package fs::format; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use run_program;
use common;
use fs::type;
use fs::loopback;
use log;

my %cmds = (
    ext2     => [ 'e2fsprogs', 'mkfs.ext2', '-F' ],
    ext3     => [ 'e2fsprogs', 'mkfs.ext2', '-F', '-j' ],
    reiserfs => [ 'reiserfsprogs', 'mkfs.reiserfs', '-ff' ],
    xfs      => [ 'xfsprogs', 'mkfs.xfs', '-f', '-q' ],
    jfs      => [ 'jfsprogs', 'mkfs.jfs', '-f' ],
    hfs      => [ 'hfsutils', 'hformat' ],
    dos      => [ 'dosfstools', 'mkdosfs' ],
    vfat     => [ 'dosfstools', 'mkdosfs', '-F', '32' ],
    swap     => [ 'util-linux', 'mkswap' ],

my %LABELs = ( #- option, length, handled_by_mount
    ext2     => [ '-L', 16, 1 ],
    ext3     => [ '-L', 16, 1 ],
    reiserfs => [ '-l', 16, 1 ],
    xfs      => [ '-L', 12, 1 ],
    jfs      => [ '-L', 16, 1 ],
    hfs      => [ '-l', 27, 0 ],
    dos      => [ '-n', 11, 0 ],
    vfat     => [ '-n', 11, 0 ],
    swap     => [ '-L', 15, 1 ],

sub package_needed_for_partition_type {
    my ($part) = @_;
    my $l = $cmds{$part->{fs_type}} or return;

sub known_type {
    my ($part) = @_;

sub check_package_is_installed {
    my ($do_pkgs, $fs_type) = @_;

    my ($pkg, $binary) = @{$cmds{$fs_type} || return};
    $do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed($pkg, $binary);

sub part {
    my ($raids, $part, $prefix, $wait_message) = @_;
    if (isRAID($part)) {
	$wait_message->(N("Formatting partition %s", $part->{device})) if $wait_message;
	require raid;
	raid::format_part($raids, $part);
    } elsif (isLoopback($part)) {
	$wait_message->(N("Creating and formatting file %s", $part->{loopback_file})) if $wait_message;
	fs::loopback::format_part($part, $prefix);
    } else {
	$wait_message->(N("Formatting partition %s", $part->{device})) if $wait_message;
	part_raw($part, $wait_message);

sub part_raw {
    my ($part, $wait_message) = @_;

    $part->{isFormatted} and return;

    if ($part->{encrypt_key}) {
	require fs;

    my $dev = $part->{real_device} || $part->{device};

    my @options = if_($part->{toFormatCheck}, "-c");
    log::l("formatting device $dev (type $part->{fs_type})");

    my $fs_type = $part->{fs_type};

    if ($fs_type eq 'ext2' || $fs_type eq 'ext3') {
	push @options, "-m", "0" if $part->{mntpoint} =~ m|^/home|;
    } elsif (isDos($part)) {
	$fs_type = 'dos';
    } elsif ($fs_type eq 'hfs') {
        push @options, '-l', "Untitled";
    } elsif (isAppleBootstrap($part)) {
	push @options, '-l', 'bootstrap';

    if ($part->{device_LABEL}) {
	if ($LABELs{$fs_type}) {
	    my ($option, $length, $handled_by_mount) = @{$LABELs{$fs_type}};
	    if (length $part->{device_LABEL} > $length) {
		my $short = substr($part->{device_LABEL}, 0, $length);
		log::l("shortening LABEL $part->{device_LABEL} to $short");
		$part->{device_LABEL} = $short;
	    delete $part->{prefer_device_LABEL} if !$handled_by_mount;

	    push @options, $option, $part->{device_LABEL};
	} else {
	    log::l("dropping LABEL=$part->{device_LABEL} since we don't know how to set labels for fs_type $part->{fs_type}");
	    delete $part->{device_LABEL};
	    delete $part->{prefer_device_LABEL};

    my ($_pkg, $cmd, @first_options) = @{$cmds{$fs_type} || die N("I do not know how to format %s in type %s", $part->{device}, $part->{fs_type})};

    my @args = ($cmd, @first_options, @options, devices::make($dev));

    if ($cmd eq 'mkfs.ext2' && $wait_message) {
	mkfs_ext2($wait_message, @args) or die N("%s formatting of %s failed", $fs_type, $dev);
    } else {
	run_program::raw({ timeout => 60 * 60 }, @args) or die N("%s formatting of %s failed", $fs_type, $dev);

    if ($fs_type eq 'ext3') {

    set_isFormatted($part, 1);

sub mkfs_ext2 {
    my ($wait_message, @args) = @_;

    open(my $F, "@args |");

    local $/ = "\b";
    local $_;
    while (<$F>) {
	#- even if it still takes some time when format is over, we don't want the progress bar to stay at 85%
	$wait_message->('', $1, $2) if m!^\s*(\d+)/(\d+)\b!;
    return close($F);

sub disable_forced_fsck {
    my ($dev) = @_;
    run_program::run("tune2fs", "-c0", "-i0", devices::make($dev));

sub wait_message {
    my ($in) = @_;

    my ($w, $progress, $last_msg, $displayed);
    my $on_expose = sub { $displayed = 1; 0 }; #- declared here to workaround perl limitation
    $w, sub {
	my ($msg, $current, $total) = @_;
	if ($msg) {
	    $last_msg = $msg;
	    if (!$w) {
		$progress = Gtk2::ProgressBar->new if $in->isa('interactive::gtk');
		$w = $in->wait_message('', [ '', if_($progress, $progress) ]);
		if ($progress) {
		    #- don't show by default, only if we are given progress information
		    $progress->signal_connect(expose_event => $on_expose);
	} elsif ($total) {
	    if ($progress) {
		$progress->set_fraction($current / $total);
		$displayed = 0;
		mygtk2::flush() while !$displayed;
	    } else {
		$w->set([ $last_msg, "$current / $total" ]);
