} = map { isPartOfLoopback($_) ? @{$_->{loopback}} : () } @fstab;
sub raids {
my ($hds) = @_;
my @parts = get_fstab(@$hds);
my @l = grep { isRawRAID($_) } @parts or return [];
my @raids;
my @mdstat = cat_("/proc/mdstat");
for (my $i = 0; $i < @mdstat; $i++) {
my ($nb, $level, $mdparts) =
#- line format is:
#- md%d : {in}?active{ (read-only)}? {linear|raid1|raid4|raid5}{ DEVNAME[%d]{(F)}?}*
$mdstat[$i] =~ /^md(\d+).* ([^ \[\]]+) (\S+\[\d+\].*)/ or next;
$level =~ s/raid//; #- { linear | raid0 | raid1 | raid5 } -> { linear | 0 | 1 | 5 }
my $chunks = $mdstat[$i+1] =~ /(\S+) chunks/ ? $1 : "64k";
my @raw_mdparts = map { /([^\[]+)/ } split ' ', $mdparts;
my $type = typeOfPart("md$nb");
log::l("RAID: found md$nb (raid $level) chunks $chunks ", if_($type, "type $type "), "with parts ", join(", ", @raw_mdparts));
$raids[$nb] = { 'chunk-size' => $chunks, type => $type || 0x83, raw_mdparts => \@raw_mdparts,
device => "md$nb", notFormatted => !$type, level => $level };
my %devname2part = map { $_->{dev} => { %$_, device => $_->{dev} } } read_proc_partitions_raw();
each_index {
my $raw_mdparts = delete $_->{raw_mdparts};
my @mdparts =
map {
my $mdpart = $devname2part{$_} || { device => $_ };
if (my $part = find { is_same_hd($mdpart, $_) } @parts, @raids) {
$part->{raid} = $::i;
$part->{type} = 0xfd;
delete $part->{mntpoint};
} else {
#- forget it when not found? that way it won't break much... beurk.
} @$raw_mdparts;
$_->{disks} = \@mdparts;
} @raids;
require raid;
sub lvms {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
my @pvs = grep { isRawLVM($_) } get_all_fstab($all_hds) or return;
#- otherwise vgscan won't find them
devices::make($_->{device}) foreach @pvs;
require lvm;
my @lvms;
foreach (@pvs) {
my $name = lvm::get_vg($_) or next;
my $lvm = find { $_->{VG_name} eq $name } @lvms;
if (!$lvm) {
$lvm = new lvm($name);
push @lvms, $lvm;
$_->{lvm} = $name;
push @{$lvm->{disks}}, $_;
sub hds {
my ($flags, $ask_before_blanking) = @_;
$flags ||= {};
$flags->{readonly} && ($flags->{clearall} || $flags->{clear}) and die "conflicting flags readonly and clear/clearall";
my @drives = detect_devices::hds();
my (@hds);
foreach my $hd (@drives) {
$hd->{file} = devices::make($hd->{device});
$hd->{prefix} ||= $hd->{device};
$hd->{readonly} = $flags->{readonly};
my $h = partition_table::raw::get_geometry($hd->{file}) or log::l("An error occurred while getting the geometry of block device $hd->{file}: $!"), next;
add2hash_($hd, $h);
eval { partition_table::raw::test_for_bad_drives($hd) };
if (my $err = $@) {
if ($err =~ /write error:/) {
$hd->{readonly} = 1;
} else {
cdie $err if $err !~ /read error:/;
if ($flags->{clearall} || member($hd->{device}, @{$flags->{clear} || []})) {
} else {
eval {
compare_with_proc_partitions($hd) if $::isInstall;
if (my $err = $@) {
if ($hd->{readonly}) {
} elsif ($ask_before_blanking && $ask_before_blanking->($hd->{device}, $err)) {
} else {
#- using it readonly
member($_->{device}, @{$flags->{clear} || []}) and partition_table::remove($hd, $_)
foreach partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd);
# special case for Various type
$_->{type} = typeOfPart($_->{device}) || 0x100 foreach grep { $_->{type} == 0x100 } partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd);
#- special case for type overloading (eg: reiserfs is 0x183)
foreach (grep { isExt2($_) || $_->{type} == 0x7 } partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd)) {
my $type = typeOfPart($_->{device});
$_->{type} = $type if ($type & 0xff) == $_->{type} || $type && $hd->isa('partition_table::gpt');
push @hds, $hd;
#- detect raids before LVM allowing LVM on raid
my $raids = raids(\@hds);
my $all_hds = { %{ empty_all_hds() }, hds => \@hds, lvms => [], raids => $raids };
$all_hds->{lvms} = [ lvms($all_hds) ];
sub get_hds {
#- $in is optional
my ($flags, $in) = @_;
if ($in) {
catch_cdie { hds($flags, sub {
my ($dev, $err) = @_;
N("I can't read the partition table of device %s, it's too corrupted for me :(
I can try to go on, erasing over bad partitions (ALL DATA will be lost!).
