path: root/tools/ddcprobe
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* ppc & ppc64 fixesGwenolé Beauchesne2004-12-154-2/+21
* disable ddcprobe again - it doesn't work right, causing the installer to haltPascal Rigaux2004-11-121-1/+1
| | | | | with a divide by zero error
* Nuke use of conditional expressions as lvaluesGwenolé Beauchesne2004-09-091-5/+6
* Remake x86emu & int10 subdirs if sources have changedGwenolé Beauchesne2004-09-091-2/+2
* Some arrangements for IA-64Gwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-263-5/+10
* PowerPC arrangements from Christiaan WelvaartGwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-263-27/+32
* Some cleanupsGwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-252-1/+10
* Raw merge from Kudzu for PPC. Christian, can you get something of it?Gwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-251-0/+3
* Get EDID block from OF (kudzu)Gwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-253-0/+265
* Only use VBE parsing code on x86 and x86_64.Gwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-251-1/+18
* Extensive rewrite and cleanups to use the new int10 interface. Plus addGwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-254-615/+235
| | | | | | some 64-bit fixes and a last-resort means to get VBE/EDID information from special -BOOT kernel during early boot.
* VGA softbootloader for Linux, uses an x86 CPU emulator on non x86 arches.Gwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-2513-0/+3402
* Add remaining x86 CPU emulator bitsGwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-254-0/+764
* Add x86 CPU emulator for BIOS int10 emulation on non x86 arches.Gwenolé Beauchesne2004-08-2517-0/+22783
* we now need -lm to linkPascal Rigaux2003-07-281-0/+1
* catch bad HorizSync or VertRefreshPascal Rigaux2003-02-181-0/+2
| | | | | (on Regis's monitor, it gives "62-0 Hz VertRefresh")
* fix for cards giving bad infoPascal Rigaux2001-09-051-1/+1
* also try EISA ID to auto-detect the monitor (sometimes the EISA ID is there, ↵Pascal Rigaux2001-09-051-3/+8
| | | | but not the [hv]syncrange
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-01-011-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-12-302-0/+491
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-11-251-0/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-11-241-0/+10
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-11-159-0/+2265
412' href='#n412'>412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675
#- Pixel's implementation of Perl-GTK  :-)  [DDX]
package my_gtk; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA %EXPORT_TAGS @EXPORT_OK $border);

@ISA = qw(Exporter);
    helpers => [ qw(create_okcancel createScrolledWindow create_menu create_notebook create_packtable create_hbox create_vbox create_adjustment create_box_with_title create_treeitem) ],
    wrappers => [ qw(gtksignal_connect gtkradio gtkpack gtkpack_ gtkpack__ gtkpack2 gtkpack3 gtkpack2_ gtkpack2__ gtksetstyle gtkset_tip gtkappenditems gtkappend gtkset_shadow_type gtkadd gtkput gtktext_insert gtkset_usize gtksize gtkset_justify gtkset_active gtkset_modal gtkset_border_width gtkmove gtkshow gtkhide gtkdestroy gtkset_mousecursor gtkset_mousecursor_normal gtkset_mousecursor_wait gtkset_background gtkset_default_fontset gtkctree_children gtkxpm gtkpng gtkcreate_xpm gtkcreate_png) ],
    ask => [ qw(ask_warn ask_okcancel ask_yesorno ask_from_entry ask_file) ],
$EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ];
@EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS;

use Gtk;
use Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage;
use c;
use log;
use common qw(:common :functional :file);

my $forgetTime = 1000; #- in milli-seconds
$border = 5;


#- OO stuff
sub new {
    my ($type, $title, %opts) = @_;

    my $o = bless { %opts }, $type;
    while (my $e = shift @tempory::objects) { $e->destroy }
    foreach (@interactive::objects) {
	$::isWizard or $::isEmbedded or $_->{rwindow}->set_modal(0);
    push @interactive::objects, $o if !$opts{no_interactive_objects};
    $o->{rwindow}->set_position('center_always') if $::isStandalone;
    $o->{rwindow}->set_modal(1) if $my_gtk::grab || $o->{grab};

