
use MDK::Common;

my $prefix = $ARGV[0];
my $rpm = "rpm --root $prefix";

unlink glob("i18n_*.list");

my %have;
foreach my $list (glob("*.list")) {
    $have{$_} = $list foreach chomp_(cat_($list));

my @pkg_langs = map { /locales-(.*)/ } `$rpm -qa --qf "%{name}\n" locales-*`;

my %extra_pkgs = (
    hy => 'fonts-ttf-armenian',
    ja => 'fonts-ttf-japanese',
    kn => 'fonts-ttf-kannada',
    ko => 'fonts-ttf-korean',
    ta => 'fonts-ttf-tamil fonts-ttf-tscii fonts-bitmap-tscii',
    th => 'fonts-ttf-thai',
    zh => 'fonts-ttf-gb2312 taipeifonts fonts-ttf-big5',
    el => 'fonts-type1-greek',

foreach my $i18n (@pkg_langs) {
    #- $i18n_re is different from $i18n because of things like locales-no giving nb|nn|no
    my $i18n_re = join('|', uniq($i18n, map { if_(/locales-(\S+)/, $1) } `$rpm -q --provides locales-$i18n`));

    my @pkgs = uniq("locales-$i18n", chomp_(`$rpm -q --qf "%{name}\n" --whatrequires locales-$i18n`));
    push @pkgs, split(' ', $extra_pkgs{$i18n} || '');
    my ($dirs, $files) = partition { -d "$prefix$_" } uniq(chomp_(`$rpm -ql @pkgs`));

    my @i18n_dirs = uniq(grep { m!/($i18n_re) (_[^/]*)? (\.[^/]*)? (\@[^/]*)?$!x } @$dirs);
    my $i18n_dirs_re = join('|', map { quotemeta $_ } @i18n_dirs);
    my @files = grep { !m!^($i18n_dirs_re)/! } @$files;

    my $list = "i18n_$i18n.list";
    foreach (@i18n_dirs, @files) {
	$have{$_} and die "$_ would be twice: in $have{$_} and $list\n";
	$have{$_} = $list;
    output($list, map { "$_\n" } @i18n_dirs, @files);