package diskdrake::interactive; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; use utf8; use common; use fs::type; use fs::loopback; use fs::format; use fs::mount_options; use fs; use partition_table; use partition_table::raw; use detect_devices; use run_program; use devices; use fsedit; use raid; use any; use log; =begin =head1 SYNOPSYS struct part { int active # one of { 0 | 0x80 } x86 only, primary only int start # in sectors int size # in sectors int pt_type # 0x82, 0x83, 0x6 ... string fs_type # 'ext2', 'nfs', ... int part_number # 1 for hda1... string device # 'hda5', 'sdc1' ... string device_LABEL # volume label. LABEL=xxx or /dev/disk/by-label/xxx can be used in fstab instead of the device string device_UUID # volume UUID. UUID=xxx or /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxx can be used in fstab instead of the device bool prefer_device_LABEL # should the {device_LABEL} or the {device} be used in fstab bool prefer_device_UUID # should the {device_UUID} or the {device} be used in fstab bool prefer_device # should the {device} be used in fstab bool faked_device # false if {device} is a real device, true for nfs/smb/dav/none devices. If the field does not exist, we do not know string rootDevice # 'sda', 'hdc' ... (can also be a VG_name) string real_mntpoint # directly on real /, '/tmp/hdimage' ... string mntpoint # '/', '/usr' ... string options # 'defaults', 'noauto' string device_windobe # 'C', 'D' ... string encrypt_key # [0-9A-Za-z./]{20,} string comment # comment to have in fstab string volume_label # bool is_removable # is the partition on a removable drive bool isMounted bool isFormatted bool notFormatted # isFormatted means the device is formatted # !isFormatted && notFormatted means the device is not formatted # !isFormatted && !notFormatted means we do not know which state we're in string raid # for partitions of type isRawRAID and which isPartOfRAID, the raid device string lvm # partition used as a PV for the VG with {lvm} as VG_name #-# loopback loopback[] # loopback living on this partition # internal string real_device # '/dev/loop0', '/dev/loop1' ... (used for encrypted loopback) # internal CHS (Cylinder/Head/Sector) int start_cyl, start_head, start_sec, end_cyl, end_head, end_sec, } struct part_allocate inherits part { int maxsize # in sectors (alike "size") int ratio # string hd # 'hda', 'hdc' string parts # for creating raid partitions. eg: 'foo bar' where 'foo' and 'bar' are mntpoint } struct part_raid inherits part { string chunk-size # in KiB, usually '64' string level # one of { 0, 1, 4, 5, 'linear' } string UUID part disks[] # invalid: active, start, rootDevice, device_windobe?, CHS } struct part_loopback inherits part { string loopback_file # absolute file name which is relative to the partition part loopback_device # where the loopback file live # device is special here: it is the absolute filename of the loopback file. # invalid: active, start, rootDevice, device_windobe, CHS } struct part_lvm inherits part { # invalid: active, start, device_windobe, CHS string lv_name } struct partition_table_elem { part normal[] # part extended # the main/next extended part raw[4] # primary partitions } struct geom { int heads int sectors int cylinders int totalcylinders # for SUN, forget it int start # always 0, forget it } struct hd { int totalsectors # size in sectors string device # 'hda', 'sdc' ... string device_alias # 'cdrom', 'floppy' ... string media_type # one of { 'hd', 'cdrom', 'fd', 'tape' } string capacity # contain of the strings of { 'burner', 'DVD' } string info # name of the hd, eg: 'QUANTUM ATLAS IV 9 WLS' bool readonly # is it allowed to modify the partition table bool getting_rid_of_readonly_allowed # is it forbidden to write because the partition table is badly handled, or is it because we MUST not change the partition table bool isDirty # does it need to be written to the disk list will_tell_kernel # list of actions to tell to the kernel so that it knows the new partition table bool hasBeenDirty # for undo bool rebootNeeded # happens when a kernel reread failed list partitionsRenumbered # happens when you # - remove an extended partition which is not the last one # - add an extended partition which is the first extended partition list allPartitionsRenumbered # used to update bootloader configuration int bus, id partition_table_elem primary partition_table_elem extended[] geom geom # internal string prefix # for some RAID arrays device=>c0d0 and prefix=>c0d0p string file # '/dev/hda' ... } struct hd_lvm inherits hd { int PE_size # block size (granularity, similar to cylinder size on x86) string VG_name # VG name part_lvm disks[] # invalid: bus, id, extended, geom } struct raw_hd inherits hd { string fs_type # 'ext2', 'nfs', ... string mntpoint # '/', '/usr' ... string options # 'defaults', 'noauto' # invalid: isDirty, will_tell_kernel, hasBeenDirty, rebootNeeded, primary, extended } struct all_hds { hd hds[] hd_lvm lvms[] part_raid raids[] part_loopback loopbacks[] raw_hd raw_hds[] raw_hd nfss[] raw_hd smbs[] raw_hd davs[] raw_hd special[] # internal: if fstab_to_string($all_hds) eq current_fstab then no need to save string current_fstab } =cut sub main { my ($in, $all_hds, $do_force_reload) = @_; if ($in->isa('interactive::gtk')) { require diskdrake::hd_gtk; goto &diskdrake::hd_gtk::main; } my ($current_part, $current_hd); while (1) { my $choose_txt = $current_part ? N_("Choose another partition") : N_("Choose a partition"); my $parts_and_holes = [ fs::get::fstab_and_holes($all_hds) ]; my $choose_part = sub { $current_part = $in->ask_from_listf('diskdrake', translate($choose_txt), sub { my $hd = fs::get::part2hd($_[0] || return, $all_hds); format_part_info_short($hd, $_[0]); }, $parts_and_holes, $current_part) || return; $current_hd = fs::get::part2hd($current_part, $all_hds); }; $choose_part->() if !$current_part; return if !