The other solution is to not allow DrakX to modify the partition table.
(the error is %s)
Do you agree to loose all the partitions?
", $dev, formatError($err)));
}) } sub { $in->ask_okcancel('', formatError($@)) };
} else {
catch_cdie { hds($flags) } sub { 1 }
sub read_proc_partitions_raw() {
my (undef, undef, @all) = cat_("/proc/partitions");
grep {
$_->{size} != 1 && # skip main extended partition
$_->{size} != 0x3fffffff # skip cdroms (otherwise stops cd-audios)
} map {
my %l;
@l{qw(major minor size dev)} = split;
} @all;
sub read_proc_partitions {
my ($hds) = @_;
my @all = read_proc_partitions_raw();
my @parts = grep { $_->{dev} =~ /\d$/ } @all;
my @disks = grep { $_->{dev} !~ /\d$/ } @all;
my $devfs_like = any { $_->{dev} =~ m|/disc$| } @disks;
my %devfs2normal = map {
my (undef, $major, $minor) = devices::entry($_->{device});
my $disk = find { $_->{major} == $major && $_->{minor} == $minor } @disks;
$disk->{dev} => $_->{device};
} @$hds;
my $prev_part;
foreach my $part (@parts) {
my $dev;
if ($devfs_like) {
$dev = -e "/dev/$part->{dev}" ? $part->{dev} : sprintf("0x%x%02x", $part->{major}, $part->{minor});
$part->{rootDevice} = $devfs2normal{dirname($part->{dev}) . '/disc'};
} else {
$dev = $part->{dev};
foreach my $hd (@$hds) {
$part->{rootDevice} = $hd->{device} if $part->{dev} =~ /^$hd->{device}./;
$part->{device} = $dev;
$part->{size} *= 2; # from KB to sectors
$part->{type} = typeOfPart($dev);
$part->{start} = $prev_part ? $prev_part->{start} + $prev_part->{size} : 0;
$prev_part = $part;
delete $part->{dev}; # cleanup
sub all_hds {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
(@{$all_hds->{hds}}, @{$all_hds->{lvms}});
sub part2hd {
my ($part, $all_hds) = @_;
my $hd = find { $part->{rootDevice} eq ($_->{device} || $_->{VG_name}) } all_hds($all_hds);
sub is_same_hd {
my ($hd1, $hd2) = @_;
if ($hd1->{major} && $hd2->{major}) {
$hd1->{major} == $hd2->{major} && $hd1->{minor} == $hd2->{minor};
} elsif (my ($s1) = $hd1->{device} =~ m|https?://(.+?)/*$|) {
my ($s2) = $hd2->{device} =~ m|https?://(.+?)/*$|;
$s1 eq $s2;
} else {
$hd1->{device} eq $hd2->{device};
sub is_same_part {
my ($part1, $part2) = @_;
foreach ('start', 'size', 'type', 'rootDevice') {
$part1->{$_} eq $part2->{$_} or return;
#- get all normal partition including special ones as found on sparc.
sub get_fstab {
map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } @_;
#- get normal partition that should be visible for working on.
