/* -*- mode: C; mode: fold; -*- */ /* string manipulation functions for S-Lang. */ /* Copyright (c) 1992, 1999, 2001 John E. Davis * This file is part of the S-Lang library. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "slinclud.h" /*{{{ Include Files */ #include <time.h> #ifndef __QNX__ # if defined(__GO32__) || defined(__WATCOMC__) # include <dos.h> # include <bios.h> # endif #endif #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT #include <math.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifndef isdigit # define isdigit(x) (((x) >= '0') && ((x) <= '9')) #endif #include "slang.h" #include "_slang.h" /*}}}*/ #define USE_ALLOC_STSTRING 1 /*{{{ Utility Functions */ static char Utility_Char_Table [256]; static unsigned char WhiteSpace_Lut[256]; static void set_utility_char_table (char *pos) /*{{{*/ { register char *t = Utility_Char_Table, *tmax; register unsigned char ch; tmax = t + 256; while (t < tmax) *t++ = 0; t = Utility_Char_Table; while ((ch = (unsigned char) *pos++) != 0) t[ch] = 1; } /*}}}*/ _INLINE_ static unsigned char *make_whitespace_lut (void) { if (WhiteSpace_Lut[' '] != 1) { WhiteSpace_Lut[' '] = WhiteSpace_Lut['\r'] = WhiteSpace_Lut ['\n'] = WhiteSpace_Lut['\t'] = WhiteSpace_Lut ['\f'] = 1; } return WhiteSpace_Lut; } static unsigned char *make_lut (unsigned char *s, unsigned char *lut) { int reverse = 0; if (*s == '^') { reverse = 1; s++; } SLmake_lut (lut, s, reverse); return lut; } static unsigned int do_trim (char **beg, int do_beg, char **end, int do_end, char *white) /*{{{*/ { unsigned int len; char *a, *b; set_utility_char_table (white); a = *beg; len = strlen (a); b = a + len; if (do_beg) while (Utility_Char_Table[(unsigned char) *a]) a++; if (do_end) { b--; while ((b >= a) && (Utility_Char_Table[(unsigned char) *b])) b--; b++; } len = (unsigned int) (b - a); *beg = a; *end = b; return len; } /*}}}*/ /*}}}*/ static int pop_3_strings (char **a, char **b, char **c) { *a = *b = *c = NULL; if (-1 == SLpop_string (c)) return -1; if (-1 == SLpop_string (b)) { SLfree (*c); *c = NULL; return -1; } if (-1 == SLpop_string (a)) { SLfree (*b); SLfree (*c); *b = *c = NULL; return -1; } return 0; } static void free_3_strings (char *a, char *b, char *c) { SLfree (a); SLfree (b); SLfree (c); } static void strcat_cmd (void) /*{{{*/ { char *c, *c1; int nargs; int i; char **ptrs; unsigned int len; #if !USE_ALLOC_STSTRING char buf[256]; #endif nargs = SLang_Num_Function_Args; if (nargs <= 0) nargs = 2; if (NULL == (ptrs = (char **)SLmalloc (nargs * sizeof (char *)))) return; memset ((char *) ptrs, 0, sizeof (char *) * nargs); c = NULL; i = nargs; len = 0; while (i != 0) { char *s; i--; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&s)) goto free_and_return; ptrs[i] = s; len += strlen (s); } #if USE_ALLOC_STSTRING if (NULL == (c = _SLallocate_slstring (len))) goto free_and_return; #else len++; /* \0 char */ if (len <= sizeof (buf)) c = buf; else if (NULL == (c = SLmalloc (len))) goto free_and_return; #endif c1 = c; for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { strcpy (c1, ptrs[i]); c1 += strlen (c1); } free_and_return: for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) SLang_free_slstring (ptrs[i]); SLfree ((char *) ptrs); #if USE_ALLOC_STSTRING (void) _SLpush_alloced_slstring (c, len); #else if (c != buf) (void) SLang_push_malloced_string (c); /* NULL ok */ else (void) SLang_push_string (c); #endif } /*}}}*/ static int _SLang_push_nstring (char *a, unsigned int len) { a = SLang_create_nslstring (a, len); if (a == NULL) return -1; return _SLang_push_slstring (a); } static void strtrim_cmd_internal (char *str, int do_beg, int do_end) { char *beg, *end, *white; int free_str; unsigned int len; /* Go through SLpop_string to get a private copy since it will be * modified. */ free_str = 0; if (SLang_Num_Function_Args == 2) { white = str; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&str)) return; free_str = 1; } else white = " \t\f\r\n"; beg = str; len = do_trim (&beg, do_beg, &end, do_end, white); (void) _SLang_push_nstring (beg, len); if (free_str) SLang_free_slstring (str); } static void strtrim_cmd (char *str) { strtrim_cmd_internal (str, 1, 1); } static void strtrim_beg_cmd (char *str) { strtrim_cmd_internal (str, 1, 0); } static void strtrim_end_cmd (char *str) { strtrim_cmd_internal (str, 0, 1); } static void strcompress_cmd (void) /*{{{*/ { char *str, *white, *c; unsigned char *s, *beg, *end; unsigned int len; char pref_char; if (SLpop_string (&white)) return; if (SLpop_string (&str)) { SLfree (white); return; } /* The first character of white is the preferred whitespace character */ pref_char = *white; beg = (unsigned char *) str; (void) do_trim ((char **) &beg, 1, (char **) &end, 1, white); SLfree (white); /* Determine the effective length */ len = 0; s = (unsigned char *) beg; while (s < end) { len++; if (Utility_Char_Table[*s++]) { while ((s < end) && Utility_Char_Table[*s]) s++; } } #if USE_ALLOC_STSTRING c = _SLallocate_slstring (len); #else c = SLmalloc (len + 1); #endif if (c == NULL) { SLfree (str); return; } s = (unsigned char *) c; while (beg < end) { unsigned char ch = *beg++; if (0 == Utility_Char_Table[ch]) { *s++ = ch; continue; } *s++ = (unsigned char) pref_char; while ((beg < end) && Utility_Char_Table[*beg]) beg++; } *s = 0; #if USE_ALLOC_STSTRING (void) _SLpush_alloced_slstring (c, len); #else SLang_push_malloced_string(c); #endif SLfree(str); } /*}}}*/ static int str_replace_cmd_1 (char *orig, char *match, char *rep, unsigned int max_num_replaces, char **new_strp) /*{{{*/ { char *s, *t, *new_str; unsigned int rep_len, match_len, new_len; unsigned int num_replaces; *new_strp = NULL; match_len = strlen (match); if (match_len == 0) return 0; num_replaces = 0; s = orig; while (num_replaces < max_num_replaces) { s = strstr (s, match); if (s == NULL) break; s += match_len; num_replaces++; } if (num_replaces == 0) return 0; max_num_replaces = num_replaces; rep_len = strlen (rep); new_len = (strlen (orig) - num_replaces * match_len) + num_replaces * rep_len; new_str = SLmalloc (new_len + 1); if (new_str == NULL) return -1; s = orig; t = new_str; for (num_replaces = 0; num_replaces < max_num_replaces; num_replaces++) { char *next_s; unsigned int len; next_s = strstr (s, match); /* cannot be NULL */ len = (unsigned int) (next_s - s); strncpy (t, s, len); t += len; strcpy (t, rep); t += rep_len; s = next_s + match_len; } strcpy (t, s); *new_strp = new_str; return (int) num_replaces; } /*}}}*/ static void reverse_string (char *a) { char *b; b = a + strlen (a); while (b > a) { char ch; b--; ch = *a; *a++ = *b; *b = ch; } } static int strreplace_cmd (int *np) { char *orig, *match, *rep; char *new_str; int max_num_replaces; int ret; max_num_replaces = *np; if (-1 == pop_3_strings (&orig, &match, &rep)) return -1; if (max_num_replaces < 0) { reverse_string (orig); reverse_string (match); reverse_string (rep); ret = str_replace_cmd_1 (orig, match, rep, -max_num_replaces, &new_str); if (ret > 0) reverse_string (new_str); else if (ret == 0) reverse_string (orig); } else ret = str_replace_cmd_1 (orig, match, rep, max_num_replaces, &new_str); if (ret == 0) { if (-1 == SLang_push_malloced_string (orig)) ret = -1; orig = NULL; } else if (ret > 0) { if (-1 == SLang_push_malloced_string (new_str)) ret = -1; } free_3_strings (orig, match, rep); return ret; } static int str_replace_cmd (char *orig, char *match, char *rep) { char *s; int ret; ret = str_replace_cmd_1 (orig, match, rep, 1, &s); if (ret == 1) (void) SLang_push_malloced_string (s); return ret; } static void strtok_cmd (char *str) { _SLString_List_Type sl; unsigned char white_buf[256]; char *s; unsigned char *white; if (SLang_Num_Function_Args == 1) white = make_whitespace_lut (); else { white = white_buf; make_lut ((unsigned char *)str, white); if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&str)) return; } if (-1 == _SLstring_list_init (&sl, 256, 1024)) goto the_return; s = str; while (*s != 0) { char *s0; s0 = s; /* Skip whitespace */ while ((*s0 != 0) && (0 != white[(unsigned char)*s0])) s0++; if (*s0 == 0) break; s = s0; while ((*s != 0) && (0 == white[(unsigned char) *s])) s++; /* sl deleted upon failure */ if (-1 == _SLstring_list_append (&sl, SLang_create_nslstring (s0, (unsigned int) (s - s0)))) goto the_return; } /* Deletes sl */ (void) _SLstring_list_push (&sl); the_return: if (white == white_buf) SLang_free_slstring (str); } /* This routine returns the string with text removed between single character comment delimiters from the set b and e. */ static void str_uncomment_string_cmd (char *str, char *b, char *e) /*{{{*/ { unsigned char chb, che; unsigned char *s, *cbeg, *mark; if (strlen(b) != strlen(e)) { SLang_doerror ("Comment delimiter length mismatch."); return; } set_utility_char_table (b); if (NULL == (str = (char *) SLmake_string(str))) return; s = (unsigned char *) str; while ((chb = *s++) != 0) { if (Utility_Char_Table [chb] == 0) continue; mark = s - 1; cbeg = (unsigned char *) b; while (*cbeg != chb) cbeg++; che = (unsigned char) *(e + (int) (cbeg - (unsigned char *) b)); while (((chb = *s++) != 0) && (chb != che)); if (chb == 0) { /* end of string and end not found. Just truncate it a return; */ *mark = 0; break; } strcpy ((char *) mark, (char *)s); s = mark; } SLang_push_malloced_string (str); } /*}}}*/ static void str_quote_string_cmd (char *str, char *quotes, int *slash_ptr) /*{{{*/ { char *q; int slash; unsigned int len; register char *t, *s, *q1; register unsigned char ch; slash = *slash_ptr; if ((slash > 255) || (slash < 0)) { SLang_Error = SL_INVALID_PARM; return; } /* setup the utility table to have 1s at quote char postitions. */ set_utility_char_table (quotes); t = Utility_Char_Table; t[(unsigned int) slash] = 1; /* calculate length */ s = str; len = 0; while ((ch = (unsigned char) *s++) != 0) if (t[ch]) len++; len += (unsigned int) (s - str); if (NULL != (q = SLmalloc(len))) { s = str; q1 = q; while ((ch = (unsigned char) *s++) != 0) { if (t[ch]) *q1++ = slash; *q1++ = (char) ch; } *q1 = 0; SLang_push_malloced_string(q); } } /*}}}*/ /* returns the position of substrin in a string or null */ static int issubstr_cmd (char *a, char *b) /*{{{*/ { char *c; if (NULL == (c = (char *) strstr(a, b))) return 0; return 1 + (int) (c - a); } /*}}}*/ /* returns to stack string at pos n to n + m of a */ static void substr_cmd (char *a, int *n_ptr, int *m_ptr) /*{{{*/ { int n, m; int lena; n = *n_ptr; m = *m_ptr; lena = strlen (a); if (n > lena) n = lena + 1; if (n < 1) { SLang_Error = SL_INVALID_PARM; return; } n--; if (m < 0) m = lena; if (n + m > lena) m = lena - n; (void) _SLang_push_nstring (a + n, (unsigned int) m); } /*}}}*/ /* substitute char