/* Pack objects as a binary string */ /* Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2001 John E. Davis * This file is part of the S-Lang library. * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Perl Artistic License. */ #include "slinclud.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "slang.h" #include "_slang.h" #ifndef isdigit # define isdigit(c) (((c)>='0')&&((c)<= '9')) #endif #ifndef isspace # define isspace(c) (((c)==' ') || ((c)=='\t') || ((c)=='\n')) #endif /* format description: * * s = string (null padded) * S = string (space padded) * c = signed char * C = unsigned char * h = short * H = unsigned short * i = int * I = unsigned int * l = long * L = unsigned long * j = 16 bit signed integer (short) * J = 16 bit unsigned integer (short) * k = 32 bit signed integer (long) * K = 32 bit unsigned integer (long) * f = float (native format) * F = 32 bit double * d = double (native format) * D = 64 bit double * x = null pad byte * > = big-endian mode * < = little-endian mode * = = native mode */ #define NATIVE_ORDER 0 #define BIGENDIAN_ORDER 1 #define LILENDIAN_ORDER 2 static int Native_Byte_Order = NATIVE_ORDER; typedef struct { char format_type; unsigned char data_type; unsigned int repeat; unsigned int sizeof_type; char pad; int byteorder; int is_scalar; } Format_Type; static int get_int_type_for_size (unsigned int size, unsigned char *s, unsigned char *u) { if (sizeof (int) == size) { if (s != NULL) *s = SLANG_INT_TYPE; if (u != NULL) *u = SLANG_UINT_TYPE; return 0; } if (sizeof (short) == size) { if (s != NULL) *s = SLANG_SHORT_TYPE; if (u != NULL) *u = SLANG_USHORT_TYPE; return 1; } if (sizeof (long) == size) { if (s != NULL) *s = SLANG_LONG_TYPE; if (u != NULL) *u = SLANG_ULONG_TYPE; return 1; } if (s != NULL) *s = 0; if (u != NULL) *u = 0; SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "This OS does not support a %u byte int", size); return -1; } static int get_float_type_for_size (unsigned int size, unsigned char *s) { if (sizeof (float) == size) { *s = SLANG_FLOAT_TYPE; return 0; } if (sizeof (double) == size) { *s = SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE; return 0; } SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "This OS does not support a %u byte float", size); return -1; } static int parse_a_format (char **format, Format_Type *ft) { char *f; char ch; unsigned repeat; f = *format; while (((ch = *f++) != 0) && isspace (ch)) ; switch (ch) { default: ft->byteorder = NATIVE_ORDER; break; case '=': ft->byteorder = NATIVE_ORDER; ch = *f++; break; case '>': ft->byteorder = BIGENDIAN_ORDER; ch = *f++; break; case '<': ft->byteorder = LILENDIAN_ORDER; ch = *f++; break; } if (ch == 0) { f--; *format = f; return 0; } ft->format_type = ch; ft->repeat = 1; if (isdigit (*f)) { repeat = (unsigned int) (*f - '0'); f++; while (isdigit (*f)) { unsigned int repeat10 = 10 * repeat + (unsigned int)(*f - '0'); /* Check overflow */ if (repeat != repeat10 / 10) { SLang_verror (SL_OVERFLOW, "Repeat count too large in [un]pack format"); return -1; } repeat = repeat10; f++; } ft->repeat = repeat; } *format = f; ft->is_scalar = 1; ft->pad = 0; switch (ft->format_type) { default: SLang_verror (SL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "[un]pack format character '%c' not supported", ft->format_type); return -1; case 'D': ft->sizeof_type = 8; if (-1 == get_float_type_for_size (8, &ft->data_type)) return -1; break; case 'd': ft->data_type = SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (double); break; case 'F': ft->sizeof_type = 4; if (-1 == get_float_type_for_size (4, &ft->data_type)) return -1; break; case 'f': ft->data_type = SLANG_FLOAT_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (float); break; case 'h': ft->data_type = SLANG_SHORT_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (short); break; case 'H': ft->data_type = SLANG_USHORT_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (unsigned short); break; case 'i': ft->data_type = SLANG_INT_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (int); break; case 'I': ft->data_type = SLANG_UINT_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (unsigned int); break; case 'l': ft->data_type = SLANG_LONG_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (long); break; case 'L': ft->data_type = SLANG_ULONG_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = sizeof (unsigned long); break; /* 16 bit ints */ case 