sub get_visible_fstab {
grep { $_ && !partition_table::isWholedisk($_) && !partition_table::isHiddenMacPart($_) }
map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } @_;
sub get_fstab_and_holes {
map {
if (isLVM($_)) {
my @parts = partition_table::get_normal_parts($_);
my $free = $_->{totalsectors} - sum map { $_->{size} } @parts;
my $free_part = { start => 0, size => $free, type => 0, rootDevice => $_->{VG_name} };
@parts, if_($free >= $_->cylinder_size, $free_part);
} else {
} @_;
sub get_holes {
grep { $_->{type} == 0 } get_fstab_and_holes(@_);
sub get_all_fstab {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
my @parts = map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } all_hds($all_hds);
my @raids = grep { $_ } @{$all_hds->{raids}};
@parts, @raids, @{$all_hds->{loopbacks}};
sub get_really_all_fstab {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
my @parts = map { partition_table::get_normal_parts($_) } all_hds($all_hds);
my @raids = grep { $_ } @{$all_hds->{raids}};
@parts, @raids, @{$all_hds->{loopbacks}}, @{$all_hds->{raw_hds}}, @{$all_hds->{nfss}}, @{$all_hds->{smbs}}, @{$all_hds->{davs}};
sub get_all_fstab_and_holes {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
my @raids = grep { $_ } @{$all_hds->{raids}};
get_fstab_and_holes(all_hds($all_hds)), @raids, @{$all_hds->{loopbacks}};
sub get_all_holes {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
grep { $_->{type} == 0 } get_all_fstab_and_holes($all_hds);
sub all_free_space {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
sum map { $_->{size} } get_all_holes($all_hds);
sub free_space {
sum map { $_->{size} } get_holes(@_);
sub is_one_big_fat_or_NT {
my ($hds) = @_;
@$hds == 1 or return;
my @l = get_fstab(@$hds);
@l == 1 && isFat_or_NTFS($l[0]) && free_space(@$hds) < 10 << 11;
sub file2part {
my ($fstab, $file, $keep_simple_symlinks) = @_;
my $part;
$file = $keep_simple_symlinks ? common::expand_symlinks_but_simple("$::prefix$file") : expand_symlinks("$::prefix$file");
unless ($file =~ s/^$::prefix//) {
my $part = find { loopback::carryRootLoopback($_) } @$fstab or die;
log::l("found $part->{mntpoint}");
$file =~ s|/initrd/loopfs|$part->{mntpoint}|;
foreach (@$fstab) {
my $m = $_->{mntpoint};
$part = $_ if
$file =~ /^\Q$m/ &&
(!$part || length $part->{mntpoint} < length $m);
$part or die "file2part: not found $file";
$file =~ s|$part->{mntpoint}/?|/|;
($part, $file);
sub computeSize {
my ($part, $best, $all_hds, $suggestions) = @_;
my $max = $part->{maxsize} || $part->{size};
return min($max, $best->{size}) unless $best->{ratio};
my $free_space = all_free_space($all_hds);
my @l = my @L = grep {
if (!has_mntpoint($_->{mntpoint}, $all_hds) && $free_space >= $_->{size}) {
$free_space -= $_->{size};
} else { 0 } } @$suggestions;
my $tot_ratios = 0;
while (1) {
my $old_free_space = $free_space;
my $old_tot_ratios = $tot_ratios;
$tot_ratios = sum(map { $_->{ratio} } @l);
last if $tot_ratios == $old_tot_ratios;
@l = grep {
if ($_->{ratio} && $_->{maxsize} && $tot_ratios &&
$_->{size} + $_->{ratio} / $tot_ratios * $old_free_space >= $_->{maxsize}) {
return min($max, $best->{maxsize}) if $best->{mntpoint} eq $_->{mntpoint};
$free_space -= $_->{maxsize} - $_->{size};
} else {
} @l;
my $size = int min($max, $best->{size} + $free_space * ($tot_ratios && $best->{ratio} / $tot_ratios));
#- verify other entry can fill the hole
(any { $_->{size} < $max - $size } @L) ? $size : $max;
sub suggest_part {
my ($part, $all_hds, $suggestions) = @_;
