
taken directly from diskdrake.pm:

		"a" => \&Active,
		"b" => \&Move,
		"c" => \&Create,
		"d" => \&Delete,
		"f" => \&Format,
		"m" => \&Mount_point,
		"M" => \&Mount,
		"n" => \&Create,
		"o" => \&ReadFromFile,
		"s" => \&SaveInFile,
		"q" => \&Exit,
		"r" => \&Resize,
		"t" => \&Type,
		"u" => \&Unmount,
		"w" => \&WritePartitions,
		"W" => \&WriteFstab,

hopefully it is explicit enough :)

list choice

- acceleration a la windows (default): enter a letter and the selection will move to the
first entry beginning with that letter. If you enter another letter it will try
to find the entry beginning with the 2 letters you have given. In case it fails
the starting_word is reset.
- incremental search a la emacs: searches trough the list

Use control-s to use incremental search and then to search next occurence