$current_part; my %actions = my @actions = ( if_($current_part, (map { my $s = $_; $_ => sub { $diskdrake::interactive::{$s}($in, $current_hd, $current_part, $all_hds) } } part_possible_actions($in, $current_hd, $current_part, $all_hds)), '____________________________' => sub {}, ), if_(@$parts_and_holes > 1, $choose_txt => $choose_part), if_($current_hd, (map { my $s = $_; $_ => sub { $diskdrake::interactive::{$s}($in, $current_hd, $all_hds) } } hd_possible_actions_interactive($in, $current_hd, $all_hds)), ), (map { my $s = $_; $_ => sub { $diskdrake::interactive::{$s}($in, $all_hds) } } general_possible_actions($in, $all_hds)), ); my ($actions) = list2kv(@actions); my $a; if ($current_part) { $in->ask_from_({ cancel => N("Exit"), title => 'diskdrake', messages => format_part_info($current_hd, $current_part), }, [ { val => \$a, list => $actions, format => \&translate, type => 'list', sort => 0, gtk => { use_boxradio => 0 } } ]) or last; my $v = eval { $actions{$a}() }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), formatError($err)); } if ($v eq 'force_reload') { $all_hds = $do_force_reload->(); } $current_hd = $current_part = '' if !is_part_existing($current_part, $all_hds); } else { $choose_part->(); } partition_table::assign_device_numbers($_) foreach fs::get::hds($all_hds); } return if eval { Done($in, $all_hds) }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), formatError($err)); } goto &main; } ################################################################################ # general actions ################################################################################ sub general_possible_actions { my ($_in, $_all_hds) = @_; N_("Undo"), ($::expert ? N_("Toggle to normal mode") : N_("Toggle to expert mode")); } sub Undo { my ($_in, $all_hds) = @_; undo($all_hds); } sub Done { my ($in, $all_hds) = @_; eval { raid::verify($all_hds->{raids}) }; if (my $err = $@) { $::expert or die; $in->ask_okcancel(N("Confirmation"), [ formatError($err), N("Continue anyway?") ]) or return; } foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) { if (!write_partitions($in, $_, 'skip_check_rebootNeeded')) { return if !$::isStandalone; $in->ask_yesorno(N("Quit without saving"), N("Quit without writing the partition table?"), 1) or return; } } if (!$::isInstall) { my $new = fs::fstab_to_string($all_hds); if ($new ne $all_hds->{current_fstab} && $in->ask_yesorno(N("Confirmation"), N("Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"), 1)) { $all_hds->{current_fstab} = $new; fs::write_fstab($all_hds); } update_bootloader_for_renumbered_partitions($in, $all_hds); if (any { $_->{rebootNeeded} } @{$all_hds->{hds}}) { $in->ask_warn(N("Partitioning"), N("You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take place"), icon => 'banner-part'); tell_wm_and_reboot(); } } if (my $part = find { $_->{mntpoint} && !maybeFormatted($_) } fs::get::fstab($all_hds)) { $in->ask_okcancel(N("Warning"), N("You should format partition %s. Otherwise no entry for mount point %s will be written in fstab. Quit anyway?", $part->{device}, $part->{mntpoint})) or return if $::isStandalone; } 1; } ################################################################################ # per-hd actions ################################################################################ sub hd_possible_actions { my ($_in, $hd, $_all_hds) = @_; ( if_(!$hd->{readonly} || $hd->{getting_rid_of_readonly_allowed}, N_("Clear all")), if_(!$hd->{readonly} && $::isInstall, N_("Auto allocate")), N_("More"), ); } sub hd_possible_actions_interactive { my ($_in, $_hd, $_all_hds) = @_; &hd_possible_actions, N_("Hard drive information"); } sub Clear_all { my ($in, $hd, $all_hds) = @_; return if detect_devices::is_xbox(); #- do not let them wipe the OS my @parts = partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd); foreach (@parts) { RemoveFromLVM($in, $hd, $_, $all_hds) if isPartOfLVM($_); RemoveFromRAID($in, $hd, $_, $all_hds) if isPartOfRAID($_); } if (isLVM($hd)) { lvm::lv_delete($hd, $_) foreach @parts; } else { $hd->{readonly} = 0; #- give a way out of readonly-ness. only allowed when getting_rid_of_readonly_allowed $hd->{getting_rid_of_readonly_allowed} = 0; #- we don't need this flag anymore fsedit::partition_table_clear_and_initialize($all_hds->{lvms}, $hd, $in); } } sub Auto_allocate { my ($in, $hd, $all_hds) = @_; my $suggestions = partitions_suggestions($in) or return; my %all_hds_ = %$all_hds; $all_hds_{hds} = [ sort { $a == $hd ? -1 : 1 } fs::get::hds($all_hds) ]; eval { fsedit::auto_allocate(\%all_hds_, $suggestions) }; if ($@) { $@ =~ /partition table already full/ or die; $in->ask_warn("", [ N("All primary partitions are used"), N("I can not add any more partitions"), N("To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended partition"), ]); } } sub More { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my $r; $in->ask_from(N("More"), '', [ { val => N("Save partition table"), clicked_may_quit => sub { SaveInFile($in, $hd); 1 } }, { val => N("Restore partition table"), clicked_may_quit => sub { ReadFromFile($in, $hd); 1 } }, if_($::isInstall, { val => N("Reload partition table"), clicked_may_quit => sub { $r = 'force_reload'; 1 } }), ], ) && $r; } sub ReadFromFile { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my ($h, $file, $fh); if ($::isStandalone) { $file = $in->ask_filename({ title => N("Select file") }) or return; } else { undef $h; #- help perl_checker my $name = $hd->{device}; $name =~ s!/!_!g; ($h, $fh) = install::any::media_browser($in, '', "part_$name") or return; } eval { catch_cdie { partition_table::load($hd, $file || $fh) } sub { $@ =~ /bad totalsectors/ or return; $in->ask_yesorno(N("Warning"), N("The backup partition table has not the same size Still continue?"), 0); }; }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), formatError($err)); } } sub SaveInFile { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my ($h, $file) = ('', ''); if ($::isStandalone) { $file = $in->ask_filename({ save => 1, title => N("Select file") }) or return; } else { undef $h; #- help perl_checker my $name = $hd->{device}; $name =~ s!/!