package bootloader; # $Id$ use diagnostics; use strict; use vars qw(%vga_modes); #-###################################################################################### #- misc imports #-###################################################################################### use common; use partition_table qw(:types); use log; use any; use fsedit; use devices; use loopback; use detect_devices; use partition_table_raw; use run_program; use modules; %vga_modes = ( 'ask' => "Ask at boot", 'normal' => "Normal", '0x0f01' => "80x50", '0x0f02' => "80x43", '0x0f03' => "80x28", '0x0f05' => "80x30", '0x0f06' => "80x34", '0x0f07' => "80x60", '0x0122' => "100x30", 785 => "640x480 in 16 bits (FrameBuffer only)", 788 => "800x600 in 16 bits (FrameBuffer only)", 791 => "1024x768 in 16 bits (FrameBuffer only)", 794 => "1280x1024 in 16 bits (FrameBuffer only)", ); #-##################################################################################### #- Functions #-##################################################################################### sub get { my ($kernel, $bootloader) = @_; $_->{kernel_or_dev} && $_->{kernel_or_dev} eq $kernel and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}}; undef; } sub get_label { my ($label, $bootloader) = @_; $_->{label} && $_->{label} eq $label and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}}; undef; } sub mkinitrd($$$) { my ($prefix, $kernelVersion, $initrdImage) = @_; $::oem or $::testing || -e "$prefix/$initrdImage" and return; my $loop_boot = loopback::prepare_boot($prefix); modules::load('loop'); run_program::rooted($prefix, "mkinitrd", "-v", "-f", $initrdImage, "--ifneeded", $kernelVersion) or unlink("$prefix/$initrdImage"); loopback::save_boot($loop_boot); -e "$prefix/$initrdImage" or die "mkinitrd failed"; } sub mkbootdisk($$$;$) { my ($prefix, $kernelVersion, $dev, $append) = @_; modules::load(if_(arch() =~ /sparc/, 'romfs'), 'loop'); my @l = qw(mkbootdisk --noprompt); push @l, "--appendargs", $append if $append; eval { modules::load('vfat') }; run_program::rooted_or_die($prefix, @l, "--device", "/dev/$dev", $kernelVersion); } sub read($$) { my ($prefix, $file) = @_; my $global = 1; my ($e, $v, $f); my %b; foreach (cat_("$prefix$file")) { ($_, $v) = /^\s*(.*?)\s*(?:=\s*(.*?))?\s*$/; if (/^(image|other)$/) { if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { $v =~ s/hd:\d+,//g; } push @{$b{entries}}, $e = { type => $_, kernel_or_dev => $v }; $global = 0; } elsif ($global) { if ($_ eq 'disk' && $v =~ /(\S+)\s+bios\s*=\s*(\S+)/) { $b{bios}{$1} = $2; } elsif ($_ eq 'bios') { $b{bios}{$b{disk}} = $v; } elsif ($_ eq 'init-message') { $v =~ s/\\n//g; $v =~ s/"//g; $b{'init-message'} = $v; } else { $b{$_} = $v || 1; } } else { if ((/map-drive/ .. /to/) && /to/) { $e->{mapdrive}{$e->{'map-drive'}} = $v; } else { if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { $v =~ s/hd:\d+,//g; $v =~ s/"//g; } $e->{$_} = $v || 1; } } } if (arch() !~ /ppc/) { delete $b{timeout} unless $b{prompt}; $_->{append} =~ s/^\s*"?(.*?)"?\s*$/$1/ foreach \%b, @{$b{entries}}; $b{timeout} = $b{timeout} / 10 if $b{timeout}; $b{message} = cat_("$prefix$b{message}") if $b{message}; } \%b; } sub suggest_onmbr { my ($hds) = @_; my $type = partition_table_raw::typeOfMBR($hds->[0]{device}); !$type || member($type, qw(dos dummy lilo grub empty)), !$type; } sub compare_entries ($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; my %entries; @entries{keys %$a, keys %$b} = (); $a->{$_} eq $b->{$_} and delete $entries{$_} foreach keys %entries; scalar keys %entries; } sub add_entry($$) { my ($entries, $v) = @_; my (%usedold, $freeold); do { $usedold{$1 || 0} = 1 if $_->{label} =~ /^old([^_]*)_/ } foreach @$entries; foreach (0..scalar keys %usedold) { exists $usedold{$_} or $freeold = $_ || '', last } foreach (@$entries) { if ($_->{label} eq $v->{label}) { compare_entries($_, $v) or return; #- avoid inserting it twice as another entry already exists ! $_->{label} = "old${freeold}_$_->{label}"; } } push @$entries, $v; } sub add_kernel { my ($prefix, $lilo, $version, $ext, $root, $v) = @_; #- new versions of yaboot don't handle symlinks my $ppcext = $ext; if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { $ext = "-$version"; } log::l("adding vmlinuz$ext as vmlinuz-$version"); -e "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz-$version" or log::l("unable to find kernel image $prefix/boot/vmlinuz-$version"), return; my $image = "/boot/vmlinuz" . ($ext ne "-$version" && symlinkf("vmlinuz-$version", "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz$ext") ? $ext : "-$version"); my $initrd = eval { mkinitrd($prefix, $version, "/boot/initrd-$version.img"); "/boot/initrd" . ($ext ne "-$version" && symlinkf("initrd-$version.img", "$prefix/boot/initrd$ext.img") ? $ext : "-$version") . ".img"; }; my $label = $ext =~ /-(default)/ ? $1 : "linux$ext"; #- more yaboot concessions - PPC if (arch() =~ /ppc/) { $label = $ppcext =~ /-(default)/ ? $1 : "linux$ppcext"; } add2hash($v, { type => 'image', root => "/dev/$root", label => $label, kernel_or_dev => $image, initrd => $initrd, append => $lilo->{perImageAppend}, }); add_entry($lilo->{entries}, $v); $v; } sub unpack_append { my ($s) = @_; my @l = split(' ', $s); [ grep { !/=/ } @l ], [ map { if_(/(.*?)=(.*)/, [$1, $2]) } @l ]; } sub pack_append { my ($simple, $dict) = @_; join(' ', @$simple, map { "$_->[0]=$_->[1]" } @$dict); } sub append__mem_is_memsize { $_[0] =~ /^\d+[kM]?$/i } sub get_append { my ($b, $key) = @_; my (undef, $dict) = unpack_append($b->{perImageAppend}); my @l = map { $_->[1] } grep { $_->[0] eq $key } @$dict; #- suppose we want the memsize @l = grep { append__mem_is_memsize($_) } @l if $key eq 'mem'; log::l("more than one $key in $b->{perImageAppend}") if @l > 1; $l[0]; } sub add_append { my ($b, $key, $val) = @_; foreach (\$b->{perImageAppend}, map { \$_->{append} } grep { $_->{type} eq 'image' } @{$b->{entries}}) { my ($simple, $dict) = unpack_append($$_); @$dict = grep { $_->[0] ne $key || $key eq 'mem' && append__mem_is_memsize($_->[1]) != append__mem_is_memsize($val) } @$dict; push @$dict, [ $key, $val ] if $val; $$_ = pack_append($simple, $dict); log::l("add_append: $$_"); } } sub may_append { my ($b, $key, $val) = @_; add_append($b, $key, $val) if !get_append($b, $key); } sub configure_entry($$) { my ($prefix, $entry) = @_; if ($entry->{type} eq 'image') { my $specific_version; $entry->{kernel_or_dev} =~ /vmlinu.-(.*)/ and $specific_version = $1; readlink("$prefix/$entry->{kernel_or_dev}") =~ /vmlinu.-(.*)/ and $specific_version = $1; if ($specific_version) { $entry->{initrd} or $entry->{initrd} = "/boot/initrd-$specific_version.img"; if (! -e "$prefix/$entry->{initrd}" || $::oem) { eval { mkinitrd($prefix, $specific_version, "$entry->{initrd}") }; undef $entry->{initrd} if $@; } } } $entry; } sub dev2prompath { #- SPARC only my ($dev) = @_; my ($wd, $num) = $dev =~ /^(.*\D)(\d*)$/; require c; $dev = c::disk2PromPath($wd) and $dev = $dev =~ /^sd\(/ ? "$dev$num" : "$dev;$num"; $dev; } sub get_kernels_and_labels { my ($prefix) = @_; my $dir = "$prefix/boot"; my @l = grep { /^vmlinuz-/ } all($dir); my @kernels = grep { ! -l "$dir/$_" } @l; my @preferred = ('', 'secure', 'enterprise', 'smp'); my %weights = map_index { $_ => $::i } @preferred; require pkgs; @kernels = sort { c::rpmvercmp($b->[1], $a->[1]) || $weights{$a->[2]} <=> $weights{$b->[2]} } map { if (my ($version, $ext) = /vmlinuz-((?:[\-.\d]*(?:mdk)?)*)(.*)/) { [ "$version$ext", $version, $ext ]; } else { log::l("non recognised kernel name $_"); (); } } @kernels; my %majors; foreach (@kernels) { push @{$majors{$1}}, $_ if $_->[1] =~ /^(2\.\d+)/ } while (my ($major, $l) = each %majors) { $l->[0][1] = $major if @$l == 1; } my %labels; foreach (@kernels) { my ($complete_version, $version, $ext) = @$_; my $label = ''; if (exists $labels{$label}) { $label = "-$ext"; if (!$ext || $labels{$label}) { $label = "-$version$ext"; } } $labels{$label} = $complete_version; } %labels; } sub suggest { my ($prefix, $lilo, $hds, $fstab, $vga_fb, $quiet) = @_; my $root_part = fsedit::get_root($fstab); my $root = isLoopback($root_part) ? "loop7" : $root_part->{device}; my $boot = fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device}; my $partition = first($boot =~ /\D*(\d*)/); #- PPC xfs module requires enlarged initrd my $xfsroot = isThisFs("xfs", $root_part); require c; c::initSilo() if arch() =~ /sparc/; my ($onmbr, $unsafe) = $lilo->{crushMbr} ? (1, 0) : suggest_onmbr($hds); add2hash_($lilo, arch() =~ /sparc/ ? { entries => [], timeout => 10, use_partition => 0, #- we should almost always have a whole disk partition. root => "/dev/$root", partition => $partition || 1, boot => $root eq $boot && "/boot", #- this helps for getting default partition for silo. } : arch() =~ /ppc/ ? { defaultos => "linux", entries => [], 'init-message' => "Welcome to Mandrake Linux!", delay => 30, #- OpenFirmware delay timeout => 50, enableofboot => 1, enablecdboot => 1, useboot => $boot, xfsroot => $xfsroot, } : { bootUnsafe => $unsafe, entries => [], timeout => $onmbr && 10, nowarn => 1, if_(arch() !~ /ia64/, lba32 => 1, boot => "/dev/" . ($onmbr ? $hds->[0]{device} : fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device}), map => "/boot/map", ), }); if (!$lilo->{message} || $lilo->{message} eq "1") { $lilo->{message} = join('', cat_("$prefix/boot/message")); if (!$lilo->{message}) { my $msg_en = #-PO: these messages will be displayed at boot time in the BIOS, use only ASCII (7bit) __("Welcome to %s the operating system chooser! Choose an operating system in the list above or wait %d seconds for default boot. "); my $msg = translate($msg_en); #- use the english version if more than 20% of 8bits chars $msg = $msg_en if int(grep { $_ & 0x80 } unpack "c*", $msg) / length($msg) > 0.2; $lilo->{message} = sprintf $msg, arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "SILO" : "LILO", $lilo->{timeout}; } } add2hash_($lilo, { memsize => $1 }) if cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /\bmem=(\d+[KkMm]?)(?:\s.*)?$/; if (my ($s, $port, $speed) = cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /console=(ttyS(\d),(\d+)\S*)/) { log::l("serial console $s $port $speed"); add_append($lilo, 'console' => $s); any::set_login_serial_console($prefix, $port, $speed); } my %labels = get_kernels_and_labels($prefix); $labels{''} or die "no kernel installed"; while (my ($ext, $version) = each %labels) { my $entry = add_kernel($prefix, $lilo, $version, $ext, $root, { if_($vga_fb && $ext eq '', vga => $vga_fb), #- using framebuffer }); $entry->{append} .= " quiet" if $vga_fb && $version !