package common; # $Id$ use MDK::Common; use diagnostics; use strict; BEGIN { eval { require Locale::gettext } } #- allow to be used in drakxtools-backend without perl-Locale-gettext use log; use run_program; use Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw($SECTORSIZE N P N_ check_for_xserver files_exist formatTime MB formatXiB get_parent_uid makedev mandrake_release mandrake_release_info removeXiBSuffix require_root_capability setVirtual set_alternative set_l10n_sort set_permissions translate unmakedev); # perl_checker: RE-EXPORT-ALL push @EXPORT, @MDK::Common::EXPORT; $::prefix ||= ""; # no warning #-##################################################################################### #- Globals #-##################################################################################### our $SECTORSIZE = 512; #-##################################################################################### #- Functions #-##################################################################################### sub P { my ($s_singular, $s_plural, $nb, @para) = @_; sprintf(translate($s_singular, $s_plural, $nb), @para); } sub N { my ($s, @para) = @_; sprintf(translate($s), @para); } sub N_ { $_[0] } sub makedev { ($_[0] << 8) | $_[1] } sub unmakedev { $_[0] >> 8, $_[0] & 0xff } sub translate_real { my ($s, $o_plural, $o_nb) = @_; $s or return ''; my $s2; foreach (@::textdomains, 'libDrakX') { if ($o_plural) { $s2 = Locale::gettext::dngettext($_, $s, $o_plural, $o_nb); } else { $s2 = Locale::gettext::dgettext($_, $s); } # when utf8 pragma is in use, Locale::gettext() returns an utf8 string not tagged as such: c::set_tagged_utf8($s2) if !utf8::is_utf8($s2) && utf8::is_utf8($s); return $s2 if $s ne $s2 && $s2 ne $o_plural; } # didn't lookup anything or locale is "C": $s2; } sub remove_translate_context { my ($s) = @_; #- translation with context, kde-like $s =~ s/^_:.*\n//; $s; } sub translate { my $s = translate_real(@_); $::one_message_has_been_translated ||= join(':', (caller(1))[1,2]); #- see remove_translate_context($s); } sub from_utf8 { my ($s) = @_; Locale::gettext::iconv($s, "utf-8", undef); #- undef = locale charmap = nl_langinfo(CODESET) } sub to_utf8 { my ($s) = @_; my $str = Locale::gettext::iconv($s, undef, "utf-8"); #- undef = locale charmap = nl_langinfo(CODESET) c::set_tagged_utf8($str); $str; } #- This is needed because text printed by Gtk2 will always be encoded #- in UTF-8; #- we first check if LC_ALL is defined, because if it is, changing #- only LC_COLLATE will have no effect. sub set_l10n_sort() { my $collation_locale = $ENV{LC_ALL}; if (!$collation_locale) { $collation_locale = c::setlocale(c::LC_COLLATE()); $collation_locale =~ /UTF-8/ or c::setlocale(c::LC_COLLATE(), "$collation_locale.UTF-8"); } } sub setVirtual { my ($vt_number) = @_; my $vt = ''; sysopen(my $C, "/dev/console", 2) or die "failed to open /dev/console: $!"; ioctl($C, c::VT_GETSTATE(), $vt) && ioctl($C, c::VT_ACTIVATE(), $vt_number) && ioctl($C, c::VT_WAITACTIVE(), $vt_number) or die "setVirtual failed"; unpack "S", $vt; } sub nonblock { my ($F) = @_; fcntl($F, c::F_SETFL(), fcntl($F, c::F_GETFL(), 0) | c::O_NONBLOCK()) or die "can not fcntl F_SETFL: $!"; } #- return a size in sector #- ie MB(1) is 2048 sectors, which is 1MB sub MB { my ($nb_MB) = @_; $nb_MB * 2048; } sub removeXiBSuffix { local $_ = shift; /(\d+)\s*kB?