.\" $Id: pppoe-wrapper.1 195724 2001-06-11 13:49:39Z gc $ .TH PPPOE-WRAPPER 1 "26 February 2001" .UC 4 .SH NAME pppoe-wrapper \- SUID wrapper for starting and stopping PPPoE connections. .SH SYNOPSIS .B pppoe-wrapper start linkname .P .B pppoe-wrapper stop linkname .P .B pppoe-wrapper status linkname .SH DESCRIPTION \fBpppoe-wrapper\fR is a small SUID program which allows non-root users to start and stop PPPoE links. It operates as follows: .TP .B o First, \fIlinkname\fR is sanity-checked. Too-long names and names containing illegal characters are rejected. .TP .B o Second, \fBpppoe-wrapper\fR opens the file \fB/etc/ppp/rp-pppoe-gui/\fR\fIlinkname\fR for reading. If that file does not contain the line: .nf NONROOT=OK .fi then \fBpppoe-wrapper\fR fails. .TP .B o Otherwise, \fBpppoe-wrapper\fR runs \fBadsl-start\fR, \fBadsl-stop\fR or \fBadsl-status\fR with the above filename as its single argument. .SH AUTHOR \fBpppoe-wrapper\fR was written by David F. Skoll . The \fBpppoe\fR home page is \fIhttp://www.roaringpenguin.com/pppoe/\fR. .SH SEE ALSO adsl-start(8), adsl-stop(8), adsl-status(8), tkpppoe(1)