package crypto;

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use common qw(:common);
use log;
use ftp;

my %mirrors = (
 "" => [ "Costa Rica", "/pub/Unix/linux/mandrake/Mandrake" ],
 "" => [ "Thailand", "/pub/mirrors/Mandrake-crypto" ],
 "" => [ "Belgium", "/packages/mandrake-crypto" ],
 "" => [ "Czech Republic", "/OS/Linux/Dist/Mandrake-crypto" ],
 "" => [ "Germany", "/pub/linux/mandrake/Mandrake-crypto" ],
 "" => [ "Grece", "/pub/mandrake-crypto" ],
 "" => [ "Germany", "/pub/comp/os/unix/linux/Mandrake/Mandrake-crypto" ],
 "" => [ "Norway", "/pub/unix/Linux/Mandrake-crypto" ],
 "" => [ "Sweden", "/pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake-crypto" ],
#- "ackbar" => [ "Ackbar", "/crypto", "a", "a" ],

my %deps = (
  '' => 'openssl',
  '' => 'openssl',
  '' => 'mod_ssl-sxnet',

sub require2package { $deps{$_[0]} || $_[0] }
sub mirror2text($) { $mirrors{$_[0]} && "$mirrors{$_[0]}[0] ($_[0])" }
sub mirrors() { keys %mirrors }
sub dir { $mirrors{$_[0]}[1] . '/' . (arch() !~ /i.86/ && ((arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "sparc" : arch()). '/')) . $::VERSION }
sub ftp($) { ftp::new($_[0], dir($_[0])) }

sub getFile($$) {
    my ($file, $host) = @_;
    log::l("getting crypto file $file on directory " . dir($host) . " with login $mirrors{$host}[2]");
    my ($ftp, $retr) = ftp::new($host, dir($host),
				$mirrors{$host}[2] ? $mirrors{$host}[2] : (),
				$mirrors{$host}[3] ? $mirrors{$host}[3] : ()
    $$retr->close if $$retr;
    $$retr   = $ftp->retr($file) or ftp::rewindGetFile();
    $$retr ||= $ftp->retr($file);

sub getDepslist($) { getFile("depslist-crypto", $_[0]) or die "unable to get depslist-crypto" }
sub getHdlist($) { getFile("hdlist-crypto.cz2", $_[0]) or die "unable to get hdlist-crypto.cz2" }

#sub packages($) { ftp($_[0])->ls }
sub getPackages($) {
    my ($prefix, $packages, $mirror) = @_;

    #- extract hdlist of crypto, then depslist.
    require pkgs;
    pkgs::psUsingHdlist($prefix, '', $packages, getHdlist($mirror), "hdlistCrypto.cz2", "Crypto", '', "Crytographic site", 1) and
	pkgs::getOtherDeps($packages, getDepslist($mirror));

    #- produce an output suitable for visualization.
    map { pkgs::packageName($_) } pkgs::packagesOfMedium($packages, "Crypto");

sub get {
    my ($mirror, $dir, @files) = @_;
    foreach (@files) {
	log::l("crypto: downloading $_");
	ftp($mirror)->get($_, "$dir/$_") 
    int @files;