/* * Guillaume Cottenceau (gc@mandrakesoft.com) * * Copyright 2000 Mandrakesoft * * This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU * public license. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* * (1) calculate dependencies * (2) unarchive relevant modules * (3) insmod them */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include "insmod.h" #include "stage1.h" #include "log.h" #include "mar/mar-extract-only.h" #include "frontend.h" #include "mount.h" #include "modules_descr.h" #include "modules.h" static struct module_deps_elem * modules_deps = NULL; static char archive_name[] = "/modules/modules.mar"; static char additional_archive_name[] = "/tmp/tmpfs/modules.mar"; int allow_additional_modules_floppy = 1; extern long init_module(void *, unsigned long, const char *); static const char *moderror(int err) { switch (err) { case ENOEXEC: return "Invalid module format"; case ENOENT: return "Unknown symbol in module"; case ESRCH: return "Module has wrong symbol version"; case EINVAL: return "Invalid parameters"; default: return strerror(err); } } static void *grab_file(const char *filename, unsigned long *size) { unsigned int max = 16384; int ret, fd; void *buffer = malloc(max); fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0); if (fd < 0) return NULL; *size = 0; while ((ret = read(fd, buffer + *size, max - *size)) > 0) { *size += ret; if (*size == max) buffer = realloc(buffer, max *= 2); } if (ret < 0) { free(buffer); buffer = NULL; } close(fd); return buffer; } static enum return_type ensure_additional_modules_available(void) { #ifdef ENABLE_ADDITIONAL_MODULES struct stat statbuf; if (stat(additional_archive_name, &statbuf)) { char floppy_mount_location[] = "/tmp/floppy"; char floppy_modules_mar[] = "/tmp/floppy/modules.mar"; int ret; int automatic = 0; if (stat("/tmp/tmpfs", &statbuf)) { if (scall(mkdir("/tmp/tmpfs", 0755), "mkdir")) return RETURN_ERROR; if (scall(mount("none", "/tmp/tmpfs", "tmpfs", MS_MGC_VAL, NULL), "mount tmpfs")) return RETURN_ERROR; } if (IS_AUTOMATIC) { unset_automatic(); automatic = 1; } retry: stg1_info_message("Please insert the Additional Drivers floppy.");; while (my_mount(floppy_device(), floppy_mount_location, "ext2", 0) == -1) { enum return_type results = ask_yes_no(errno == ENXIO ? "There is no detected floppy drive, or no floppy disk in drive.\nRetry?" : errno == EINVAL ? "Floppy is not a Linux ext2 floppy in first floppy drive.\nRetry?" : "Can't find a linux ext2 floppy in first floppy drive.\nRetry?"); if (results != RETURN_OK) { allow_additional_modules_floppy = 0; if (automatic) set_param(MODE_AUTOMATIC); return results; } } if (stat(floppy_modules_mar, &statbuf)) { stg1_error_message("This is not an Additional Drivers floppy, as far as I can see."); umount(floppy_mount_location); goto retry; } init_progression("Copying...", file_size(floppy_modules_mar)); ret = copy_file(floppy_modules_mar, additional_archive_name, update_progression); end_progression(); umount(floppy_mount_location); if (automatic) set_param(MODE_AUTOMATIC); return ret; } else return RETURN_OK; #else allow_additional_modules_floppy = 0; return RETURN_ERROR; #endif } int insmod_local_file(char * path, char * options) { if (kernel_version() <= 4) { return insmod_call(path, options); } else { void *file; unsigned long len; int rc; file = grab_file(path, &len); if (!file) { log_perror(asprintf_("\terror reading %s", path)); return -1; } rc = init_module(file, len, options ? options : ""); if (rc) log_message("\terror: %s", moderror(errno)); return rc; } } static char *kernel_module_extension(void) { return kernel_version() <= 4 ? ".o" : ".ko"; } /* unarchive and insmod given module * WARNING: module must not contain the trailing ".o" */ static enum insmod_return insmod_archived_file(const char * mod_name, char * options, int allow_modules_floppy) { char module_name[50]; char final_name[50] = "/tmp/"; int i, rc; strncpy(module_name, mod_name, sizeof(module_name)); strcat(module_name, kernel_module_extension()); i = mar_extract_file(archive_name, module_name, "/tmp/"); if (i == 1) { static int recurse = 0; if (allow_additional_modules_floppy && allow_modules_floppy && !recurse) { recurse = 1; if (ensure_additional_modules_available() == RETURN_OK) i = mar_extract_file(additional_archive_name, module_name, "/tmp/"); recurse = 0; } } if (i == 1) { log_message("file-not-found-in-archive %s (maybe you can try another boot floppy such as 'hdcdrom_usb.img')", module_name); return INSMOD_FAILED_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (i != 0) return INSMOD_FAILED; strcat(final_name, module_name); rc = insmod_local_file(final_name, options); unlink(final_name); /* sucking no space left on device */ if (rc) { log_message("\tfailed"); return INSMOD_FAILED; } return INSMOD_OK; } static int load_modules_dependencies(void) { char * deps_file = "/modules/modules.dep"; char * buf, * ptr, * start, * end; struct stat s; int fd, line, i; log_message("loading modules dependencies"); if (IS_TESTING) return 0; fd = open(deps_file, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { log_perror(deps_file); return -1; } fstat(fd, &s); buf = alloca(s.st_size + 1); if (read(fd, buf, s.st_size) != (ssize_t)s.st_size) { log_perror(deps_file); return -1; } buf[s.st_size] = '\0'; close(fd); ptr = buf; line = 0; while (ptr) { line++; ptr = strchr(ptr + 1, '\n'); } modules_deps = malloc(sizeof(*modules_deps) * (line+1)); start = buf; line = 0; while (start < (buf+s.st_size) && *start) { char * tmp_deps[50]; end = strchr(start, '\n'); *end = '\0'; ptr = strchr(start, ':'); if (!ptr) { start = end + 1; continue; } *ptr = '\0'; ptr++; while (*ptr && (*ptr == ' ')) ptr++; if (!*ptr) { start = end + 1; continue; } /* sort of a good line */ modules_deps[line].name = strdup(start); start = ptr; i = 0; while (start && *start) { ptr = strchr(start, ' '); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; tmp_deps[i++] = strdup(start); if (ptr) start = ptr + 1; else start = NULL; while (start && *start && *start == ' ') start++; } tmp_deps[i++] = NULL; modules_deps[line].deps = memdup(tmp_deps, sizeof(char *) * i); line++; start = end + 1; } modules_deps[line].name = NULL; return 0; } void init_modules_insmoding(void) { if (load_modules_dependencies()) { fatal_error("warning, error initing modules stuff, modules loading disabled"); } } static void add_modules_conf(char * str) { static char data[5000] = ""; char * target = "/tmp/modules.conf"; int fd; if (strlen(data) + strlen(str) >= sizeof(data)) return; strcat(data, str); strcat(data, "\n"); fd = open(target, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, 00660); if (fd == -1) { log_perror(str); return; } if (write(fd, data, strlen(data) + 1) != (ssize_t) (strlen(data) + 1)) log_perror(str); close(fd); } int module_already_present(const char * name) { FILE * f; int answ = 0; if ((f = fopen("/proc/modules", "rb"))) { while (1) { char buf[500]; if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) break; if (!strncmp(name, buf, strlen(name)) && buf[strlen(name)] == ' ') answ = 1; } fclose(f); } return answ; } static enum insmod_return insmod_with_deps(const char * mod_name, char * options, int allow_modules_floppy) { struct module_deps_elem * dep; dep = modules_deps; while (dep && dep->name && strcmp(dep->name, mod_name)) dep++; if (dep && dep->name && dep->deps) { char ** one_dep; one_dep = dep->deps; while (*one_dep) { /* here, we can fail but we don't care, if the error is * important, the desired module will fail also */ insmod_with_deps(*one_dep, NULL, allow_modules_floppy); one_dep++; } } if (module_already_present(mod_name)) return INSMOD_OK; log_message("needs %s", mod_name); { char *file = asprintf_("/modules/%s%s", mod_name, kernel_module_extension()); if (access(file, R_OK) == 0) return insmod_local_file(file, options); else return insmod_archived_file(mod_name, options, allow_modules_floppy); } } static const char * get_name_kernel_26_transition(const char * name) { struct kernel_24_26_mapping { const char * name_24; const char * name_26; }; static struct kernel_24_26_mapping mappings[] = { { "usb-ohci", "ohci-hcd" }, { "usb-uhci", "uhci-hcd" }, { "uhci", "uhci-hcd" }, // { "printer", "usblp" }, { "bcm4400", "b44" }, { "3c559", "3c359" }, { "3c90x", "3c59x" }, { "dc395x_trm", "dc395x" }, // { "audigy", "snd-emu10k1" }, }; int