_!g; ($h, $file) = install::any::media_browser($in, 'save', "part_$name") or return; } eval { partition_table::save($hd, $file) }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), formatError($err)); } } sub Hd_info { my ($in, $hd) = @_; $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), [ N("Detailed information"), format_hd_info($hd) ]); } ################################################################################ # per-part actions ################################################################################ sub part_possible_actions { my ($_in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; $part or return; my %actions = my @l = ( N_("Mount point") => '$part->{real_mntpoint} || (!isBusy && !isSwap && !isNonMountable)', N_("Type") => '!isBusy && $::expert && (!readonly || $part->{pt_type} == 0x83)', N_("Options") => '!isSwap($part) && !isNonMountable && $::expert', N_("Label") => '!isNonMountable && $::expert', N_("Resize") => '!isBusy && !readonly && !isSpecial || isLVM($hd) && LVM_resizable', N_("Format") => '!isBusy && !readonly && ($::expert || $::isStandalone)', N_("Mount") => '!isBusy && (hasMntpoint || isSwap) && maybeFormatted && ($::expert || $::isStandalone)', N_("Add to RAID") => '!isBusy && isRawRAID && (!isSpecial || isRAID)', N_("Add to LVM") => '!isBusy && isRawLVM', N_("Unmount") => '!$part->{real_mntpoint} && isMounted', N_("Delete") => '!isBusy && !readonly', N_("Remove from RAID") => 'isPartOfRAID', N_("Remove from LVM") => 'isPartOfLVM', N_("Modify RAID") => 'canModifyRAID', N_("Use for loopback") => '!$part->{real_mntpoint} && isMountableRW && !isSpecial && hasMntpoint && $::expert', ); my ($actions_names) = list2kv(@l); my $_all_hds = $all_hds; #- help perl_checker know the $all_hds *is* used in the macro below my %macros = ( readonly => '$hd->{readonly}', hasMntpoint => '$part->{mntpoint}', LVM_resizable => '$part->{fs_type} eq "reiserfs" || (isMounted ? $part->{fs_type} eq "xfs" : $part->{fs_type} eq "ext3")', canModifyRAID => 'isPartOfRAID($part) && !isMounted(fs::get::device2part($part->{raid}, $all_hds->{raids}))', ); if (isEmpty($part)) { if_(!$hd->{readonly}, N_("Create")); } elsif ($part->{pt_type} == 0xbf && detect_devices::is_xbox()) { #- XBox OS partitions, do not allow anything return; } else { grep { my $cond = $actions{$_}; while (my ($k, $v) = each %macros) { $cond =~ s/$k/qq(($v))/e; } $cond =~ s/(^|[^:\$]) \b ([a-z]\w{3,}) \b ($|[\s&\)])/$1 . $2 . '($part)' . $3/exg; eval $cond; } @$actions_names; } } #- in case someone use diskdrake only to create partitions, #- ie without assigning a mount point, #- do not suggest mount points anymore my $do_suggest_mount_point = 1; sub Create { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my ($def_start, $def_size, $max) = ($part->{start}, $part->{size}, $part->{start} + $part->{size}); $part->{maxsize} = $part->{size}; $part->{size} = 0; if (fsedit::suggest_part($part, $all_hds)) { $part->{mntpoint} = '' if !$do_suggest_mount_point; } else { $part->{size} = $part->{maxsize}; fs::type::suggest_fs_type($part, 'ext3'); } if (isLVM($hd)) { lvm::suggest_lv_name($hd, $part); } #- update adjustment for start and size, take into account the minimum partition size #- including one less sector for start due to a capacity to increase the adjustement by #- one. my ($primaryOrExtended, $migrate_files); my $type_name = fs::type::part2type_name($part); my $mb_size = to_Mb($part->{size}); my $has_startsector = ($::expert || arch() !~ /i.86/) && !isLVM($hd); $in->ask_from(N("Create a new partition"), '', [ { label => N("Create a new partition"), title => 1 }, if_($has_startsector, { label => N("Start sector: "), val => \$part->{start}, min => $def_start, max => ($max - min_partition_size($hd)), type => 'range', SpinButton => $::expert, changed => sub { $mb_size = min($mb_size, to_Mb($max - $part->{start})) } }, ), { label => N("Size in MB: "), val => \$mb_size, min => to_Mb(min_partition_size($hd)), max => to_Mb($def_size), type => 'range', SpinButton => $::expert, changed => sub { $part->{start} = min($part->{start}, $max - $mb_size * 2048) } }, { label => N("Filesystem type: "), val => \$type_name, list => [ fs::type::type_names($::expert, $hd) ], sort => 0, if_($::expert, gtk => { wrap_width => 4 }) }, { label => N("Mount point: "), val => \$part->{mntpoint}, list => [ fsedit::suggestions_mntpoint($all_hds), '' ], disabled => sub { my $p = fs::type::type_name2subpart($type_name); isSwap($p) || isNonMountable($p) }, type => 'combo', not_edit => 0, }, if_($::expert && $hd->hasExtended, { label => N("Preference: "), val => \$primaryOrExtended, list => [ '', "Extended", "Primary", if_($::expert, "Extended_0x85") ] }, ), if_($::expert && isLVM($hd), { label => N("Logical volume name "), val => \$part->{lv_name}, list => [ qw(root swap usr home var), '' ], sort => 0, not_edit => 0 }, ), ], complete => sub { $part->{size} = from_Mb($mb_size, min_partition_size($hd), $max - $part->{start}); #- need this to be able to get back the approximation of using MB put_in_hash($part, fs::type::type_name2subpart($type_name)); $do_suggest_mount_point = 0 if !$part->{mntpoint}; $part->{mntpoint} = '' if isNonMountable($part); $part->{mntpoint} = 'swap' if isSwap($part); fs::mount_options::set_default($part, ignore_is_removable => 1); check($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) or return 1; $migrate_files = need_migration($in, $part->{mntpoint}) or return 1; my $seen; eval { catch_cdie { fsedit::add($hd, $part, $all_hds, { force => 1, primaryOrExtended => $primaryOrExtended }) } sub { $seen = 1; $in->ask_okcancel('', formatError($@)) }; }; if (my $err = $@) { if ($err =~ /raw_add/ && $hd->hasExtended && !$hd->{primary}{extended}) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("You can not create a new partition (since you reached the maximal number of primary partitions). First remove a primary partition and create an extended partition.")); return 0; } else { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), formatError($err)) if !