package move; # $Id$ $ use diagnostics; use strict; use modules; use common; use fs; use run_program; use log; use lang; my @ALLOWED_LANGS = qw(en_US fr es it de); sub symlinkf_short { my ($dest, $file) = @_; if (my $l = readlink $dest) { $dest = $l if $l =~ m!^/!; } symlinkf($dest, $file); } #- run very soon at stage2 start, setup things on tmpfs rw / that #- were not necessary to start stage2 itself (there were setup #- by stage1 of course) sub init { my ($o) = @_; $::testing and goto drakx_stuff; #- rw things mkdir "/$_" foreach qw(home mnt root root/tmp etc var); mkdir "/etc/$_" foreach qw(X11); touch '/etc/modules.conf'; symlinkf "/proc/mounts", "/etc/mtab"; #- these files need be writable but we need a sensible first contents system("cp /image/etc/$_ /etc") foreach qw(passwd group sudoers fstab); mkdir_p("/etc/$_"), system("cp -R /image/etc/$_/* /etc/$_") foreach qw(cups profile.d sysconfig/network-scripts); #- ro things symlinkf_short("/image/etc/$_", "/etc/$_") foreach qw(alternatives shadow man.config services shells pam.d security inputrc DIR_COLORS bashrc profile rc.d init.d devfsd.conf gtk-2.0 pango fonts modules.devfs dynamic hotplug gnome-vfs-2.0 gnome-vfs-mime-magic gtk gconf menu menu-methods nsswitch.conf default login.defs skel openoffice xinetd.d xinetd.conf syslog.conf sysctl.conf); symlinkf_short("/image/etc/X11/$_", "/etc/X11/$_") foreach qw(encodings.dir app-defaults applnk fs lbxproxy proxymngr rstart wmsession.d xinit.d xinit xkb xserver xsm); #- create remaining /etc and /var subdirectories if not already copied or symlinked, #- because programs most often won't try to create the missing subdir before trying #- to write a file, leading to obscure unexpected failures -d $_ or mkdir_p $_ foreach chomp_(cat_('/image/move/directories-to-create')); #- free up stage1 memory fs::umount($_) foreach qw(/stage1/proc /stage1); #- devfsd needed for devices accessed by old names fs::mount("none", "/dev", "devfs", 0); run_program::run('/sbin/devfsd', '/dev'); modules::load_category('multimedia/sound'); drakx_stuff: $o->{steps}{startMove} = { reachable => 1, text => "Start Move" }; $o->{orderedSteps_orig} = $o->{orderedSteps}; $o->{orderedSteps} = [ qw(selectLanguage acceptLicense selectMouse selectKeyboard startMove) ]; member($_, @ALLOWED_LANGS) or delete $lang::langs{$_} foreach keys %lang::langs; } sub lomount_clp { my ($name) = @_; my ($clp, $dir) = ("/image_raw/live_tree_$name.clp", "/image_$name"); if (! -e $clp || cat_('/proc/cmdline') =~ /\blive\b/) { symlink "/image_raw/live_tree_$name", $dir; return; } mkdir_p($dir); my $dev = devices::find_free_loop(); run_program::run('losetup', '-r', '-e', 'gz', $dev, $clp); run_program::run('mount', '-r', $dev, $dir); } sub install2::startMove { my $o = $::o; if (cat_('/proc/cmdline') =~ /\buser=(\w+)/) { $o->{users} = [ { name => $1 } ]; } else { require any; any::ask_user_one($o, $o->{users} ||= [], $o->{security}, additional_msg => N("BLA BLA user for move, password for screensaver"), noaccept => 1, needauser => 1, noicons => 1); } require install_steps; install_steps::addUser($o); my $w = $o->wait_message(N("Auto configuration"), N("Please wait, detecting and configuring devices...")); #- automatic printer, timezone, network configs require install_steps_interactive; install_steps_interactive::configureNetwork($o); install_steps_interactive::summaryBefore($o); require install_any; install_any::write_fstab($o); modules::write_conf(''); detect_devices::install_addons(''); foreach my $step (@{$o->{orderedSteps_orig}}) { next if member($step, @{$o->{orderedSteps}}); while (my $f = shift @{$o->{steps}{$step}{toBeDone} || []}) { log::l("doing remaining toBeDone for undone step $step"); eval { &$f() }; $o->ask_warn(N("Error"), [ N("An error occurred, but I don't know how to handle it nicely. Continue at your own risk."), formatError($@) ]) if $@; } } $w = undef; $::WizardWindow->destroy if $::WizardWindow; require ugtk2; my $root = ugtk2::gtkroot(); my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file('/usr/share/mdk/screensaver/3.png'); my ($w, $h) = ($pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf->get_height); $root->draw_pixbuf(Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($root), $pixbuf, 0, 0, ($::rootwidth - $w) / 2, ($::rootheight - $h)/2, $w, $h, 'none', 0, 0); ugtk2::gtkflush(); run_program::run('/sbin/service', 'syslog', 'start'); #- otherwise minilogd will strike run_program::run('killall', 'minilogd'); #- get rid of minilogd my $username = $o->{users}[0]{name}; output('/var/run/console.lock', $username); output("/var/run/console/$username", 1); run_program::run('pam_console_apply'); if (fork()) { sleep 1; log::l("DrakX waves bye-bye"); (undef, undef, my $uid, my $gid, undef, undef, undef, my $home, my $shell) = getpwnam($username); $( = $) = "$gid $gid"; $< = $> = $uid; $ENV{LOGNAME} = $ENV{USER} = $username; $ENV{HOME} = $home; $ENV{SHELL} = $shell; exec 'startkde'; } else { exec 'xwait' or c::_exit(0); } } sub automatic_xconf { my ($o) = @_; log::l('automatic XFree configuration'); require Xconfig::default; $o->{raw_X} = Xconfig::default::configure({ KEYBOARD => 'uk' }, $o->{mouse}); #- using uk instead of us for now to have less warnings require Xconfig::main; require class_discard; Xconfig::main::configure_everything_auto_install($o->{raw_X}, class_discard->new, {}, { allowNVIDIA_rpms => [], allowATI_rpms => [] }); } 1;