
$::isInstall = 1; # for /root/drakx/ddebug.log

use strict;
#use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
use lib "../perl-install";
use standalone;
use interactive;
use common;
use partition_table;
use fsedit;
use fs;
use any;
use pkgs;
use class_discard;
use run_program;
use log;

# my $in = interactive->vnew;

$::isStandalone = undef;  # for /tmp/ddebug.log

my (%options, @new_ARGV);

foreach (@ARGV) {
    if (/^--(.*)/) {
        $options{$1} = 1;
    } else {
        push @new_ARGV, $_;

my $rescue;

if ($0 =~ /restore_globetrotter/) {
    %options = (install => 1, post => 1);
    $rescue = 1;

@ARGV = @new_ARGV;

my @suggestions = (
                   { mntpoint => "/",     size => 4500 << 11, type => 0x483, ratio => 1, maxsize => 6000 << 11 },
                   # splited / and /usr:
                   # { mntpoint => "/",     size => 250 << 11, type => 0x483, ratio => 1, maxsize => 2000 << 11 },
                   # { mntpoint => "/usr",  size => 300 << 11, type => 0x483, ratio => 4, maxsize => 4000 << 11 },
                   { mntpoint => "/home", size => 100 << 11, type => 0x483, ratio => 3 },

                   # share partition with windows:
                   { mntpoint => "/mnt/share",  size => 2000 << 11, type => 0xb, ratio => 2, maxsize => 10000 << 11 },
                   { mntpoint => "/mnt/packages", size => 7500 << 11, type => 0x483, ratio => 3, maxsize => 7500 << 11 },
                   # allocated last b/c end of disk is usually faster:
                   { mntpoint => "swap",  size =>  64 << 11, type => 0x82, ratio => 1, maxsize =>  500 << 11 },

sub get_hds() {
	my $all_hds = fsedit::get_hds();
     my $other;
	($all_hds->{hds}, $other) = partition { $_->{usb_description} eq 'LaCie|LaCie Hard Drive USB' } @{$all_hds->{hds}};
	die "I did not found any LaCie disk\n" if !$all_hds->{hds}[0];
	$all_hds, $all_hds->{hds}[0]; # $other

sub prepare_disk() {
    # repartion the hard disk:
    print "PARTITIONNING\n";
    my ($all_hds, $hd, $other) = get_hds();
    # partition_table::remove($hd, $_) while partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd);
    run_program::run("swapoff", "/dev/$all_hds->{hds}[0]{device}8") if any { /$all_hds->{hds}[0]{device}/ } cat_("/proc/partitions");

    fsedit::allocatePartitions($all_hds, \@suggestions);
    require diskdrake::interactive;
    require class_discard;
    # diskdrake::interactive::write_partitions(class_discard->new, $_, 'skip_check_rebootNeeded') foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}});
    foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) {
	    local $::isStandalone = undef;
	    print "WRITE PARTITION ON $_->{file}\n";
	    diskdrake::interactive::write_partitions(class_discard->new, $_, 'skip_check_rebootNeeded')
    # partition_table::write(@{$all_hds->{hds}});
    ($all_hds, $hd, $other);

sub formatdisk {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    print "FORMATTING\n";
    foreach (partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd)) { 
        print qq(Formatting "$_->{device}" ($_->{mntpoint})\n); 
        fs::format_part(undef, $_, $::prefix, undef) if !$::testing;

