package fs; use diagnostics; use strict; use common qw(:common :file :system :functional); use log; use devices; use partition_table qw(:types); use run_program; use nfs; use swap; use detect_devices; use commands; use modules; use raid; use loopback; 1; sub add_options(\$@) { my ($option, @options) = @_; my %l; @l{split(',', $$option), @options} = (); delete $l{defaults}; $$option = join(',', keys %l) || "defaults"; } sub read_fstab($) { my ($file) = @_; local *F; open F, $file or return; map { my ($dev, @l) = split; $dev =~ s,/(tmp|dev)/,,; { device => $dev, mntpoint => $l[0], type => $l[1], options => $l[2] } } <F>; } sub up_mount_point { my ($mntpoint, $fstab) = @_; while (1) { $mntpoint = dirname($mntpoint); $mntpoint ne "." or return; $_->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint and return $_ foreach @$fstab; } } sub check_mounted($) { my ($fstab) = @_; local (*F, *G, *H); open F, "/etc/mtab"; open G, "/proc/mounts"; open H, "/proc/swaps"; foreach (<F>, <G>, <H>) { foreach my $p (@$fstab) { /$p->{device}\s+([^\s]*)\s+/ and $p->{realMntpoint} = $1, $p->{isMounted} = $p->{isFormatted} = 1; } } } sub get_mntpoints_from_fstab($) { my ($fstab) = @_; foreach (read_fstab('/etc/fstab')) { foreach my $p (@$fstab) { $p->{device} eq $_->{device} or next; $p->{mntpoint} ||= $_->{mntpoint}; $p->{options} ||= $_->{options}; $_->{type} ne 'auto' && $_->{type} ne type2fs($p->{type}) and log::l("err, fstab and partition table do not agree for $_->{device} type: " . (type2fs($p->{type}) || type2name($p->{type})) . " vs $_->{type}"); } } } #- mke2fs -b (1024|2048|4096) -c -i(1024 > 262144) -N (1 > 100000000) -m (0-100%) -L volume-label #- tune2fs sub format_ext2($@) { my ($dev, @options) = @_; $dev =~ m,(rd|ida)/, and push @options, qw(-b 4096 -R stride=16); #- For RAID only. push @options, qw(-b 1024 -O none) if arch() =~ /alpha/; run_program::run("mke2fs", @options, devices::make($dev)) or die _("%s formatting of %s failed", "ext2", $dev); } sub format_reiserfs($@) { my ($dev, @options) = @_; run_program::run("mkreiserfs", "-f", @options, devices::make($dev)) or die _("%s formatting of %s failed", "reiserfs", $dev); } sub format_dos($@) { my ($dev, @options) = @_; run_program::run("mkdosfs", @options, devices::make($dev)) or die _("%s formatting of %s failed", "dos", $dev); } sub format_hfs($@) { my ($dev, @options) = @_; run_program::run("hformat", @options, devices::make($dev)) or die _("%s formatting of %s failed", "HFS", $dev); } sub real_format_part { my ($part) = @_; $part->{isFormatted} and return; my @options = $part->{toFormatCheck} ? "-c" : (); log::l("formatting device $part->{device} (type ", type2name($part->{type}), ")"); if (isExt2($part)) { push @options, "-F" if isLoopback($part); format_ext2($part->{device}, @options); } elsif (isReiserfs($part)) { format_reiserfs($part->{device}, @options); } elsif (isDos($part)) { format_dos($part->{device}, @options); } elsif (isWin($part)) { format_dos($part->{device}, @options, '-F', 32); } elsif (isHFS($part)) { format_hfs($part->{device}, @options, '-l', "\"Untitled\""); } elsif (isSwap($part)) { my $check_blocks = grep { /^-c$/ } @options; swap::make($part->{device}, $check_blocks); } else { die _("don't know how to format %s in type %s", $_->{device}, type2name($_->{type})); } $part->{isFormatted} = 1; } sub format_part { my ($raid, $part, $prefix) = @_; if (raid::is($part)) { raid::format_part($raid, $part); } elsif (isLoopback($part)) { loopback::format_part($part, $prefix); } else { real_format_part($part); } } sub formatMount_part { my ($part, $raid, $fstab, $prefix, $callback) = @_; if (isLoopback($part)) { formatMount_part($part->{device}, $raid, $fstab, $prefix, $callback); } if (my $p = up_mount_point($part->{mntpoint}, $fstab)) { formatMount_part($p, $raid, $fstab, $prefix, $callback) unless loopback::carryRootLoopback($part); } if ($part->{toFormat}) { $callback->($part) if $callback; format_part($raid, $part, $prefix); } mount_part($part, $prefix); } sub formatMount_all { my ($raid, $fstab, $prefix, $callback) = @_; formatMount_part($_, $raid, $fstab, $prefix, $callback) foreach sort { isLoopback($a) ? 