package detect_devices; use diagnostics; use strict; #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use log; use common qw(:common :file :functional); use devices; use c; #-##################################################################################### #- Globals #-##################################################################################### my @netdevices = map { my $l = $_; map { "$l$_" } (0..3) } qw(eth tr plip fddi); my %serialprobe = (); my $usb_interface = undef; #-###################################################################################### #- Functions #-###################################################################################### sub get { #- Detect the default BIOS boot harddrive is kind of tricky. We may have IDE, #- SCSI and RAID devices on the same machine. From what I see so far, the default #- BIOS boot harddrive will be #- 1. The first IDE device if IDE exists. Or #- 2. The first SCSI device if SCSI exists. Or #- 3. The first RAID device if RAID exists. map { &{$_->[0]}() ? &{$_->[1]}() : () } [ \&hasIDE, \&getIDE ], [ \&hasSCSI, \&getSCSI ], [ \&hasDAC960, \&getDAC960 ], [ \&hasCompaqSmartArray, \&getCompaqSmartArray ]; } sub hds() { grep { $_->{type} eq 'hd' && ($::isStandalone || !isRemovableDrive($_)) } get(); } sub zips() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isZipDrive($_) } get(); } sub ide_zips() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isZipDrive($_) } getIDE(); } #-sub jazzs() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isJazDrive($_) } get(); } sub ls120s() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isLS120Drive($_) } get(); } sub usbfdus() { grep { $_->{type} =~ /.d/ && isUSBFDUDrive($_) } get(); } sub cdroms() { my @l = grep { $_->{type} eq 'cdrom' } get(); if (my @l2 = getIDEBurners()) { require modules; my ($nb) = modules::add_alias('scsi_hostadapter', 'ide-scsi') =~ /(\d*)/; foreach my $b (@l2) { log::l("getIDEBurners: $b"); my ($e) = grep { $_->{device} eq $b } @l or next; $e->{device} = "scd" . ($nb++ || 0); } } @l; } sub floppies() { my @ide = map { $_->{device} } ls120s() and modules::load("ide-floppy"); my @scsi = map { $_->{device} } usbfdus(); (@ide, @scsi, grep { tryOpen($_) } qw(fd0 fd1)); } #- example ls120, model = "LS-120 SLIM 02 UHD Floppy" sub isZipDrive() { $_[0]->{info} =~ /ZIP\s+\d+/ } #- accept ZIP 100, untested for bigger ZIP drive. #-sub isJazzDrive() { $_[0]->{info} =~ /JAZZ?\s+/ } #- untested. sub isLS120Drive() { $_[0]->{info} =~ /LS-?120/ } sub isUSBFDUDrive() { $_[0]->{info} =~ /USB-?FDU/ } sub isRemovableDrive() { &isZipDrive || &isLS120Drive || &isUSBFDUDrive } #-or &isJazzDrive } sub hasSCSI() { local *F; open F, "/proc/scsi/scsi" or return 0; foreach () { /devices: none/ and log::l("no scsi devices are available"), return 0; } #- log::l("scsi devices are available"); 1; } sub hasIDE() { -e "/proc/ide" } sub hasDAC960() { 1 } sub hasCompaqSmartArray() { -r "/proc/array/ida0" } sub getSCSI() { my @drives; my ($driveNum, $cdromNum, $tapeNum) = qw(0 0 0); my $err = sub { chop; die "unexpected line in /proc/scsi/scsi: $_"; }; local $_; local *F; open F, "/proc/scsi/scsi" or die "failed to open /proc/scsi/scsi"; local $_ = ; /^Attached devices:/ or return &$err(); while ($_ = ) { my ($id) = /^Host:.*?Id: (\d+)/ or return &$err(); $_ = ; my ($vendor, $model) = /^\s*Vendor:\s*(.*?)\s+Model:\s*(.*?)\s+Rev:/ or return &$err(); $_ = ; my ($type) = /^\s*Type:\s*(.*)/ or &$err(); my $device; if ($type =~ /Direct-Access/) { #- what about LS-120 floppy drive, assuming there are Direct-Access... $type = 'hd'; $device = "sd" . chr($driveNum++ + ord('a')); } elsif ($type =~ /Sequential-Access/) { $type = 'tape'; $device = "st" . $tapeNum++; } elsif ($type =~ /CD-ROM/) { $type = 'cdrom'; $device = "scd" . $cdromNum++; } $device and push @drives, { device => $device, type => $type, info => "$vendor $model", id => $id, bus => 0 }; } @drives; } sub getIDE() { my @idi; #- Great. 2.2 kernel, things are much easier and less error prone. foreach my $d (sort @{[glob_('/proc/ide/hd*')]}) { my ($t) = chop_(cat_("$d/media")); my $type = $ {{disk => 'hd', cdrom => 'cdrom', tape => 'tape', floppy => 'fd'}}{$t} or next; my ($info) = chop_(cat_("$d/model")); $info ||= "(none)"; my $num = ord (($d =~ /(.)$/)[0]) - ord 'a'; push @idi, { type => $type, device => basename($d), info => $info, bus => $num/2, id => $num%2 }; } @idi; } #- do not work if ide-scsi is built in the kernel (aka not in module) sub getIDEBurners() { uniq map { m!ATAPI.* CD(-R|/RW){1,2} ! ? /(\w+)/ : () } syslog() } sub getCompaqSmartArray() { my @idi; my $f; for (my $i = 0; -r ($f = "/proc/array/ida$i"); $i++) { foreach (cat_($f)) { if (m|^(ida/.