/* sscanf function for S-Lang */ /* Copyright (c) 1999, 2001 John E. Davis * This file is part of the S-Lang library. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "slinclud.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <math.h> #include <errno.h> #include "slang.h" #include "_slang.h" static char *skip_whitespace (char *s) { while (isspace (*s)) s++; return s; } static void init_map (unsigned char map[256], int base) { memset ((char *) map, 0xFF, 256); map['0'] = 0; map['1'] = 1; map['2'] = 2; map['3'] = 3; map['4'] = 4; map['5'] = 5; map['6'] = 6; map['7'] = 7; if (base == 8) return; map['8'] = 8; map['9'] = 9; if (base == 10) return; map['A'] = 10; map['B'] = 11; map['C'] = 12; map['D'] = 13; map['E'] = 14; map['F'] = 15; map['a'] = 10; map['b'] = 11; map['c'] = 12; map['d'] = 13; map['e'] = 14; map['f'] = 15; } static char *get_sign (char *s, char *smax, int *sign) { *sign = 1; if (s + 1 < smax) { if (*s == '+') s++; else if (*s == '-') { s++; *sign = -1; } } return s; } static int parse_long (char **sp, char *smax, long *np, long base, unsigned char map[256]) { char *s, *s0; long n; int sign; s = s0 = get_sign (*sp, smax, &sign); n = 0; while (s < smax) { unsigned char value; value = map [(unsigned char) *s]; if (value == 0xFF) break; n = base * n + value; s++; } *sp = s; if (s == s0) return 0; *np = n * sign; return 1; } static int parse_int (char **sp, char *smax, int *np, long base, unsigned char map[256]) { long n; int status; if (1 == (status = parse_long (sp, smax, &n, base, map))) *np = (int) n; return status; } static int parse_short (char **sp, char *smax, short *np, long base, unsigned char map[256]) { long n; int status; if (1 == (status = parse_long (sp, smax, &n, base, map))) *np = (short) n; return status; } static int parse_ulong (char **sp, char *smax, unsigned long *np, long base, unsigned char map[256]) { return parse_long (sp, smax, (long *) np, base, map); } static int parse_uint (char **sp, char *smax, unsigned int *np, long base, unsigned char map[256]) { return parse_int (sp, smax, (int *) np, base, map); } static int parse_ushort (char **sp, char *smax, unsigned short *np, long base, unsigned char map[256]) { return parse_short (sp, smax, (short *) np, base, map); } #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT /* * In an ideal world, strtod would be the correct function to use. However, * there may be problems relying on this function because some systems do * not support and some that do get it wrong. So, I will handle the parsing * of the string and let atof or strtod handle the arithmetic. */ static int parse_double (char **sp, char *smax, double *d) { char *s, *s0; int sign; int expon; unsigned char map[256]; char buf[128]; int has_leading_zeros; char *start_pos, *sign_pos; char *b, *bmax; start_pos = *sp; s = get_sign (start_pos, smax, &sign); if (s >= smax) { errno = _SLerrno_errno = EINVAL; return 0; } /* Prepare the buffer that will be passed to strtod */ /* Allow the exponent to be 5 significant digits: E+xxxxx\0 */ bmax = buf + (sizeof (buf) - 8); buf[0] = '0'; buf[1] = '.'; b = buf + 2; init_map (map, 10); /* Skip leading 0s */ s0 = s; while ((s < smax) && (*s == '0')) s++; has_leading_zeros = (s != s0); expon = 0; while (s < smax) { unsigned char value = map [(unsigned char) *s]; if (value == 0xFF) break; if (b < bmax) *b++ = *s; expon++; s++; } if ((s < smax) && (*s == '.')) { s++; if (b == buf + 2) /* nothing added yet */ { while ((s < smax) && (*s == '0')) { expon--; s++; } } while (s < smax) { unsigned char value = map [(unsigned char) *s]; if (value == 0xFF) break; if (b < bmax) *b++ = *s; s++; } } if ((b == buf + 2) && (has_leading_zeros == 0)) { *sp = start_pos; errno = EINVAL; return 0; } if ((s + 1 < smax) && ((*s == 'E') || (*s == 'e'))) { int e; int esign; s0 = s; s = get_sign (s + 1, smax, &esign); sign_pos = s; e = 0; while (s < smax) { unsigned char value = map [(unsigned char) *s]; if (value == 