$seen; return 1; } } 0; }, ) or return; warn_if_renumbered($in, $hd); if ($migrate_files eq 'migrate') { format_($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) or return; migrate_files($in, $hd, $part); fs::mount::part($part); } } sub Delete { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; if (isRAID($part)) { raid::delete($all_hds->{raids}, $part); } elsif (isLVM($hd)) { lvm::lv_delete($hd, $part); } elsif (isLoopback($part)) { my $f = "$part->{loopback_device}{mntpoint}$part->{loopback_file}"; if (-e $f && $in->ask_yesorno(N("Warning"), N("Remove the loopback file?"))) { unlink $f; } my $l = $part->{loopback_device}{loopback}; @$l = grep { $_ != $part } @$l; delete $part->{loopback_device}{loopback} if @$l == 0; fsedit::recompute_loopbacks($all_hds); } else { if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { undef $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part if isAppleBootstrap($part) && ($part->{device} = $partition_table::mac::bootstrap_part); } partition_table::remove($hd, $part); warn_if_renumbered($in, $hd); } } sub Type { my ($in, $hd, $part) = @_; my $warned; my $warn = sub { $warned = 1; ask_alldatawillbelost($in, $part, N_("After changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost")); }; #- for ext2, warn after choosing as ext2->ext3 can be achieved without loosing any data :) $part->{fs_type} eq 'ext2' || $part->{fs_type} =~ /ntfs/ or $warn->() or return; my @types = fs::type::type_names($::expert, $hd); #- when readonly, Type() is allowed only when changing {fs_type} but not {pt_type} #- eg: switching between ext2, ext3, reiserfs... @types = grep { fs::type::type_name2pt_type($_) == $part->{pt_type} } @types if $hd->{readonly}; my $type_name = fs::type::part2type_name($part); $in->ask_from_({ title => N("Change partition type") }, [ { label => N("Which filesystem do you want?"), title => 1 }, { label => N("Type"), val => \$type_name, list => \@types, sort => 0, focus => sub { 1 }, not_edit => 1, gtk => { wrap_width => 4 } } ]) or return; my $type = $type_name && fs::type::type_name2subpart($type_name); if (member($type->{fs_type}, 'ext2', 'ext3')) { my $_w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Switching from ext2 to ext3")); if (run_program::run("tune2fs", "-j", devices::make($part->{device}))) { put_in_hash($part, $type); set_isFormatted($part, 1); #- assume that if tune2fs works, partition is formatted #- disable the fsck (do not do it together with -j in case -j fails?) fs::format::disable_forced_fsck($part->{device}); return; } } elsif ($type->{fs_type} =~ /ntfs/ && $part->{fs_type} =~ /ntfs/) { if ($type->{fs_type} eq 'ntfs-3g') { $in->do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed('ntfs-3g', 'mount.ntfs-3g') or return; } put_in_hash($part, $type); return; } #- either we switch to non-ext3 or switching losslessly to ext3 failed $warned or $warn->() or return; if (defined $type) { check_type($in, $type, $hd, $part) and fsedit::change_type($type, $hd, $part); } } sub Label { my ($in, $_hd, $part) = @_; $in->ask_from(N("Which volume label?"), '', [ { label => N("Which volume label?"), title => 1 }, { label => N("Label:"), val => \$part->{device_LABEL} } ]) or return; $part->{prefer_device_LABEL} = to_bool($part->{device_LABEL}); } sub Mount_point { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $migrate_files; my $mntpoint = $part->{mntpoint} || do { my $part_ = { %$part }; if (fsedit::suggest_part($part_, $all_hds)) { fs::get::has_mntpoint('/', $all_hds) || $part_->{mntpoint} eq '/boot' ? $part_->{mntpoint} : '/'; } else { '' } }; my $msg = isLoopback($part) ? N("Where do you want to mount the loopback file %s?", $part->{loopback_file}) : N("Where do you want to mount device %s?", $part->{device}); $in->ask_from_({ callbacks => { complete => sub { !isPartOfLoopback($part) || $mntpoint or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Can not unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back. Remove the loopback first")), return 1; $part->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint || check_mntpoint($in, $mntpoint, $part, $all_hds) or return 1; $migrate_files = need_migration($in, $mntpoint) or return 1; 0; } }, }, [ { label => $msg, title => 1 }, { label => N("Mount point"), val => \$mntpoint, list => [ uniq(if_($mntpoint, $mntpoint), fsedit::suggestions_mntpoint($all_hds), '') ], focus => sub { 1 }, not_edit => 0 } ], ) or return; $part->{mntpoint} = $mntpoint; if ($migrate_files eq 'migrate') { format_($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) or return; migrate_files($in, $hd, $part); fs::mount::part($part); } } sub Mount_point_raw_hd { my ($in, $part, $all_hds, @propositions) = @_; my $mntpoint = $part->{mntpoint} || shift @propositions; $in->ask_from( N("Mount point"), '', [ { label => N("Where do you want to mount %s?", $part->{device}), title => 1 }, { label => N("Mount point"), val => \$mntpoint, list => [ if_($mntpoint, $mntpoint), '', @propositions ], not_edit => 0 } ], complete => sub { $part->{mntpoint} eq $mntpoint || check_mntpoint($in, $mntpoint, $part, $all_hds) or return 1; 0; } ) or return; $part->{mntpoint} = $mntpoint; } sub Resize { my ($in, $hd, $part) = @_; my (%nice_resize); my ($min, $max) = (min_partition_size($hd), max_partition_size($hd, $part)); if (maybeFormatted($part)) { # here we may have a non-formatted or a formatted partition # -> doing as if it was formatted if ($part->{fs_type} eq 'vfat') { write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; #- try to resize without losing data my $_w = $in->wait_message(N("Resizing"), N("Computing FAT filesystem bounds")); require resize_fat::main; $nice_resize{fat} = resize_fat::main->new($part->{device}, devices::make($part->{device})); $min = max($min, $nice_resize{fat}->min_size); $max = min($max, $nice_resize{fat}->max_size); } elsif (member($part->{fs_type}, 'ext2', 'ext3')) { write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; require diskdrake::resize_ext2; if ($nice_resize{ext2} = diskdrake::resize_ext2->new($part->{device}, devices::make($part->{device}))) { $min = max($min, $nice_resize{ext2}->min_size); } else { delete $nice_resize{ext2}; } } elsif ($part->{fs_type} eq 