'j': ft->sizeof_type = 2; if (-1 == get_int_type_for_size (2, &ft->data_type, NULL)) return -1; break; case 'J': ft->sizeof_type = 2; if (-1 == get_int_type_for_size (2, NULL, &ft->data_type)) return -1; break; /* 32 bit ints */ case 'k': ft->sizeof_type = 4; if (-1 == get_int_type_for_size (4, &ft->data_type, NULL)) return -1; break; case 'K': ft->sizeof_type = 4; if (-1 == get_int_type_for_size (4, NULL, &ft->data_type)) return -1; break; case 'x': ft->sizeof_type = 1; ft->data_type = 0; break; case 'c': ft->sizeof_type = 1; ft->data_type = SLANG_CHAR_TYPE; break; case 'C': ft->data_type = SLANG_UCHAR_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = 1; break; case 'S': case 'A': ft->pad = ' '; case 'a': case 's': ft->data_type = SLANG_BSTRING_TYPE; ft->sizeof_type = 1; ft->is_scalar = 0; break; } return 1; } static int compute_size_for_format (char *format, unsigned int *num_bytes) { unsigned int size; Format_Type ft; int status; *num_bytes = size = 0; while (1 == (status = parse_a_format (&format, &ft))) size += ft.repeat * ft.sizeof_type; *num_bytes = size; return status; } static void byte_swap64 (unsigned char *ss, unsigned int n) /*{{{*/ { unsigned char *p, *pmax, ch; if (n == 0) return; p = (unsigned char *) ss; pmax = p + 8 * n; while (p < pmax) { ch = *p; *p = *(p + 7); *(p + 7) = ch; ch = *(p + 6); *(p + 6) = *(p + 1); *(p + 1) = ch; ch = *(p + 5); *(p + 5) = *(p + 2); *(p + 2) = ch; ch = *(p + 4); *(p + 4) = *(p + 3); *(p + 3) = ch; p += 8; } } /*}}}*/ static void byte_swap32 (unsigned char *ss, unsigned int n) /*{{{*/ { unsigned char *p, *pmax, ch; p = (unsigned char *) ss; pmax = p + 4 * n; while (p < pmax) { ch = *p; *p = *(p + 3); *(p + 3) = ch; ch = *(p + 1); *(p + 1) = *(p + 2); *(p + 2) = ch; p += 4; } } /*}}}*/ static void byte_swap16 (unsigned char *p, unsigned int nread) /*{{{*/ { unsigned char *pmax, ch; pmax = p + 2 * nread; while (p < pmax) { ch = *p; *p = *(p + 1); *(p + 1) = ch; p += 2; } } /*}}}*/ static int byteswap (int order, unsigned char *b, unsigned int size, unsigned int num) { if (Native_Byte_Order == order) return 0; switch (size) { case 2: byte_swap16 (b, num); break; case 4: byte_swap32 (b, num); break; case 8: byte_swap64 (b, num); break; default: return -1; } return 0; } static void check_native_byte_order (void) { unsigned short x; if (Native_Byte_Order != NATIVE_ORDER) return; x = 0xFF; if (*(unsigned char *)&x == 0xFF) Native_Byte_Order = LILENDIAN_ORDER; else Native_Byte_Order = BIGENDIAN_ORDER; } static SLang_BString_Type * pack_according_to_format (char *format, unsigned int nitems) { unsigned int size, num; unsigned char *buf, *b; SLang_BString_Type *bs; Format_Type ft; buf = NULL; if (-1 == compute_size_for_format (format, &size)) goto return_error; if (NULL == (buf = (unsigned char *) SLmalloc (size + 1))) goto return_error; b = buf; while (1 == parse_a_format (&format, &ft)) { unsigned char *ptr; unsigned int repeat; repeat = ft.repeat; if (ft.data_type == 0) { memset ((char *) b, ft.pad, repeat); b += repeat; continue; } if (ft.is_scalar) { unsigned char *bstart; num = repeat; bstart = b; while (repeat != 0) { unsigned int nelements; SLang_Array_Type *at; if (nitems == 0) { SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "Not enough items for pack format"); goto return_error; } if (-1 == SLang_pop_array_of_type (&at, ft.data_type)) goto return_error; nelements = at->num_elements; if (repeat < nelements) nelements = repeat; repeat -= nelements; nelements = nelements * ft.sizeof_type; memcpy ((char *)b, (char *)at->data, nelements); b += nelements; SLang_free_array (at); nitems--; } if (ft.byteorder != NATIVE_ORDER) byteswap (ft.byteorder, bstart, ft.sizeof_type, num); continue; } /* Otherwise we have a string */ if (-1 == SLang_pop_bstring (&bs)) goto return_error; ptr = SLbstring_get_pointer (bs, &num); if (repeat < num) num = repeat; memcpy ((char *)b, (char *)ptr, num); b += num; repeat -= num; memset ((char *)b, ft.pad, repeat); SLbstring_free (bs); b += repeat; nitems--; } *b = 0; bs = SLbstring_create_malloced (buf, size, 0); if (bs == NULL) goto return_error; SLdo_pop_n (nitems); return bs; return_error: SLdo_pop_n (nitems); if (buf != NULL) SLfree ((char *) buf); return NULL; } void _SLpack (void) { SLang_BString_Type *bs; char *fmt; int nitems; check_native_byte_order (); nitems = SLang_Num_Function_Args; if (nitems <= 0) { SLang_verror (SL_SYNTAX_ERROR, "pack: not enough