~ /smp|enterprise/ && $quiet; if ($vga_fb && $ext eq '') { add_kernel($prefix, $lilo, $version, $ext, $root, { label => 'linux-nonfb' }); } } my $failsafe = add_kernel($prefix, $lilo, $labels{''}, '', $root, { label => 'failsafe' }); $failsafe->{append} =~ s/devfs=mount/devfs=nomount/; $failsafe->{append} .= " failsafe"; if (arch() =~ /sparc/) { #- search for SunOS, it could be a really better approach to take into account #- partition type for mounting point. my $sunos = 0; foreach (@$hds) { foreach (@{$_->{primary}{normal}}) { my $path = $_->{device} =~ m|^/| && $_->{device} !~ m|^/dev/| ? $_->{device} : dev2prompath($_->{device}); add_entry($lilo->{entries}, { type => 'other', kernel_or_dev => $path, label => "sunos" . ($sunos++ ? $sunos : ''), }) if $path && isSunOS($_) && type2name($_->{type}) =~ /root/i; } } } elsif (arch() =~ /ppc/) { #- if we identified a MacOS partition earlier - add it if (defined $partition_table_mac::macos_part) { add_entry($lilo->{entries}, { label => "macos", kernel_or_dev => $partition_table_mac::macos_part }); } } elsif (arch() !~ /ia64/) { #- search for dos (or windows) boot partition. Don't look in extended partitions! my %nbs; foreach (@$hds) { foreach (@{$_->{primary}{normal}}) { my $label = isNT($_) ? 'NT' : isDos($_) ? 'dos' : 'windows'; add_entry($lilo->{entries}, { type => 'other', kernel_or_dev => "/dev/$_->{device}", label => $label . ($nbs{$label}++ ? $nbs{$label} : ''), if_($_->{device} =~ /[1-4]$/, table => "/dev/$_->{rootDevice}" ), unsafe => 1 }) if isNT($_) || isFat($_) && isFat({ type => fsedit::typeOfPart($_->{device}) }); } } } foreach ('secure', 'enterprise', 'smp') { if (get_label("linux-$_", $lilo)) { $lilo->{default} ||= "linux-$_"; last; } } $lilo->{default} ||= "linux"; my %l = ( yaboot => to_bool(arch() =~ /ppc/), silo => to_bool(arch() =~ /sparc/), lilo => to_bool(arch() !~ /sparc|ppc/) && !isLoopback(fsedit::get_root($fstab)), grub => to_bool(arch() !~ /sparc|ppc/ && !isRAID(fsedit::get_root($fstab))), loadlin => to_bool(arch() !~ /sparc|ppc/) && -e "/initrd/loopfs/lnx4win", ); unless ($lilo->{methods}) { $lilo->{methods} ||= { map { $_ => 1 } grep { $l{$_} } keys %l }; if ($lilo->{methods}{lilo} && -e "$prefix/boot/message-graphic") { $lilo->{methods}{lilo} = "lilo-graphic"; exists $lilo->{methods}{grub} and $lilo->{methods}{grub} = undef; } } } sub suggest_floppy { my ($bootloader) = @_; my $floppy = detect_devices::floppy() or return; $floppy eq 'fd0' or log::l("suggest_floppy: not adding $floppy"), return; add_entry($bootloader->{entries}, { type => 'other', kernel_or_dev => '/dev/fd0', label => 'floppy', unsafe => 1 }); } sub keytable($$) { my ($prefix, $f) = @_; local $_ = $f; if ($_ && !/\.klt$/) { $f = "/boot/$_.klt"; run_program::rooted($prefix, "", ">", $f, $_) or undef $f; } $f && -r "$prefix/$f" && $f; } sub has_profiles { to_bool(get_label("office", $b)) } sub set_profiles { my ($b, $want_profiles) = @_; my $office = get_label("office", $b); if ($want_profiles xor $office) { my $e = get_label("linux", $b); if ($want_profiles) { push @{$b->{entries}}, { %$e, label => "office", append => "$e->{append} prof=Office" }; $e->{append} .= " prof=Home"; } else { # remove profiles $e->{append} =~ s/\s*prof=\w+//; @{$b->{entries}} = grep { $_ != $office } @{$b->{entries}}; } } } sub get_of_dev($$) { my ($prefix, $unix_dev) = @_; #- don't care much for this - need to run ofpath rooted, and I need the result #- In test mode, just run on "/", otherwise you can't get to the /proc files if ($::testing) { $prefix = ""; } run_program::rooted_or_die($prefix, "/usr/local/sbin/ofpath $unix_dev", ">", "/tmp/ofpath"); open(FILE, "$prefix/tmp/ofpath") || die "Can't open $prefix/tmp/ofpath"; my $of_dev = ""; local $_ = ""; while (){ $of_dev = $_; } chop($of_dev); my @del_file = ($prefix . "/tmp/ofpath"); unlink (@del_file); log::l("OF Device: $of_dev"); $of_dev; } sub install_yaboot($$$) { my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) = @_; $lilo->{prompt} = $lilo->{timeout}; if ($lilo->{message}) { local *F; open F, ">$prefix/boot/message" and print F $lilo->{message} or $lilo->{message} = 0; } { local *F; local $\ = "\n"; my $f = "$prefix/etc/yaboot.conf"; open F, ">$f" or die "cannot create yaboot config file: $f"; log::l("writing yaboot config to $f"); print F "#yaboot.conf - generated by DrakX"; print F "init-message=\"\\n$lilo->{'init-message'}\\n\"" if $lilo->{'init-message'}; if ($lilo->{boot}) { print F "boot=$lilo->{boot}"; my $of_dev = get_of_dev($prefix, $lilo->{boot}); print F "ofboot=$of_dev"; } else { die "no bootstrap partition defined." } $lilo->{$_} and print F "$_=$lilo->{$_}" foreach qw(delay timeout); print F "install=/usr/local/lib/yaboot/yaboot"; print F "magicboot=/usr/local/lib/yaboot/ofboot"; $lilo->{$_} and print F $_ foreach qw(enablecdboot enableofboot); $lilo->{$_} and print F "$_=$lilo->{$_}" foreach qw(defaultos default); #- print F "nonvram"; my $boot = "/dev/" . $lilo->{useboot} if $lilo->{useboot}; foreach (@{$lilo->{entries}}) { if ($_->{type} eq "image") { my $of_dev = ''; if (($boot !~ /$_->{root}/) && $boot) { $of_dev = get_of_dev($prefix, $boot); print F "$_->{type}=$of_dev," . substr($_->{kernel_or_dev}, 5); } else { $of_dev = get_of_dev($prefix, $_->{root}); print F "$_->{type}=$of_dev,$_->{kernel_or_dev}"; } print F "\tlabel=", substr($_->{label}, 0, 15); #- lilo doesn't handle more than 15 char long labels print F "\troot=$_->{root}"; if (($boot !~ /$_->{root}/) && $boot) { print F "\tinitrd=$of_dev," . substr($_->{initrd}, 5) if $_->{initrd}; } else { print F "\tinitrd=$of_dev,$_->{initrd}" if $_->{initrd}; } #- xfs module on PPC requires larger initrd - say 6MB? print F "\tinitrd-size=6144" if $lilo->{xfsroot}; print F "\tappend=\" $_->{append}\"" if $_->{append}; print F "\tread-write" if $_->{'read-write'}; print F "\tread-only" if !$_->{'read-write'}; } else { my $of_dev = get_of_dev($prefix, $_->{kernel_or_dev}); print F "$_->{label}=$of_dev"; } } } log::l("Installing boot loader..."); my $f = "$prefix/tmp/of_boot_dev"; my $of_dev = get_of_dev($prefix, $lilo->{boot}); output($f, "$of_dev\n"); $::testing and return; if (defined $install_steps_interactive::new_bootstrap) { run_program::run("hformat", "$lilo->{boot}") or die "hformat failed"; } run_program::rooted_or_die($prefix, "/sbin/ybin", "2>", "/tmp/.error"); unlink "$prefix/tmp/.error"; } sub install_silo($$$) { my ($prefix, $silo, $fstab) = @_; my $boot = fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device}; my ($wd, $num) = $boot =~ /^(.*\D)(\d*)$/; #- setup boot promvars for. require c; if ($boot =~ /^md/) { #- get all mbr devices according to /boot are listed, #- then join all zero based partition translated to prom with ';'. #- keep bootdev with the first of above. log::l("/boot is present on raid partition which is not currently supported for promvars"); } else { if (!$silo->{use_partition}) { foreach (@$fstab) { if (!$_->{start} && $_->{device} =~ /$wd/) { $boot = $_->{device}; log::l("found a zero based partition in $wd as $boot"); last; } } } $silo->{bootalias} = c::disk2PromPath($boot); $silo->{bootdev} = $silo->{bootalias}; log::l("preparing promvars for device=$boot"); } c::hasAliases() or log::l("clearing promvars alias as non supported"), $silo->{bootalias} = ''; if ($silo->{message}) { local *F; open F, ">$prefix/boot/message" and print F $silo->{message} or $silo->{message} = 0; } { local *F; local $\ = "\n"; my $f = "$prefix/boot/silo.conf"; #- always write the silo.conf file in /boot ... symlinkf "../boot/silo.conf", "$prefix/etc/silo.conf"; #- ... and make a symlink from /etc. open F, ">$f" or die "cannot create silo config file: $f"; log::l("writing silo config to $f"); $silo->{$_} and print F "$_=$silo->{$_}" foreach qw(partition root default append); $silo->{$_} and print F $_ foreach qw(restricted); print F "password=", $silo->{password} if $silo->{restricted} && $silo->{password}; #- also done by msec print F "timeout=", round(10 * $silo->{timeout}) if $silo->{timeout}; print F "message=$silo->{boot}/message" if $silo->{message}; foreach (@{$silo->{entries}}) {#my ($v, $e) = each %{$silo->{entries}}) { my $type = "$_->{type}=$_->{kernel_or_dev}"; $type =~ s|/boot|$silo->{boot}|; print F $type; print F "\tlabel=$_->{label}"; if ($_->{type} eq "image") { my $initrd = $_->{initrd}; $initrd =~ s|/boot|$silo->{boot}|; print F "\tpartition=$_->{partition}" if $_->{partition}; print F "\troot=$_->{root}" if $_->{root}; print F "\tinitrd=$initrd" if $_->{initrd}; print F "\tappend=\"$1\"" if $_->{append} =~ /^\s*"?(.*?)"?\s*$/; print F "\tread-write" if $_->{'read-write'}; print F "\tread-only" if !$_->{'read-write'}; } } } log::l("Installing boot loader..."); $::testing and return; run_program::rooted($prefix, "silo", "2>", "/tmp/.error", $silo->{use_partition} ? ("-t") : ()) or run_program::rooted_or_die($prefix, "silo", "2>", "/tmp/.error", "-p", "2", $silo->{use_partition} ? ("-t") : ()); unlink "$prefix/tmp/.error"; #- try writing in the prom. log::l("setting promvars alias=$silo->{bootalias} bootdev=$silo->{bootdev}"); require c; c::setPromVars($silo->{bootalias}, $silo->{bootdev}); } sub make_label_lilo_compatible { my ($label) = @_; $label = substr($label, 0, 15); #- lilo doesn't handle more than 15 char long labels $label =~ s/\s/_/g; #- lilo doesn't like spaces $label; } sub write_lilo_conf { my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) = @_; $lilo->{prompt} = $lilo->{timeout}; delete $lilo->{linear} if $lilo->{lba32}; my $file2fullname = sub { my ($file) = @_; if (arch() =~ /ia64/) { (my $part, $file) = fsedit::file2part($prefix, $fstab, $file); my %hds = map_index { $_ => "hd$::i" } map { $_->{device} } sort { isFat($b) <=> isFat($a) || $a->{device} cmp $b->{device} } fsedit::get_fstab(@$hds); %hds->{$part->{device}} . ":" . $file; } else { $file } }; my %bios2dev = map_index { $::i => $_ } dev2bios($hds, $lilo->{first_hd_device} || $lilo->{boot}); my %dev2bios = reverse %bios2dev; if (is_empty_hash_ref($lilo->{bios} ||= {})) { my $dev = $hds->[0]{device}; if ($dev2bios{$dev}) { log::l("Since we're booting on $bios2dev{0}, make it bios=0x80, whereas $dev is now " . (0x80 + $dev2bios{$dev})); $lilo->{bios}{"/dev/$bios2dev{0}"} = '0x80'; $lilo->{bios}{"/dev/$dev"} = sprintf("0x%x", 0x80 + $dev2bios{$dev}); } foreach (0 .. 3) { my ($letter) = $bios2dev{$_} =~ /hd([^ac])/; #- at least hda and hdc are handled correctly :-/ next if $lilo->{bios}{"/dev/$bios2dev{$_}"} || !