#!/usr/bin/perl use MDK::Common; output 'help.msg', pack("C*", 0x0E, 0x80, 0x03, 0x00), " 0aWelcome to 09Move0a help07 In most cases, the best way to get started is to simply press the 0e07 key. If you experience problems, you can try to add on the command line : o 0fnoauto07 to disable automatic detection (generally used with 0fexpert07). o 0fupdatemodules07 to use the special update floppy containing modules updates. o 0fpatch07 to use a patch from the floppy (file named 09patch.pl07). o 0fcleankey07 to remove previously saved system config files from the USB key. o 0fformatkey07 to format the USB key (ie: erase all data) o 0fwaitkey07 to wait 15 more seconds at boot time while detecting the USB key, that might be useful for some keys for which detection doesn't work nicely o 0fvirtual_key=09/dev/hda10f,09/key07 to use file 09/key07 on device 09/dev/hda107 as a virtual key instead of a physical one (must be an existing file containing a valid filesystem - e.g. a loopback). You can also pass some 0f07 to the Linux kernel. For example, try 0flinux mem=128M07 if your system has 128Mb of RAM but we don't detect the amount correctly. 0cNOTE07: You cannot pass options to modules (SCSI, ethernet card) or devices such as CD-ROM drives in this way. If you need to do so, use expert mode. 0c[F1-Help] [F2-Main]07\n"; Mageia Installer and base platform for many utilitiesThierry Vignaud [tv]