$/i and return $1 * 1024; /(\d+)\s*MB?$/i and return $1 * 1024 * 1024; /(\d+)\s*GB?$/i and return $1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; /(\d+)\s*TB?$/i and return $1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; $_; } sub formatXiB { my ($newnb, $o_newbase) = @_; my $newbase = $o_newbase || 1; my $sign = $newnb < 0 ? -1 : 1; $newnb = abs($newnb); my ($nb, $base); my $decr = sub { ($nb, $base) = ($newnb, $newbase); $base >= 1024 ? ($newbase = $base / 1024) : ($newnb = $nb / 1024); }; my $suffix; foreach (N("B"), N("KB"), N("MB"), N("GB"), N("TB")) { $decr->(); if ($newnb < 1 && $newnb * $newbase < 1) { $suffix = $_; last; } } my $v = $nb * $base; my $s = $v < 10 && int(10 * $v - 10 * int($v)); int($v * $sign) . ($s ? "." . abs($s) : '') . ($suffix || N("TB")); } sub formatTime { my ($s, $m, $h) = gmtime($_[0]); if ($h) { sprintf "%02d:%02d", $h, $m; } elsif ($m > 1) { N("%d minutes", $m); } elsif ($m == 1) { N("1 minute"); } else { N("%d seconds", $s); } } sub expand_symlinks_but_simple { my ($f) = @_; my $link = readlink($f); my $f2 = expand_symlinks($f); if ($link && $link !~ m|/|) { # put back the last simple symlink $f2 =~ s|\Q$link\E$|basename($f)|e; } $f2; } sub sync { &MDK::Common::System::sync } BEGIN { undef *formatError } sub formatError { my ($err) = @_; ref($err) eq 'SCALAR' and $err = $$err; log::l("error: $err"); &MDK::Common::String::formatError($err); } sub group_by(&@) { my $f = shift; @_ or return; my $e = shift; my @l = my $last_l = [$e]; foreach (@_) { if ($f->($e, $_)) { push @$last_l, $_; } else { push @l, $last_l = [$_]; $e = $_; } } @l; } # Group the list by n. Returns a reference of lists of length n sub group_n_lm { my $n = shift; my @l; push @l, [ splice(@_, 0, $n) ] while @_; @l; } sub join_lines { my @l; my $s; foreach (@_) { if (/^\s/) { $s .= $_; } else { push @l, $s if $s; $s = $_; } } @l, if_($s, $s); } sub set_alternative { my ($command, $executable) = @_; #- check the existance of $executable as an alternative for $command #- (is this needed???) run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, 'update-alternatives', '--display', $command) =~ /^\Q$executable /m or return; #- this does not handle relative symlink, but neither does update-alternatives ;p symlinkf $executable, "$::prefix/etc/alternatives/$command"; } sub files_exist { and_(map { -f "$::prefix$_" } @_) } sub open_file { my ($file) = @_; my $F; open($F, $file) ? $F : do { log::l("Can not open $file: $!"); undef }; } sub secured_file { my ($f) = @_; c::is_secure_file($f) or die "can not ensure a safe $f"; $f; } sub chown_ { my ($b_recursive, $name, $group, @files) = @_; my ($uid, $gid) = (getpwnam($name) || $name, getgrnam($group) || $group); require POSIX; my $chown; $chown = sub { foreach (@_) { POSIX::lchown($uid, $gid, $_) or die "chown of file $_ failed: $!\n"; ! -l $_ && -d $_ && $b_recursive and &$chown(glob_($_)); } }; $chown->(@files); } sub set_permissions { my ($file, $perms, $o_owner, $o_group) = @_; # We only need to set the permissions during installation to be able to # print test pages. After installation udev does the business automatically. return 1 unless $::isInstall; if ($o_owner || $o_group) { $o_owner ||= (lstat($file))[4]; $o_group ||= (lstat($file))[5]; chown_(0, $o_owner, $o_group, $file); } chmod(oct($perms), $file) or die "chmod of file $file failed: $!