$suggestions ||= $suggestions{server} || $suggestions{simple};
my $has_swap = any { isSwap($_) } get_all_fstab($all_hds);
my ($best) =
grep { !$_->{maxsize} || $part->{size} <= $_->{maxsize} }
grep { $_->{size} <= ($part->{maxsize} || $part->{size}) }
grep { !has_mntpoint($_->{mntpoint}, $all_hds) || isSwap($_) && !$has_swap }
grep { !$_->{hd} || $_->{hd} eq $part->{rootDevice} }
grep { !$part->{type} || $part->{type} == $_->{type} || isTrueFS($part) && isTrueFS($_) }
@$suggestions or return;
defined $best or return; #- sorry no suggestion :(
$part->{mntpoint} = $best->{mntpoint};
$part->{type} = $best->{type} if !(isTrueFS($best) && isTrueFS($part));
$part->{size} = computeSize($part, $best, $all_hds, $suggestions);
$part->{options} = $best->{options} if $best->{options};
sub suggestions_mntpoint {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
sort grep { !/swap/ && !has_mntpoint($_, $all_hds) }
(@suggestions_mntpoints, map { $_->{mntpoint} } @{$suggestions{server} || $suggestions{simple}});
sub mntpoint2part {
my ($mntpoint, $fstab) = @_;
find { $mntpoint eq $_->{mntpoint} } @$fstab;
sub has_mntpoint {
my ($mntpoint, $all_hds) = @_;
mntpoint2part($mntpoint, [ get_really_all_fstab($all_hds) ]);
sub get_root_ {
my ($fstab, $boot) = @_;
$boot && mntpoint2part("/boot", $fstab) || mntpoint2part("/", $fstab);
sub get_root { &get_root_ || {} }
#- do this before modifying $part->{type}
sub check_type {
my ($type, $_hd, $part) = @_;
isThisFs("jfs", { type => $type }) && $part->{size} < 16 << 11 and die \N("You can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MB");
isThisFs("reiserfs", { type => $type }) && $part->{size} < 32 << 11 and die \N("You can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MB");
sub package_needed_for_partition_type {
my ($part) = @_;
my %l = (
reiserfs => 'reiserfsprogs',
xfs => 'xfsprogs',
jfs => 'jfsprogs',
#- do this before modifying $part->{mntpoint}
#- $part->{mntpoint} should not be used here, use $mntpoint instead
sub check_mntpoint {
my ($mntpoint, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_;
$mntpoint eq '' || isSwap($part) || isNonMountable($part) and return;
$mntpoint =~ m|^/| or die \N("Mount points must begin with a leading /");
$mntpoint =~ m|[\x7f-\xff]| and cdie \N("Mount points should contain only alphanumerical characters");
$mntpoint ne $part->{mntpoint} && has_mntpoint($mntpoint, $all_hds) and die \N("There is already a partition with mount point %s\n", $mntpoint);
cdie \N("You've selected a software RAID partition as root (/).
No bootloader is able to handle this without a /boot partition.
Please be sure to add a /boot partition") if $mntpoint eq "/" && isRAID($part) && !has_mntpoint("/boot", $all_hds);
die \N("You can't use a LVM Logical Volume for mount point %s", $mntpoint)
if $mntpoint eq '/boot' && isLVM($hd);
die \N("This directory should remain within the root filesystem")
if member($mntpoint, qw(/bin /dev /etc /lib /sbin /root /mnt));
die \N("You need a true filesystem (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, or jfs) for this mount point\n")
if !isTrueFS($part) && member($mntpoint, qw(/ /home /tmp /usr /var));
die \N("You can't use an encrypted file system for mount point %s", $mntpoint)
if $part->{options} =~ /encrypted/ && member($mntpoint, qw(/ /usr /var /boot));
local $part->{mntpoint} = $mntpoint;
loopback::check_circular_mounts($hd, $part, $all_hds);
sub add {
my ($hd, $part, $all_hds, $options) = @_;
isSwap($part) ?