$letter; next if $_ > 0 #- always print if first disk is hdb, hdd, hde... && $bios2dev{$_ - 1} eq "hd" . chr(ord($letter) - 1); #- no need to help lilo with hdb (resp. hdd, hdf...) log::l("Helping lilo: $bios2dev{$_} must be " . (0x80 + $_)); $lilo->{bios}{"/dev/$bios2dev{$_}"} = sprintf("0x%x", 0x80 + $_); } } { local *F; local $\ = "\n"; my $f = arch() =~ /ia64/ ? "$prefix/boot/efi/elilo.conf" : "$prefix/etc/lilo.conf"; open F, ">$f" or die "cannot create lilo config file: $f"; log::l("writing lilo config to $f"); chmod 0600, $f if $lilo->{password}; #- normalize: RESTRICTED is only valid if PASSWORD is set delete $lilo->{restricted} if !$lilo->{password}; local $lilo->{default} = make_label_lilo_compatible($lilo->{default}); $lilo->{$_} and print F "$_=$lilo->{$_}" foreach qw(boot map install vga default keytable); $lilo->{$_} and print F $_ foreach qw(linear lba32 compact prompt nowarn restricted); print F "append=\"$lilo->{append}\"" if $lilo->{append}; print F "password=", $lilo->{password} if $lilo->{password}; #- also done by msec print F "timeout=", round(10 * $lilo->{timeout}) if $lilo->{timeout}; print F "serial=", $1 if get_append($lilo, 'console') =~ /ttyS(.*)/; print F "message=/boot/message" if (arch() !~ /ia64/); print F "menu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bw" if (arch() !~ /ia64/); print F "ignore-table" if grep { $_->{unsafe} && $_->{table} } @{$lilo->{entries}}; while (my ($dev, $bios) = each %{$lilo->{bios}}) { print F "disk=$dev bios=$bios"; } foreach (@{$lilo->{entries}}) { print F "$_->{type}=", $file2fullname->($_->{kernel_or_dev}); print F "\tlabel=", make_label_lilo_compatible($_->{label}); if ($_->{type} eq "image") { print F "\troot=$_->{root}" if $_->{root}; print F "\tinitrd=", $file2fullname->($_->{initrd}) if $_->{initrd}; print F "\tappend=\"$_->{append}\"" if $_->{append}; print F "\tvga=$_->{vga}" if $_->{vga}; print F "\tread-write" if $_->{'read-write'}; print F "\tread-only" if !$_->{'read-write'}; } else { print F "\ttable=$_->{table}" if $_->{table}; print F "\tunsafe" if $_->{unsafe} && !$_->{table}; if (my ($dev) = $_->{table} =~ m|/dev/(.*)|) { if ($dev2bios{$dev}) { #- boot off the nth drive, so reverse the BIOS maps my $nb = sprintf("0x%x", 0x80 + $dev2bios{$dev}); $_->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => $nb, $nb => '0x80' }; } } while (my ($from, $to) = each %{$_->{mapdrive} || {}}) { print F "\tmap-drive=$from"; print F "\t to=$to"; } } } } } sub install_lilo { my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) = @_; $lilo->{install} = 'text' if $lilo->{methods}{lilo} eq 'lilo-text'; output("$prefix/boot/message-text", $lilo->{message}) if $lilo->{message}; symlinkf "message-" . ($lilo->{methods}{lilo} eq 'lilo-graphic' ? 'graphic' : 'text'), "$prefix/boot/message"; write_lilo_conf($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds); log::l("Installing boot loader..."); $::testing and return; run_program::rooted_or_die($prefix, "lilo", "2>", "/tmp/.error") if (arch() !~ /ia64/); unlink "$prefix/tmp/.error"; } sub dev2bios { my ($hds, $where) = @_; $where =~ s|/dev/||; my @dev = map { $_->{device} } @$hds; member($where, @dev) or ($where) = @dev; #- if not on mbr, s/h(d[e-g])/x$1/ foreach $where, @dev; #- emulates ultra66 as xd_ my $start = substr($where, 0, 2); my $translate = sub { $_ eq $where ? "aaa" : #- if exact match, value it first /^$start(.*)/ ? "ad$1" : #- if same class (ide/scsi/ultra66), value it before other classes $_; }; @dev = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } map { [ $_, &$translate ] } @dev; s/x(d.)/h$1/ foreach @dev; #- switch back; @dev; } sub dev2grub { my ($dev, $dev2bios) = @_; $dev =~ m|^(/dev/)?(...)(.*)$| or die "dev2grub (bad device $dev), caller is " . join(":", caller()); my $grub = $dev2bios->{$2} or die "dev2grub ($2)"; "($grub" . ($3 && "," . ($3 - 1)) . ")"; } sub write_grub_config { my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) = @_; my %dev2bios = ( (map_index { $_ => "fd$::i" } detect_devices::floppies_dev()), (map_index { $_ => "hd$::i" } dev2bios($hds, $lilo->{first_hd_device} || $lilo->{boot})), ); { my %bios2dev = reverse %dev2bios; output "$prefix/boot/grub/", join '', map { "($_) /dev/$bios2dev{$_}\n" } sort keys %bios2dev; } my $bootIsReiser = isThisFs("reiserfs", fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')); my $file2grub = sub { my ($part, $file) = fsedit::file2part($prefix, $fstab, $_[0], 'keep_simple_symlinks'); dev2grub($part->{device}, \%dev2bios) . $file; }; { local *F; local $\ = "\n"; my $f = "$prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst"; open F, ">$f" or die "cannot create grub config file: $f"; log::l("writing grub config to $f"); $lilo->{$_} and print F "$_ $lilo->{$_}" foreach qw(timeout); print F "color black/cyan yellow/cyan"; print F "i18n ", $file2grub->("/boot/grub/messages"); print F "keytable ", $file2grub->($lilo->{keytable}) if $lilo->{keytable}; print F "serial --unit=$1 --speed=$2\nterminal --timeout=" . ($lilo->{timeout} || 0) . " console serial" if get_append($lilo, 'console') =~ /ttyS(\d),(\d+)/; #- since we use notail in reiserfs, altconfigfile is broken :-( unless ($bootIsReiser) { print F "altconfigfile ", $file2grub->(my $once = "/boot/grub/menu.once"); output "$prefix$once", " " x 100; } map_index { print F "default $::i" if $_->{label} eq $lilo->{default}; } @{$lilo->{entries}}; foreach (@{$lilo->{entries}}) { print F "\ntitle $_->{label}"; if ($_->{type} eq "image") { my $vga = $_->{vga} || $lilo->{vga}; printf F "kernel %s root=%s %s%s%s\n", $file2grub->($_->{kernel_or_dev}), $_->{root} =~ /loop7/ ? "707" : $_->{root}, #- special to workaround bug in kernel (see #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP) $_->{append}, $_->{'read-write'} && " rw", $vga && $vga ne "normal" && " vga=$vga"; print F "initrd ", $file2grub->($_->{initrd}) if $_->{initrd}; } else { print F "root ", dev2grub($_->{kernel_or_dev}, \%dev2bios); if ($_->{kernel_or_dev} !~ /fd/) { #- boot off the second drive, so reverse the BIOS maps $_->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => '0x81', '0x81' => '0x80' } if $_->{table} && ($lilo->{first_hd_device} || $lilo->{boot}) !~ /$_->{table}/; map_each { print F "map ($::b) ($::a)" } %{$_->{mapdrive} || {}}; print F "makeactive"; } print F "chainloader +1"; } } } my $hd = fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{rootDevice}; my $dev = dev2grub($lilo->{first_hd_device} || $lilo->{boot}, \%dev2bios); my ($s1, $s2, $m) = map { $file2grub->("/boot/grub/$_") } qw(stage1 stage2 menu.lst); my $f = "/boot/grub/"; output "$prefix$f", "grub --device-map=/boot/grub/ --batch <{boot_drive}:\\lnx4win$_" } @_; } sub loadlin_cmd { my ($prefix, $lilo) = @_; my $e = get_label("linux", $lilo) || first(grep { $_->{type} eq "image" } @{$lilo->{entries}}); cp_af("$prefix$e->{kernel_or_dev}", "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz") unless -e "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz"; cp_af("$prefix$e->{initrd}", "$prefix/boot/initrd.img") unless -e "$prefix/boot/initrd.img"; $e->{label}, sprintf"%s %s initrd=%s root=%s $e->{append}", lnx4win_file($lilo, "/loadlin.exe", "/boot/vmlinuz", "/boot/initrd.img"), $e->{root} =~ /loop7/ ? "0707" : $e->{root}; #- special to workaround bug in kernel (see #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP) } sub install_loadlin { my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab) = @_; my $boot; ($boot) = grep { $lilo->{boot} eq "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab; ($boot) = grep { loopback::carryRootLoopback($_) } @$fstab unless $boot && $boot->{device_windobe}; ($boot) = grep { isFat($_) } @$fstab unless $boot && $boot->{device_windobe}; log::l("loadlin device is $boot->{device} (windobe $boot->{device_windobe})"); $lilo->{boot_drive} = $boot->{device_windobe}; my ($winpart) = grep { $_->{device_windobe} eq 'C' } @$fstab; log::l("winpart is $winpart->{device}"); my $winhandle = any::inspect($winpart, $prefix, 'rw'); my $windrive = $winhandle->{dir}; log::l("windrive is $windrive"); my ($label, $cmd) = loadlin_cmd($prefix, $lilo); #install_loadlin_config_sys($lilo, $windrive, $label, $cmd); #install_loadlin_desktop($lilo, $windrive); output "/initrd/loopfs/lnx4win/linux.bat", unix2dos( '@echo off echo Mandrake Linux smartdrv /C ' . "$cmd\n"); } sub install_loadlin_config_sys { my ($lilo, $windrive, $label, $cmd) = @_; my $config_sys = "$windrive/config.sys"; local $_ = cat_($config_sys); output "$windrive/config.mdk", $_ if $_; my $timeout = $lilo->{timeout} || 1; $_ = " [Menu] menuitem=Windows menudefault=Windows,$timeout [Windows] " . $_ if !/^\Q[Menu]/m; #- remove existing entry s/^menuitem=$label\s*//mi; s/\n\[$label\].*?(\n\[|$)/$1/si; #- add entry s/(.*\nmenuitem=[^\n]*)/$1\nmenuitem=$label/s; $_ .= " [$label] shell=$cmd "; output $config_sys, unix2dos($_); } sub install_loadlin_desktop { my ($lilo, $windrive) = @_; my $windir = lc(cat_("$windrive/msdos.sys") =~ /^WinDir=.:\\(\S+)/m ? $1 : "windows"); #-PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows #-PO: so you may need to put them in English or in a different language if MS-windows doesn't exist in your language foreach (__("Desktop"), #-PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows __("Start Menu")) { my $d = "$windrive/$windir/" . translate($_); -d $d or $d = "$windrive/$windir/$_"; -d $d or log::l("can't find windows $d directory"), next; output "$d/Linux4Win.url", unix2dos(sprintf q([InternetShortcut] URL=file:\lnx4win\lnx4win.exe WorkingDirectory=%s IconFile=%s IconIndex=0 ), lnx4win_file($lilo, "/", "/lnx4win.ico")); } } sub install { my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) = @_; if (my ($p) = grep { $lilo->{boot} =~ /\Q$_->{device}/ } @$fstab) { die _("You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition\n", partition_table::type2fs($p)) if isThisFs('xfs', $p); } $lilo->{keytable} = keytable($prefix, $lilo->{keytable}); if (exists $lilo->{methods}{grub}) { #- when lilo is selected, we don't try to install grub. #- just create the config file in case it may be useful eval { write_grub_config($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) }; } my %l = grep_each { $::b } %{$lilo->{methods}}; my @rcs = map { c::is_secure_file('/tmp/.error') or die "can't ensure a safe /tmp/.error"; my $f = $bootloader::{"install_$_"} or die "unknown bootloader method $_"; eval { $f->(@_) }; $@; } reverse sort keys %l; #- reverse sort for having grub installed after lilo if both are there. return if grep { !$_ } @rcs; #- at least one worked? die first(map { $_ } @rcs); } #-###################################################################################### #- Wonderful perl :( #-###################################################################################### 1; # href='#n869'>869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160
package lang; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use common;
use log;