*?):|) { push @idi, { device => $1, info => "Compaq RAID logical disk", type => 'hd' }; last; } } } @idi; } sub getDAC960() { my @idi; #- We are looking for lines of this format:DAC960#0: #- /dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-7, Online, 17928192 blocks, Write Thru0123456790123456789012 foreach (syslog()) { my ($device, $info) = m|/dev/(rd/.*?): (.*?),| or next; push @idi, { info => $info, type => 'hd', device => $device }; log::l("DAC960: $device ($info)"); } @idi; } sub net2module() { my @modules = map { quotemeta first(split) } cat_("/proc/modules"); my $modules = join '|', @modules; my $net = join '|', @netdevices; my ($module, %l); foreach (syslog()) { if (/^($modules)\.c:/) { $module = $1; } elsif (/^($net):/) { $l{$1} = $module if $module; } } %l; } sub getNet() { grep { hasNetDevice($_) } @netdevices; } sub getPlip() { foreach (0..2) { hasNetDevice("plip$_") and log::l("plip$_ will be used for PLIP"), return "plip$_"; } undef; } sub hasNet() { goto &getNet } sub hasPlip() { goto &getPlip } sub hasEthernet() { hasNetDevice("eth0"); } sub hasTokenRing() { hasNetDevice("tr0"); } sub hasNetDevice($) { c::hasNetDevice($_[0]) } sub tryOpen($) { local *F; sysopen F, devices::make($_[0]), c::O_NONBLOCK() and *F; } sub tryWrite($) { local *F; sysopen F, devices::make($_[0]), 1 | c::O_NONBLOCK() and *F; } sub syslog { -r "/tmp/syslog" and return map { /<\d+>(.*)/ } cat_("/tmp/syslog"); `dmesg`; } sub hasSMP { c::detectSMP() } sub hasUltra66 { cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /(ide2=(\S+)(\s+ide3=(\S+))?)/ and return $1; # #- disable hasUltra66 (now included in kernel) # return; require pci_probing::main; my @l = map { $_->[0] } pci_probing::main::matching_desc('(HPT|Ultra66)') or return; my $ide = sprintf "ide2=0x%x,0x%x ide3=0x%x,0x%x", @l == 2 ? (map_index { hex($_) + (odd($::i) ? 1 : -1) } map { (split ' ')[3..4] } @l) : (map_index { hex($_) - 1 } map { (split ' ')[3..6] } @l); log::l("HPT|Ultra66: found $ide"); $ide; } sub whatParport() { my @res =(); foreach (0..3) { local *F; my $elem = {}; open F, "/proc/parport/$_/autoprobe" or next; foreach () { $elem->{$1} = $2 if /(.*):(.*);/ } push @res, { port => "/dev/lp$_", val => $elem}; } @res; } #-CLASS:PRINTER; #-MODEL:HP LaserJet 1100; #-MANUFACTURER:Hewlett-Packard; #-DESCRIPTION:HP LaserJet 1100 Printer; #-COMMAND SET:MLC,PCL,PJL; sub whatPrinter() { my @res = whatParport(); grep { $_->{val}{CLASS} eq "PRINTER"} @res; } sub whatPrinterPort() { grep { tryWrite($_)} qw(/dev/lp0 /dev/lp1 /dev/lp2 /dev/usb/usblp0); } sub probeUSB { require pci_probing::main; require modules; defined($usb_interface) and return $usb_interface; if (($usb_interface) = grep { /usb-/ } map { $_->[1] } pci_probing::main::probe('')) { eval { modules::load($usb_interface, "SERIAL_USB") }; if ($@) { $usb_interface = ''; } else { eval { modules::load("usbkbd"); modules::load("keybdev"); }; } } else { $usb_interface = ''; } $usb_interface; } sub probeSerialDevices { #- make sure the device are created before probing. foreach (0..3) { devices::make("/dev/ttyS$_") } #- for device already probed, we can safely (assuming device are #- not moved during install :-) #- include /dev/mouse device if using an X server. -d "/var/lock" or mkdir "/var/lock", 0755; -l "/dev/mouse" and $serialprobe{"/dev/" . readlink "/dev/mouse"} = undef; foreach (keys %serialprobe) { m|^/dev/(.*)| and touch "/var/lock/LCK..$1" } #- start probing all serial ports... really faster than before :-) local *F; open F, "serial_probe 2>/dev/null |"; my %current = (); foreach () { chomp; $serialprobe{$current{DEVICE}} = { %current } and %current = () if /^\s*$/; $current{$1} = $2 if /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/; } close F; foreach (values %serialprobe) { $_->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /modem/i and $_->{CLASS} = 'MODEM'; #- hack to make sure a modem is detected. $_->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /olitec/i and $_->{CLASS} = 'MODEM'; #- hack to make sure such modem gets detected. log::l("probed $_->{DESCRIPTION} of class $_->{CLASS} on device $_->{DEVICE}"); } } sub probeSerial($) { $serialprobe{$_[0]} } sub hasModem($) { $serialprobe{$_[0]} and $serialprobe{$_[0]}{CLASS} eq 'MODEM' and $serialprobe{$_[0]}{DESCRIPTION}; } sub hasMousePS2() { my $t; sysread(tryOpen("psaux") || return, $t, 256) != 1 || $t ne "\xFE"; } sub hasMouseMacUSB { my $t; sysread(tryOpen("usbmouse") || return, $t, 256) != 1 || $t ne "\xFE"; } #-###################################################################################### #- Wonderful perl :( #-###################################################################################### 1; #