%\documentclass[pdftex]{article} \usepackage{hyperref} . 

\newcommand{\trtitle}{Drakfont\\ fonts importation for mandrake linux}
\settowidth{\gxlen}{\package{graphicx}: }
\title{$Drakfont$ fonts importation for mandrake linux}

%\caption{Exemple d'image}
\mbox{\epsfig{file=mandrake.ps}}\\ %,height=1in,width=2in}}\\

\author{Dupont Sebastien \\ sdupont}
\markright{\scriptsize \trtitle}
\title{\bf \trtitle}
\section{drakfont Future Overview}

\paragraph{Fonts import :\\}     
\item pfb ( Adobe Type 1 binary )
\item pfa ( Adobe Type 1 ASCII )
\item ttf ( True-Type  )    
\item pcf.gz		      
\item Speedo		      
\item pfa ( Adobe Type 1 ASCII )
\item ttf ( True-Type  )    
\item and Bitmap (PCF, BDF, and SNF)

\item Install fonts from any directory
\item Get windows fonts on any vfat partitions
\item UN-installation of any fonts (even if not installed through drakfont)                

\item Xfs		      
\item ghostscript \& printer 
\item Staroffice \& printer  
\item abiword		      
\item Koffice, Gnumeric, ... studying
\item all fonts supported by printer
\item ( aliases by RENDER in Xfree86 .... -> later )

\section{Window interface:}
\item Fontselectiondialog widget
\item Command buttons under Fontselectiondialog (like the actual frontend).
\item Commands buttons:	      
\item import from windows partition.
\item import from all fat32 partitions and look for winnt/windows/font
\item and import all (delete doublon) but don't import if already exist.
\item import from directory     
\item look for if it exist before for each font and not delete the original.
\item (replace all, no, none)
\item expert options:	      
\item ask the directory, and look for if it exist before
\item if it exist ask: (replace all, no, none)
\item uninstall with list per font type
\item Expert additional switch
\item option support:   ghostscript, Staroffice, etc...
\item check-button. (by default all check)
\item Printer Application Fonts Support...
\item check-button. (by default all check)

\section{Command line}
\paragraph{Font Importation and monitoring application\\}
\-\-windows\_import : import from all available windows partitions. \\
\-\-strong         : strong verification of font.\\
\-\-install        : accept any font file and any directory.\\
\-\-uninstall      : uninstall any font or any directory of font.\\
\-\-replace        : replace all font if already exist\\
\-\-application    : 0 none application.\\
                 : 1 all application available supported.\\
                 : name\_of\_application" like  staroffice for only this one.\\

to visualize the conceptual graphics please see:\\
\& drakfont\_uninstall.jpg\\

%\caption{Exemple d'image}
%\mbox{\epsfig{file=drakfont_install.ps}}\\ %,height=1in,width=2in}}\\

%\caption{Exemple d'image}
%\mbox{\epsfig{file=drakfont_uninstall.eps}}\\ %,height=1in,width=2in}}\\