#- key: lang name (locale name for some (~5) special cases needing
#-      extra distinctions)
#- [0]: lang name in english
#- [1]: transliterated locale name in the locale name (used for sorting)
#- [2]: default locale name to use for that language if there isn't
#-      an existing locale for the combination language+country choosen
#- [3]: geographic groups that this language belongs to (for displaying
#-      in the menu grouped in smaller lists), 1=Europe, 2=Asia, 3=Africa,
#-      4=Oceania&Pacific, 5=America (if you wonder, it's the order
#-      used in the olympic flag)
#- [4]: special value for LANGUAGE variable (if different of the default
#-      of 'll_CC:ll_DD:ll' (ll_CC: locale (if exist) resulting of the
#-      combination of chosen lang (ll) and country (CC), ll_DD: the
#-      default locale shown here (field [2]) and ll: the language (the key))
our %langs = (
'af' =>    [ 'Afrikaans',           'Afrikaans',         'af_ZA', '  3  ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'am' =>    [ 'Amharic',             'ZZ emarNa',         'am_ET', '  3  ', 'utf_am' ],
'ar' =>    [ 'Arabic',              'AA Arabic',         'ar_EG', ' 23  ', 'utf_ar' ],
'as' =>    [ 'Assamese',            'ZZ Assamese',       'as_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_bn' ],
'az' =>    [ 'Azeri (Latin)',       'Azerbaycanca',      'az_AZ', ' 2   ', 'utf_az' ],
'be' =>    [ 'Belarussian',         'Belaruskaya',       'be_BY', '1    ', 'cp1251' ],
'bg' =>    [ 'Bulgarian',           'Blgarski',          'bg_BG', '1    ', 'cp1251' ],
'bn' =>    [ 'Bengali',             'ZZ Bengali',        'bn_BD', ' 2   ', 'utf_bn' ],
'br' =>    [ 'Britton',             'Brezhoneg',         'br_FR', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'br:fr_FR:fr' ],
'bs' =>    [ 'Bosnian',             'Bosanski',          'bs_BA', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'ca' =>    [ 'Catalan',             'Catala',            'ca_ES', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'ca:es_ES:es' ],
'cs' =>    [ 'Czech',               'Cestina',           'cs_CZ', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'cy' =>    [ 'Welsh',               'Cymraeg',           'cy_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'cy:en_GB:en' ],
'da' =>    [ 'Danish',              'Dansk',             'da_DK', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'de' =>    [ 'German',              'Deutsch',           'de_DE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
#-'dz' =>  [ 'Buthanese',           'ZZ Dzhonka',        'dz_BT', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
'el' =>    [ 'Greek',               'Ellynika',          'el_GR', '1    ', 'iso-8859-7' ],
'en_GB' => [ 'English',             'English',           'en_GB', '12345', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'en_US' => [ 'English (American)', 'English (American)', 'en_US', '    5', 'C' ],
'en_IE' => [ 'English (Ireland)',   'English (Ireland)', 'en_IE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'en_IE:en_GB:en' ],
'eo' =>    [ 'Esperanto',           'Esperanto',         'eo_XX', '12345', 'unicode' ],
'es' =>    [ 'Spanish',             'Espanol',           'es_ES', '1 3 5', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'et' =>    [ 'Estonian',            'Eesti',             'et_EE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'eu' =>    [ 'Euskara (Basque)',    'Euskara',           'eu_ES', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'fa' =>    [ 'Farsi (Iranian)',     'AA Farsi',          'fa_IR', ' 2   ', 'utf_ar' ],
'fi' =>    [ 'Finnish (Suomi)',     'Suomi',             'fi_FI', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'fo' =>    [ 'Faroese',             'Foroyskt',          'fo_FO', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'fr' =>    [ 'French',              'Francais',          'fr_FR', '1 345', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'ga' =>    [ 'Gaelic (Irish)',      'Gaeilge',           'ga_IE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'ga:en_IE:en_GB:en' ],
#'gd' =>   [ 'Gaelic (Scottish)',   'Gaidhlig',          'gd_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'gd:en_GB:en' ],
'gl' =>    [ 'Galician',            'Galego',            'gl_ES', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'gl:es_ES:es:pt:pt_BR' ],
'gu' =>    [ 'Gujarati',            'ZZ Gujarati',       'gu_IN', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
#'gv' =>   [ 'Gaelic (Manx)',       'Gaelg',             'gv_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'gv:en_GB:en' ],
'he' =>    [ 'Hebrew',              'AA Ivrit',          'he_IL', ' 2   ', 'utf_he' ],
'hi' =>    [ 'Hindi',               'ZZ Hindi',          'hi_IN', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
'hr' =>    [ 'Croatian',            'Hrvatski',          'hr_HR', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'hu' =>    [ 'Hungarian',           'Magyar',            'hu_HU', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'hy' =>    [ 'Armenian',            'ZZ Armenian',       'hy_AM', ' 2   ', 'utf_hy' ],
# locale not done yet
#'ia' =>   [ 'Interlingua',         'Interlingua',       'ia_XX', '1   5', 'utf8' ],
'id' =>    [ 'Indonesian',          'Bahasa Indonesia',  'id_ID', ' 2   ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'is' =>    [ 'Icelandic',           'Islenska',          'is_IS', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'it' =>    [ 'Italian',             'Italiano',          'it_IT', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
#-'iu' =>  [ 'Inuktitut',           'ZZ Inuktitut',      'iu_CA', '    5', 'utf_iu' ],
'ja' =>    [ 'Japanese',            'ZZ Nihongo',        'ja_JP', ' 2   ', 'jisx0208' ],
'ka' =>    [ 'Georgian',            'ZZ Georgian',       'ka_GE', ' 2   ', 'utf_ka' ],
#-'kl' =>  [ 'Greenlandic (inuit)', 'ZZ Inuit',          'kl_GL', '    5', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'kn' =>    [ 'Kannada',             'ZZ Kannada',        'kn_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_kn' ],
'ko' =>    [ 'Korean',              'ZZ Korea',          'ko_KR', ' 2   ', 'ksc5601' ],
'ku' =>    [ 'Kurdish',             'Kurdi',             'ku_TR', ' 2   ', 'iso-8859-9' ],
#-'kw' =>  [ 'Cornish',             'Kernewek',          'kw_GB', '1    ', 'utf_lat8',    'kw:en_GB:en' ],
'li' =>    [ 'Limbourgish',         'Limburgs',          'li_NL', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'lo' =>    [ 'Laotian',             'Laotian',           'lo_LA', ' 2   ', 'utf_lo' ],
'lt' =>    [ 'Lithuanian',          'Lietuviskai',       'lt_LT', '1    ', 'iso-8859-13' ],
'lv' =>    [ 'Latvian',             'Latviesu',          'lv_LV', '1    ', 'iso-8859-13' ],
'mi' =>    [ 'Maori',               'Maori',             'mi_NZ', '   4 ', 'unicode' ],
'mk' =>    [ 'Macedonian',          'Makedonski',        'mk_MK', '1    ', 'utf_cyr1' ],
'ml' =>    [ 'Malayalam',           'ZZ Malayalam',      'ml_IN', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
'mn' =>    [ 'Mongolian',           'Mongol',            'mn_MN', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2' ],
'mr' =>    [ 'Marathi',             'ZZ Marathi',        'mr_IN', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
'ms' =>    [ 'Malay',               'Bahasa Melayu',     'ms_MY', ' 2   ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'mt' =>    [ 'Maltese',             'Maltin',            'mt_MT', '1 3  ', 'unicode' ],
'nb' =>    [ 'Norwegian Bokmaal',   'Norsk, Bokmal',     'nb_NO', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1',  'nb:no' ],
#'nds' =>   [ 'Low Saxon',           'Platduutsch',      'nds_DE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'ne' =>    [ 'Nepali',              'ZZ Nepali',         'ne_NP', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
'nl' =>    [ 'Dutch',               'Nederlands',        'nl_NL', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15' ],
'nn' =>    [ 'Norwegian Nynorsk',   'Norsk, Nynorsk',    'nn_NO', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1',  'nn:no@nynorsk:no_NY:no:nb' ],
'oc' =>    [ 'Occitan',             'Occitan',           'oc_FR', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1',  'oc:fr_FR:fr' ],
#-'ph' =>  [ 'Pilipino',            'Pilipino',          'ph_PH', ' 2   ', 'iso-8859-1',  'ph:tl' ],
'pl' =>    [ 'Polish',              'Polski',            'pl_PL', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'pt' =>    [ 'Portuguese',          'Portugues',         'pt_PT', '1 3  ', 'iso-8859-15', 'pt_PT:pt:pt_BR' ],
'pt_BR' => [ 'Portuguese Brazil', 'Portugues do Brasil', 'pt_BR', '    5', 'iso-8859-1',  'pt_BR:pt_PT:pt' ],
'ro' =>    [ 'Romanian',            'Romana',            'ro_RO', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'ru' =>    [ 'Russian',             'Russkij',           'ru_RU', '12   ', 'koi8-u' ],
'se' =>    [ 'Saami',               'Samegiella',        'se_NO', '1    ', 'unicode' ], 
'sk' =>    [ 'Slovak',              'Slovencina',        'sk_SK', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'sl' =>    [ 'Slovenian',           'Slovenscina',       'sl_SI', '1    ', 'iso-8859-2' ],
'sq' =>    [ 'Albanian',            'Shqip',             'sq_AL', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1' ], 
'sr' =>    [ 'Serbian Cyrillic',    'Srpska',            'sr_CS', '1    ', 'utf_cyr1', 'sp:sr' ],
'sr@Latn' => [ 'Serbian Latin',     'Srpska',            'sr_CS', '1    ', 'unicode',  'sh:sr@Latn' ], 
#- ss_ZA not yet done, using en_ZA locale instead
'ss' =>    [ 'Swati',               'SiSwati',           'en_ZA', '  3  ', 'iso-8859-1', 'ss:en_ZA' ],
'st' =>    [ 'Sotho',               'Sesotho',           'st_ZA', '  3  ', 'iso-8859-1', 'st:nso:en_ZA' ],
'sv' =>    [ 'Swedish',             'Svenska',           'sv_SE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'ta' =>    [ 'Tamil',               'ZZ Tamil',          'ta_IN', ' 2   ', 'utf_ta' ],
'te' =>    [ 'Telugu',              'ZZ Telugu',         'te_IN', ' 2   ', 'unicode' ],
'tg' =>    [ 'Tajik',               'Tojiki',            'tg_TJ', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2' ],
'th' =>    [ 'Thai',                'ZZ Thai',           'th_TH', ' 2   ', 'tis620' ],
'tr' =>    [ 'Turkish',             'Turkce',            'tr_TR', ' 2   ', 'iso-8859-9' ],
#-'tt' =>  [ 'Tatar',               'Tatar',             'tt_RU', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2' ],
'uk' =>    [ 'Ukrainian',           'Ukrayinska',        'uk_UA', '1    ', 'koi8-u' ],
#-'ur' =>  [ 'Urdu',                'AA Urdu',           'ur_PK', ' 2   ', 'utf_ar' ],  
'uz@Latn' => [ 'Uzbek (latin)',     'Ozbekcha',          'uz_UZ', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2', 'uz@Latn:uz' ],
'uz' =>    [ 'Uzbek (cyrillic)',    'Ozbekcha',          'uz_UZ', ' 2   ', 'utf_cyr2', 'uz@Cyrl:uz' ],
#- ve_ZA not yet done, using en_ZA locale instead
've' =>    [ 'Venda',               'Venda',             'en_ZA', '  3  ', 'iso-8859-1', 've:ven:en_ZA' ],
'vi' =>    [ 'Vietnamese',          'Tieng Viet',        'vi_VN', ' 2   ', 'utf_vi' ],
'wa' =>    [ 'Walon',               'Walon',             'wa_BE', '1    ', 'iso-8859-15', 'wa:fr_BE:fr' ],
#- locale not done yet
#'wen' =>   [ 'Sorbian',             'XX Sorbian',       'wen_XX', '1    ', 'iso-8859-1' ],
'xh' =>    [ 'Xhosa',               'IsiXhosa',          'xh_ZA', '  3  ', 'iso-8859-1', 'xh:en_ZA' ],
'yi' =>    [ 'Yiddish',             'AA Yidish',         'yi_US', '1   5', 'utf_he' ],
'zh_CN' => [ 'Chinese Simplified',  'ZZ ZhongWen',       'zh_CN', ' 2   ', 'gb2312',      'zh_CN.GB2312:zh_CN:zh' ],
'zh_TW' => [ 'Chinese Traditional', 'ZZ ZhongWen',       'zh_TW', ' 2   ', 'Big5',        'zh_TW.Big5:zh_TW:zh_HK:zh' ],
'zu' =>    [ 'Zulu',                 'IsiZulu',          'zu_ZA', '  3  ', 'iso-8859-1', 'xh:en_ZA' ],
sub l2name           { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[0] }
sub l2transliterated { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[1] }
sub l2locale         { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[2] }
sub l2location {
    my %geo = (1 => 'Europe', 2 => 'Asia', 3 => 'Africa', 4 => 'Oceania/Pacific', 5 => 'America');
    map { if_($langs{$_[0]}[3] =~ $_, $geo{$_}) } 1..5;
sub l2charset        { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[4] }
sub l2language       { exists $langs{$_[0]} && $langs{$_[0]}[5] }
sub list_langs {
    my (%options) = @_;
    my @l = keys %langs;
    $options{exclude_non_installed} ? grep { -e "/usr/share/locale/".l2locale($_)."/LC_CTYPE" } @l : @l;

