#include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include <newt.h> static void suspend() { newtSuspend(); raise(SIGTSTP); newtResume(); } typedef newtComponent Newt__Component; typedef newtGrid Newt__Grid; MODULE = Newt PACKAGE = Newt PREFIX = newt void DESTROY() CODE: { newtFinished(); } void changeColors() CODE: { const struct newtColors colors = { "cyan", "black", /* root fg, bg */ "black", "blue", /* border fg, bg */ "white", "blue", /* window fg, bg */ "white", "black", /* shadow fg, bg */ "white", "blue", /* title fg, bg */ "yellow", "cyan", /* button fg, bg */ "white", "cyan", /* active button fg, bg */ "yellow", "blue", /* checkbox fg, bg */ "blue", "brown", /* active checkbox fg, bg */ "yellow", "blue", /* entry box fg, bg */ "white", "blue", /* label fg, bg */ "black", "cyan", /* listbox fg, bg */ "yellow", "cyan", /* active listbox fg, bg */ "white", "blue", /* textbox fg, bg */ "cyan", "black", /* active textbox fg, bg */ "white", "blue", /* help line */ "yellow", "blue", /* root text */ "blue", /* scale full */ "red", /* scale empty */ "blue", "cyan", /* disabled entry fg, bg */ "white", "blue", /* compact button fg, bg */ "yellow", "red", /* active & sel listbox */ "black", "brown" /* selected listbox */ }; newtSetColors(colors); } int newtInit() int newtFinished() void newtCls() int newtCenteredWindow(width,height,title) int width; int height; const char * title; void newtPopWindow() void newtRefresh() void newtPushHelpLine(text) const char * text; void newtDrawRootText(row,col,text) int row; int col; const char * text; void newtGetScreenSize() PPCODE: { int cols, rows; newtGetScreenSize(&cols, &rows); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(cols))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(rows))); } void newtSetSuspendCallback() CODE: { newtSetSuspendCallback(suspend, NULL); } void newtWinMessage(title,buttonText,text) char * title; char * buttonText; char * text; int newtWinChoice(title,button1,button2,text) char * title; char * button1; char * button2; char * text; int newtWinTernary(title,button1,button2,button3,message) char * title; char * button1; char * button2; char * button3; char * message; void newtWinMenu(title,text,suggestedWidth,flexDown,flexUp,maxListHeight,list,def,buttons, ...) char * title; char * text; int suggestedWidth; int flexDown; int flexUp; int maxListHeight; char **list; int def; char *buttons; PPCODE: { int button; #define nb 8 #define a(i) SvPV(ST(i + nb),PL_na) button = newtWinMenu(title, text, suggestedWidth, flexDown, flexUp, maxListHeight, list, &def, items > nb + 0 ? a( 0) : NULL, items > nb + 1 ? a( 1) : NULL, items > nb + 2 ? a( 2) : NULL, items > nb + 3 ? a( 3) : NULL, items > nb + 4 ? a( 4) : NULL, items > nb + 5 ? a( 5) : NULL, items > nb + 6 ? a( 6) : NULL, items > nb + 7 ? a( 7) : NULL, items > nb + 8 ? a( 8) : NULL, items > nb + 9 ? a( 9) : NULL, items > nb + 10 ? a(10) : NULL, NULL); #undef a EXTEND(SP, 2); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(button))); PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSViv(def))); } MODULE = Newt PACKAGE = Newt::Component PREFIX = newt Newt::Component newtCompactButton(left,top,text) int left; int top; const char * text; Newt::Component newtButton(left,top,text) int left; int top; const char * text; Newt::Component newtCheckbox(left,top,text,defValue,seq,result) int left; int top; const char * text; char *defValue; const char * seq; int *result; CODE: RETVAL = newtCheckbox(left, top, text, defValue[0], seq, (char*)result); OUTPUT: RETVAL int newtCheckboxGetValue(co) Newt::Component co; void newtCheckboxSetValue(co, value) Newt::Component co; char *value; CODE: newtCheckboxSetValue(co, value[0]); Newt::Component newtLabel(left,top,text) int left; int top; const char * text; void newtLabelSetText(co,text) Newt::Component co; const char * text; Newt::Component newtVerticalScrollbar(left,top,height,normalColorset,thumbColorset) int left; int top; int height; int normalColorset; int thumbColorset; void newtScrollbarSet(co,where,total) Newt::Component co; int where; int total; Newt::Component newtListbox(left,top,height,flags) int left; int top; int height; int flags; void * newtListboxGetCurrent(co) Newt::Component co; void newtListboxSetCurrent(co,num) Newt::Component co; int num; void newtListboxSetCurrentByKey(co,key) Newt::Component co; void * key; void newtListboxSetText(co,num,text) Newt::Component co; int num; const char * text; void newtListboxSetEntry(co,num,text) Newt::Component co; int num; const char * text; void newtListboxSetWidth(co,width) Newt::Component co; int width; # return the data passed to AddEntry void newtListboxSetData(co,num,data) Newt::Component co; int num; void * data; int newtListboxAddEntry(co,text,data) Newt::Component co; const char * text; const void * data; # Send the key to insert after, or NULL to insert at the top int