($part->{mntpoint} = 'swap') :
$options->{force} || check_mntpoint($part->{mntpoint}, $hd, $part, $all_hds);
delete $part->{maxsize};
if (isLVM($hd)) {
lvm::lv_create($hd, $part);
} else {
partition_table::add($hd, $part, $options->{primaryOrExtended});
sub allocatePartitions {
my ($all_hds, $to_add) = @_;
foreach my $part_ (get_all_holes($all_hds)) {
my ($start, $size, $dev) = @$part_{"start", "size", "rootDevice"};
my $part;
while (suggest_part($part = { start => $start, size => 0, maxsize => $size, rootDevice => $dev },
$all_hds, $to_add)) {
my $hd = fsedit::part2hd($part, $all_hds);
add($hd, $part, $all_hds);
$size -= $part->{size} + $part->{start} - $start;
$start = $part->{start} + $part->{size};
sub auto_allocate {
my ($all_hds, $suggestions) = @_;
my $before = listlength(fsedit::get_all_fstab($all_hds));
my $suggestions_ = $suggestions || $suggestions{simple};
allocatePartitions($all_hds, $suggestions_);
if ($suggestions) {
auto_allocate_raids($all_hds, $suggestions);
if (auto_allocate_vgs($all_hds, $suggestions)) {
#- allocatePartitions needs to be called twice, once for allocating PVs, once for allocating LVs
my @vgs = map { $_->{VG_name} } @{$all_hds->{lvms}};
my @suggested_lvs = grep { member($_->{hd}, @vgs) } @$suggestions;
allocatePartitions($all_hds, \@suggested_lvs);
partition_table::assign_device_numbers($_) foreach @{$all_hds->{hds}};
if ($before == listlength(fsedit::get_all_fstab($all_hds))) {
# find out why auto_allocate failed
if (any { !has_mntpoint($_->{mntpoint}, $all_hds) } @$suggestions_) {
die \N("Not enough free space for auto-allocating");
} else {
die \N("Nothing to do");
sub auto_allocate_raids {
my ($all_hds, $suggestions) = @_;
my @raids = grep { isRawRAID($_) } get_all_fstab($all_hds) or return;
require raid;
my @mds = grep { $_->{hd} =~ /md/ } @$suggestions;
foreach my $md (@mds) {
my @raids_ = grep { !$md->{parts} || $md->{parts} =~ /\Q$_->{mntpoint}/ } @raids;
@raids = difference2(\@raids, \@raids_);
my $nb = raid::new($all_hds->{raids}, @raids_);
my $part = $all_hds->{raids}[$nb];
my %h = %$md;
delete @h{'hd', 'parts'};
put_in_hash($part, \%h); # mntpoint, level, chunk-size, type
sub auto_allocate_vgs {
my ($all_hds, $suggestions) = @_;
my @pvs = grep { isRawLVM($_) } get_all_fstab($all_hds) or return;
my @vgs = grep { $_->{VG_name} } @$suggestions or return;
require lvm;
foreach my $vg (@vgs) {
my $lvm = new lvm($vg->{VG_name});
push @{$all_hds->{lvms}}, $lvm;
my @pvs_ = grep { !$vg->{parts} || $vg->{parts} =~ /\Q$_->{mntpoint}/ } @pvs;
@pvs = difference2(\@pvs, \@pvs_);
foreach my $part (@pvs_) {
raid::make($all_hds->{raids}, $part) if isRAID($part);
$part->{lvm} = $lvm->{VG_name};
delete $part->{mntpoint};
push @{$lvm->{disks}}, $part;
sub undo_prepare {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
require Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Purity = 1;
foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) {
my @h = @{$_}{@partition_table::fields2save};
push @{$_->{undo}}, Data::Dumper->Dump([\@h], ['$h']);
sub undo {
my ($all_hds) = @_;
foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) {
my $h; eval pop @{$_->{undo}} || next;
@{$_}{@partition_table::fields2save} = @$h;
$_->{isDirty} = $_->{needKernelReread} = 1 if $_->{hasBeenDirty};
sub move {
my ($hd, $part, $hd2, $sector2) = @_;
die 'TODO'; # doesn't work for the moment
