#!/usr/bin/perl @ARGV >= 2 or die "usage: $0 <image> cdrom|hd|network|blank|network_ks|pcmcia|live|tftp|tftprd\n"; use Config; Config->import; my ($arch) = $Config{archname} =~ /(.*)-/; my $corporate = $ENV{CORPORATE} && " corporate"; #- use this for building a corporate version. ($img, $type) = @ARGV; $instdir = "install"; $ks = "kickstart=floppy" if $type =~ s/_ks//; $mnt = "/tmp/drakx_mnt"; $mke2fs = "/sbin/mke2fs -q -m 0 -F -s 1"; if ($>) { $sudo = "sudo"; $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}"; } sub __ { print @_, "\n"; system(@_); } sub _ { __ @_; $? and die; } _ "$sudo mkdir $mnt" unless -e $mnt; _ "$sudo mkdir ${mnt}2" unless -e "${mnt}2"; $install = $ {{ blank => "full-install", live => "full-install", tftp => "full-install", tftprd => "full-install", pcmcia => "full-install", network => "install", cdrom => "local-install", hd => "local-install", live64 => "full-install", tftp64 => "full-install", tftprd64 => "full-install", pcmcia64 => "full-install", network64 => "install", cdrom64 => "local-install", hd64 => "local-install", }}{$type} or die; $img =~ /rdz$/ ? initrd($mnt, $img) : $::{"boot_img_$arch"}->($mnt, $img); sub install_s { _ "strip $_[0]"; _ "$sudo install $_[0] $_[1]" } sub initrd { my ($mnt, $img) = @_; my ($ltype, $I) = $type =~ /(.*?)(64)/; $ltype ||= $type; my $tmp = "$ENV{HOME}/tmp/initrd"; my $tar = "$instdir/install1_$type.$arch.tar.bz2"; -e $tar or $tar = "$instdir/install1.$arch.tar.bz2"; __ "$sudo umount $tmp $mnt 2>/dev/null"; _ "dd if=/dev/zero of=$tmp bs=1k count=2000"; _ "$mke2fs $tmp"; _ "$sudo mount -t ext2 $tmp $mnt -o loop"; _ "$sudo tar xyC $mnt -f $tar"; install_s("$instdir/installinit/init", "$mnt/sbin"); install_s("$instdir/$install", "$mnt/sbin/install"); _ "$sudo cp -f install_${type}_modules/* $mnt/modules/" if -d "install_${type}_modules"; _ "$sudo cp -f modules$I/${ltype}_modules.cgz $mnt/modules/modules$I.cgz" if $ltype ne "blank"; _ "$sudo cp -f modules$I/modules.dep $mnt/modules/"; _ "$sudo umount $mnt"; # Workaround for vfat-loop bug (quite touchy) _ "gzip -9f $tmp"; _ "cp -f $tmp.gz $img"; _ "rm -f $tmp.gz"; # _ "gzip -9 -c $tmp > $img"; # _ "rm -f $tmp"; } sub boot_img_i386 { my ($mnt, $img) = @_; __ "$sudo umount $mnt 2>/dev/null"; if ($type eq "hd") { _ "bunzip2 -c $instdir/installinit/msgboot.img.bz2 > $img"; } else { _ "bunzip2 -c $instdir/installinit/msgboot-graphicallogo.img.bz2 > $img"; } _ "$sudo mount -t msdos -o umask=0 $img $mnt -o loop"; _ "cat vmlinuz > $mnt/vmlinuz"; -f "$type.rdz" ? _ "cp -f $type.rdz $mnt" : initrd("${mnt}2", "$mnt/$type.rdz"); my $timeout = $ks ? 1 : 72; output("$mnt/syslinux.cfg", " default linux prompt 1 timeout $timeout display boot.msg F1 help.msg F2 boot.msg label linux kernel vmlinuz append $ks ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type vga=788 label vgalo kernel vmlinuz append $ks ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type vga=785 label vgahi kernel vmlinuz append $ks ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type vga=791 label vga16 kernel vmlinuz append $ks ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type vga16 label text kernel vmlinuz append $ks ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type text label patch kernel vmlinuz append ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type patch vga=788 label expert kernel vmlinuz append ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type expert vga=788 label rescue kernel vmlinuz append ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type rescue rw label auto kernel vmlinuz append ramdisk_size=32000 initrd=$type.rdz $type auto_install=auto_inst.cfg.pl "); _ "cp -f $instdir/installinit/ks.cfg $mnt 2>/dev/null"; _ "sync"; _ "df $mnt"; } sub boot_img_alpha { my ($mnt, $img) = @_; __ "$sudo umount $mnt 2>/dev/null"; _ "dd if=/dev/zero of=$img bs=1k count=1440"; _ "$mke2fs $img"; _ "/sbin/e2writeboot $img /boot/bootlx"; _ "$sudo mount -t ext2 $img $mnt -o loop"; _ "cp -f vmlinux.gz $mnt"; -f "$type.rdz" ? _ "cp -f $type.rdz $mnt" : initrd("${mnt}2", "$mnt/$type.rdz"); mkdir "$mnt/etc", 0777; output("$mnt/etc/aboot.conf", "0:vmlinux.gz initrd=$type.rdz rw ramdisk_size=32000 $type 1:vmlinux.gz initrd=$type.rdz rw ramdisk_size=32000 text $type "); _ "sync"; _ "df $mnt"; } sub boot_img_sparc { my ($mnt, $img) = @_; if ($type =~ /^live(.