sub text_direction_rtl() { N("default:LTR") eq "default:RTL" }

#- key: country name (that should be YY in xx_YY locale)
#- [0]: country name in natural language
#- [1]: default locale for that country 
#- [2]: geographic groups that this country belongs to (for displaying
#-      in the menu grouped in smaller lists), 1=Europe, 2=Asia, 3=Africa,
#-      4=Oceania&Pacific, 5=America (if you wonder, it's the order
#-      used in the olympic flag)
#- Note: for countries for which a glibc locale don't exist (yet) I tried to
#- put a locale that makes sense; and a '#' at the end of the line to show
#- the locale is not the "correct" one. 'en_US' is used when no good choice
#- is available.
my %countries = (
'AF' => [ N_("Afghanistan"),    'en_US', '2' ], #
'AD' => [ N_("Andorra"),        'ca_ES', '1' ], #
'AE' => [ N_("United Arab Emirates"), 'ar_AE', '2' ],
'AG' => [ N_("Antigua and Barbuda"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'AI' => [ N_("Anguilla"),       'en_US', '5' ], #
'AL' => [ N_("Albania"),        'sq_AL', '1' ],
'AM' => [ N_("Armenia"),        'hy_AM', '2' ],
'AN' => [ N_("Netherlands Antilles"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'AO' => [ N_("Angola"),         'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'AQ' => [ N_("Antarctica"),     'en_US', '4' ], #
'AR' => [ N_("Argentina"),      'es_AR', '5' ],
'AS' => [ N_("American Samoa"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'AT' => [ N_("Austria"),        'de_AT', '1' ],
'AU' => [ N_("Australia"),      'en_AU', '4' ],
'AW' => [ N_("Aruba"),          'en_US', '5' ], #
'AZ' => [ N_("Azerbaijan"),     'az_AZ', '1' ],
'BA' => [ N_("Bosnia and Herzegovina"), 'bs_BA', '1' ],
'BB' => [ N_("Barbados"),       'en_US', '5' ], #
'BD' => [ N_("Bangladesh"),     'bn_BD', '2' ],
'BE' => [ N_("Belgium"),        'fr_BE', '1' ],
'BF' => [ N_("Burkina Faso"),   'en_US', '3' ], #
'BG' => [ N_("Bulgaria"),       'bg_BG', '1' ],
'BH' => [ N_("Bahrain"),        'ar_BH', '2' ],
'BI' => [ N_("Burundi"),        'en_US', '3' ], #
'BJ' => [ N_("Benin"),          'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'BM' => [ N_("Bermuda"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'BN' => [ N_("Brunei Darussalam"), 'ar_EG', '2' ], #
'BO' => [ N_("Bolivia"),        'es_BO', '5' ],
'BR' => [ N_("Brazil"),         'pt_BR', '5' ],
'BS' => [ N_("Bahamas"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'BT' => [ N_("Bhutan"),         'en_IN', '2' ], #
'BV' => [ N_("Bouvet Island"),  'en_US', '3' ], #
'BW' => [ N_("Botswana"),       'en_BW', '3' ],
'BY' => [ N_("Belarus"),        'be_BY', '1' ],
'BZ' => [ N_("Belize"),         'en_US', '5' ], #
'CA' => [ N_("Canada"),         'en_CA', '5' ],
'CC' => [ N_("Cocos (Keeling) Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'CD' => [ N_("Congo (Kinshasa)"), 'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CF' => [ N_("Central African Republic"), 'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CG' => [ N_("Congo (Brazzaville)"), 'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CH' => [ N_("Switzerland"),    'de_CH', '1' ],
'CI' => [ N_("Cote d'Ivoire"),  'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CK' => [ N_("Cook Islands"),   'en_US', '4' ], #
'CL' => [ N_("Chile"),          'es_CL', '5' ],
'CM' => [ N_("Cameroon"),       'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CN' => [ N_("China"),          'zh_CN', '2' ],
'CO' => [ N_("Colombia"),       'es_CO', '5' ],
'CR' => [ N_("Costa Rica"),     'es_CR', '5' ],
'CU' => [ N_("Cuba"),           'es_DO', '5' ], #
'CV' => [ N_("Cape Verde"),     'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'CX' => [ N_("Christmas Island"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'CY' => [ N_("Cyprus"),         'en_US', '1' ], #
'CZ' => [ N_("Czech Republic"), 'cs_CZ', '2' ],
'DE' => [ N_("Germany"),        'de_DE', '1' ],
'DJ' => [ N_("Djibouti"),       'en_US', '3' ], #
'DK' => [ N_("Denmark"),        'da_DK', '1' ],
'DM' => [ N_("Dominica"),       'en_US', '5' ], #
'DO' => [ N_("Dominican Republic"), 'es_DO', '5' ],
'DZ' => [ N_("Algeria"),        'ar_DZ', '3' ],
'EC' => [ N_("Ecuador"),        'es_EC', '5' ],
'EE' => [ N_("Estonia"),        'et_EE', '1' ],
'EG' => [ N_("Egypt"),          'ar_EG', '3' ],
'EH' => [ N_("Western Sahara"), 'ar_MA', '3' ], #
'ER' => [ N_("Eritrea"),        'ti_ER', '3' ],
'ES' => [ N_("Spain"),          'es_ES', '1' ],
'ET' => [ N_("Ethiopia"),       'am_ET', '3' ],
'FI' => [ N_("Finland"),        'fi_FI', '1' ],
'FJ' => [ N_("Fiji"),           'en_US', '4' ], #
'FK' => [ N_("Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"), 'en_GB', '5' ], #
'FM' => [ N_("Micronesia"),     'en_US', '4' ], #
'FO' => [ N_("Faroe Islands"),  'fo_FO', '1' ],
'FR' => [ N_("France"),         'fr_FR', '1' ],
'GA' => [ N_("Gabon"),          'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'GB' => [ N_("United Kingdom"), 'en_GB', '1' ],
'GD' => [ N_("Grenada"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'GE' => [ N_("Georgia"),        'ka_GE', '2' ],
'GF' => [ N_("French Guiana"),  'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'GH' => [ N_("Ghana"),          'en_GB', '3' ], #
'GI' => [ N_("Gibraltar"),      'en_GB', '1' ], #
'GL' => [ N_("Greenland"),      'kl_GL', '5' ],
'GM' => [ N_("Gambia"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'GN' => [ N_("Guinea"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'GP' => [ N_("Guadeloupe"),     'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'GQ' => [ N_("Equatorial Guinea"), 'en_US', '3' ], #
'GR' => [ N_("Greece"),         'el_GR', '1' ],
'GS' => [ N_("South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'GT' => [ N_("Guatemala"),      'es_GT', '5' ],
'GU' => [ N_("Guam"),           'en_US', '4' ], #
'GW' => [ N_("Guinea-Bissau"),  'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'GY' => [ N_("Guyana"),         'en_US', '5' ], #
'HK' => [ N_("China (Hong Kong)"),      'zh_HK', '2' ],
'HM' => [ N_("Heard and McDonald Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'HN' => [ N_("Honduras"),       'es_HN', '5' ],
'HR' => [ N_("Croatia"),        'hr_HR', '1' ],
'HT' => [ N_("Haiti"),          'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'HU' => [ N_("Hungary"),        'hu_HU', '1' ],
'ID' => [ N_("Indonesia"),      'id_ID', '2' ],
'IE' => [ N_("Ireland"),        'en_IE', '1' ],
'IL' => [ N_("Israel"),         'he_IL', '2' ],
'IN' => [ N_("India"),          'hi_IN', '2' ],
'IO' => [ N_("British Indian Ocean Territory"), 'en_GB', '2' ], #
'IQ' => [ N_("Iraq"),           'ar_IQ', '2' ],
'IR' => [ N_("Iran"),           'fa_IR', '2' ],
'IS' => [ N_("Iceland"),        'is_IS', '1' ],
'IT' => [ N_("Italy"),          'it_IT', '1' ],
'JM' => [ N_("Jamaica"),        'en_US', '5' ], #
'JO' => [ N_("Jordan"),         'ar_JO', '2' ],
'JP' => [ N_("Japan"),          'ja_JP', '2' ],
'KE' => [ N_("Kenya"),          'en_ZW', '3' ], #
'KG' => [ N_("Kyrgyzstan"),     'en_US', '2' ], #
'KH' => [ N_("Cambodia"),       'en_US', '2' ], # km_KH not released yet
'KI' => [ N_("Kiribati"),       'en_US', '3' ], #
'KM' => [ N_("Comoros"),        'en_US', '2' ], #
'KN' => [ N_("Saint Kitts and Nevis"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'KP' => [ N_("Korea (North)"),  'ko_KR', '2' ], #
'KR' => [ N_("Korea"),          'ko_KR', '2' ],
'KW' => [ N_("Kuwait"),         'ar_KW', '2' ],
'KY' => [ N_("Cayman Islands"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'KZ' => [ N_("Kazakhstan"),     'ru_RU', '2' ], #
'LA' => [ N_("Laos"),           'lo_LA', '2' ],
'LB' => [ N_("Lebanon"),        'ar_LB', '2' ],
'LC' => [ N_("Saint Lucia"),    'en_US', '5' ], #
'LI' => [ N_("Liechtenstein"),  'de_CH', '1' ], #
'LK' => [ N_("Sri Lanka"),      'en_IN', '2' ], #
'LR' => [ N_("Liberia"),        'en_US', '3' ], #
'LS' => [ N_("Lesotho"),        'en_BW', '3' ], #
'LT' => [ N_("Lithuania"),      'lt_LT', '1' ],
'LU' => [ N_("Luxembourg"),     'de_LU', '1' ],
'LV' => [ N_("Latvia"),         'lv_LV', '1' ],
'LY' => [ N_("Libya"),          'ar_LY', '3' ],
'MA' => [ N_("Morocco"),        'ar_MA', '3' ],
'MC' => [ N_("Monaco"),         'fr_FR', '1' ], #
'MD' => [ N_("Moldova"),        'ro_RO', '1' ], #
'MG' => [ N_("Madagascar"),     'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'MH' => [ N_("Marshall Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'MK' => [ N_("Macedonia"),      'mk_MK', '1' ],
'ML' => [ N_("Mali"),           'en_US', '3' ], #
'MM' => [ N_("Myanmar"),        'en_US', '2' ], #
'MN' => [ N_("Mongolia"),       'mn_MN', '2' ],
'MP' => [ N_("Northern Mariana Islands"), 'en_US', '2' ], #
'MQ' => [ N_("Martinique"),     'fr_FR', '5' ], #
'MR' => [ N_("Mauritania"),     'en_US', '3' ], #
'MS' => [ N_("Montserrat"),     'en_US', '5' ], #
'MT' => [ N_("Malta"),          'mt_MT', '1' ],
'MU' => [ N_("Mauritius"),      'en_US', '3' ], #
'MV' => [ N_("Maldives"),       'en_US', '4' ], #
'MW' => [ N_("Malawi"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'MX' => [ N_("Mexico"),         'es_MX', '5' ],
'MY' => [ N_("Malaysia"),       'ms_MY', '2' ],
'MZ' => [ N_("Mozambique"),     'pt_PT', '3' ], #
'NA' => [ N_("Namibia"),        'en_US', '3' ], #
'NC' => [ N_("New Caledonia"),  'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'NE' => [ N_("Niger"),          'en_US', '3' ], #
'NF' => [ N_("Norfolk Island"), 'en_GB', '4' ], #
'NG' => [ N_("Nigeria"),        'en_US', '3' ], #
'NI' => [ N_("Nicaragua"),      'es_NI', '5' ],
'NL' => [ N_("Netherlands"),    'nl_NL', '1' ],
'NO' => [ N_("Norway"),         'nb_NO', '1' ],
'NP' => [ N_("Nepal"),          'ne_NP', '2' ],
'NR' => [ N_("Nauru"),          'en_US', '4' ], #
'NU' => [ N_("Niue"),           'en_US', '4' ], #
'NZ' => [ N_("New Zealand"),    'en_NZ', '4' ],
'OM' => [ N_("Oman"),           'ar_OM', '2' ],
'PA' => [ N_("Panama"),         'es_PA', '5' ],
'PE' => [ N_("Peru"),           'es_PE', '5' ],
'PF' => [ N_("French Polynesia"), 'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'PG' => [ N_("Papua New Guinea"), 'en_NZ', '4' ], #
'PH' => [ N_("Philippines"),    'ph_PH', '2' ],
'PK' => [ N_("Pakistan"),       'ur_PK', '2' ],
'PL' => [ N_("Poland"),         'pl_PL', '1' ],
'PM' => [ N_("Saint Pierre and Miquelon"), 'fr_CA', '5' ], #
'PN' => [ N_("Pitcairn"),      'en_US', '4' ], #
'PR' => [ N_("Puerto Rico"),    'es_PR', '5' ],
'PS' => [ N_("Palestine"),      'ar_JO', '2' ], #
'PT' => [ N_("Portugal"),       'pt_PT', '1' ],
'PY' => [ N_("Paraguay"),       'es_PY', '5' ],
'PW' => [ N_("Palau"),          'en_US', '2' ], #
'QA' => [ N_("Qatar"),          'ar_QA', '2' ],
'RE' => [ N_("Reunion"),        'fr_FR', '2' ], #
'RO' => [ N_("Romania"),        'ro_RO', '1' ],
'RU' => [ N_("Russia"),         'ru_RU', '1' ],
'RW' => [ N_("Rwanda"),         'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'SA' => [ N_("Saudi Arabia"),   'ar_SA', '2' ],
'SB' => [ N_("Solomon Islands"), 'en_US', '4' ], #
'SC' => [ N_("Seychelles"),     'en_US', '4' ], #
'SD' => [ N_("Sudan"),          'ar_SD', '5' ],
'SE' => [ N_("Sweden"),         'sv_SE', '1' ],
'SG' => [ N_("Singapore"),      'en_SG', '2' ],
'SH' => [ N_("Saint Helena"),   'en_GB', '5' ], #
'SI' => [ N_("Slovenia"),       'sl_SI', '1' ],
'SJ' => [ N_("Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"), 'en_US', '1' ], #
'SK' => [ N_("Slovakia"),       'sk_SK', '1' ],
'SL' => [ N_("Sierra Leone"),   'en_US', '3' ], #
'SM' => [ N_("San Marino"),     'it_IT', '1' ], #
'SN' => [ N_("Senegal"),        'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'SO' => [ N_("Somalia"),        'en_US', '3' ], # so_SO
'SR' => [ N_("Suriname"),       'nl_NL', '5' ], #
'ST' => [ N_("Sao Tome and Principe"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'SV' => [ N_("El Salvador"),    'es_SV', '5' ],
'SY' => [ N_("Syria"),          'ar_SY', '2' ],
'SZ' => [ N_("Swaziland"),      'en_BW', '3' ], #
'TC' => [ N_("Turks and Caicos Islands"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'TD' => [ N_("Chad"),           'en_US', '3' ], #
'TF' => [ N_("French Southern Territories"), 'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'TG' => [ N_("Togo"),           'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'TH' => [ N_("Thailand"),       'th_TH', '2' ],
'TJ' => [ N_("Tajikistan"),     'tg_TJ', '2' ],
'TK' => [ N_("Tokelau"),        'en_US', '4' ], #
'TL' => [ N_("East Timor"),     'pt_PT', '4' ], #
'TM' => [ N_("Turkmenistan"),   'en_US', '2' ], #
'TN' => [ N_("Tunisia"),        'ar_TN', '5' ],
'TO' => [ N_("Tonga"),          'en_US', '3' ], #
'TR' => [ N_("Turkey"),         'tr_TR', '2' ],
'TT' => [ N_("Trinidad and Tobago"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'TV' => [ N_("Tuvalu"),         'en_US', '4' ], #
'TW' => [ N_("Taiwan"),         'zh_TW', '2' ],
'TZ' => [ N_("Tanzania"),       'en_US', '3' ], #
'UA' => [ N_("Ukraine"),        'uk_UA', '1' ],
'UG' => [ N_("Uganda"),         'en_US', '3' ], # lug_UG
'UM' => [ N_("United States Minor Outlying Islands"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'US' => [ N_("United States"),  'en_US', '5' ],
'UY' => [ N_("Uruguay"),        'es_UY', '5' ],
'UZ' => [ N_("Uzbekistan"),     'uz_UZ', '2' ],
'VA' => [ N_("Vatican"),        'it_IT', '1' ], #
'VC' => [ N_("Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"), 'en_US', '5' ], 
'VE' => [ N_("Venezuela"),      'es_VE', '5' ],
'VG' => [ N_("Virgin Islands (British)"), 'en_GB', '5' ], #
'VI' => [ N_("Virgin Islands (U.S.)"), 'en_US', '5' ], #
'VN' => [ N_("Vietnam"),        'vi_VN', '2' ],
'VU' => [ N_("Vanuatu"),        'en_US', '4' ], #
'WF' => [ N_("Wallis and Futuna"), 'fr_FR', '4' ], #
'WS' => [ N_("Samoa"),          'en_US', '4' ], #
'YE' => [ N_("Yemen"),          'ar_YE', '2' ],
'YT' => [ N_("Mayotte"),        'fr_FR', '3' ], #
'CS' => [ N_("Serbia & Montenegro"), 'sr_CS', '1' ],
'ZA' => [ N_("South Africa"),   'en_ZA', '5' ],
'ZM' => [ N_("Zambia"),         'en_US', '3' ], #
'ZW' => [ N_("Zimbabwe"),       'en_ZW', '5' ],
sub c2name   { exists $countries{$_[0]} && translate($countries{$_[0]}[0]) }
sub c2locale { exists $countries{$_[0]} && $countries{$_[0]}[1] }
sub list_countries {
    my (%options) = @_;
    my @l = keys %countries;
    $options{exclude_non_installed} ? grep { -e "/usr/share/locale/".c2locale($_)."/LC_CTYPE" } @l : @l;