mappings_nb = sizeof(mappings) / sizeof(struct kernel_24_26_mapping); int i; /* pcitable contains 2.4 names. this will need to change if/when it contains 2.6 names! */ if (kernel_version() > 4) for (i=0; i<mappings_nb; i++) { if (streq(name, mappings[i].name_24)) return mappings[i].name_26; } return name; } #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK enum insmod_return my_insmod(const char * mod_name, enum driver_type type, char * options, int allow_modules_floppy) #else enum insmod_return my_insmod(const char * mod_name, enum driver_type type __attribute__ ((unused)), char * options, int allow_modules_floppy) #endif { int i; #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK char ** net_devices = NULL; /* fucking compiler */ #endif const char * real_mod_name = get_name_kernel_26_transition(mod_name); if (module_already_present(real_mod_name)) return INSMOD_OK; log_message("have to insmod %s", real_mod_name); #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK if (type == NETWORK_DEVICES) net_devices = get_net_devices(); #endif if (IS_TESTING) return INSMOD_OK; #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORK_STANDALONE { char *cmd = options ? asprintf_("/sbin/modprobe %s %s", mod_name, options) : asprintf_("/sbin/modprobe %s", mod_name); log_message("running %s", cmd); i = system(cmd); } #else i = insmod_with_deps(real_mod_name, options, allow_modules_floppy); #endif if (i == 0) { log_message("\tsucceeded %s", real_mod_name); #ifndef DISABLE_NETWORK if (type == NETWORK_DEVICES) { char ** new_net_devices = get_net_devices(); while (new_net_devices && *new_net_devices) { char alias[500]; char ** ptr = net_devices; while (ptr && *ptr) { if (!strcmp(*new_net_devices, *ptr)) goto already_present; ptr++; } sprintf(alias, "alias %s %s", *new_net_devices, mod_name); add_modules_conf(alias); log_message("NET: %s", alias); net_discovered_interface(*new_net_devices); already_present: new_net_devices++; } } #endif } else log_message("warning, insmod failed (%s %s) (%d)", real_mod_name, options, i); return i; } static enum return_type insmod_with_options(char * mod, enum driver_type type) { char * questions[] = { "Options", NULL }; static char ** answers = NULL; enum return_type results; char options[500] = "options "; results = ask_from_entries("Please enter the parameters to give to the kernel:", questions, &answers, 24, NULL); if (results != RETURN_OK) return results; strcat(options, mod); strcat(options, " "); strcat(options, answers[0]); // because my_insmod will eventually modify the string if (my_insmod(mod, type, answers[0], 1) != INSMOD_OK) { stg1_error_message("Insmod failed."); return RETURN_ERROR; } add_modules_conf(options); return RETURN_OK; } enum return_type ask_insmod(enum driver_type type) { char * mytype; char msg[200]; enum return_type results; char * choice; unset_automatic(); /* we are in a fallback mode */ if (type == SCSI_ADAPTERS) mytype = "SCSI"; else if (type == NETWORK_DEVICES) mytype = "NET"; else return RETURN_ERROR; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Which driver should I try to gain %s access?", mytype); { char ** modules = mar_list_contents(ensure_additional_modules_available() == RETURN_OK ? additional_archive_name : archive_name); char ** descrs = malloc(sizeof(char *) * string_array_length(modules)); char ** p_modules = modules; char ** p_descrs = descrs; while (p_modules && *p_modules) { int i; *p_descrs = NULL; for (i = 0 ; i < modules_descriptions_num ; i++) { if (!strncmp(*p_modules, modules_descriptions[i].module, strlen(modules_descriptions[i].module)) && (*p_modules)[strlen(modules_descriptions[i].module)] == '.') /* one contains '.o' not the other */ *p_descrs = modules_descriptions[i].descr; } p_modules++; p_descrs++; } if (modules && *modules) results = ask_from_list_comments(msg, modules, descrs, &choice); else results = RETURN_BACK; } if (results == RETURN_OK) { choice[strlen(choice)-strlen(kernel_module_extension())] = '\0'; /* remove trailing .ko or .o */ return insmod_with_options(choice, type); } else return results; }