#@ARGV <= 1 or die "usage: make_live [live_location=/tmp/live_tree]\n";

    if (!find { m!/proc/bus/usb! } run_program::get_stdout('mount')) {
        warn "USB service is *NOT* started" if !$rescue;
        run_program::get_stdout('service', 'usb', 'start');

sub find_partition {
  my ($label, @parts) = @_;
  find { member(fs::type2fs($_), qw(ext2 ext3)) && chomp_(`e2label /dev/$_->{device} 2>/dev/root`) eq $label } @parts;

my $pkg_dev;
if ($rescue) {
    system("mount -t tmpfs none /tmp");
    # let be able to see USB devices:
    system("mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb");
    system("modprobe usb-storage; modprobe sd_mod");
    # let be able to detect SCSI hds:
    system("mount -t sysfs none /sys");

    my ($all_hds, $hd, $other) = get_hds();
    print "Looking for the package partition\n";
    my @parts = partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd);
    $pkg_dev = find_partition("MDK-PKGS", @parts);
    die "I cannot find the package partition which is needed in order to restore the system!" if is_empty_hash_ref($pkg_dev) || !$pkg_dev->{device};
    my $root = find_partition("MDK-ROOT", @parts);
    $root = find { $_->{device} eq "sda1" } @parts if is_empty_hash_ref($root);
    die "I cannot find any hard disk to restore!" if is_empty_hash_ref($root) || !$root->{device};
    print "Please wait, disk reinstallation is in progress, this can take quite some time\n";
    print "Formating $root->{device}\n";
    system("mkfs.ext2 -j /dev/$root->{device} > /dev/null\n");
    run_program::run('tune2fs', '-L', "MDK-ROOT", "/dev/$root->{device}"); # prevent lost label if restore aborts before the end

sub installPackages() {
    local $::testing = undef;

    # for a gconftool-2 cleaner:
    my $pid = fork();
    !defined $pid and die("cannot fork: $!");
    !$pid and do {
        while (1) {
            run_program::run('/usr/bin/killall', 'gconftool-2') if -x '/usr/bin/killall';
    my $_b = before_leaving { kill 'TERM', $pid if $pid };

    # ensure no %_install_langs:
    output_p("$::prefix/etc/rpm/macros", "%_install_langs all\n");
    # ensure boot from USB will work:
    output_p("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd", "forceusb=yes\n");


    undef *install_any::setDefaultPackages;
    *install_any::setDefaultPackages = sub {};

    undef *install_any::getFile;
    *install_any::getFile = sub {
	my ($f, $o_method) = @_;
	log::l("getFile $f:$o_method");
	open(my $F, '/export/' . install_any::relGetFile($f)) or return;

    undef *c::kernel_version;
    *c::kernel_version = sub {
	#my @l = glob_('/export/Mandrake/RPMS/kernel-enterprise-2.6*');
	my @l = glob_('/export/Mandrake/RPMS/kernel-2.6*');
	@l >= 1 or die  "can't find kernel";
	@l <= 1 or die "too many kernels";
	first(`rpm -qp --qf '%{name}' $l[0]` =~ /kernel-(.*)/);

    my $kernel_version = c::kernel_version();