1 : -1 } grep { $_->{mntpoint} } @$fstab; #- ensure the link is there loopback::carryRootCreateSymlink($_, $prefix) foreach @$fstab; } sub mount($$$;$) { my ($dev, $where, $fs, $rdonly) = @_; log::l("mounting $dev on $where as type $fs"); -d $where or commands::mkdir_('-p', $where); if ($fs eq 'nfs') { log::l("calling nfs::mount($dev, $where)"); nfs::mount($dev, $where) or die _("nfs mount failed"); } elsif ($fs eq 'smb') { die "no smb yet..."; } else { $dev = devices::make($dev) if $fs ne 'proc'; my $flag = c::MS_MGC_VAL(); $flag |= c::MS_RDONLY() if $rdonly; my $mount_opt = ""; if ($fs eq 'vfat') { $mount_opt = 'check=relaxed'; eval { modules::load('vfat') }; #- try using vfat eval { modules::load('msdos') } if $@; #- otherwise msdos... } elsif ($fs eq 'reiserfs') { #- could be better if we knew if there is a /boot or not #- without knowing it, / is forced to be mounted with notail $mount_opt = 'notail' if $where =~ m|/(boot)?$|; eval { modules::load('reiserfs') }; } log::l("calling mount($dev, $where, $fs, $flag, $mount_opt)"); syscall_('mount', $dev, $where, $fs, $flag, $mount_opt) or die _("mount failed: ") . "$!"; } local *F; open F, ">>/etc/mtab" or return; #- fail silently, must be read-only /etc print F "$dev $where $fs defaults 0 0\n"; } #- takes the mount point to umount (can also be the device) sub umount($) { my ($mntpoint) = @_; log::l("calling umount($mntpoint)"); syscall_('umount', $mntpoint) or die _("error unmounting %s: %s", $mntpoint, "$!"); my @mtab = cat_('/etc/mtab'); #- don't care about error, if we can't read, we won't manage to write... (and mess mtab) local *F; open F, ">/etc/mtab" or return; foreach (@mtab) { print F $_ unless /(^|\s)$mntpoint\s/; } } sub mount_part($;$$) { my ($part, $prefix, $rdonly) = @_; #- root carrier's link can't be mounted loopback::carryRootCreateSymlink($part, $prefix); return if $part->{isMounted}; unless ($::testing) { if (isSwap($part)) { swap::swapon(isLoopback($part) ? $prefix . loopback::file($part) : $part->{device}); } else { $part->{mntpoint} or die "missing mount point"; my $dev = $part->{device}; my $mntpoint = ($prefix || '') . $part->{mntpoint}; if (isLoopback($part)) { eval { modules::load('loop') }; $dev = $part->{real_device} = devices::set_loop($prefix . loopback::file($part)) || die; } elsif (loopback::carryRootLoopback($part)) { $mntpoint = "/initrd/loopfs"; } mount(devices::make($dev), $mntpoint, type2fs($part->{type}), $rdonly); } } $part->{isMounted} = $part->{isFormatted} = 1; #- assume that if mount works, partition is formatted } sub umount_part($;$) { my ($part, $prefix) = @_; $part->{isMounted} or return; unless ($::testing) { if (isSwap($part)) { swap::swapoff($part->{device}); } elsif (loopback::carryRootLoopback($part)) { umount("/initrd/loopfs"); } else { umount(($prefix || '') . $part->{mntpoint} || devices::make($part->{device})); c::del_loop(delete $part->{real_device}) if isLoopback($part); } } $part->{isMounted} = 0; } sub mount_all($;$$) { my ($fstab, $prefix, $hd_dev) = @_; #- hd_dev is the device used for hd install log::l("mounting all filesystems"); $hd_dev ||= cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m|/tmp/(\S+)\s+/tmp/hdimage| unless $::isStandalone; #- order mount by alphabetical ordre, that way / < /home < /home/httpd... foreach (sort { $a->{mntpoint} cmp $b->{mntpoint} } grep { $_->{mntpoint} } @$fstab) { if ($hd_dev && $_->{device} eq $hd_dev) { my $dir = "$prefix$_->{mntpoint}"; $dir =~ s|/+$||; log::l("special hd case ($dir)"); rmdir $dir; symlink "/tmp/hdimage", $dir; } else { mount_part($_, $prefix); } } } sub umount_all($;$) { my ($fstab, $prefix) = @_; log::l("unmounting all filesystems"); foreach (sort { $b->{mntpoint} cmp $a->{mntpoint} } @$fstab) { $_->{mntpoint} and umount_part($_, $prefix); } } #- do some stuff before calling write_fstab sub write($$$$) { my ($prefix, $fstab, $manualFstab, $useSupermount) = @_; $fstab = [ @{$fstab||[]}, @{$manualFstab||[]} ]; log::l("resetting /etc/mtab"); local *F; open F, "> $prefix/etc/mtab" or die "error resetting $prefix/etc/mtab"; my ($floppy) = detect_devices::floppies(); my @to_add = ( $useSupermount ? [ split ' ', "/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/$floppy 0 0" ] : [ split ' ', "/dev/$floppy /mnt/floppy auto sync,user,noauto,nosuid,nodev,unhide 0 0" ], [ split ' ', 'none /proc proc defaults 0 0' ], [ split ' ', 'none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0' ], (map_index { my $i = $::i ? $::i + 1 : ''; mkdir "$prefix/mnt/cdrom$i", 0755;#- or log::l("failed to mkdir $prefix/mnt/cdrom$i: $!"); symlinkf $_->{device}, "$prefix/dev/cdrom$i" or log::l("failed to symlink $prefix/dev/cdrom$i: $!"); chown 0, 22, "$prefix/dev/$_->{device}"; $useSupermount ? [ "/mnt/cdrom$i", "/mnt/cdrom$i", "supermount", "fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom$i", 0, 0 ] : [ "/dev/cdrom$i", "/mnt/cdrom$i", "auto", "user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev,ro", 0, 0 ]; } detect_devices::cdroms()), (map_index { #- for zip drives, the right partition is the 4th by default. my $i = $::i ? $::i + 1 : ''; mkdir "$prefix/mnt/zip$i", 0755 or log::l("failed to mkdir $prefix/mnt/zip$i: $!"); symlinkf "$_->{device}4", "$prefix/dev/zip$i" or log::l("failed to symlink $prefix/dev/zip$i: $!"); $useSupermount ? [ "/mnt/zip$i", "/mnt/zip$i", "supermount", "fs=vfat,dev=/dev/zip$i", 0, 0 ] : [ "/dev/zip$i", "/mnt/zip$i", "auto", "user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev", 0, 0 ]; } detect_devices::zips())); write_fstab($fstab, $prefix, @to_add); } sub write_fstab($;$$) { my ($fstab, $prefix, @to_add) = @_; $prefix ||= ''; #- get the list of devices and mntpoint to remove existing entries #- and @to_add take precedence over $fstab to handle removable device #- if they are mounted OR NOT during install. my @new = grep { $_ ne 'none' } map { @$_[0,1] } @to_add; my %new; @new{@new} = undef; unshift @to_add, map { my ($dir, $options, $freq, $passno) = qw(/dev/ defaults 0 0); $options = $_->{options} || $options; isTrueFS($_) and ($freq, $passno) = (1, ($_->{mntpoint} eq '/') ? 1 : 2); isNfs($_) and $dir = '', $options = $_->{options} || 'ro,nosuid,rsize=8192,wsize=8192'; isFat($_) and $options = $_->{options} || "user,exec,umask=0"; isReiserfs($_) && $_ == fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot') and add_options($options, "notail"); my $dev = isLoopback($_) ? ($_->{mntpoint} eq '/' ? "/initrd/loopfs$_->{loopback_file}" : loopback::file($_)) : ($_->{device} =~ /^\// ? $_->{device} : "$dir$_->{device}"); local $_->{mntpoint} = do { $passno = 0; "/initrd/loopfs"; } if loopback::carryRootLoopback($_); add_options($options, "loop") if isLoopback($_) && !isSwap($_); #- no need for loop option for swap files #- keep in mind the new line for fstab. @new{($_->{mntpoint}, $dev)} = undef; eval { devices::make("$prefix/$dev") } if $dir && !isLoopback($_); mkdir "$prefix/$_->{mntpoint}", 0755 if $_->{mntpoint} && !isSwap($_); [ $dev, $_->{mntpoint}, type2fs($_->{type}), $options, $freq, $passno ]; } grep { $_->{mntpoint} && type2fs($_->{type}) && ! exists $new{$_->{mntpoint}} && ! exists $new{"/dev/$_->{device}"} } @$fstab; push @to_add, grep { !exists $new{$_->[0]} && !exists $new{$_->[1]} } map { [ split ] } cat_("$prefix/etc/fstab"); log::l("writing $prefix/etc/fstab"); local *F; open F, "> $prefix/etc/fstab" or die "error writing $prefix/etc/fstab"; print F join(" ", @$_), "\n" foreach sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @to_add; } sub merge_fstabs { my ($fstab, $manualFstab) = @_; my %l; $l{$_->{device}} = $_ foreach @$manualFstab; add2hash_($_, $l{$_->{device}} || next) foreach @$fstab; } #sub check_mount_all_fstab($;$) { # my ($fstab, $prefix) = @_; # $prefix ||= ''; # # foreach (sort { ($a->{mntpoint} || '') cmp ($b->{mntpoint} || '') } @$fstab) { # #- avoid unwanted mount in fstab. # next if ($_->{device} =~ /none/ || $_->{type} =~ /nfs|smbfs|ncpfs|proc/ || $_->{options} =~ /noauto|ro/); # # #- TODO fsck # # eval { mount(devices::make($_->{device}), $prefix . $_->{mntpoint}, $_->{type}, 0); }; # if ($@) { # log::l("unable to mount partition $_->{device} on $prefix/$_->{mntpoint}"); # } # } #}