newtListboxInsertEntry(co,text,data,key) Newt::Component co; const char * text; const void * data; void * key; int newtListboxDeleteEntry(co,data) Newt::Component co; void * data; # removes all entries from listbox void newtListboxClear(co) Newt::Component co; void newtListboxGetEntry(co,num,text,data) Newt::Component co; int num; char * text; void * data; PPCODE: { newtListboxGetEntry(co, num, &text, data); } # Returns an array of data pointers from items, last element is NULL void * newtListboxGetSelection(co,numitems) Newt::Component co; int *numitems; void newtListboxClearSelection(co) Newt::Component co; void newtListboxSelectItem(co,key,sense) Newt::Component co; void *key enum newtFlagsSense sense; Newt::Component newtTextboxReflowed(left,top,text,width,flexDown,flexUp,flags) int left; int top; char * text; int width; int flexDown; int flexUp; int flags; Newt::Component newtTextbox(left,top,width,height,flags) int left; int top; int width; int height; int flags; void newtTextboxSetText(co,text) Newt::Component co; const char * text; void newtTextboxSetHeight(co,height) Newt::Component co; int height; int newtTextboxGetNumLines(co) Newt::Component co; char * newtReflowText(text,width,flexDown,flexUp,actualWidth,actualHeight) char * text; int width; int flexDown; int flexUp; int * actualWidth; int * actualHeight; Newt::Component newtForm(vertBar,help,flags) Newt::Component vertBar; const char * help; int flags; void newtFormSetSize(co) Newt::Component co; Newt::Component newtFormGetCurrent(co) Newt::Component co; void newtFormSetBackground(co,color) Newt::Component co; int color; void newtFormSetCurrent(co,subco) Newt::Component co; Newt::Component subco; void newtFormAddComponent(form,co) Newt::Component form; Newt::Component co; void newtFormSetHeight(co,height) Newt::Component co; int height; void newtFormSetWidth(co,width) Newt::Component co; int width; Newt::Component newtRunForm(form) Newt::Component form; void newtDrawForm(form) Newt::Component form; Newt::Component newtEntry(left,top,initialValue,width,flag) int left; int top; const char * initialValue; int width; int flag; CODE: { char *result; RETVAL = newtEntry(left,top,initialValue,width,&result,flag); } OUTPUT: RETVAL void newtEntrySet(co,value,cursorAtEnd) Newt::Component co; const char * value; int cursorAtEnd; char * newtEntryGetValue(co) Newt::Component co; void newtFormDestroy(form) Newt::Component form; MODULE = Newt PACKAGE = Newt::Grid PREFIX = newt Newt::Grid newtCreateGrid(cols,rows) int cols; int rows; Newt::Grid HCloseStacked(first, ...) Newt::Component first; CODE: { int i; #define a(i) (newtComponent)SvIV((SV*)SvRV( ST(i) )) RETVAL = newtGridHCloseStacked( items > 0 ? 1 : 0, items > 0 ? a( 0) : NULL, items > 1 ? 1 : 0, items > 1 ? a( 1) : NULL, items > 2 ? 1 : 0, items > 2 ? a( 2) : NULL, items > 3 ? 1 : 0, items > 3 ? a( 3) : NULL, items > 4 ? 1 : 0, items > 4 ? a( 4) : NULL, items > 5 ? 1 : 0, items > 5 ? a( 5) : NULL, items > 6 ? 1 : 0, items > 6 ? a( 6) : NULL, items > 7 ? 1 : 0, items > 7 ? a( 7) : NULL, items > 8 ? 1 : 0, items > 8 ? a( 8) : NULL, items > 9 ? 1 : 0, items > 9 ? a( 9) : NULL, items > 10 ? 1 : 0, items > 10 ? a(10) : NULL, NULL); #undef a } OUTPUT: RETVAL Newt::Grid newtGridBasicWindow(text,middle,buttons) Newt::Component text; Newt::Grid middle; Newt::Grid buttons; Newt::Grid newtGridSimpleWindow(text,middle,buttons) Newt::Component text; Newt::Component middle; Newt::Grid buttons; void newtGridSetField(grid,col,row,type,val,padLeft,padTop,padRight,padBottom,anchor,flags) Newt::Grid grid; int col; int row; enum newtGridElement type; void * val; int padLeft; int padTop; int padRight; int padBottom; int anchor; int flags; void newtGridFree(grid,recurse) Newt::Grid grid; int recurse; void newtGridGetSize(grid,width,height) Newt::Grid grid; int * width; int * height; void newtGridWrappedWindow(grid,title) Newt::Grid grid; char * title; void newtGridAddComponentsToForm(grid,form,recurse) Newt::Grid grid; Newt::Component form; int recurse; Newt::Grid newtButtonBar(button1, ...) char * button1; PPCODE: { static newtComponent p[11]; int i; EXTEND(SP, items + 1); #define a(i) (char *)SvPV(ST(i),PL_na) PUSHs(sv_setref_pv(sv_newmortal(), "Newt::Grid", newtButtonBar(items > 0 ? a( 0) : NULL, items > 0 ? &p[ 0] : NULL, items > 1 ? a( 1) : NULL, items > 1 ? &p[ 1] : NULL, items > 2 ? a( 2) : NULL, items > 2 ? &p[ 2] : NULL, items > 3 ? a( 3) : NULL, items > 3 ? &p[ 3] : NULL, items > 4 ? a( 4) : NULL, items > 4 ? &p[ 4] : NULL, items > 5 ? a( 5) : NULL, items > 5 ? &p[ 5] : NULL, items > 6 ? a( 6) : NULL, items > 6 ? &p[ 6] : NULL, items > 7 ? a( 7) : NULL, items > 7 ? &p[ 7] : NULL, items > 8 ? a( 8) : NULL, items > 8 ? &p[ 8] : NULL, items > 9 ? a( 9) : NULL, items > 9 ? &p[ 9] : NULL, items > 10 ? a(10) : NULL, items > 10 ? &p[10] : NULL, NULL))); #undef a for (i = 0; i < items; i++) PUSHs(sv_setref_pv(sv_newmortal(), "Newt::Component", p[i])); }