0xFF) break; if (e < 25000) /* avoid overflow if 16 bit */ e = 10 * e + value; s++; } #ifdef ERANGE if (e >= 25000) errno = ERANGE; #endif if (s == sign_pos) s = s0; /* ...E-X */ else { e = esign * e; expon += e; } } if (expon != 0) sprintf (b, "e%d", expon); else *b = 0; *sp = s; #if HAVE_STRTOD *d = sign * strtod (buf, NULL); #else *d = sign * atof (buf); #endif return 1; } static int parse_float (char **sp, char *smax, float *d) { double x; if (1 == parse_double (sp, smax, &x)) { *d = (float) x; return 1; } return 0; } #endif /* SLANG_HAS_FLOAT */ static int parse_string (char **sp, char *smax, char **str) { char *s, *s0; s0 = s = *sp; while (s < smax) { if (isspace (*s)) break; s++; } if (NULL == (*str = SLang_create_nslstring (s0, (unsigned int) (s - s0)))) return -1; *sp = s; return 1; } static int parse_bstring (char **sp, char *smax, char **str) { char *s; s = *sp; if (NULL == (*str = SLang_create_nslstring (s, (unsigned int) (smax - s)))) return -1; *sp = smax; return 1; } static int parse_range (char **sp, char *smax, char **fp, char **str) { char *s, *s0; char *range; char *f; unsigned char map[256]; unsigned char reverse; /* How can one represent a range with just '^'? The naive answer is * is [^]. However, this may be interpreted as meaning any character * but ']' and others. Let's assume that the user will not use a range * to match '^'. */ f = *fp; /* f is a pointer to (one char after) [...]. */ if (*f == '^') { f++; reverse = 1; } else reverse = 0; s0 = f; if (*f == ']') f++; while (1) { char ch = *f; if (ch == 0) { SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "Unexpected end of range in format"); return -1; } if (ch == ']') break; f++; } if (NULL == (range = SLmake_nstring (s0, (unsigned int) (f - s0)))) return -1; *fp = f + 1; /* skip ] */ SLmake_lut (map, (unsigned char *) range, reverse); SLfree (range); s0 = s = *sp; while ((s < smax) && map [(unsigned char) *s]) s++; if (NULL == (*str = SLang_create_nslstring (s0, (unsigned int) (s - s0)))) return -1; *sp = s; return 1; } int _SLang_sscanf (void) { int num; unsigned int num_refs; char *format; char *input_string, *input_string_max; char *f, *s; unsigned char map8[256], map10[256], map16[256]; if (SLang_Num_Function_Args < 2) { SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "Int_Type sscanf (str, format, ...)"); return -1; } num_refs = (unsigned int) SLang_Num_Function_Args; if (-1 == SLreverse_stack (num_refs)) return -1; num_refs -= 2; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&input_string)) return -1; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&format)) { SLang_free_slstring (input_string); return -1; } f = format; s = input_string; input_string_max = input_string + strlen (input_string); init_map (map8, 8); init_map (map10, 10); init_map (map16, 16); num = 0; while (num_refs != 0) { SLang_Object_Type obj; SLang_Ref_Type *ref; char *smax; unsigned char *map; int base; int no_assign; int is_short; int is_long; int status; char chf; unsigned int width; int has_width; chf = *f++; if (chf == 0) { /* Hmmm.... what is the most useful thing to do?? */ #if 1 break; #else SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "sscanf: format not big enough for output list"); goto return_error; #endif } if (isspace (chf)) { s = skip_whitespace (s); continue; } if ((chf != '%') || ((chf = *f++) == '%')) { if (*s != chf) break; s++; continue; } no_assign = 0; is_short = 0; is_long = 0; width = 0; smax = input_string_max; /* Look for the flag character */ if (chf == '*') { no_assign = 1; chf = *f++; } /* Width */ has_width = isdigit (chf); if (has_width) { f--; (void) parse_uint (&f, f + strlen(f), &width, 10, map10); chf = *f++; } /* Now the type modifier */ switch (chf) { case 'h': is_short = 1; chf = *f++; break; case 'L': /* not implemented */ case 'l': is_long = 1; chf = *f++; break; } status = -1; if ((chf != 'c') && (chf != '[')) s = skip_whitespace (s); if (has_width) { if (width > (unsigned int) (input_string_max - s)) width = (unsigned int) (input_string_max - s); smax = s + width; } /* Now the format descriptor */ map = map10; base = 10; try_again: /* used by i, x, and o, conversions */ switch (chf) { case 0: SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "sscanf: Unexpected end of format"); goto return_error; case 'D': is_long = 1; case 'd': if (is_short) { obj.data_type = SLANG_SHORT_TYPE; status = parse_short (&s, smax, &obj.v.short_val, base, map); } else if (is_long) { obj.data_type = SLANG_LONG_TYPE; status = parse_long (&s, smax, &obj.v.long_val, base, map); } else { obj.data_type = SLANG_INT_TYPE; status = parse_int (&s, smax, &obj.v.int_val, base, map); } break; case 'U': is_long = 1; case 'u': if (is_short) { obj.data_type = SLANG_USHORT_TYPE; status = parse_ushort (&s, smax, &obj.v.ushort_val, base, map); } else if (is_long) { obj.data_type = SLANG_ULONG_TYPE; status = parse_ulong (&s, smax, &obj.v.ulong_val, base, map); } else { obj.data_type = SLANG_INT_TYPE; status = parse_uint (&s, smax, &obj.v.uint_val, base, map); } break; case 'I': is_long = 1; case 'i': if ((s + 1 >= smax) || (*s != 0)) chf = 'd'; else if (((s[1] == 'x') || (s[1] == 'X')) && (s + 2 < smax)) { s += 2; chf = 'x'; } else chf = 'o'; goto try_again; case 'O': is_long = 1; case 'o': map = map8; base = 8; chf = 'd'; goto try_again; case 'X': is_long = 1; case 'x': base = 16; map = map16; chf = 'd'; goto try_again; case 'E': case 'F': is_long = 1; case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': #if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT if (is_long) { obj.data_type = SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE; status = parse_double (&s, smax, &obj.v.double_val); } else { obj.data_type = SLANG_FLOAT_TYPE; status = parse_float (&s, smax, &obj.v.float_val); } #else SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "This version of the S-Lang does not support floating point"); status = -1; #endif break; case 's': obj.data_type = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; status = parse_string (&s, smax, &obj.v.s_val); break; case 'c': if (has_width == 0) { obj.data_type = SLANG_UCHAR_TYPE; obj.v.uchar_val = *s++; status = 1; break; } obj.data_type = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; status = parse_bstring (&s, smax, &obj.v.s_val); break; case '[': obj.data_type = SLANG_STRING_TYPE; status = parse_range (&s, smax, &f, &obj.v.s_val); break; case 'n': obj.data_type = SLANG_UINT_TYPE; obj.v.uint_val = (unsigned int) (s - input_string); status = 1; break; default: status = -1; SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "format specifier '%c' is not supported", chf); break; } if (status == 0) break; if (status == -1) goto return_error; if (no_assign) { SLang_free_object (&obj); continue; } if (-1 == SLang_pop_ref (&ref)) { SLang_free_object (&obj); goto return_error; } if (-1 == SLang_push (&obj)) { SLang_free_object (&obj); SLang_free_ref (ref); goto return_error; } if (-1 == _SLang_deref_assign (ref)) { SLang_free_ref (ref); goto return_error; } SLang_free_ref (ref); num++; num_refs--; } if (-1 == SLdo_pop_n (num_refs)) goto return_error; SLang_free_slstring (format); SLang_free_slstring (input_string); return num; return_error: /* NULLS ok */ SLang_free_slstring (format); SLang_free_slstring (input_string); return -1; } # if SLANG_HAS_FLOAT #ifndef HAVE_STDLIB_H /* Oh dear. Where is the prototype for atof? If not in stdlib, then * I do not know where. Not in math.h on some systems either. */ extern double atof (); #endif double _SLang_atof (char *s) { double x; s = skip_whitespace (s); errno = 0; if (1 != parse_double (&s, s + strlen (s), &x)) { if ((0 == strcmp ("NaN", s)) || (0 == strcmp ("-Inf", s)) || (0 == strcmp ("Inf", s))) return atof (s); /* let this deal with it */ #ifdef EINVAL errno = _SLerrno_errno = EINVAL; #endif return 0.0; } if (errno) _SLerrno_errno = errno; return x; } #endif