*)/) { #- hack to produce directly into /export the needed file for cdrom boot. my $dir = "/export"; my $boot = "boot"; #- non-absolute pathname only! _ "mkdir -p $dir/$boot"; _ "cp -f /boot/cd.b /boot/second.b $dir/$boot"; _ "cp -f vmlinux$1 $dir/$boot/vmlinux$1"; -f "live$1.rdz" ? _ "cp -f live$1.rdz $dir/$boot" : initrd("${mnt}2", "$dir/$boot/live$1.rdz"); output("$dir/$boot/silo.conf", " partition=1 default=linux timeout=100 read-write message=/$boot/boot.msg image=\"cat /$boot/boot.msg\" label=1 single-key image=\"cat /$boot/general.msg\" label=2 single-key image=\"cat /$boot/expert.msg\" label=3 single-key image=\"cat /$boot/rescue.msg\" label=4 single-key image=\"cat /$boot/kickit.msg\" label=5 single-key image=\"cat /$boot/param.msg\" label=6 single-key image[sun4c,sun4d,sun4m]=/$boot/vmlinux label=linux alias=install initrd=/$boot/live.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000$corporate\" image[sun4c,sun4d,sun4m]=/$boot/vmlinux label=text initrd=/$boot/live.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000 text$corporate\" image[sun4c,sun4d,sun4m]=/$boot/vmlinux label=expert initrd=/$boot/live.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000 expert$corporate\" image[sun4c,sun4d,sun4m]=/$boot/vmlinux label=ks initrd=/$boot/live.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000 ks$corporate\" image[sun4u]=/$boot/vmlinux64 label=linux alias=install initrd=/$boot/live64.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000$corporate\" image[sun4u]=/$boot/vmlinux64 label=text initrd=/$boot/live64.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000 text$corporate\" image[sun4u]=/$boot/vmlinux64 label=expert initrd=/$boot/live64.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000 expert$corporate\" image[sun4u]=/$boot/vmlinux64 label=ks initrd=/$boot/live64.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000 ks$corporate\" "); output("$dir/$boot/README", " To Build a Bootable CD-ROM, try: mkisofs -R -o t.iso -s /$boot/silo.conf /export "); } elsif ($type =~ /^tftprd(.*)/) { my $dir = "/export"; my $boot = "images"; my $setarch = $1 ? "sparc64" : "sparc32"; _ "mkdir -p $dir/$boot"; -f "$type.rdz" or initrd("${mnt}2", "$type.rdz"); _ "cp -f vmlinux$1.aout $dir/$boot/$type.img"; _ "$setarch kernel$1/src/arch/sparc$1/boot/piggyback $dir/$boot/$type.img kernel$1/boot/System.map $type.rdz"; } elsif ($type =~ /^tftp(.*)/) { my $dir = "/export"; my $boot = "images"; _ "mkdir -p $dir/$boot"; _ "cp -f vmlinux$1.aout $dir/$boot/$type.img"; } else { my $dir = "floppy"; my ($ltype, $I) = $type =~ /(.*?)(64)/; $ltype ||= $type; __ "$sudo umount $mnt 2>/dev/null"; _ "rm -rf $dir"; _ "mkdir -p $dir"; _ "cp -f /boot/fd.b /boot/second.b $dir"; _ "cp -f vmlinuz$I $dir/vmlinux$I.gz"; -f "$type.rdz" ? _ "cp -f $type.rdz $dir" : initrd("${mnt}2", "$dir/$type.rdz"); output("$dir/boot.msg", " Welcome to Linux-Mandrake 7.1 Press <Enter> to install or upgrade a system 7mLinux-Mandrake7m "); output("$dir/silo.conf", " partition=1 default=linux timeout=100 read-write message=/boot.msg image=/vmlinux$I.gz label=linux initrd=/$type.rdz append=\"ramdisk_size=32000 $ltype$corporate\" "); _ "genromfs -d $dir -f /dev/ram -A 2048,/.. -a 512 -V \'DrakX boot disk\'"; _ "$sudo mount -t romfs /dev/ram $mnt"; _ "silo -r $mnt -F -i /fd.b -b /second.b -C /silo.conf"; _ "$sudo umount $mnt"; _ "dd if=/dev/ram of=$type.img bs=1440k count=1"; _ "sync"; _ "$sudo mount -t romfs /dev/ram $mnt"; _ "df $mnt"; } } sub boot_img_ppc { my ($mnt, $img) = @_; # Here's a quick hack... just to give the script somethign to do. :) # We do not yet have a set way of making bootable images. _ "cp $type.rdz $img"; } sub output { my $f = shift; local *F; open F, "> $f" or die "error writing to $f"; print F join '', @_; }