my $part1 = { %$part };
my $part2 = { %$part };
$part2->{start} = $sector2;
$part2->{size} += $hd2->cylinder_size() - 1;
partition_table::remove($hd, $part);
local ($part2->{notFormatted}, $part2->{isFormatted}); #- do not allow partition::add to change this
partition_table::add($hd2, $part2);
return if $part2->{notFormatted} && !$part2->{isFormatted} || $::testing;
local (*F, *G);
sysopen F, $hd->{file}, 0 or die '';
sysopen G, $hd2->{file}, 2 or die \N("Error opening %s for writing: %s", $hd2->{file}, $!);
my $base = $part1->{start};
my $base2 = $part2->{start};
my $step = 10;
if ($hd eq $hd2) {
$base == $base2 and return;
$step = min($step, abs($base2 - $base));
if ($base < $base2) {
$base += $part1->{size} - $step;
$base2 += $part1->{size} - $step;
$step = -$step;
my $f = sub {
$base < 0 and $base2 += -$base, $base = 0;
$base2 < 0 and $base += -$base2, $base2 = 0;
c::lseek_sector(fileno(F), $base, 0) or die "seeking to sector $base failed on drive $hd->{device}";
c::lseek_sector(fileno(G), $base2, 0) or die "seeking to sector $base2 failed on drive $hd2->{device}";
my $buf;
sysread F, $buf, $SECTORSIZE * abs($_[0]) or die '';
syswrite G, $buf;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $part1->{size} / abs($step); $i++, $base += $step, $base2 += $step) {
print "$base $base2\n";
if (my $v = ($part1->{size} % abs($step)) * sign($step)) {
$base += $v;
$base2 += $v;
sub change_type {
my ($type, $hd, $part) = @_;
$type != $part->{type} or return;
check_type($type, $hd, $part);
$hd->{isDirty} = 1;
$part->{mntpoint} = '' if isSwap($part) && $part->{mntpoint} eq "swap";
$part->{mntpoint} = '' if isRawLVM({ type => $type }) || isRawRAID({ type => $type });
$part->{type} = $type;
$part->{notFormatted} = 1;
$part->{isFormatted} = 0;
sub rescuept($) {
my ($hd) = @_;
my ($ext, @hd);
my $dev = devices::make($hd->{device});
open(my $F, "rescuept $dev|");
local $_;
while (<$F>) {
my ($st, $si, $id) = /start=\s*(\d+),\s*size=\s*(\d+),\s*Id=\s*(\d+)/ or next;
my $part = { start => $st, size => $si, type => hex($id) };
if (isExtended($part)) {
$ext = $part;
} else {
push @hd, $part;
close $F or die "rescuept failed";
foreach (@hd) {
my $b = partition_table::verifyInside($_, $ext);
if ($b) {
local $_->{notFormatted};
partition_table::add($hd, $_, ($b ? 'Extended' : 'Primary'), 1);
sub compare_with_proc_partitions {
my ($hd) = @_;
my @l1 = partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd);
my @l2 = grep { $_->{rootDevice} eq $hd->{device} } read_proc_partitions([$hd]);
#- /proc/partitions includes partition with type "empty" and a non-null size
#- so add them for comparison
my ($len1, $len2) = (int(@l1) + $hd->{primary}{nb_special_empty}, int(@l2));
if ($len1 != $len2 && arch() ne 'ppc') {
die sprintf(
"/proc/partitions doesn't agree with drakx %d != %d:\n%s\n", $len1, $len2,
"/proc/partitions: " . join(", ", map { "$_->{device} ($_->{rootDevice})" } @l2));
sub use_proc_partitions {
my ($hd) = @_;
log::l("using /proc/partitions since diskdrake failed :(");
$hd->{readonly} = 1;
$hd->{getting_rid_of_readonly_allowed} = 1;
$hd->{primary} = { normal => [ grep { $_->{rootDevice} eq $hd->{device} } read_proc_partitions([$hd]) ] };
sub find_clp_loop {
my ($name) = @_;
foreach (0..255) {
my $dev = make("loop$_");
my ($file) = `losetup $dev 2>/dev/null` =~ m!\((.*?)\)! or return;
$file =~ s!^/sysroot/!/!;