'ntfs') { write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; require diskdrake::resize_ntfs; diskdrake::resize_ntfs::check_prog($in) or return; $nice_resize{ntfs} = diskdrake::resize_ntfs->new($part->{device}, devices::make($part->{device})); $min = $nice_resize{ntfs}->min_size or delete $nice_resize{ntfs}; } elsif ($part->{fs_type} eq 'reiserfs') { write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; if ($part->{isMounted}) { $nice_resize{reiserfs} = 1; $min = $part->{size}; #- ensure the user can only increase } elsif (defined(my $free = fs::df($part))) { $nice_resize{reiserfs} = 1; $min = max($min, $part->{size} - $free); } } elsif ($part->{fs_type} eq 'xfs' && isLVM($hd) && $::isStandalone && $part->{isMounted}) { $min = $part->{size}; #- ensure the user can only increase $nice_resize{xfs} = 1; } #- make sure that even after normalizing the size to cylinder boundaries, the minimun will be saved, #- this save at least a cylinder (less than 8Mb). $min += partition_table::raw::cylinder_size($hd); $min >= $max and return $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), N("This partition is not resizeable")); #- for these, we have tools to resize partition table #- without losing data (or at least we hope so :-) if (%nice_resize) { ask_alldatamaybelost($in, $part, N_("All data on this partition should be backed-up")) or return; } else { ask_alldatawillbelost($in, $part, N_("After resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost")) or return; } } my $mb_size = to_Mb($part->{size}); my ($gmin, $gmax) = (to_Mb($min), to_Mb($max)); $in->ask_from(N("Resize"), '', [ { label => N("Choose the new size"), title => 1 }, { label => N("New size in MB: "), val => \$mb_size, min => $gmin, max => $gmax, type => 'range', SpinButton => $::expert }, { label => N("Minimum size: %s MB", $gmin) }, { label => N("Maximum size: %s MB", $gmax) }, ]) or return; my $size = from_Mb($mb_size, $min, $max); $part->{size} == $size and return; my $oldsize = $part->{size}; $part->{size} = $size; $hd->adjustEnd($part); undef $@; my $_b = before_leaving { $@ and $part->{size} = $oldsize }; my $adjust = sub { my ($write_partitions) = @_; if (isLVM($hd)) { lvm::lv_resize($part, $oldsize); } else { partition_table::will_tell_kernel($hd, resize => $part); partition_table::adjust_local_extended($hd, $part); partition_table::adjust_main_extended($hd); write_partitions($in, $hd) or return if $write_partitions && %nice_resize; } 1; }; $adjust->(1) or return if $size > $oldsize; my $wait = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Resizing")); if ($nice_resize{fat}) { local *log::l = sub { $wait->set(join(' ', @_)) }; $nice_resize{fat}->resize($part->{size}); } elsif ($nice_resize{ext2}) { $nice_resize{ext2}->resize($part->{size}); } elsif ($nice_resize{ntfs}) { log::l("ntfs resize to $part->{size} sectors"); $nice_resize{ntfs}->resize($part->{size}); $wait = undef; $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), N("To ensure data integrity after resizing the partition(s), filesystem checks will be run on your next boot into Microsoft Windows®")); } elsif ($nice_resize{reiserfs}) { log::l("reiser resize to $part->{size} sectors"); run_program::run_or_die('resize_reiserfs', '-f', '-q', '-s' . int($part->{size}/2) . 'K', devices::make($part->{device})); } elsif ($nice_resize{xfs}) { #- happens only with mounted LVM, see above run_program::run_or_die("xfs_growfs", $part->{mntpoint}); } if (%nice_resize) { set_isFormatted($part, 1); } else { set_isFormatted($part, 0); partition_table::verifyParts($hd) if !isLVM($hd); $part->{mntpoint} = '' if isNonMountable($part); #- mainly for ntfs, which we can not format } $adjust->(0) if $size < $oldsize; } sub Format { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; format_($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds); } sub Mount { my ($in, $hd, $part) = @_; ensure_we_have_encrypt_key_if_needed($in, $part) or return; write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; my $w; fs::mount::part($part, 0, sub { my ($msg) = @_; $w ||= $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), $msg); $w->set($msg); }); } sub Add2RAID { my ($in, $_hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $raids = $all_hds->{raids}; my $md_part = $in->ask_from_listf(N("Add to RAID"), N("Choose an existing RAID to add to"), sub { ref($_[0]) ? $_[0]{device} : $_[0] }, [ @$raids, N_("new") ]) or return; if (ref($md_part)) { raid::add($md_part, $part); raid::write_conf($raids) if $::isStandalone; } else { raid::check_prog($in) or return; my $md_part = raid::new($raids, disks => [ $part ]); modifyRAID($in, $raids, $md_part) or return raid::delete($raids, $md_part); } } sub Add2LVM { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $lvms = $all_hds->{lvms}; write_partitions($in, $_) or return foreach isRAID($part) ? @{$all_hds->{hds}} : $hd; my $lvm = $in->ask_from_listf_(N("Add to LVM"), N("Choose an existing LVM to add to"), sub { ref($_[0]) ? $_[0]{VG_name} : $_[0] }, [ @$lvms, N_("new") ]) or return; require lvm; if (!ref $lvm) { # create new lvm # FIXME: when mdv2006 is out: remove the question mark from the dialog title my $name = $in->ask_from_entry(N("LVM name?"), N("LVM name?")) or return; $lvm = new lvm($name); push @$lvms, $lvm; } raid::make($all_hds->{raids}, $part) if isRAID($part); lvm::check($in->do_pkgs) if $::isStandalone; lvm::add_to_VG($lvm, $part); } sub Unmount { my ($_in, $_hd, $part) = @_; fs::mount::umount_part($part); } sub RemoveFromRAID { my ($_in, $_hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; raid::removeDisk($all_hds->{raids}, $part); } sub RemoveFromLVM { my ($in, $_hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; isPartOfLVM($part) or die; my ($lvm, $other_lvms) = partition { $_->{VG_name} eq $part->{lvm} } @{$all_hds->{lvms}}; if (@{$lvm->[0]{disks}} > 1) { my ($used, $_total) = lvm::pv_physical_extents($part); if ($used) { $in->ask_yesorno(N("Warning"), N("Physical volume %s is still in use. Do you want to move used physical extents on this volume to other volumes?", $part->{device})) or