    print "INSTALLING\n";
    install_any::setPackages(my $o = $::o =
                              prefix => $::prefix, 
                              meta_class => 'desktop', 
                              default_packages => [
				 #- for screenshots:
				 qw(XFree86-server XFree86-xfs XFree86-FBDev),
				 qw(openssh-server), #- fred wants it
				 qw(alsa-utils cdialog newt),
				 qw(davfs nfs-utils samba-server sane-backends xsane xsane-gimp ntp),
                     qw(acpi acpid), #- so that removing acpi=ht will work
				 qw(mountloop),	#- crypted folders
				 qw(mandrake-doc-en mandrake-doc-fr mandrake-doc-drakxtools-en mandrake-doc-drakxtools-fr),
				 #- network conf:
				 qw(wireless-tools pcmcia-cs),
				 #- zeroconf:
				 qw(zcip dhcpcd tmdns),
				 #- cnx stuff:
				 qw(dhcp-client ppp kdenetwork-kppp ppp-pppoatm ppp-pppoe pptp-linux pptp-adsl rp-pppoe),
				 #- ISDN stuff:
				 # qw(isdn4net ibod isdn4k-utils), # not installed since it provides an interface (will be automatically installed by drakconnect)
				 #- network file sharing:
				 qw(nfs-utils-clients samba-client),
				 #- network drivers and firmwares:
				 qw(eagle-usb speedtouch speedtouch_mgmt unicorn),
				 #- alt kernels:
				 # glob_('/export/Mandrake/RPMS/kernel-2.4*'), #- for ISDN
				 #- configuration:
				 qw(drakconf drakcronat drakfirsttime drakxtools harddrake-ui mdkonline rpmdrake userdrake2),
				 qw(cups cups-drivers foomatic-db gimpprint hpoj libnet-snmp mtools mtoolsfm nmap printer-filters printer-testpages printer-utils scli xojpanel xpp), #- printer stuff
				 "ATI_kernel-$kernel_version", qw(ATI_GLX ATI_GLX-utils NVIDIA_GLX libMesaGLU1), # ATI_GLX requires ATI_kernel
				 # qw(hcfpcimodem hsflinmodem ltmodem), #- 2.4.x only
				 qw(xinput), #- for some mice
				 qw(bash-completion binutils  emacs-X11 ntsysv perl-doc perl-Term-Readline-Gnu),  #- allow debugging
				 qw(openssh-askpass-gnome),  #- openssh-askpass for mountloop doesn't allow to click on ok/cancel buttons
				 qw(clanbomber freeciv-client freeciv-server crack-attack kdegames),  #- more games
				 qw(numlock),  # shorewall # not installed since its default config breaks network (will be automatically installed by drakfirewall)
				 qw(xawtv zapping),  #- tv apps
				 qw(scribus scribus-i18n-de scribus-i18n-fr),  #- John Jablonski says it's so much useful
                     (map { "OpenOffice.org-l10n-$_" } qw(ar ca cs da de el en es eu fi fr it ja ko nl pl pt pt_BR ru sk sv tr zh_CN zh_TW)),
				 qw(dosfstools mtools),
				 qw(koffice konsole),
				 qw(devfsd dynamic harddrake hotplug magicdev mandrake-globetrotter netprofile),
				 qw(ipw2100 ipw2100_kernel ipw2100_kernel-, # ipw2100_kernel-$kernel_version,
                     #- fonts:
				 qw(XFree86-100dpi-fonts XFree86-75dpi-fonts),
				 qw(fonts-bitmap-tscii fonts-hebrew-elmar),
                     (map { "fonts-ttf-$_" } qw(arabic armenian bengali big5 decoratives ethiopic gb2312 japanese kannada korean latex tamil thai tscii vera west_european)),
                     (map { "fonts-type1-$_" } qw(cyrillic greek hebrew)),

    my %compssUsersChoice = map { $_ => 1 } map { @{$_->{flags}} } values %{$o->{compssUsers}};
    $compssUsersChoice{$_} = 1 foreach 'SYSTEM', 'DVD', 'USB', 'SOUND', 'BURNER', 'UTF8', 'DOCS', 'TV', '3D', 'INSTALL';
    $compssUsersChoice{qq(LOCALES"$_")} = 1 foreach lang::langsLANGUAGE({ all => 1 });

    pkgs::setSelectedFromCompssList($o->{packages}, \%compssUsersChoice, 4, 0);

    my $unselect = sub {
        my ($pkg) = @_;
        my $p = pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, $pkg);
        pkgs::unselectPackage($o->{packages}, $p) if $p;

    # unselect some packages whose services fsck up the box and whose services are not enabled by appropriate tools:
    # (shorewall must be deselected before iptables is)
    $unselect->($_) foreach qw(at hpoj shorewall iptables ntp tmdns zcip );