basename($file) eq $name and return $dev, $file;
sub init_device_mapper() {
eval { modules::load('dm-mod') };
my $control = '/dev/mapper/control';
if (! -e $control) {
my ($major) = cat_('/proc/devices') =~ /(\d+) misc$/m or return;
my ($minor) = cat_('/proc/misc') =~ /(\d+) device-mapper$/m or return;
syscall_('mknod', $control, c::S_IFCHR() | 0600, makedev($major, $minor)) or die "mknod $control failed: $!";
sub entry {
my ($type, $major, $minor);
local ($_) = @_;
if (/^0x([\da-f]{3,4})$/i) {
$type = c::S_IFBLK();
($major, $minor) = unmakedev(hex $1);
} elsif (/^sd(.)(\d{0,2})/) {
$type = c::S_IFBLK();
$major = 8;
$minor = 16 * (ord($1) - ord('a')) + ($2 || 0);
} elsif (/^hd(.)(\d{0,2})/) {
$type = c::S_IFBLK();
($major, $minor) =
@{ ${{'a' => [3, 0], 'b' => [3, 64],
'c' => [22,0], 'd' => [22,64],
'e' => [33,0], 'f' => [33,64],
'g' => [34,0], 'h' => [34,64],
'i' => [56,0], 'j' => [56,64],
'k' => [57,0], 'l' => [57,64],
'm' => [88,0], 'n' => [88,64],
'o' => [89,0], 'p' => [89,64],
'q' => [90,0], 'r' => [90,64],
's' => [91,0], 't' => [91,64],
}}{$1} or internal_error("unknown device $_") };
$minor += $2 || 0;
} elsif (/^ram(.*)/) {
$type = c::S_IFBLK();
$major = 1;
$minor = $1 eq '' ? 1 : $1;
} elsif (m|^rd/c(\d+)d(\d+)(p(\d+))?|) {
# dac 960 "rd/cXdXXpX"
$type = c::S_IFBLK();
$major = 48 + $1;
$minor = 8 * $2 + $4;
} elsif (m,(ida|cciss)/c(\d+)d(\d+)(?:p(\d+))?,) {
# Compaq Smart Array "ida/c0d0{p1}"
$type = c::S_IFBLK();
$major = ($1 eq 'ida' ? 72 : 104) + $2;
$minor = 16 * $3 + ($4 || 0);
} elsif (m,(ataraid)/d(\d+)(?:p(\d+))?,) {
# ATA raid "ataraid/d0{p1}"
$type = c::S_IFBLK();
$major = 114;
$minor = 16 * $1 + ($2 || 0);
} elsif (/(.*?)(\d+)$/) {
($type, $major, $minor) =
@{ ${{"fd" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 2, 0 ],
"hidbp-mse-" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 10, 32 ],
"lp" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 6, 0 ],
"usb/lp" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 180, 0 ],
"input/event" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 13, 64 ],
"loop" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 7, 0 ],
"md" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 9, 0 ],
"nst" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 9, 128 ],
"sr" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 11, 0 ],
"ttyS" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 4, 64 ],
"ubd/" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 98, 0 ],
}}{$1} };
$minor += $2;
unless ($type) {
($type, $major, $minor) =
@{ ${{"aztcd" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 29, 0 ],
"bpcd" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 41, 0 ],
"cdu31a" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 15, 0 ],
"cdu535" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 24, 0 ],
"cm206cd" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 32, 0 ],
"gscd" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 16, 0 ],
"mcd" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 23, 0 ],
"mcdx" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 20, 0 ],
"mem" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 1, 1 ],
"optcd" => [ c::S_IFBLK(), 17, 0 ],
"kbd" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 11, 0 ],
"psaux" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 10, 1 ],
"atibm" => [ c::S_IFCHR(), 10, 3 ],