#- this list is built with the following command on the compile cluster:
#- rpm -qpl /cooker/RPMS/locales-* | grep LC_CTYPE | cut -d'/' -f5 | grep '_' | grep -v '\.' | sort | tr '\n' ' ' ; echo
our @locales = qw(ad_ET af_ZA am_ET an_ES ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ ar_EG ar_IN ar_IQ ar_JO ar_KW ar_LB ar_LY ar_MA ar_OM ar_QA ar_SA ar_SD ar_SY ar_TN ar_YE as_IN az_AZ be_BY bg_BG bn_BD bn_IN br_FR bs_BA ca_ES cs_CZ cy_GB da_DK de_AT de_BE de_CH de_DE de_LU el_GR en_AU en_BE en_BW en_CA en_DK en_GB en_HK en_IE en_IN en_NZ en_PH en_SG en_US en_ZA en_ZW eo_XX es_AR es_BO es_CL es_CO es_CR es_DO es_EC es_ES es_GT es_HN es_MX es_NI es_PA es_PE es_PR es_PY es_SV es_US es_UY es_VE et_EE eu_ES fa_IR fi_FI fo_FO fr_BE fr_CA fr_CH fr_FR fr_LU ga_IE gd_GB gez_ER gez_ER@abegede gez_ET gez_ET@abegede gl_ES gu_IN gv_GB he_IL hi_IN hr_HR hu_HU hy_AM id_ID is_IS it_CH it_IT iu_CA ja_JP ka_GE kl_GL kn_IN ko_KR ku_TR kw_GB li_BE li_NL lo_LA lt_LT lv_LV mi_NZ mk_MK ml_IN mn_MN mr_IN ms_MY mt_MT nb_NO nds_DE nds_DE@traditional nds_NL ne_NP nl_BE nl_NL nn_NO oc_FR om_ET om_KE pa_IN ph_PH pl_PL pt_BR pt_PT qo_ET ro_RO ru_RU ru_UA se_NO sh_YU sid_ET sk_SK sl_SI sq_AL sr_CS sr_CS@Latn sr_YU sr_YU@Latn st_ZA sv_FI sv_SE sx_ET sz_ET ta_IN te_IN tg_TJ th_TH ti_ER ti_ET tig_ER tl_PH tr_TR tt_RU uk_UA ur_PK uz_UZ uz_UZ@Cyrl uz_UZ@Latn vi_VN wa_BE xh_ZA yi_US zh_CN zh_HK zh_SG zh_TW zu_ZA);
sub standard_locale {
    my ($lang, $country, $prefer_lang) = @_;
    member("${lang}_${country}", @locales) and return "${lang}_${country}";
    $prefer_lang && member($lang, @locales) and return $lang;
    length($lang) > 2 and $lang =~ s/^(..).*/$1/, goto retry;

sub fix_variant {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    #- uz@Cyrl_UZ -> uz_UZ@Cyrl
    $locale =~ s/(.*)(\@\w+)(_.*)/$1$3$2/;

sub getlocale_for_lang {
    my ($lang, $country, $o_utf8) = @_;
    fix_variant((standard_locale($lang, $country, 'prefer_lang') || l2locale($lang)) . ($o_utf8 ? '.UTF-8' : ''));

sub getlocale_for_country {
    my ($lang, $country, $o_utf8) = @_;
    fix_variant((standard_locale($lang, $country, '') || c2locale($country)) . ($o_utf8 ? '.UTF-8' : ''));

sub getLANGUAGE {
    my ($lang, $o_country, $o_utf8) = @_;
    l2language($lang) || join(':', uniq(getlocale_for_lang($lang, $o_country, $o_utf8), $lang, if_($lang =~ /^(..)_/, $1)));

my %xim = (
#- xcin only works with 'zh_TW', 'zh_TW.Big5', 'zh_CN', 'zh_CN.GB2312'
#- all other locale names, in particular 'zh_HK' or 'zh_TW.UTF-8'
#- are unknown to it. So chinput is used for all but 'zh_TW'
  'zh_TW' => { 
 	ENC => 'big5',
 	XIM => 'xcin',
 	XIM_PROGRAM => 'xcin',
 	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=xcin-zh_TW"',
  'zh_TW.UTF-8' => {
	ENC => 'utf8',
	XIM => 'Chinput',
	XIM_PROGRAM => '"chinput -big5"',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Chinput"',
  'zh_CN' => {
	ENC => 'gb',
	XIM => 'Chinput',
	XIM_PROGRAM => '"chinput -gb"',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Chinput"',
  'zh_CN.UTF-8' => {
	ENC => 'utf8',
	XIM => 'Chinput',
	XIM_PROGRAM => '"chinput -gb"',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Chinput"',
  'zh_SG' => {
	ENC => 'gb',
	XIM => 'Chinput',
	XIM_PROGRAM => '"chinput -gb"',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Chinput"',
  'zh_SG.UTF-8' => {
	ENC => 'utf8',
	XIM => 'Chinput',
	XIM_PROGRAM => '"chinput -gb"',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Chinput"',
  'zh_HK' => {
	ENC => 'big5',
	XIM => 'Chinput',
	XIM_PROGRAM => '"chinput -big5"',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Chinput"',
  'zh_HK.UTF-8' => {
	ENC => 'utf8',
	XIM => 'Chinput',
	XIM_PROGRAM => '"chinput -big5"',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Chinput"',
  'ko_KR' => {
	ENC => 'kr',
	XIM => 'Ami',
	#- NOTE: there are several possible versions of ami, for the different
	#- desktops (kde, gnome, etc). So XIM_PROGRAM isn't defined; it will
	#- be the xinitrc script, XIM section, that will choose the right one 
	#- XIM_PROGRAM => 'ami',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Ami"',
  'ko_KR.UTF-8' => {
	ENC => 'utf8',
	XIM => 'Ami',
	#- NOTE: there are several possible versions of ami, for the different
	#- desktops (kde, gnome, etc). So XIM_PROGRAM isn't defined; it will
	#- be the xinitrc script, XIM section, that will choose the right one 
	#- XIM_PROGRAM => 'ami',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=Ami"',
  'ja_JP' => {
	ENC => 'eucj',
	XIM => 'uim-anthy',
	XIM_PROGRAM => 'uim-xim',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=uim-anthy"',
  'ja_JP.UTF-8' => {
	ENC => 'utf8',
	XIM => 'uim-anthy',
	XIM_PROGRAM => 'uim-xim',
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=uim-anthy"',
  #- XFree86 has an internal XIM for Thai that enables syntax checking etc.
  #- 'Passthroug' is no check at all, 'BasicCheck' accepts bad sequences
  #- and convert them to right ones, 'Strict' refuses bad sequences
  'th_TH' => {
	XIM_PROGRAM => '/bin/true', #- it's an internal module
	XMODIFIERS => '"@im=BasicCheck"',
  #- xvnkb is not an XIM input method; but an input method of another
  #- kind, only XIM_PROGRAM needs to be defined
  #- ! xvnkb doesn't work in UTF-8 !
#-  'vi_VN.VISCII' => {
#-	XIM_PROGRAM => 'xvnkb',
#-  },