m at positin string n in string*/ static void strsub_cmd (int *nptr, int *mptr) /*{{{*/ { char *a; int n, m; unsigned int lena; if (-1 == SLpop_string (&a)) return; n = *nptr; m = *mptr; lena = strlen (a); if ((n <= 0) || (lena < (unsigned int) n)) { SLang_Error = SL_INVALID_PARM; SLfree(a); return; } a[n - 1] = (char) m; SLang_push_malloced_string (a); } /*}}}*/ static void strup_cmd(void) /*{{{*/ { unsigned char c, *a; char *str; if (SLpop_string (&str)) return; a = (unsigned char *) str; while ((c = *a) != 0) { /* if ((*a >= 'a') && (*a <= 'z')) *a -= 32; */ *a = UPPER_CASE(c); a++; } SLang_push_malloced_string (str); } /*}}}*/ static int isdigit_cmd (char *what) /*{{{*/ { return isdigit((unsigned char)*what); } /*}}}*/ static int toupper_cmd (int *ch) /*{{{*/ { return UPPER_CASE(*ch); } /*}}}*/ static int tolower_cmd (int *ch) /*{{{*/ { return LOWER_CASE(*ch); } /*}}}*/ static void strlow_cmd (void) /*{{{*/ { unsigned char c, *a; char *str; if (SLpop_string(&str)) return; a = (unsigned char *) str; while ((c = *a) != 0) { /* if ((*a >= 'a') && (*a <= 'z')) *a -= 32; */ *a = LOWER_CASE(c); a++; } SLang_push_malloced_string ((char *) str); } /*}}}*/ static SLang_Array_Type *do_strchop (char *str, int delim, int quote) { int count; char *s0, *elm; register char *s1; register unsigned char ch; int quoted; SLang_Array_Type *at; char **data; if ((quote < 0) || (quote > 255) || (delim <= 0) || (delim > 255)) { SLang_Error = SL_INVALID_PARM; return NULL; } s1 = s0 = str; quoted = 0; count = 1; /* at least 1 */ while (1) { ch = (unsigned char) *s1++; if ((ch == quote) && quote) { if (*s1 == 0) break; s1++; continue; } if (ch == delim) { count++; continue; } if (ch == 0) break; } if (NULL == (at = SLang_create_array (SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 0, NULL, &count, 1))) return NULL; data = (char **)at->data; count = 0; s1 = s0; while (1) { ch = (unsigned char) *s1; if ((ch == quote) && quote) { s1++; if (*s1 != 0) s1++; quoted = 1; continue; } if ((ch == delim) || (ch == 0)) { if (quoted == 0) elm = SLang_create_nslstring (s0, (unsigned int) (s1 - s0)); else { register char ch1, *p, *p1; char *tmp; tmp = SLmake_nstring (s0, (unsigned int)(s1 - s0)); if (tmp == NULL) break; /* Now unquote it */ p = p1 = tmp; do { ch1 = *p1++; if (ch1 == '\\') ch1 = *p1++; *p++ = ch1; } while (ch1 != 0); quoted = 0; elm = SLang_create_slstring (tmp); SLfree (tmp); } if (elm == NULL) break; data[count] = elm; count++; if (ch == 0) return at; s1++; /* skip past delim */ s0 = s1; /* and reset */ } else s1++; } SLang_free_array (at); return NULL; } static void strchop_cmd (char *str, int *q, int *d) { (void) SLang_push_array (do_strchop (str, *q, *d), 1); } static void strchopr_cmd (char *str, int *q, int *d) { SLang_Array_Type *at; if (NULL != (at = do_strchop (str, *q, *d))) { char **d0, **d1; d0 = (char **) at->data; d1 = d0 + (at->num_elements - 1); while (d0 < d1) { char *tmp; tmp = *d0; *d0 = *d1; *d1 = tmp; d0++; d1--; } } SLang_push_array (at, 1); } static int strcmp_cmd (char *a, char *b) /*{{{*/ { return strcmp(a, b); } /*}}}*/ static int strncmp_cmd (char *a, char *b, int *n) /*{{{*/ { return strncmp(a, b, (unsigned int) *n); } /*}}}*/ static int strlen_cmd (char *s) /*{{{*/ { return (int) strlen (s); } /*}}}*/ static void extract_element_cmd (char *list, int *nth_ptr, int *delim_ptr) { char buf[1024], *b; b = buf; if (-1 == SLextract_list_element (list, *nth_ptr, *delim_ptr, buf, sizeof(buf))) b = NULL; SLang_push_string (b); } /* sprintf functionality for S-Lang */ static char *SLdo_sprintf (char *fmt) /*{{{*/ { register char *p = fmt, ch; char *out = NULL, *outp = NULL; char dfmt[1024]; /* used to hold part of format */ char *f; VOID_STAR varp; int want_width, width, precis, use_varp, int_var; long long_var; unsigned int len = 0, malloc_len = 0, dlen; int do_free, guess_size; #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT int tmp1, tmp2, use_double; double x; #endif int use_long = 0; while (1) { while ((ch = *p) != 0) { if (ch == '%') break; p++; } /* p points at '%' or 0 */ dlen = (unsigned int) (p - fmt); if (len + dlen >= malloc_len) { malloc_len = len + dlen; if (out == NULL) outp = SLmalloc(malloc_len + 1); else outp = SLrealloc(out, malloc_len + 1); if (NULL == outp) return out; out = outp; outp = out + len; } strncpy(outp, fmt, dlen); len += dlen; outp = out + len; *outp = 0; if (ch == 0) break; /* bump it beyond '%' */ ++p; fmt = p; f = dfmt; *f++ = ch; /* handle flag char */ ch = *p++; /* Make sure cases such as "% #g" can be handled. */ if ((ch == '-') || (ch == '+') || (ch == ' ') || (ch == '#')) { *f++ = ch; ch = *p++; if ((ch == '-') || (ch == '+') || (ch == ' ') || (ch == '#')) { *f++ = ch; ch = *p++; } } /* width */ /* I have got to parse it myself so that I can see how big it needs * to be. */ want_width = width = 0; if (ch == '*') { if (SLang_pop_integer(&width)) return (out); want_width = 1; ch = *p++; } else { if (ch == '0') { *f++ = '0'; ch = *p++; } while ((ch <= '9') && (ch >= '0')) { width = width * 10 + (ch - '0'); ch = *p++; want_width = 1; } } if (want_width) { sprintf(f, "%d", width); f += strlen (f); } precis = 0; /* precision -- also indicates max number of chars from string */ if (ch == '.') { *f++ = ch; ch = *p++; want_width = 0; if (ch == '*') { if (SLang_pop_integer(&precis)) return (out); ch = *p++; want_width = 1; } else while ((ch <= '9') && (ch >= '0')) { precis = precis * 10 + (ch - '0'); ch = *p++; want_width = 1; } if (want_width) { sprintf(f, "%d", precis); f += strlen (f); } else precis = 0; } long_var = 0; int_var = 0; varp = NULL; guess_size = 32; #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT use_double = 0; #endif use_long = 0; use_varp = 0; do_free = 0; if (ch == 'l') { use_long = 1; ch = *p++; } else if (ch == 'h') ch = *p++; /* not supported */ /* Now the actual format specifier */ switch (ch) { case 'S': _SLstring_intrinsic (); ch = 's'; /* drop */ case 's': if (SLang_pop_slstring((char **) &varp)) return (out); do_free = 1; guess_size = strlen((char *) varp); use_varp = 1; break; case '%': guess_size = 1; do_free = 0; use_varp = 1; varp = (VOID_STAR) "%"; break; case 'c': guess_size = 1; use_long = 0; /* drop */ case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'X': case 'x': if (SLang_pop_long (&long_var)) return(out); if (use_long == 0) int_var = (int) long_var; else *f++ = 'l'; break; case 'f': case 'e': case 'g': case 'E': case 'G': #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT if (SLang_pop_double(&x, &tmp1, &tmp2)) return (out); use_double = 1; guess_size = 256; (void) tmp1; (void) tmp2; use_long = 0; break; #endif case 'p': guess_size = 32; /* Pointer type?? Why?? */ if (-1 == SLdo_pop ()) return out; varp = (VOID_STAR) _SLStack_Pointer; use_varp = 1; use_long = 0; break; default: SLang_doerror("Invalid Format."); return(out); } *f++ = ch; *f = 0; width = width + precis; if (width > guess_size) guess_size = width; if (len + guess_size > malloc_len) { outp = (char *) SLrealloc(out, len + guess_size + 1); if (outp == NULL) { SLang_Error = SL_MALLOC_ERROR; return (out); } out = outp; outp = out + len; malloc_len = len + guess_size; } if (use_varp) { sprintf(outp, dfmt, varp); if (do_free) SLang_free_slstring ((char *)varp); } #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT else if (use_double) sprintf(outp, dfmt, x); #endif else if (use_long) sprintf (outp, dfmt, long_var); else sprintf(outp, dfmt, int_var); len += strlen(outp); outp = out + len; fmt = p; } if (out != NULL) { outp = SLrealloc (out, (unsigned int) (outp - out) + 1); if (outp != NULL) out = outp; } return (out); } /*}}}*/ int _SLstrops_do_sprintf_n (int n) /*{{{*/ { char *p; char *fmt; SLang_Object_Type *ptr; int ofs; if (-1 == (ofs = SLreverse_stack (n + 1))) return -1; ptr = _SLRun_Stack + ofs; if (SLang_pop_slstring(&fmt)) return -1; p = SLdo_sprintf (fmt); SLang_free_slstring (fmt); while (_SLStack_Pointer > ptr) SLdo_pop (); if (SLang_Error) { SLfree (p); return -1; } return SLang_push_malloced_string (p); } /*}}}*/ static void sprintf_n_cmd (int *n) { _SLstrops_do_sprintf_n (*n); } static void sprintf_cmd (void) { _SLstrops_do_sprintf_n (SLang_Num_Function_Args - 1); /* do not include format */ } /* converts string s to a form that can be used in an eval */ static void make_printable_string(char *s) /*{{{*/ { unsigned int len; register char *s1 = s, ch, *ss1; char *ss; /* compute length */ len = 3; while ((ch = *s1++) != 0) { if ((ch == '\n') || (ch == '\\') || (ch == '"')) len++; len++; } if (NULL == (ss = SLmalloc(len))) return; s1 = s; ss1 = ss; *ss1++ = '"'; while ((ch = *s1++) != 0) { if (ch == '\n') { ch = 'n'; *ss1++ = '\\'; } else if ((ch == '\\') || (ch == '"')) { *ss1++ = '\\'; } *ss1++ = ch; } *ss1++ = '"'; *ss1 = 0; if (-1 == SLang_push_string (ss)) SLfree (ss); } /*}}}*/ static int is_list_element_cmd (char *list, char *elem, int *d_ptr) { char ch; int d, n; unsigned int len; char *lbeg, *lend; d = *d_ptr; len = strlen (elem); n = 1; lend = list; while (1) { lbeg = lend; while ((0 != (ch = *lend)) && (ch != (char) d)) lend++; if ((lbeg + len == lend) && (0 == strncmp (elem, lbeg, len))) break; if (ch == 0) { n = 0; break; } lend++; /* skip delim */ n++; } return n; } /*}}}*/ /* Regular expression routines for strings */ static SLRegexp_Type regexp_reg; static int string_match_cmd (char *str, char *pat, int *nptr) /*{{{*/ { int n; unsigned int len; unsigned char rbuf[512], *match; n = *nptr; regexp_reg.case_sensitive = 1; regexp_reg.buf = rbuf; regexp_reg.pat = (unsigned char *) pat; regexp_reg.buf_len = sizeof (rbuf); if (SLang_regexp_compile (®exp_reg)) { SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "Unable to compile pattern"); return -1; } n--; len = strlen(str); if ((n < 0) || ((unsigned int) n >= len)) { /* SLang_Error = SL_INVALID_PARM; */ return 0; } str += n; len -= n; if (NULL == (match = SLang_regexp_match((unsigned char *) str, len, ®exp_reg))) return 0; /* adjust offsets */ regexp_reg.offset = n; return (1 + (int) ((char *) match - str)); } /*}}}*/ static int string_match_nth_cmd (int *nptr) /*{{{*/ { int n, beg; n = *nptr; if ((n < 0) || (n > 9) || (regexp_reg.pat == NULL) || ((beg = regexp_reg.beg_matches[n]) == -1)) { SLang_Error = SL_INVALID_PARM; return -1; } SLang_push_integer(beg + regexp_reg.offset); return regexp_reg.end_matches[n]; } /*}}}*/ static char *create_delimited_string (char **list, unsigned int n, char *delim) { unsigned int len, dlen; unsigned int i; unsigned int num; char *str, *s; len = 1; /* allow room for \0 char */ num = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (list[i] == NULL) continue; len += strlen (list[i]); num++; } dlen = strlen (delim); if (num > 1) len += (num - 1) * dlen; if (NULL == (str = SLmalloc (len))) return NULL; *str = 0; s = str; i = 0; while (num > 1) { while (list[i] == NULL) i++; strcpy (s, list[i]); s += strlen (list[i]); strcpy (s, delim); s += dlen; i++; num--; } if (num) { while (list[i] == NULL) i++; strcpy (s, list[i]); } return str; } static void create_delimited_string_cmd (int *nptr) { unsigned int n, i; char **strings; char *str; str = NULL; n = 1 + (unsigned int) *nptr; /* n includes delimiter */ if (NULL == (strings = (char **)SLmalloc (n * sizeof (char *)))) { SLdo_pop_n (n); return; } memset((char *)strings, 0, n * sizeof (char *)); i = n; while (i != 0) { i--; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (strings + i)) goto return_error; } str = create_delimited_string (strings + 1, (n - 1), strings[0]); /* drop */ return_error: for (i = 0; i < n; i++) SLang_free_slstring (strings[i]); SLfree ((char *)strings); (void) SLang_push_malloced_string (str); /* NULL Ok */ } static void strjoin_cmd (char *delim) { SLang_Array_Type *at; char *str; if (-1 == SLang_pop_array_of_type (&at, SLANG_STRING_TYPE)) return; str = create_delimited_string ((char **)at->data, at->num_elements, delim); SLang_free_array (at); (void) SLang_push_malloced_string (str); /* NULL Ok */ } static void str_delete_chars_cmd (char *s, char *d) { unsigned char lut[256]; unsigned char *s1, *s2; unsigned char ch; make_lut ((unsigned char *)d, lut); if (NULL == (s = SLmake_string (s))) return; s1 = s2 = (unsigned char *) s; while ((ch = *s2++) != 0) { if (0 == lut[ch]) *s1++ = ch; } *s1 = 0; (void) SLang_push_malloced_string (s); } static unsigned char *make_lut_string (unsigned char *s) { unsigned char lut[256]; unsigned char *l; unsigned int i; /* Complement-- a natural order is imposed */ make_lut (s, lut); l = lut; for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) { if (lut[i]) *l++ = (unsigned char) i; } *l = 0; return (unsigned char *) SLmake_string ((char *)lut); } static unsigned char *make_str_range (unsigned char *s) { unsigned char *s1, *range; unsigned int num; unsigned char ch; int len; if (*s == '^') return make_lut_string (s); num = 0; s1 = s; while ((ch = *s1++) != 0) { unsigned char ch1; ch1 = *s1; if (ch1 == '-') { s1++; ch1 = *s1; len = (int)ch1 - (int)ch; if (len < 0) len = -len; num += (unsigned int) len; if (ch1 != 0) s1++; } num++; } range = (unsigned char *)SLmalloc (num + 1); if (range == NULL) return NULL; s1 = s; s = range; while ((ch = *s1++) != 0) { unsigned char ch1; unsigned int i; ch1 = *s1; if (ch1 != '-') { *s++ = ch; continue; } s1++; ch1 = *s1; if (ch > ch1) { if (ch1 == 0) ch1 = 1; for (i = (unsigned int) ch; i >= (unsigned int) ch1; i--) *s++ = (unsigned char) i; if (*s1 == 0) break; } else { for (i = (unsigned int) ch; i <= (unsigned int) ch1; i++) *s++ = (unsigned char) i; } s1++; } #if 0 if (range + num != s) SLang_verror (SL_INTERNAL_ERROR, "make_str_range: num wrong"); #endif *s = 0; return range; } static void strtrans_cmd (char *s, unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to) { unsigned char map[256]; char *s1; unsigned int i; unsigned char ch; unsigned char last_to; unsigned char *from_range, *to_range; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) map[i] = (unsigned char) i; if (*to == 0) { str_delete_chars_cmd (s, (char *)from); return; } from_range = make_str_range (from); if (from_range == NULL) return; to_range = make_str_range (to); if (to_range == NULL) { SLfree ((char *)from_range); return; } from = from_range; to = to_range; last_to = 0; while ((ch = *from++) != 0) { unsigned char to_ch; if (0 == (to_ch = *to++)) { do { map[ch] = last_to; } while (0 != (ch = *from++)); break; } last_to = map[ch] = to_ch; } SLfree ((char *)from_range); SLfree ((char *)to_range); s = SLmake_string (s); if (s == NULL) return; s1 = s; while ((ch = (unsigned char) *s1) != 0) *s1++ = (char) map[ch]; (void) SLang_push_malloced_string (s); } static SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type Strops_Table [] = /*{{{*/ { MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("create_delimited_string", create_delimited_string_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SS("strcmp", strcmp_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SSI("strncmp", strncmp_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("strcat", strcat_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("strlen", strlen_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SII("strchop", strchop_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SII("strchopr", strchopr_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("strreplace", strreplace_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SSS("str_replace", str_replace_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SII("substr", substr_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SS("is_substr", issubstr_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_II("strsub", strsub_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SII("extract_element", extract_element_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SSI("is_list_element", is_list_element_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SSI("string_match", string_match_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("string_match_nth", string_match_nth_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("strlow", strlow_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("tolower", tolower_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("toupper", toupper_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("strup", strup_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("isdigit", isdigit_cmd, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("strtrim", strtrim_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("strtrim_end", strtrim_end_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("strtrim_beg", strtrim_beg_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("strcompress", strcompress_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("Sprintf", sprintf_n_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("sprintf", sprintf_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("sscanf", _SLang_sscanf, SLANG_INT_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("make_printable_string", make_printable_string, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SSI("str_quote_string", str_quote_string_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SSS("str_uncomment_string", str_uncomment_string_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_II("define_case", SLang_define_case, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("strtok", strtok_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_S("strjoin", strjoin_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SSS("strtrans", strtrans_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), MAKE_INTRINSIC_SS("str_delete_chars", str_delete_chars_cmd, SLANG_VOID_TYPE), SLANG_END_INTRIN_FUN_TABLE }; /*}}}*/ int _SLang_init_slstrops (void) { return SLadd_intrin_fun_table (Strops_Table, NULL); }