\n"; } sub release_file { my ($o_dir) = @_; my @names = ('mandrakelinux-release', 'mandrake-release', 'conectiva-release', 'release', 'redhat-release'); find { -r "$o_dir$_" } ( (map { "/root/drakx/$_.upgrading" } @names), (map { "/etc/$_" } @names), ); } sub mandrake_release_info() { parse_LDAP_namespace_structure(cat_('/etc/')); } sub parse_LDAP_namespace_structure { my ($s) = @_; my %h = map { if_(/(.*?)=(.*)/, $1 => $2) } split(',', $s); \%h; } sub mandrake_release { my ($o_dir) = @_; my $f = release_file($o_dir); $f && chomp_(cat_("$o_dir$f")); } sub get_parent_uid() { cat_('/proc/' . getppid() . '/status') =~ /Uid:\s*(\d+)/ ? $1 : undef; } sub wrap_command_for_root { my ($name, @args) = @_; ([ 'consolehelper', $name ], @args); } sub require_root_capability() { return if $::testing || !$>; # we're already root my ($command, @args) = wrap_command_for_root($0, @ARGV); exec { $command->[0] } $command->[1], @args or die N("command %s missing", $command->[0]); # still not root ? die "you must be root to run this program" if $>; } sub check_for_xserver() { if (!defined $::xtest) { $::xtest = 0; eval { require xf86misc::main; $::xtest = xf86misc::main::Xtest($ENV{DISPLAY}); } if $ENV{DISPLAY}; } return $::xtest; } #- special unpack #- - returning an array refs for each element like "s10" #- - handling things like s10* at the end of the format sub unpack_with_refs { my ($format, $s) = @_; my $initial_format = $format; my @r; while ($format =~ s/\s*(\w(\d*))(\*?)\s*//) { my ($sub_format, $nb, $many) = ($1, $2, $3); $many && $format and internal_error("bad * in the middle of format in $initial_format"); my $done = $many && !length($s); while (!$done) { my @l = unpack("$sub_format a*", $s); $s = pop @l; push @r, $nb ? \@l : @l; $done = !$many || !length($s); } } @r; } #- used in userdrake and mdkonline sub md5file { require Digest::MD5; my @md5 = map { my $sum; if (open(my $FILE, $_)) { binmode($FILE); $sum = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($FILE)->hexdigest; close($FILE); } $sum; } @_; return wantarray() ? @md5 : $md5[0]; } sub load_modules_from_base { my ($base) = @_; $base =~ s|::|/|g; my $base_file = $base . ".pm"; require $base_file; my ($inc_path) = substr($INC{$base_file}, 0, -length($base_file)); my @files = map { substr($_, length($inc_path)) } glob_($inc_path . $base . '/*.pm'); require $_ foreach @files; #- return the matching modules list map { local $_ = $_; s|/|::|g; s|\.pm$||g; $_ } @files; } sub get_alternatives { my ($name) = @_; my $dir = '/var/lib/rpm/alternatives'; my ($state, $main_link, @l) = chomp_(cat_("$dir/$name")) or return; my @slaves; while (@l && $l[0] ne '') { my ($name, $link) = splice(@l, 0, 2); push @slaves, { name => $name, link => $link }; } shift @l; #- empty line my @alternatives; while (@l && $l[0] ne '') { my ($file, $weight, @slave_files) = splice(@l, 0, 2 + @slaves); push @alternatives, { file => $file, weight => $weight, slave_files => \@slave_files }; } { name => $name, link => $main_link, state => $state, slaves => \@slaves, alternatives => \@alternatives }; } sub symlinkf_update_alternatives { my ($name, $wanted_file) = @_; run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'update-alternatives', '--set', $name, $wanted_file); } sub update_gnomekderc_no_create { my ($file, $category, %subst_) = @_; if (-e $file) { update_gnomekderc($file, $category, %subst_); } } 1;