#- [0]: console font name
#- [1]: sfm map for console font (if needed)
#- [2]: acm file for console font (none if utf8)
#- [3]: iocharset param for mount (utf8 if utf8)
#- [4]: codepage parameter for mount (none if utf8)
my %charsets = (
#- chinese needs special console driver for text mode
"Big5"        => [ undef,         undef,   undef,           "big5",       "950" ],
"gb2312"      => [ undef,         undef,   undef,           "gb2312",     "936" ],
"C"           => [ "lat0-16",     undef,   "iso15",         "iso8859-1",  "850" ],
"iso-8859-1"  => [ "lat1-16",     undef,   "iso01",         "iso8859-1",  "850" ],
"iso-8859-2"  => [ "lat2-sun16",  undef,   "iso02",         "iso8859-2",  "852" ],
"iso-8859-5"  => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "iso05",         "iso8859-5",  "866" ],
"iso-8859-7"  => [ "iso07.f16",   undef,   "iso07",         "iso8859-7",  "869" ],
"iso-8859-9"  => [ "lat5u-16",    undef,   "iso09",         "iso8859-9",  "857" ],
"iso-8859-13" => [ "tlat7",       undef,   "iso13",         "iso8859-13", "775" ],
"iso-8859-15" => [ "lat0-16",     undef,   "iso15",         "iso8859-15", "850" ],
#- japanese needs special console driver for text mode [kon2]
"jisx0208"    => [ undef,         undef,   "trivial.trans", "euc-jp",     "932" ],
"koi8-r"      => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "koi8-r",        "koi8-r",     "866" ],
"koi8-u"      => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "koi8-u",        "koi8-u",     "866" ],
"cp1251"      => [ "UniCyr_8x16", undef,   "cp1251",        "cp1251",     "866" ],
#- korean needs special console driver for text mode
"ksc5601"     => [ undef,         undef,   undef,           "euc-kr",     "949" ],
#- I have no console font for Thai...
"tis620"      => [ undef,         undef,   "trivial.trans", "tis-620",    "874" ],
# UTF-8 encodings here; they differ in the console font mainly.
"utf_am"      => [ "Agafari-16",     undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_ar"      => [ "iso06.f16",      undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_az"      => [ "tiso09e",        undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_bn"      => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_cyr1"    => [ "UniCyr_8x16",    undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_cyr2"    => [ "koi8-k",         undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_he"      => [ "iso08.f16",      undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_hy"      => [ "arm8",           undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_ka"      => [ "t_geors",        undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_kn"      => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_lo"      => [ undef,            undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_ta"      => [ "tamil",          undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_vi"      => [ "tcvn8x16",       undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
"utf_lat8"    => [ "iso14.f16",      undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],
# default for utf-8 encodings
"unicode"     => [ "LatArCyrHeb-16", undef,   undef,      "utf8",    undef ],

#- for special cases not handled magically
my %charset2kde_charset = (
    gb2312 => 'gb2312.1980-0',
    jisx0208 => 'jisx0208.1983-0',
    ksc5601 => 'ksc5601.1987-0',
    Big5 => 'big5-0',
    cp1251 => 'microsoft-cp1251',
    utf8 => 'iso10646-1',
    tis620 => 'tis620-0',
    #- Tamil KDE translations still use TSCII, and KDE know it as iso-8859-1
    utf_ta => 'iso8859-1',

my @during_install__lang_having_their_LC_CTYPE = qw(ja ko ta);

#- -------------------

sub list { 
    my (%options) = @_;
    my @l = list_langs();
    if ($options{exclude_non_installed_langs}) {
	@l = grep { -e "/usr/share/locale/$_/LC_CTYPE" } @l;

sub l2console_font {
    my ($locale, $during_install) = @_;
    my $c = $charsets{l2charset($locale->{lang}) || return} or return;
    my ($name, $sfm, $acm) = @$c;
    undef $acm if $locale->{utf8} && !$during_install;
    ($name, $sfm, $acm);

sub get_kde_lang {
    my ($locale, $o_default) = @_;

    #- get it using 
    #- echo C $(rpm -qp --qf "%{name}\n" /RPMS/kde-i18n-*  | sed 's/kde-i18n-//')
    my @valid_kde_langs = qw(C af ar az be bg br bs ca cs cy da de el en_GB eo es et eu fa fi fo fr ga gl he hr hu id is it ja ko ku lo lt lv mi mk mn mt nb nl nn nso oc pl pt pt_BR ro ru se sk sl sr ss sv ta th tr uk uz ven vi wa wen xh zh_CN zh_TW zu);
    my %valid_kde_langs; @valid_kde_langs{@valid_kde_langs} = ();

    my $valid_lang = sub {
	my ($lang) = @_;
	#- fast & dirty solution to ensure bad entries do not happen
        my %fixlangs = (en => 'C', en_US => 'C',
                        'sr@Latn' => 'sr',
                        st => 'nso', ve => 'ven',
                        zh_CN => 'zh_CN', zh_SG => 'zh_CN', zh_TW => 'zh_TW', zh_HK => 'zh_TW');
        exists $fixlangs{$lang} ? $fixlangs{$lang} :
	  exists $valid_kde_langs{$lang} ? $lang :
	  exists $valid_kde_langs{substr($lang, 0, 2)} ? substr($lang, 0, 2) : '';

    my $r;
    $r ||= $valid_lang->($locale->{lang});
    $r ||= find { $valid_lang->($_) } split(':', getlocale_for_lang($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}));
    $r || $o_default || 'C';

sub charset2kde_charset {
    my ($charset, $o_default) = @_;
    my $iocharset = ($charsets{$charset} || [])->[3];

    my @valid_kde_charsets = qw(big5-0 gb2312.1980-0 iso10646-1 iso8859-1 iso8859-4 iso8859-6 iso8859-8 iso8859-13 iso8859-14 iso8859-15 iso8859-2 iso8859-3 iso8859-5 iso8859-7 iso8859-9 koi8-r koi8-u ksc5601.1987-0 jisx0208.1983-0 microsoft-cp1251 tis620-0);
    my %valid_kde_charsets; @valid_kde_charsets{@valid_kde_charsets} = ();

    my $valid_charset = sub {
	my ($charset) = @_;
	#- fast & dirty solution to ensure bad entries do not happen
	exists $valid_kde_charsets{$charset} && $charset;

    my $r;
    $r ||= $valid_charset->($charset2kde_charset{$charset});
    $r ||= $valid_charset->($charset2kde_charset{$iocharset});
    $r ||= $valid_charset->($iocharset);
    $r || $o_default || 'iso10646-1';

#- font+size for different charsets; the field [0] is the default,
#- others are overrridens for fixed(1), toolbar(2), menu(3) and taskbar(4)
my %charset2kde_font = (
  'C' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-1'  => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-2'  => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-7'  => [ "Helvetica,12", "courier,10", "Helvetica,11" ],
  'iso-8859-9'  => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-15' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'iso-8859-13' => [ "Sans,10", "Monospace,10" ],
  'jisx0208' => [ "Kochi Mincho,13", "Kochi Gothic,13" ],
  'ksc5601' => [ "Baekmuk Gulim,16" ],
  'gb2312' => [ "AR PL SungtiL GB,13" ],
  'Big5' => [ "AR PL Mingti2L Big5,13" ],
  'tis620' => [ "Norasi,16", "Norasi,15" ],
  'utf_ar' => [ "Kacs_qr,14", "Courier New,13", "Kacs_qr,13" ], 
  'utf_am' => [ "GF Zemen Unicode,15" ],
  'utf_az' => [ "Nimbus Sans,12", "Nimbus Mono,10", "Nimbus Sans,11" ],
  'utf_bn' => [ "Mukti,14", ],
  'utf_he' => [ "Nachlieli,13", , "Miriam Mono,10", "Nachlieli,11" ],
  'utf_hy' => [ "Artsounk,12", "Monospace,10", "Artsounk,11" ],
  'utf_kn' => [ "Sampige,14", ],
  'utf_ta' => [ "TSCu_Paranar,14", "Tsc_avarangalfxd,10", "TSCu_Paranar,12", ],
  #- the following should be changed to better defaults when better fonts
  #- get available
  'utf_vi' => [ "misc-fixed,13", "misc-fixed,13", "misc-fixed,10", ],
  'utf_ka' => [ "clearlyu,15" ],
  'utf_lo' => [ "clearlyu,15" ],
  'default' => [ "Nimbus Sans,12", "Nimbus Mono,10", "Nimbus Sans,11" ],

sub charset2kde_font {
    my ($charset, $type) = @_;

    my $font = $charset2kde_font{$charset} || $charset2kde_font{default};
    my $r = $font->[$type] || $font->[0];

    #- the format is "font-name,size,-1,5,0,0,0,0,0,0" I have no idea of the
    #- meaning of that "5"...

# this define pango name fonts (like "NimbusSans L") depending
# on the "charset" defined by language array. This allows to selecting
# an appropriate font for each language.
my %charset2pango_font = (
  'tis620' =>      "Norasi 17",
  'utf_ar' =>      "Kacst-Qr 14",
  'utf_cyr2' =>    "Nimbus Sans L 12",
  'utf_he' =>      "Sans 12",
  'utf_hy' =>      "Artsounk 14",
  'utf_ka' =>      "Sans 14",
  'utf_lo' =>      "Sans 14",
  'utf_ta' =>      "TSCu_Paranar 14",
  'utf_vi' =>      "Sans 14",
  'iso-8859-7' =>  "Kerkis 14",
  'jisx0208' =>    "Sans 18",
  #- Nimbus Sans L is missing some chars used by some cyrillic languages,
  #- but tose haven't yet DrakX translations; it also misses vietnamese
  #- latin chars; all other latin and cyrillic are covered.
  'default' =>     "Nimbus Sans L 12"

sub charset2pango_font {
    my ($charset) = @_;
    $charset2pango_font{exists $charset2pango_font{$charset} ? $charset : 'default'};

sub l2pango_font {
    my ($lang) = @_;

    my $charset = l2charset($lang) or log::l("no charset found for lang $lang!"), return;
    my $font = charset2pango_font($charset);
    log::l("lang:$lang charset:$charset font:$font sfm:$charsets{$charset}[0]");

    if (common::usingRamdisk()) {
	if ($charsets{$charset}[0] !~ /lat|koi|UniCyr/) {
	    unlink glob_('/usr/share/langs/*');  #- remove langs images
	    my @generic_fontfiles = qw(/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/12x13mdk.pcf.gz /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/18x18mdk.pcf.gz);
	    #- need to unlink first because the files actually exist (and are void); they must exist
	    #- because if not, when gtk starts, pango will recompute its cache file and exclude them
	    unlink($_), install_any::getAndSaveFile($_) foreach @generic_fontfiles;

	my %pango_modules = (arabic => 'ar|fa|ur', hangul => 'ko', hebrew => 'he|yi', indic => 'hi|bn|ta|te|mr', thai => 'th');
	foreach my $module (keys %pango_modules) {
	    next if $lang !~ /$pango_modules{$module}/;
	    my ($pango_modules_dir) = glob('/usr/lib/pango/*/modules');
    return $font;

sub set {
    my ($locale, $b_translate_for_console) = @_;
    if ($::move) {
	put_in_hash(\%ENV, i18n_env($locale));

    my ($lang) = $locale->{lang};
    exists $langs{$lang} or log::l("lang::set: trying to set to $lang but I don't know it!"), return;

    my $dir = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/locale";
    if (!-e "$dir/$lang" && common::usingRamdisk()) {

	my $charset = during_install__l2charset($lang) || $lang;
	#- there are 3 main charsets containing everything for all locales, except LC_CTYPE
	#- by default, there is UTF-8.
	#- when asked for GB2312 or BIG5, removing the other main charsets
	my $main_charset = member($charset, 'GB2312', 'BIG5') ? $charset : 'UTF-8';
	#- removing everything
	#- except in main charset: only removing LC_CTYPE if it is there
	eval { rm_rf($_ eq $main_charset ? "$dir/$_/LC_CTYPE" : "$dir/$_") } foreach all($dir);
	if (!-e "$dir/$main_charset") {
	    #- getting the main charset
	    mkdir "$dir/$main_charset";
	    mkdir "$dir/$main_charset/LC_MESSAGES";
	    install_any::getAndSaveFile("$dir/$main_charset/$_") foreach @LCs, 'LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES';
	mkdir "$dir/$lang";
	#- linking to the main charset
	symlink "../$main_charset/$_", "$dir/$lang/$_" foreach @LCs, 'LC_MESSAGES';	    
	#- getting LC_CTYPE (putting it directly in $lang)
	install_any::getAndSaveFile("Mandrake/mdkinst$dir/$charset/LC_CTYPE", "$dir/$lang/LC_CTYPE");
    #- set all LC_* variables to a unique locale ("C"), and only redefine
    #- LC_CTYPE (for X11 choosing the fontset) and LANGUAGE (for the po files)
    $ENV{LC_CTYPE}    = $lang;
    $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} = $lang;
    $ENV{LANG}        = $lang;
    if ($b_translate_for_console && $lang =~ /^(ko|ja|zh|th)/) {
	log::l("not translating in console");
    } else {
	$ENV{LANGUAGE}  = getLANGUAGE($lang);