return; my $_w = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Moving physical extents")); lvm::pv_move($part); } lvm::vg_reduce($lvm->[0], $part); } else { lvm::vg_destroy($lvm->[0]); $all_hds->{lvms} = $other_lvms; } } sub ModifyRAID { my ($in, $_hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; modifyRAID($in, $all_hds->{raids}, fs::get::device2part($part->{raid}, $all_hds->{raids})); } sub Loopback { my ($in, $hd, $real_part, $all_hds) = @_; write_partitions($in, $hd) or return; my $handle = any::inspect($real_part) or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("This partition can not be used for loopback")), return; my ($min, $max) = (1, fs::loopback::getFree($handle->{dir}, $real_part)); $max = min($max, 1 << (31 - 9)) if $real_part->{fs_type} eq 'vfat'; #- FAT does not handle file size bigger than 2GB my $part = { maxsize => $max, size => 0, loopback_device => $real_part, notFormatted => 1 }; if (!fsedit::suggest_part($part, $all_hds)) { $part->{size} = $part->{maxsize}; fs::type::suggest_fs_type($part, 'ext3'); } delete $part->{mntpoint}; # we do not want the suggested mntpoint my $type_name = fs::type::part2type_name($part); my $mb_size = to_Mb($part->{size}); $in->ask_from(N("Loopback"), '', [ { label => N("Loopback file name: "), val => \$part->{loopback_file} }, { label => N("Size in MB: "), val => \$mb_size, min => to_Mb($min), max => to_Mb($max), type => 'range', SpinButton => $::expert }, { label => N("Filesystem type: "), val => \$type_name, list => [ fs::type::type_names($::expert, $hd) ], not_edit => !$::expert, sort => 0 }, ], complete => sub { $part->{loopback_file} or $in->ask_warn(N("Give a file name"), N("Give a file name")), return 1, 0; $part->{loopback_file} =~ s|^([^/])|/$1|; if (my $size = fs::loopback::verifFile($handle->{dir}, $part->{loopback_file}, $real_part)) { $size == -1 and $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), N("File is already used by another loopback, choose another one")), return 1, 0; $in->ask_yesorno(N("Warning"), N("File already exists. Use it?")) or return 1, 0; delete $part->{notFormatted}; $part->{size} = divide($size, 512); } else { $part->{size} = from_Mb($mb_size, $min, $max); } 0; }) or return; put_in_hash($part, fs::type::type_name2subpart($type_name)); push @{$real_part->{loopback}}, $part; fsedit::recompute_loopbacks($all_hds); } sub Options { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my @simple_options = qw(users noauto username= password=); my (undef, $user_implies) = fs::mount_options::list(); my ($options, $unknown) = fs::mount_options::unpack($part); my %help = fs::mount_options::help(); my %callbacks = ( # we don't want both user and users user => sub { $options->{users} = 0; $options->{$_} = $options->{user} foreach @$user_implies }, users => sub { $options->{user} = 0; $options->{$_} = $options->{users} foreach @$user_implies }, # we don't want both relatime and noatime relatime => sub { $options->{noatime} = 0 }, noatime => sub { $options->{relatime} = 0 }, ); $in->ask_from(N("Mount options"), '', [ { label => N("Mount options"), title => 1 }, (map { { label => $_, text => scalar warp_text(formatAlaTeX($help{$_})), val => \$options->{$_}, hidden => scalar(/password/), advanced => !$part->{rootDevice} && !member($_, @simple_options), if_(!/=$/, type => 'bool'), if_($callbacks{$_}, changed => $callbacks{$_}), }; } keys %$options), { label => N("Various"), val => \$unknown, advanced => 1 }, ], complete => sub { if (($options->{usrquota} || $options->{grpquota}) && !$::isInstall) { $in->do_pkgs->ensure_binary_is_installed('quota', 'quotacheck'); } if ($options->{encrypted}) { # modify $part->{options} for the check local $part->{options}; fs::mount_options::pack($part, $options, $unknown); if (!check($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds)) { $options->{encrypted} = 0; } elsif (!$part->{encrypt_key} && !isSwap($part)) { if (my ($encrypt_key, $encrypt_algo) = choose_encrypt_key($in, $options, '')) { $options->{'encryption='} = $encrypt_algo; $part->{encrypt_key} = $encrypt_key; } else { $options->{encrypted} = 0; } } #- don't be sure of anything set_isFormatted($part, 0); $part->{notFormatted} = 0; } else { delete $options->{'encryption='}; delete $part->{encrypt_key}; } }) or return; fs::mount_options::pack($part, $options, $unknown); 1; } { no strict; *{'Toggle to normal mode'} = sub() { $::expert = 0 }; *{'Toggle to expert mode'} = sub() { $::expert = 1 }; *{'Clear all'} = \&Clear_all; *{'Auto allocate'} = \&Auto_allocate; *{'Mount point'} = \&Mount_point; *{'Modify RAID'} = \&ModifyRAID; *{'Add to RAID'} = \&Add2RAID; *{'Remove from RAID'} = \&RemoveFromRAID; *{'Add to LVM'} = \&Add2LVM; *{'Remove from LVM'} = \&RemoveFromLVM; *{'Use for loopback'} = \&Loopback; *{'Hard drive information'} = \&Hd_info; } ################################################################################ # helpers ################################################################################ sub is_part_existing { my ($part, $all_hds) = @_; $part && any { fsedit::are_same_partitions($part, $_) } fs::get::fstab_and_holes($all_hds); } sub modifyRAID { my ($in, $raids, $md_part) = @_; my $new_device = $md_part->{device}; $in->ask_from(N("Options"), '', [ { label => N("device"), val => \$new_device, list => [ $md_part->{device}, raid::free_mds($raids) ], sort => 0 }, { label => N("level"), val => \$md_part->{level}, list => [ qw(0 1 4 5 6 linear) ] }, { label => N("chunk size in KiB"), val => \$md_part->{'chunk-size'} }, ], ) or return; raid::change_device($md_part, $new_device); raid::updateSize($md_part); # changing the raid level changes the size available raid::write_conf($raids) if $::isStandalone; 1; } sub ask_alldatamaybelost { my ($in, $part, $msg) = @_; maybeFormatted($part) or return 1; #- here we may have a non-formatted or a formatted partition #- -> doing as if it was formatted $in->ask_okcancel(N("Read carefully!"), [ N("Be careful: this operation is dangerous."), sprintf(translate($msg), $part->{device}) ], 1); } sub ask_alldatawillbelost { my ($in, $part, $msg) = @_; maybeFormatted($part) or return 1; #- here we may have a non-formatted or a formatted partition #- -> doing as if it was formatted $in->ask_okcancel(N("Read carefully!"), sprintf(translate($msg), $part->{device}), 1); } sub partitions_suggestions { my ($in) = @_; my $t = $::expert ? $in->ask_from_list_(N("Type"), N("What type of partitioning?"), [ keys %fsedit::suggestions ]) : 'simple'; $fsedit::suggestions{$t}; } sub check_type { my ($in, $type, $hd, $part) = @_; eval { fs::type::check($type->{fs_type}, $hd, $part) }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), formatError($err)); return; } if ($::isStandalone && $type->{fs_type} && fs::format::known_type($type)) { fs::format::check_package_is_installed($in->do_pkgs, $type->{fs_type}) or return; } 1; } sub check_mntpoint { my ($in, $mntpoint, $part, $all_hds) = @_; my $seen; eval { catch_cdie { fsedit::check_mntpoint($mntpoint, $part, $all_hds) } sub { $seen = 1; $in->ask_okcancel(N("Error"), formatError($@)) }; }; if (my $err = $@) { $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), formatError($err)) if !$seen; return; } 1; } sub check { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; check_type($in, $part, $hd, $part) && check_mntpoint($in, $part->{mntpoint}, $part, $all_hds); } sub check_rebootNeeded { my ($_in, $hd) = @_; $hd->{rebootNeeded} and die N("You'll need to reboot before the modification can take place"); } sub write_partitions { my ($in, $hd, $b_skip_check_rebootNeeded) = @_; check_rebootNeeded($in, $hd) if !$b_skip_check_rebootNeeded; $hd->{isDirty} or return 1; isLVM($hd) and return 1; $in->ask_okcancel(N("Read carefully!"), N("Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!", $hd->{device}), 1) or return; partition_table::write($hd) if !$::testing; check_rebootNeeded($in, $hd) if !$b_skip_check_rebootNeeded; # fix resizing's faillures due to udev's race when writing the partition table # (deleting then recreating the nodes leaves a race window...) run_program::run('udevsettle'); 1; } sub ensure_we_have_encrypt_key_if_needed { my ($in, $part) = @_; if ($part->{options} =~ /encrypted/ && !$part->{encrypt_key}) { my ($options, $unknown) = fs::mount_options::unpack($part); $part->{encrypt_key} = choose_encrypt_key($in, $options, 'skip_encrypt_algo') or return; fs::mount_options::pack($part, $options, $unknown); } 1; } sub format_ { my ($in, $hd, $part, $all_hds) = @_; ensure_we_have_encrypt_key_if_needed($in, $part) or return; write_partitions($in, $_) or return foreach isRAID($part) ? @{$all_hds->{hds}} : $hd; ask_alldatawillbelost($in, $part, N_("After formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lost")) or return; if ($::isStandalone) { fs::format::check_package_is_installed($in->do_pkgs, $part->{fs_type}) or return; } if ($::expert && !member($part->{fs_type}, 'reiserfs', 'xfs')) { $part->{toFormatCheck} = $in->ask_yesorno(N("Confirmation"), N("Check bad blocks?")); } $part->{isFormatted} = 0; #- force format; my ($_w, $wait_message) = $in->wait_message_with_progress_bar; fs::format::part($all_hds, $part, $wait_message); 1; } sub need_migration { my ($in, $mntpoint) = @_; my @l = grep { $_ ne "lost+found" } all($mntpoint); if (@l && $::isStandalone) { my $choice; my @choices = (N_("Move files to the new partition"), N_("Hide files")); $in->ask_from(N("Warning"), N("Directory %s already contains data (%s) You can either choose to move the files into the partition that will be mounted there or leave them where they are (which results in hiding them by the contents of the mounted partition)", $mntpoint, formatList(5, @l)), [ { val => \$choice, list => \@choices, type => 'list', format => sub { translate($_[0]) } } ]) or return; $choice eq $choices[0] ? 'migrate' : 'hide'; } else { 'hide'; } } sub migrate_files { my ($in, $_hd, $part) = @_; my $wait = $in->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Moving files to the new partition")); my $handle = any::inspect($part, '', 'rw'); my @l = glob_("$part->{mntpoint}/*"); foreach (@l) { $wait->set(N("Copying %s", $_)); system("cp", "-a", $_, $handle->{dir}) == 0 or die "copying failed"; } foreach (@l) { $wait->set(N("Removing %s", $_)); system("rm", "-rf", $_) == 0 or die "removing files failed"; } } sub warn_if_renumbered { my ($in, $hd) = @_; my $l = delete $hd->{partitionsRenumbered}; return if is_empty_array_ref($l); push @{$hd->{allPartitionsRenumbered}}, @$l; my @l = map { my ($old, $new) = @$_; N("partition %s is now known as %s", $old, $new) } @$l; $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), join("\n", N("Partitions have been renumbered: "), @l)); } #- unit of $mb is mega bytes, min and max are in sectors, this #- function is used to convert back to sectors count the size of #- a partition ($mb) given from the interface (on Resize or Create). #- modified to take into account a true bounding with min and max. sub from_Mb { my ($mb, $min, $max) = @_; $mb <= to_Mb($min) and return $min; $mb >= to_Mb($max) and return $max; $mb * 2048; } sub to_Mb { my ($size_sector) = @_; to_int($size_sector / 2048); } sub format_part_info { my ($hd, $part) = @_; my $info = ''; $info .= N("Mount point: ") . "$part->{mntpoint}\n" if $part->{mntpoint}; $info .= N("Device: ") . "$part->{device}\n" if $part->{device} && !isLoopback($part); $info .= N("Volume label: ") . "$part->{device_LABEL}\n" if $part->{device_LABEL} && $::expert; $info .= N("UUID: ") . "$part->{device_UUID}\n" if $::expert && $part->{device_UUID}; $info .= N("DOS drive letter: %s (just a guess)\n", $part->{device_windobe}) if $part->{device_windobe}; if (arch() eq "ppc") { my $pType = $part->{pType}; $pType =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]//g; $info .= N("Type: ") . $pType . ($::expert ? sprintf " (0x%x)", $part->{pt_type} : '') . "\n"; if (defined $part->{pName}) { my $pName = $part->{pName}; $pName =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]//g; $info .= N("Name: ") . $pName . "\n"; } } elsif (isEmpty($part)) { $info .= N("Empty") . "\n"; } else { $info .