    # unselect uim since uim IM break first time wizard when selecting english:
    $unselect->($_) foreach qw(uim-applet uim libuim0);

    my @toInstall = pkgs::packagesToInstall($o->{packages});
    local $ENV{DURING_INSTALL} = 1;
    $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/lib/qt3/lib";
    pkgs::install($::prefix, 0, \@toInstall, $o->{packages});
    eval { fs::umount("$::prefix/proc") };

sub config_X_proprietary_drivers() {
    unlink "$::prefix/usr/lib/libGL.so";

    my %name_to_Driver = (NVIDIA_GLX => 'nvidia', ATI_GLX => 'fglrx');

    my $lib = 'libGL.so.1';
    symlinkf("/etc/X11/$lib", "$::prefix/usr/lib/$lib");
    foreach (keys %name_to_Driver) {
	my ($full_name) = run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, 'rpm', '-ql', $_) =~ m!/usr/lib/(\Q$lib\E\..*)! or die '';
	symlinkf($full_name, "$::prefix/usr/lib/$lib.$name_to_Driver{$_}");
    #- remove the dirty hack done by NVIDIA_kernel-xxx proprietary package
    #- we do it by hand when needed
    substInFile { $_ = '' if $_ eq 'nvidia' } "$::prefix/etc/modules";

$::prefix = $ARGV[0] || '/tmp/live_tree';

-d $::prefix or mkdir $::prefix;
print "Making live in $::prefix directory.\n";

my ($all_hds, $hd, $other) = do {
    # here we want testing so that diskdrake still set mount points in data structure:
    local $::testing = !$options{partition};

formatdisk($hd) if $options{format};

add2hash($hd, $other);

undef $::testing;

my @parts = partition_table::get_normal_parts($hd);

my ($root) = grep { $_->{mntpoint} eq "/" } @parts;
print "Root is $root->{device}\n";
run_program::run('tune2fs', '-L', "MDK-ROOT", "/dev/$root->{device}");
# fs::mount_part($root, $::prefix);
my $fstab = [ fsedit::get_all_fstab($all_hds) ];

# we need to mount every fs we want to see into /etc/fstab !!!
fs::mount_part($_, $::prefix) foreach sort { $a->{mntpoint} cmp $b->{mntpoint} } @$fstab;

symlink("$::prefix/mnt/packages", "/export") if $rescue;

eval {
    print "Installing packages\n";
} if $options{install};

sub doRootSubst {
    my ($file) = @_;
    substInFile {
    } $file;

fs::write_fstab($all_hds, $::prefix);
append_to_file("$::prefix/etc/fstab", "none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0");

my ($home) = grep { $_->{mntpoint} eq "/home" } @parts;
my ($mnt_pkgs) = grep { $_->{mntpoint} eq "/mnt/packages" } @parts;
run_program::run('tune2fs', '-L', "MDK-HOME", "/dev/$home->{device}") if $home;
run_program::run('tune2fs', '-L', "MDK-PKGS", "/dev/$mnt_pkgs->{device}") if $mnt_pkgs;

substInFile {
    s!defaults\s!defaults,ro ! if m!/mnt/packages!;
    s!defaults\s!defaults,umask=0000 ! if m!/mnt/share!;
} "$::prefix/etc/fstab";

#- Bootloader
print "Configuring bootloader\n";
system("modprobe loop");
require keyboard;
require bootloader;

my $bootloader = {
                  keytable => keyboard::keyboard2kmap(keyboard::lang2keyboard('fr')),
		  bios => { '/dev/sda' => '0x80' },

bootloader::suggest($bootloader, $all_hds->{hds}, $fstab,
                    vga_fb => 788, 
                    quiet => 1);

# LILO failled to boot from SCSI:
# $bootloader->{method} = 'lilo-graphic';
$bootloader->{method} = 'grub';

eval { bootloader::install($bootloader, $fstab, $all_hds->{hds}) };

run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'sh', '/boot/grub/install.sh');

# fix GRUB configuration:
substInFile {
    # use FB by default on versionned entries so that the initial versionned entry behave like those created by /sbin/installkernel:
    s/$/ vga=788/ if /^kernel.*\d\.\d\.\d/;
    # set devfs=mount as well so that installkernel can properly install bootable 2.4.x kernels:
    s/$/ devfs=mount/ if /^kernel/ && !/failsafe/;
} "$::prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst";

