/* * Guillaume Cottenceau (gc@mandrakesoft.com) * Olivier Blin (oblin@mandrakesoft.com) * * Copyright 2000 Mandrakesoft * * This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU * public license. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* * Portions from Erik Troan (ewt@redhat.com) * * Copyright 1996 Red Hat Software * */ #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <string.h> #include <libgen.h> #include "stage1.h" #include "frontend.h" #include "log.h" #include "lomount.h" char * extract_list_directory(char * direct) { char ** full = list_directory(direct); char tmp[20000] = ""; int i; for (i=0; i<50 ; i++) { if (!full || !*full) break; strcat(tmp, *full); strcat(tmp, "\n"); full++; } return strdup(tmp); } static void choose_iso_in_directory(char *directory, char *location_full) { char **file; char *stage2_isos[100] = { "Use directory as a mirror tree", "-----" }; int stage2_iso_number = 2; log_message("\"%s\" exists and is a directory, looking for iso files", directory); for (file = list_directory(directory); *file; file++) { char isofile[500]; char * loopdev = NULL; if (strstr(*file, ".iso") != *file + strlen(*file) - 4) /* file doesn't end in .iso, skipping */ continue; strcpy(isofile, directory); strcat(isofile, "/"); strcat(isofile, *file); if (lomount(isofile, IMAGE_LOCATION, &loopdev, 0)) { log_message("unable to mount iso file \"%s\", skipping", isofile); continue; } if (image_has_stage2()) { log_message("stage2 installer found in ISO image \"%s\"", isofile); stage2_isos[stage2_iso_number++] = strdup(*file); } else { log_message("ISO image \"%s\" doesn't contain stage2 installer", isofile); } umount(IMAGE_LOCATION); del_loop(loopdev); } stage2_isos[stage2_iso_number] = NULL; if (stage2_iso_number > 2) { enum return_type results; do { results = ask_from_list("Please choose the ISO image to be used to install the " DISTRIB_NAME " Distribution.", stage2_isos, file); if (results == RETURN_BACK) { return; } else if (results == RETURN_OK) { if (!strcmp(*file, stage2_isos[0])) { /* use directory as a mirror tree */ continue; } else if (!strcmp(*file, stage2_isos[1])) { /* the separator has been selected */ results = RETURN_ERROR; continue; } else { /* use selected ISO image */ strcat(location_full, "/"); strcat(location_full, *file); log_message("installer will use ISO image \"%s\"", location_full); } } } while (results == RETURN_ERROR); } else { log_message("no ISO image found in \"%s\" directory", location_full); } } enum return_type try_with_directory(char *directory, char *method_live, char *method_iso) { char location_full[500]; char * loopdev = NULL; struct stat statbuf; enum return_type ret = RETURN_OK; unlink(IMAGE_LOCATION); strcpy(location_full, directory); #ifndef MANDRAKE_MOVE if (!stat(directory, &statbuf) && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { choose_iso_in_directory(directory, location_full); } #endif loopdev = NULL; if (!stat(location_full, &statbuf) && !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { log_message("%s exists and is not a directory, assuming this is an ISO image", location_full); if (lomount(location_full, IMAGE_LOCATION, &loopdev, 0)) { stg1_error_message("Could not mount file %s as an ISO image of the " DISTRIB_NAME " Distribution.", location_full); return RETURN_ERROR; } add_to_env("ISOPATH", location_full); add_to_env("METHOD", method_iso); } else { int offset = strncmp(location_full, IMAGE_LOCATION_DIR, sizeof(IMAGE_LOCATION_DIR) - 1) == 0 ? sizeof(IMAGE_LOCATION_DIR) - 1 : 0; log_message("assuming %s is a mirror tree", location_full + offset); rmdir(IMAGE_LOCATION); /* useful if we loopback mounted it */ symlink(location_full + offset, IMAGE_LOCATION); add_to_env("METHOD", method_live); } #ifdef MANDRAKE_MOVE if (access(IMAGE_LOCATION "/live_tree/etc/fstab", R_OK) && access(IMAGE_LOCATION "/live_tree.clp", R_OK)) { stg1_error_message("I can't find the " DISTRIB_NAME " Distribution in the specified directory. " "(I need the file " IMAGE_LOCATION "/live_tree/etc/fstab" ")\n" "Here's a short extract of the files in the directory:\n" "%s", extract_list_directory(IMAGE_LOCATION)); ret = RETURN_BACK; } #else if (access(IMAGE_LOCATION "/" CLP_LOCATION_REL, R_OK)) { stg1_error_message("I can't find the " DISTRIB_NAME " Distribution in the specified directory. " "(I need the subdirectory " CLP_LOCATION_REL ")\n" "Here's a short extract of the files in the directory:\n" "%s", extract_list_directory(IMAGE_LOCATION)); ret = RETURN_BACK; } else if (may_load_clp() != RETURN_OK) { stg1_error_message("Could not load program into memory."); ret = RETURN_ERROR; } if (ret == RETURN_OK) log_message("found the " DISTRIB_NAME " Installation, good news!"); #endif if (!KEEP_MOUNTED || ret != RETURN_OK) { /* in rescue mode, we don't need the media anymore */ umount(IMAGE_LOCATION); del_loop(loopdev); } return ret; }