#include "dietfeatures.h" #include #include #include #include #include "dietstdio.h" #include "dietwarning.h" static inline unsigned int skip_to(const unsigned char *format) { unsigned int nr; for (nr=0; format[nr] && (format[nr]!='%'); ++nr); return nr; } #define A_WRITE(fn,buf,sz) ((fn)->put((void*)(buf),(sz),(fn)->data)) static const char pad_line[2][16]= { " ", "0000000000000000", }; static inline int write_pad(struct arg_printf* fn, int len, int padwith) { int nr=0; for (;len>15;len-=16,nr+=16) { A_WRITE(fn,pad_line[(padwith=='0')?1:0],16); } if (len>0) { A_WRITE(fn,pad_line[(padwith=='0')?1:0],(unsigned int)len); nr+=len; } return nr; } int __v_printf(struct arg_printf* fn, const unsigned char *format, va_list arg_ptr) { int len=0; while (*format) { unsigned int sz = skip_to(format); if (sz) { A_WRITE(fn,format,sz); len+=sz; format+=sz; } if (*format=='%') { char buf[128]; unsigned char ch, *s, padwith=' '; char flag_in_sign=0; char flag_upcase=0; char flag_hash=0; char flag_left=0; char flag_space=0; char flag_sign=0; char flag_dot=0; signed char flag_long=0; unsigned int base; unsigned int width=0, preci=0; long number=0; #ifdef WANT_LONGLONG_PRINTF long long llnumber=0; #endif ++format; inn_printf: switch(ch=*format++) { case 0: return -1; break; /* FLAGS */ case '#': flag_hash=-1; case 'z': goto inn_printf; case 'h': --flag_long; goto inn_printf; case 'L': ++flag_long; /* fall through */ case 'l': ++flag_long; goto inn_printf; case '0': padwith='0'; goto inn_printf; case '-': flag_left=1; goto inn_printf; case ' ': flag_space=1; goto inn_printf; case '+': flag_sign=1; goto inn_printf; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if(flag_dot) return -1; width=strtoul(format-1,(char**)&s,10); format=s; goto inn_printf; case '*': width=va_arg(arg_ptr,int); goto inn_printf; case '.': flag_dot=1; if (*format=='*') { preci=va_arg(arg_ptr,int); ++format; } else { long int tmp=strtol(format,(char**)&s,10); preci=tmp<0?0:tmp; format=s; } goto inn_printf; /* print a char or % */ case 'c': ch=(char)va_arg(arg_ptr,int); case '%': A_WRITE(fn,&ch,1); ++len; break; /* print a string */ case 's': s=va_arg(arg_ptr,char *); #ifdef WANT_NULL_PRINTF if (!s) s="(null)"; #endif sz = strlen(s); if (flag_dot && sz>preci) sz=preci; flag_dot^=flag_dot; print_out: if (width && (!flag_left)) { if (flag_in_sign) { A_WRITE(fn,s,1); ++len; ++s; --sz; --width; } if (flag_hash>0) { A_WRITE(fn,s,flag_hash); len+=flag_hash; s+=flag_hash; sz-=flag_hash; width-=flag_hash; } // len+=write_pad(fn,(signed int)width-(signed int)sz,padwith); if (flag_dot) { len+=write_pad(fn,(signed int)width-(signed int)preci,padwith); len+=write_pad(fn,(signed int)preci-(signed int)sz,'0'); } else len+=write_pad(fn,(signed int)width-(signed int)sz,padwith); } A_WRITE(fn,s,sz); len+=sz; if (width && (flag_left)) { len+=write_pad(fn,(signed int)width-(signed int)sz,' '); } break; /* print an integer value */ case 'b': base=2; sz=0; goto num_printf; case 'p': flag_hash=2; flag_long=1; ch='x'; case 'X': flag_upcase=(ch=='X'); case 'x': base=16; sz=0; if (flag_hash) { buf[1]='0'; buf[2]=ch; flag_hash=2; sz=2; } goto num_printf; case 'd': case 'i': flag_in_sign=1; case 'u': base=10; sz=0; goto num_printf; case 'o': base=8; sz=0; if (flag_hash) { buf[1]='0'; flag_hash=1; ++sz; } num_printf: s=buf+1; if (flag_long>0) { #ifdef WANT_LONGLONG_PRINTF if (flag_long>1) llnumber=va_arg(arg_ptr,long long); else #endif number=va_arg(arg_ptr,long); } else number=va_arg(arg_ptr,int); if (flag_in_sign) { #ifdef WANT_LONGLONG_PRINTF if ((flag_long>1)&&(llnumber<0)) { llnumber=-llnumber; flag_in_sign=2; } else #endif if (number<0) { number=-number; flag_in_sign=2; } } if (flag_long<0) number&=0xffff; if (flag_long<-1) number&=0xff; #ifdef WANT_LONGLONG_PRINTF if (flag_long>1) sz += __lltostr(s+sz,sizeof(buf)-5,(unsigned long long) llnumber,base,flag_upcase); else #endif sz += __ltostr(s+sz,sizeof(buf)-5,(unsigned long) number,base,flag_upcase); if (flag_in_sign==2) { *(--s)='-'; ++sz; } else if ((flag_in_sign)&&(flag_sign || flag_space)) { *(--s)=(flag_sign)?'+':' '; ++sz; } else flag_in_sign=0; goto print_out; #ifdef WANT_FLOATING_POINT_IN_PRINTF /* print a floating point value */ case 'f': case 'g': { int g=(ch=='g'); double d=va_arg(arg_ptr,double); if (width==0) width=1; if (!flag_dot) preci=6; sz=__dtostr(d,buf,sizeof(buf),width,preci); if (flag_dot) { char *tmp; if ((tmp=strchr(buf,'.'))) { ++tmp; while (preci>0 && *++tmp) --preci; *tmp=0; } } if (g) { char *tmp,*tmp1; /* boy, is _this_ ugly! */ if ((tmp=strchr(buf,'.'))) { tmp1=strchr(tmp,'e'); while (*tmp) ++tmp; if (tmp1) tmp=tmp1; while (*--tmp=='0') ; if (*tmp!='.') ++tmp; *tmp=0; if (tmp1) strcpy(tmp,tmp1); } } preci=strlen(buf); s=buf; goto print_out; } #endif default: break; } } } return len; } link_warning("__v_printf","warning: the printf functions add several kilobytes of bloat.")