sub langs {
    my ($l) = @_;
    $l->{all} ? list_langs() : grep { $l->{$_} } keys %$l;

sub langsLANGUAGE {
    my ($l, $o_c) = @_;
    uniq(map { split ':', getLANGUAGE($_, $o_c) } langs($l));

sub utf8_should_be_needed {
    my ($locale) = @_; 
    l2charset($locale->{lang}) =~ /utf|unicode/
      || uniq(grep { $_ ne 'C' } map { l2charset($_) } langs($locale->{langs})) > 1;

sub pack_langs { 
    my ($l) = @_; 
    my $s = $l->{all} ? 'all' : join ':', uniq(map { getLANGUAGE($_) } langs($l));

sub system_locales_to_ourlocale {
    my ($locale_lang, $locale_country) = @_;
    my $locale = {};
    my $variant = $locale_lang =~ s/(\@\w+)// && $1;
    my $locale_lang_no_encoding = $locale_lang =~ /(.*)\./ ? $1 : $locale_lang;
    if (member($locale_lang_no_encoding, list_langs())) {
	#- special lang's such as en_US pt_BR
	$locale->{lang} = $locale_lang_no_encoding;
    } else {
	($locale->{lang}) = $locale_lang =~ /^(..)/;
    $locale->{lang} .= $variant;
    ($locale->{country}) = $locale_country =~ /^.._(..)/;
    $locale->{utf8} = $locale_lang =~ /UTF-8/;
    #- safe fallbacks
    $locale->{lang} ||= 'en_US';
    $locale->{country} ||= 'US';

sub read {
    my ($prefix, $user_only) = @_;
    my ($f1, $f2) = ("$prefix$ENV{HOME}/.i18n", "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/i18n");
    my %h = getVarsFromSh($user_only && -e $f1 ? $f1 : $f2);
    system_locales_to_ourlocale($h{LC_MESSAGES} || 'en_US', $h{LC_MONETARY} || 'en_US');

sub write_langs {
    my ($prefix, $langs) = @_;
    my $s = pack_langs($langs);
    symlink "$prefix/etc/rpm", "/etc/rpm" if $prefix;
    substInFile { s/%_install_langs.*//; $_ .= "%_install_langs $s\n" if eof && $s } "$prefix/etc/rpm/macros";

sub i18n_env {
    my ($locale) = @_;

    my $locale_lang = getlocale_for_lang($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}, $locale->{utf8});
    my $locale_country = getlocale_for_country($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}, $locale->{utf8});

    my $h = {
	XKB_IN_USE => '',
	(map { $_ => $locale_lang } qw(LANG LC_COLLATE LC_CTYPE LC_MESSAGES LC_TIME)),
	LANGUAGE => getLANGUAGE($locale->{lang}, $locale->{country}, $locale->{utf8}),

    log::l("lang::write: lang:$locale->{lang} country:$locale->{country} locale|lang:$locale_lang locale|country:$locale_country language:$h->{LANGUAGE}");


sub write { 
    my ($prefix, $locale, $b_user_only, $b_dont_touch_kde_files) = @_;

    $locale && $locale->{lang} or return;

    my $h = i18n_env($locale);

    my ($name, $sfm, $acm) = l2console_font($locale, 0);
    if ($name && !$b_user_only) {
	my $p = "$prefix/usr/lib/kbd";
	if ($name) {
	    eval {
		my $font = "$p/consolefonts/$name.psf";
		$font .= ".gz" if ! -e $font;
		cp_af($font, "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/console/consolefonts");
		add2hash $h, { SYSFONT => $name };
	    $@ and log::l("missing console font $name");
	if ($sfm) {
	    eval {
		cp_af(glob_("$p/consoletrans/$sfm*"), "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/console/consoletrans");
		add2hash $h, { UNIMAP => $sfm };
	    $@ and log::l("missing console unimap file $sfm");
	if ($acm) {
	    eval {
		cp_af(glob_("$p/consoletrans/$acm*"), "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/console/consoletrans");
		add2hash $h, { SYSFONTACM => $acm };
	    $@ and log::l("missing console acm file $acm");
    add2hash $h, $xim{$h->{LANG}};

    #- deactivate translations on console for RTL languages
    if ($h->{LANG} =~ /ar|fa|he|ur|yi/) {
	add2hash $h, { CONSOLE_NOT_LOCALIZED => 'yes' }

    setVarsInSh($prefix . ($b_user_only ? "$ENV{HOME}/.i18n" : '/etc/sysconfig/i18n'), $h);

    eval {
	my $confdir = $prefix . ($b_user_only ? "$ENV{HOME}/.kde" : '/usr') . '/share/config';

	-d $confdir or die 'not configuring kde config files since it is not installed/used';

	configure_kdeglobals($locale, $confdir);

	my %qt_xim = (zh => 'Over The Spot', ko => 'On The Spot', ja => 'Over The Spot');
	if ($b_user_only && (my $qt_xim = $qt_xim{substr($locale->{lang}, 0, 2)})) {
	    update_gnomekderc("$ENV{HOME}/.qt/qtrc", General => (XIMInputStyle => $qt_xim));

	if (!$b_user_only && $locale->{lang} !~ /^(zh_TW|th|vi|be|bg)/) { #- skip since we don't have the right font (it badly fails at least for zh_TW)
	    my $kde_charset = charset2kde_charset(l2charset($locale->{lang}));
	    my $welcome = c::to_utf8(N("Welcome to %s", '%n'));
	    substInFile { 
		if (!member($kde_charset, 'iso8859-1', 'iso8859-15')) { 
		    #- don't keep the default for those
	    } "$::prefix/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc";

    } if !$b_dont_touch_kde_files;

sub configure_kdeglobals {
    my ($locale, $confdir) = @_;
    my $kdeglobals = "$confdir/kdeglobals";

    my $charset = l2charset($locale->{lang});
    my $kde_charset = charset2kde_charset($charset);
    my ($prev_kde_charset) = cat_($kdeglobals) =~ /^Charset=(.*)/mi;


    update_gnomekderc($kdeglobals, Locale => (
    	      Charset => $kde_charset,
    	      Country => lc($locale->{country}),
    	      Language => get_kde_lang($locale),

    if ($prev_kde_charset ne $kde_charset) {
        update_gnomekderc($kdeglobals, WM => (
       		      activeFont => charset2kde_font($charset,0),
        update_gnomekderc($kdeglobals, General => (
       		      fixed => charset2kde_font($charset, 1),
       		      font => charset2kde_font($charset, 0),
       		      menuFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 3),
       		      taskbarFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 4),
       		      toolBarFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 2),
        update_gnomekderc("$confdir/konquerorrc", FMSettings => (
       		      StandardFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 0),
        update_gnomekderc("$confdir/kdesktoprc", FMSettings => (
       		      StandardFont => charset2kde_font($charset, 0),

sub bindtextdomain() {
    #- if $::prefix is set, search for in locale_special
    #- NB: not using $::isInstall to make it work more easily at install and standalone
    my $localedir = "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/locale" . ($::prefix ? "_special" : '');

    c::bind_textdomain_codeset('libDrakX', 'UTF-8');
    $::need_utf8_i18n = 1;
    c::bindtextdomain('libDrakX', $localedir);


sub load_mo {
    my ($lang) = @_;

    my $localedir = bindtextdomain();
    my $suffix = 'LC_MESSAGES/';

    $lang ||= $ENV{LANGUAGE} || $ENV{LC_ALL} || $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} || $ENV{LANG};

    foreach (split ':', $lang) {
	my $f = "$localedir/$_/$suffix";
	-s $f and return $_;

	if ($::isInstall && common::usingRamdisk()) {
	    #- cleanup
	    eval { rm_rf($localedir) };
	    eval { mkdir_p(dirname("$localedir/$_/$suffix")) };

	    -s $f and return $_;

#- used in Makefile during "make get_needed_files"
sub console_font_files() {
    map { -e $_ ? $_ : "$_.gz" }
      (map { "/usr/lib/kbd/consolefonts/$_.psf" } uniq grep { $_ } map { $_->[0] } values %charsets),
      (map { -e $_ ? $_ : "$_.sfm" } map { "/usr/lib/kbd/consoletrans/$_" } uniq grep { $_ } map { $_->[1] } values %charsets),
      (map { -e $_ ? $_ : "$_.acm" } map { "/usr/lib/kbd/consoletrans/$_" } uniq grep { $_ } map { $_->[2] } values %charsets),

sub load_console_font {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    my ($name, $sfm, $acm) = l2console_font($locale, 1);

    require run_program;
    run_program::run(if_($ENV{LD_LOADER}, $ENV{LD_LOADER}), 
		     'consolechars', '-v', '-f', $name || 'lat0-sun16',
		     if_($sfm, '-u', $sfm), if_($acm, '-m', $acm));

    #- in console mode install, ensure we'll get translations in the right codeset
    #- (charset of locales reported by the glibc are UTF-8 during install)
    if ($acm) {
	c::bind_textdomain_codeset('libDrakX', l2charset($locale->{lang}));
	$::need_utf8_i18n = 0;

sub fs_options {
    my ($locale) = @_;
    if ($locale->{utf8}) {
	(iocharset => 'utf8', codepage => undef);
    } else {
	my $c = $charsets{l2charset($locale->{lang}) || return} or return;
	my ($iocharset, $codepage) = @$c[3..4];
	(iocharset => $iocharset, codepage => $codepage);

sub during_install__l2charset {
    my ($lang) = @_;
    return if member($lang, @during_install__lang_having_their_LC_CTYPE);

    my ($c) = l2charset($lang) or die "bad lang $lang\n";
    $c = 'UTF-8' if member($c, 'tis620', 'C', 'unicode');
    $c = 'UTF-8' if $c =~ /koi8-/;
    $c = 'UTF-8' if $c =~ /iso-8859/;
    $c = 'UTF-8' if $c =~ /cp125/;
    $c = 'UTF-8' if $c =~ /utf_/;

sub get_unneeded_png_lang_files() {
    print join(' ', map { if_(m|(langs/lang-(.*)\.png)| && !member($2, list_langs()), $1) } glob("pixmaps/langs/lang-*.png"));

sub check() {
    $^W = 0;
    my $ok = 1;
    my $warn = sub {
	print STDERR "$_[0]\n";
    my $err = sub {
	$ok = 0;
    my @wanted_charsets = uniq map { l2charset($_) } list_langs();
    print "\tWarnings:\n";
    $warn->("unused charset $_ (given in \%charsets, but not used in \%langs)") foreach difference2([ keys %charsets ], \@wanted_charsets);

    $warn->("unused entry $_ in \%xim") foreach grep { !/UTF-8/ } difference2([ keys %xim ], [ map { l2locale($_) } list_langs() ]);

    #- consolefonts are checked during build via console_font_files()

    if (my @l = difference2([ 'default', keys %charsets ], [ keys %charset2kde_font ])) {
	$warn->("no kde font for charset " . join(" ", @l));

    if (my @l = grep { get_kde_lang({ lang => $_, country => 'US' }, 'err') eq 'err' } list_langs()) {
	$warn->("no KDE lang for langs " . join(" ", @l));
    if (my @l = grep { charset2kde_charset($_, 'err') eq 'err' } keys %charsets) {
	$warn->("no KDE charset for charsets " . join(" ", @l));

    $warn->("no country corresponding to default locale $_->[1] of lang $_->[0]")
      foreach grep { $_->[1] =~ /^.._(..)/ && !exists $countries{$1} } map { [ $_, l2locale($_) ] } list_langs();

    print "\tErrors:\n";

    $err->("invalid charset $_ ($_ does not exist in \%charsets)") foreach difference2(\@wanted_charsets, [ keys %charsets ]);
    $err->("invalid charset $_ in \%charset2kde_font ($_ does not exist in \%charsets)") foreach difference2([ keys %charset2kde_font ], [ 'default', keys %charsets ]);

    $err->("default locale $_->[1] of lang $_->[0] isn't listed in \@locales")
      foreach grep { !member($_->[1], @locales) } map { [ $_, l2locale($_) ] } list_langs();

    $err->("lang image for lang $_->[0] is missing (file $_->[1])")
      foreach grep { !(-e $_->[1]) } map { [ $_, "pixmaps/langs/lang-$_.png" ] } list_langs();

    $err->("default locale $_->[1] of country $_->[0] isn't listed in \@locales")
      foreach grep { !member($_->[1], @locales) } map { [ $_, c2locale($_) ] } list_countries();

    exit($ok ? 0 : 1);