= N("Type: ") . (fs::type::part2type_name($part) || $part->{fs_type}) . ($::expert ? sprintf " (0x%x)", $part->{pt_type} : '') . "\n"; } $info .= N("Start: sector %s\n", $part->{start}) if $::expert && !isSpecial($part) && !isLVM($hd); $info .= N("Size: %s", formatXiB($part->{size}, 512)); $info .= sprintf " (%s%%)", int 100 * $part->{size} / $hd->{totalsectors} if $hd->{totalsectors}; $info .= N(", %s sectors", $part->{size}) if $::expert; $info .= "\n"; $info .= N("Cylinder %d to %d\n", $part->{start} / $hd->cylinder_size, ($part->{start} + $part->{size} - 1) / $hd->cylinder_size) if ($::expert || isEmpty($part)) && !isSpecial($part) && !isLVM($hd); $info .= N("Number of logical extents: %d\n", $part->{size} / $hd->cylinder_size) if $::expert && isLVM($hd); $info .= N("Formatted\n") if $part->{isFormatted}; $info .= N("Not formatted\n") if !$part->{isFormatted} && $part->{notFormatted}; $info .= N("Mounted\n") if $part->{isMounted}; $info .= N("RAID %s\n", $part->{raid}) if isPartOfRAID($part); if (isPartOfLVM($part)) { $info .= sprintf "LVM %s\n", $part->{lvm}; $info .= sprintf "Used physical extents %d / %d\n", lvm::pv_physical_extents($part); } $info .= N("Loopback file(s):\n %s\n", join(", ", map { $_->{loopback_file} } @{$part->{loopback}})) if isPartOfLoopback($part); $info .= N("Partition booted by default\n (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo)\n") if $part->{active} && $::expert; if (isRAID($part)) { $info .= N("Level %s\n", $part->{level}); $info .= N("Chunk size %d KiB\n", $part->{'chunk-size'}); $info .= N("RAID-disks %s\n", join ", ", map { $_->{device} } @{$part->{disks}}); } elsif (isLoopback($part)) { $info .= N("Loopback file name: %s", $part->{loopback_file}); } if (isApple($part)) { $info .= N("\nChances are, this partition is\na Driver partition. You should\nprobably leave it alone.\n"); } if (isAppleBootstrap($part)) { $info .= N("\nThis special Bootstrap\npartition is for\ndual-booting your system.\n"); } # restrict the length of the lines $info =~ s/(.{60}).*/$1.../mg; $info; } sub format_part_info_short { my ($hd, $part) = @_; isEmpty($part) ? N("Free space on %s (%s)", $hd->{device}, formatXiB($part->{size}, 512)) : partition_table::description($part); } sub format_hd_info { my ($hd) = @_; my $info = ''; $info .= N("Device: ") . "$hd->{device}\n"; $info .= N("Read-only") . "\n" if $hd->{readonly}; $info .= N("Size: %s\n", formatXiB($hd->{totalsectors}, 512)) if $hd->{totalsectors}; $info .= N("Geometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors\n", $hd->{geom}{cylinders}, $hd->{geom}{heads}, $hd->{geom}{sectors}) if $::expert && $hd->{geom}; $info .= N("Info: ") . ($hd->{info} || $hd->{media_type}) . "\n" if $::expert && ($hd->{info} || $hd->{media_type}); $info .= N("LVM-disks %s\n", join ", ", map { $_->{device} } @{$hd->{disks}}) if isLVM($hd) && $hd->{disks}; $info .= N("Partition table type: %s\n", $1) if $::expert && ref($hd) =~ /_([^_]+)$/; $info .= N("on channel %d id %d\n", $hd->{channel}, $hd->{id}) if $::expert && exists $hd->{channel}; $info; } sub format_raw_hd_info { my ($raw_hd) = @_; my $info = ''; $info .= N("Mount point: ") . "$raw_hd->{mntpoint}\n" if $raw_hd->{mntpoint}; $info .= format_hd_info($raw_hd); if (!isEmpty($raw_hd)) { $info .= N("Type: ") . (fs::type::part2type_name($raw_hd) || $raw_hd->{fs_type}) . "\n"; } if (my $s = $raw_hd->{options}) { $s =~ s/password=([^\s,]*)/'password=' . ('x' x length($1))/e; $info .= N("Options: %s", $s); } $info; } #- get the minimal size of partition in sectors to help diskdrake on #- limit cases, include a cylinder + start of a eventually following #- logical partition. sub min_partition_size { $_[0]->cylinder_size + 2*$_[0]{geom}{sectors} } sub max_partition_size { my ($hd, $part) = @_; if (isLVM($hd)) { $part->{size} + fs::get::vg_free_space($hd); } else { partition_table::next_start($hd, $part) - $part->{start}; } } sub choose_encrypt_key { my ($in, $options, $skip_encrypt_algo) = @_; my ($encrypt_key, $encrypt_key2); my @algorithms = map { "AES$_" } 128, 196, 256, 512, 1024, 2048; my $encrypt_algo = $options->{'encryption='} || "AES128"; $in->ask_from_( { title => N("Filesystem encryption key"), messages => N("Choose your filesystem encryption key"), callbacks => { complete => sub { length $encrypt_key < 6 and $in->ask_warn(N("Warning"), N("This encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)", 6)), return 1,0; $encrypt_key eq $encrypt_key2 or $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), [ N("The encryption keys do not match"), N("Please try again") ]), return 1,1; return 0; } } }, [ { label => N("Encryption key"), val => \$encrypt_key, hidden => 1 }, { label => N("Encryption key (again)"), val => \$encrypt_key2, hidden => 1 }, if_(!$skip_encrypt_algo, { label => N("Encryption algorithm"), type => 'list', val => \$encrypt_algo, list => \@algorithms }, ), ]) or return; $skip_encrypt_algo ? $encrypt_key : ($encrypt_key, $encrypt_algo); } sub tell_wm_and_reboot() { my ($wm, $pid) = any::running_window_manager(); if (!$wm) { system('reboot'); } else { any::ask_window_manager_to_logout_then_do($wm, $pid, 'reboot'); } } sub update_bootloader_for_renumbered_partitions { my ($in, $all_hds) = @_; my @renumbering = map { @{$_->{allPartitionsRenumbered} || []} } @{$all_hds->{hds}} or return; require bootloader; bootloader::update_for_renumbered_partitions($in, \@renumbering, $all_hds); } sub undo_prepare { my ($all_hds) = @_; require Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Purity = 1; foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) { my @h = @$_{@partition_table::fields2save}; push @{$_->{undo}}, Data::Dumper->Dump([\@h], ['$h']); } } sub undo { my ($all_hds) = @_; foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) { my $code = pop @{$_->{undo}} or next; my $h; eval $code; @$_{@partition_table::fields2save} = @$h; if ($_->{hasBeenDirty}) { partition_table::will_tell_kernel($_, 'force_reboot'); #- next action needing write_partitions will force it. We can not do it now since more undo may occur, and we must not needReboot now } } }