arguments"); return; } if ((-1 == SLreverse_stack (nitems)) || (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&fmt))) bs = NULL; else { bs = pack_according_to_format (fmt, (unsigned int)nitems - 1); SLang_free_slstring (fmt); } SLang_push_bstring (bs); SLbstring_free (bs); } void _SLunpack (char *format, SLang_BString_Type *bs) { Format_Type ft; unsigned char *b; unsigned int len; unsigned int num_bytes; check_native_byte_order (); if (-1 == compute_size_for_format (format, &num_bytes)) return; b = SLbstring_get_pointer (bs, &len); if (b == NULL) return; if (len < num_bytes) { SLang_verror (SL_INVALID_PARM, "unpack format %s is too large for input string", format); return; } while (1 == parse_a_format (&format, &ft)) { char *str, *s; if (ft.repeat == 0) continue; if (ft.data_type == 0) { /* skip padding */ b += ft.repeat; continue; } if (ft.is_scalar) { SLang_Array_Type *at; int dims; if (ft.repeat == 1) { SLang_Class_Type *cl; cl = _SLclass_get_class (ft.data_type); memcpy ((char *)cl->cl_transfer_buf, (char *)b, ft.sizeof_type); if (ft.byteorder != NATIVE_ORDER) byteswap (ft.byteorder, (unsigned char *)cl->cl_transfer_buf, ft.sizeof_type, 1); if (-1 == (cl->cl_apush (ft.data_type, cl->cl_transfer_buf))) return; b += ft.sizeof_type; continue; } dims = (int) ft.repeat; at = SLang_create_array (ft.data_type, 0, NULL, &dims, 1); if (at == NULL) return; num_bytes = ft.repeat * ft.sizeof_type; memcpy ((char *)at->data, (char *)b, num_bytes); if (ft.byteorder != NATIVE_ORDER) byteswap (ft.byteorder, (unsigned char *)at->data, ft.sizeof_type, ft.repeat); if (-1 == SLang_push_array (at, 1)) return; b += num_bytes; continue; } len = ft.repeat; str = SLmalloc (len + 1); if (str == NULL) return; memcpy ((char *) str, (char *)b, len); str [len] = 0; if (ft.pad == ' ') { unsigned int new_len; s = str + len; while (s > str) { s--; if ((*s != ' ') && (*s != 0)) { s++; break; } *s = 0; } new_len = (unsigned int) (s - str); if (new_len != len) { s = SLrealloc (str, new_len + 1); if (s == NULL) { SLfree (str); return; } str = s; len = new_len; } } /* Avoid a bstring if possible */ s = SLmemchr (str, 0, len); if (s == NULL) { if (-1 == SLang_push_malloced_string (str)) return; } else { SLang_BString_Type *new_bs; new_bs = SLbstring_create_malloced ((unsigned char *)str, len, 1); if (new_bs == NULL) return; if (-1 == SLang_push_bstring (new_bs)) { SLfree (str); return; } SLbstring_free (new_bs); } b += ft.repeat; } } unsigned int _SLpack_compute_size (char *format) { unsigned int n; n = 0; (void) compute_size_for_format (format, &n); return n; } void _SLpack_pad_format (char *format) { unsigned int len, max_len; Format_Type ft; char *buf, *b; check_native_byte_order (); /* Just check the syntax */ if (-1 == compute_size_for_format (format, &max_len)) return; /* This should be sufficient to handle any needed xyy padding characters. * I cannot see how this will be overrun */ max_len = 4 * (strlen (format) + 1); if (NULL == (buf = SLmalloc (max_len + 1))) return; b = buf; len = 0; while (1 == parse_a_format (&format, &ft)) { struct { char a; short b; } s_h; struct { char a; int b; } s_i; struct { char a; long b; } s_l; struct { char a; float b; } s_f; struct { char a; double b; } s_d; unsigned int pad; if (ft.repeat == 0) continue; if (ft.data_type == 0) { /* pad */ sprintf (b, "x%u", ft.repeat); b += strlen (b); len += ft.repeat; continue; } switch (ft.data_type) { default: case SLANG_STRING_TYPE: case SLANG_BSTRING_TYPE: case SLANG_CHAR_TYPE: case SLANG_UCHAR_TYPE: pad = 0; break; case SLANG_SHORT_TYPE: case SLANG_USHORT_TYPE: pad = ((unsigned int) ((char *)&s_h.b - (char *)&s_h.a)); break; case SLANG_INT_TYPE: case SLANG_UINT_TYPE: pad = ((unsigned int) ((char *)&s_i.b - (char *)&s_i.a)); break; case SLANG_LONG_TYPE: case SLANG_ULONG_TYPE: pad = ((unsigned int) ((char *)&s_l.b - (char *)&s_l.a)); break; case SLANG_FLOAT_TYPE: pad = ((unsigned int) ((char *)&s_f.b - (char *)&s_f.a)); break; case SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE: pad = ((unsigned int) ((char *)&s_d.b - (char *)&s_d.a)); break; } /* Pad to a length that is an integer multiple of pad. */ if (pad) pad = pad * ((len + pad - 1)/pad) - len; if (pad) { sprintf (b, "x%u", pad); b += strlen (b); len += pad; } *b++ = ft.format_type; if (ft.repeat > 1) { sprintf (b, "%u", ft.repeat); b += strlen (b); } len += ft.repeat * ft.sizeof_type; } *b = 0; (void) SLang_push_malloced_string (buf); }