## disable ISDN by default (bogus isdn4net came with an enabled interface :-():
#substInFile {
#    s/#ONBOOT.*/ONBOOT="no"/
#} "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ippp0";

print "Post install misc configuration\n";

# clean services:
# cups-lpd ibod isdn4linux isdnlog)) {
run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/sbin/chkconfig', '--del', $_) foreach qw(acon jserver oki4daemon);
#foreach my $service (qw(acon atd cups-lpd hpoj ibod iptables isdn4linux isdnlog jserver ntpd oki4daemon shorewall tmdns)) {
#    run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/sbin/chkconfig', '--level', $_, $service, 'off') foreach qw(3 5);

# probably useless:
foreach my $service (qw(alsa dm harddrake hotplug sound)) {
    run_program::rooted($::prefix, '/sbin/chkconfig', '--level', $_, $service,  'on') foreach qw(3 5);

if ($options{post}) {
    # save a few more files in profiles
    my $prof_cfg = "$::prefix/etc/netprofile/list";
    my @files = map { chomp_($_) } cat_($prof_cfg);
    # do not save the whole /etc/sysconfig;
    push @files, (map { "/etc/X11/$_" } qw(XF86Config XF86Config-4)),
      (map { "/etc/sysconfig/$_" } qw(keyboard harddrake2/previous_hw harddisks)),
        (map { "/etc/$_" } qw(modprobe.conf modprobe.devfs modprobe.preload modules modules.conf modules.devfs)),
          qw(/etc/asound.state /etc/fstab /etc/ld.so.conf/GL.conf /etc/shorewall/);

    output($prof_cfg, join("\n", sort @files));

    #- regenerate library loader and fonts cache
    run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'ldconfig');
    run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'fc-cache'); #- generate cache in all directories mentioned in config file

    #- XFree


        local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'en_US'; #- update-menus doesn't work when there is no locale (aka locale "C")
        #local $ENV{HOME} = '/'; #- savekdemimetypes.pl needs this otherwise it's tmp file fails
        run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'update-menus', '-n');

    run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'nspluginscan'); #- must be run before kbuildsycoca for the ksycoca to be flash plugin aware

    $ENV{HELP_BROWSER} = "kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing";
    $ENV{BROWSER} = "kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing";
    $ENV{DESKTOP} = "kde";
    #- faster boot:
    foreach my $lang (lang::list_langs()) {
        local $ENV{LC_ALL} = lang::getLANGUAGE($lang);
        unlink "$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca";
        run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'kbuildsycoca', '--global');
        rename("$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca", "$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca-$lang");
    symlinkf('/etc/X11/ksycoca', "$::prefix/usr/share/services/ksycoca");

# clean gconftool-2 mess:
unlink $_ foreach glob("$::prefix/core.*");

##- Mandrake
#substInFile {
#    s!Mandrake(l| L)inux release (\S+) \(.*\)!Mandrakelinux Nomad, powered by LaCie Mobile Hard Drive)!;
#} "$::prefix/etc/mandrake-release";

system("rsync -rvltp /export/ $::prefix/mnt/packages/") if !$rescue;
unlink $_ foreach glob("$::prefix/var/lib/urpmi/*");
run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'urpmi.addmedia', '-h', 'main', 'file:///mnt/packages/Mandrake/RPMS');
run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'urpmi.addmedia', '-h', 'contrib', 'file:///mnt/packages/Mandrake/RPMS2');

# for fast test replaying:
run_program::rooted($::prefix, 'tar', 'cfj', '/root/etc.tar.bz2', '/etc');

system("umount $::prefix/proc");
eval { fs::umount_all($fstab, $::prefix) } or system("umount $::prefix");