VERSION = 2.2.10-BOOT SUDO = sudo SO_FILES = c/blib/arch/auto/c/ PMS = *.pm Newt/*.pm c/ resize_fat/*.pm pci_probing/*.pm commands install2 g_auto_install PMS += $(patsubst %, standalone/%,diskdrake XFdrake rpmdrake mousedrake printerdrake) REP4PMS = /usr/bin/perl-install ROOTDEST = /export DEST = $(ROOTDEST)/Mandrake/mdkinst STAGE2 = $(ROOTDEST)/Mandrake/base/mdkinst_stage2 BASE = $(ROOTDEST)/Mandrake/base DESTREP4PMS = $(DEST)$(REP4PMS) PERL = perl LOCALFILES = ../tools/ddcprobe/ddcxinfos ../tools/e2fsck.shared pnp_serial LOCALFILES2 = extract_archive DIRS = c Newt po pci_probing resize_fat EXCLUDE = $(LOCALFILES) boot.img keymaps consolefonts install CFLAGS = -Wall override CFLAGS += -pipe .PHONY: all $(DIRS) install clean stage2 full_stage2 verify_c all: TAGS $(DIRS) TAGS: $(PMS) etags -o - $^ | ./perl2etags > $@ clean: for i in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$i clean; done rm -rf auto find . -name "*~" -o -name ".#*" -o -name "TAGS" -o -name "*.old" | xargs rm -f tar-drakxtools: clean $(MAKE) -C ../tools clean cd .. ; rm -rf drakxtools ; cp -af perl-install drakxtools ; cp -af tools/ddcprobe drakxtools cd ../drakxtools ; rm -rf install* standalone/CVS ; mv Makefile.drakxtools Makefile ; mv -f standalone/* . cd .. ; tar cfy drakxtools.tar.bz2 --exclude CVS $(patsubst %,drakxtools/%,Makefile MonitorsDB Newt c ddcprobe po pci_probing resize_fat diskdrake diskdrake.rc XFdrake mousedrake lspcidrake printerdrake keyboarddrake *.pm) cd .. ; rm -rf drakxtools $(DIRS): install -d auto $(MAKE) -C $@ test_pms: verify_c ./perl2fcalls -excludec -excluderesize_fat::c_rewritten install2 for i in install2 install_steps_*.pm; do perl -cw -I. $$i; done verify_c: ./verify_c $(PMS) install_pms: $(DIRS) for i in `perl -ne 's/sub (\w+?)_? {.*/$$1/ and print'`; do ln -sf commands $(DEST)/usr/bin/$$i; done install -d $(DESTREP4PMS) for i in $(PMS); do \ dest=$(DESTREP4PMS)/`dirname $$i`; \ install -d $$dest; \ perl -ne 'print' $$i > $(DESTREP4PMS)/$$i; \ perl -pe 's/#-.*//; $$_ = "\n" if (/^=head/ .. /^=cut/) || /use (diagnostics)/' $$i > $(DESTREP4PMS)/$$i; \ done # perl -pe 's/#-.*//; $$_ = "\n" if (/^=head/ .. /^=cut/) || /use (diagnostics|vars|strict)/' $$i > $(DESTREP4PMS)/$$i; \ cp *.rc $(DESTREP4PMS) install -d $(DESTREP4PMS)/po cp -f po/*.po* $(DESTREP4PMS)/po ||: chmod a+x $(DESTREP4PMS)/install2 chmod a+x $(DESTREP4PMS)/commands chmod a+x $(DESTREP4PMS)/standalone/* chmod a+x $(DESTREP4PMS)/g_auto_install get_needed_files: $(DIRS) # export PERL_INSTALL_TEST=1 ; strace -f -e trace=file -o '| grep -v "(No such file or directory)" | sed -e "s/[^\"]*\"//" -e "s/\".*//" | grep "^/" | grep -v -e "^/tmp" -e "^/home" -e "^/proc" -e "^/var" -e "^/dev" -e "^/etc" -e "^/usr/lib/rpm" > /tmp/list ' $(PERL) -d install2 < /dev/null cp -f list /tmp/list find auto -follow -name "*.so" >> /tmp/list for i in $(LOCALFILES) `cat /tmp/list` ; do \ ldd $$i 2>/dev/null | grep -v "not a dynamic" | sed -e 's/.*=> //' -e 's/ .*//' | uniq | sort >> /tmp/list; \ done install -d $(DEST)/etc install -d $(DEST)/lib install -d $(DEST)/bin install -d $(DEST)/usr/bin install -d $(DEST)/usr/lib install -d $(DEST)/usr/share install -d $(DEST)/usr/share/gtk install -d $(DEST)/usr/share/xmodmap install -d $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 install -d $(ROOTDEST)/Mandrake/base install -s $(LOCALFILES) $(DEST)/usr/bin cp -f $(LOCALFILES2) $(DEST)/usr/bin for i in `cat /tmp/list`; do \ if (echo $$i | grep -q "lib/[^/]*\.so"); then \ install -s $$i $(DEST)/lib; \ else \ d=$$i; \ (echo $$d | grep -q "^[^/]") && d="$(REP4PMS)/$$d"; \ d=`echo $(DEST)/$$d | sed 's/\/usr\/local\//\/usr\//'`; \ install -d `dirname $$d` && \ if (echo $$i | grep -q "\.pm"); then \ perl -pe '$$_ =~ /^__END__/ and exit(0);' $$i > $$d; \ elif (echo $$i | grep -q "\.so"); then \ install -s $$i $$d; \ else \ cp -f $$i $$d; \ fi; \ fi; \ done mv -f $(DEST)/lib/ $(DEST)/usr/lib mv -f $(DEST)/bin/* $(DEST)/sbin/* $(DEST)/usr/bin cd $(DEST)/usr/bin ; mv insmod insmod_ rmdir $(DEST)/bin $(DEST)/sbin perl -ane 'symlink "$$F[1]", "$(DEST)/usr/bin/$$F[0]"' aliases tar xfy locales.tar.bz2 -C $(DEST) # DEST=$(DEST) perl -I. -MForMakefile -e 'locale()' # DEST=$(DEST) perl -I. -MForMakefile -e 'xmodmap()' cp -a keymaps $(DEST)/usr/share cp -a consolefonts $(DEST)/usr/share cp *.in modparm.lst $(DEST)/usr/share cp MonitorsDB $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11 cp logo-mandrake.xpm $(DEST)/usr/share cp -a themes $(DEST)/usr/share/gtk cp compss compssUsers compssList $(ROOTDEST)/Mandrake/base if [ -f "../modules/modules.cz2" ]; then \ cp -f ../modules/modules.cz2 $(DEST)/lib/; \ cp -f ../modules/ $(DEST)/lib/; \ else \ cp -f ../modules/modules.cpio.bz2 $(DEST)/lib/; \ install -d $(DEST)/lib/modules; \ cp -f ../modules/pristine/* $(DEST)/lib/modules ||: ; \ fi # echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n\nexec '/usr/bin/sh'" > $(DEST)/usr/bin/runinstall2 # chmod a+x $(DEST)/usr/bin/runinstall2 tar xyC $(DEST) -f ../install/install1_pcmcia.tar.bz2 ./etc/pcmcia full_stage2: sudo rm -rf $(DEST) mkdir -p $(DEST) $(MAKE) get_needed_files $(MAKE) stage2 stage2: $(MAKE) install_pms $(ROOTDEST)/misc/make_mdkinst_stage2 $(DEST) $(ROOTDEST)/Mandrake/base/mdkinst_stage2