    if ($::isWizard && !$my_gtk::pop_it) {
	my $rc = "/etc/gtk/wizard.rc";
	-r $rc or $rc = dirname(__FILE__) . "/wizard.rc";
	$o->{window} = new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
	$o->{rwindow} = $o->{window};
	if (!defined($::WizardWindow)) {
	    $::WizardWindow = new Gtk::Window;
	    $::WizardTable = new Gtk::Table(2, 2, 0);
	    my $draw1 = new Gtk::DrawingArea;
	    my $draw2 = new Gtk::DrawingArea;
	    my ($im_up, $mask_up) = gtkcreate_png($::Wizard_pix_up || "wiz_default_up.png");
	    my ($y1, $x1) = $im_up->get_size;
#	    my ($im_left, $mask_left) = gtkcreate_png($::Wizard_pix_left || "wiz_default_left.png");
#	    my ($y2, $x2) = $im_left->get_size;
	    my $style= new Gtk::Style;
	    my $w = $style->font->string_width($::Wizard_title);
	    $draw1->signal_connect(expose_event => sub {
				       my $i;
				       for ($i=0;$i<(540/$y1);$i++) {
					   $draw1->window->draw_pixmap ($draw1->style->bg_gc('normal'),
									$im_up, 0, 0, 0, $y1*$i,
									$x1 , $y1 );
								       140+(380-$w)/2, 62,
								       ($::Wizard_title) );
#	    $draw2->signal_connect(expose_event => sub {
#				       my $i;
#				       for ($i=0;$i<(300/$y2);$i++) {
#					   $draw2->window->draw_pixmap ($draw2->style->bg_gc('normal'),
#									$im_left, 0, 0, 0, $y2*$i,
#									$x2 , $y2 );
#				       }
#				   });
	    $::WizardTable->attach($draw1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0);
	    $::WizardTable->attach($draw2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0);
	$::WizardTable->attach($o->{window}, 1, 2, 1, 2, {'fill', 'expand'}, {'fill', 'expand'}, 0, 0);

    $::isEmbedded or return $o;
    $o->{window} = new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
    $o->{rwindow} = $o->{window};
    defined($::Plug) or $::Plug = new Gtk::Plug ($::XID);
sub main {
    my ($o, $completed, $canceled) = @_;
    my $timeout = Gtk->timeout_add(1000, sub { gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); 1 });
    my $b = before_leaving { Gtk->timeout_remove($timeout) };
    $o->{rwindow}->window->set_events(['key_press_mask', 'key_release_mask', 'exposure_mask']);

    do {
	local $::setstep = 1;
    } while ($o->{retval} ? $completed && !$completed->() : $canceled && !$canceled->());
sub show($) {
    my ($o) = @_;
sub destroy($) {
    my ($o) = @_;
sub DESTROY { goto &destroy }
sub sync($) {
    my ($o) = @_;
sub flush {
    Gtk->main_iteration while Gtk->events_pending;

sub gtkshow($)         { $_[0]->show; $_[0] }
sub gtkhide($)         { $_[0]->hide; $_[0] }
sub gtkdestroy($)      { $_[0] and $_[0]->destroy }
sub gtkset_usize($$$)  { $_[0]->set_usize($_[1],$_[2]); $_[0] }
sub gtksize($$$)       { $_[0]->size($_[1],$_[2]); $_[0] }
sub gtkset_justify($$) { $_[0]->set_justify($_[1]); $_[0] }
sub gtkset_active($$)  { $_[0]->set_active($_[1]); $_[0] }
sub gtkset_modal       { $_[0]->set_modal($_[1]); $_[0] }
sub gtkset_border_width{ $_[0]->set_border_width($_[1]); $_[0] }
sub gtkmove { $_[0]->window->move($_[1], $_[2]); $_[0] }

sub gtksignal_connect($@) {
    my $w = shift;

sub gtkradio {
    my $def = pop;
    my $radio;
    map { $radio = new Gtk::RadioButton($_, $radio ? $radio : ());
	  $radio->set_active($_ eq $def); $radio } @_;

sub gtkpack($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    gtkpack_($box, map {; 1, $_ } @_);
sub gtkpack__($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    gtkpack_($box, map {; 0, $_ } @_);
sub gtkpack_($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i += 2) {
	my $l = $_[$i + 1];
	ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l);
	$box->pack_start($l, $_[$i], 1, 0);
sub gtkpack2($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    gtkpack2_($box, map {; 1, $_ } @_);
sub gtkpack2__($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    gtkpack2_($box, map {; 0, $_ } @_);
sub gtkpack3 {
    my $a = shift;
    $a && goto \&gtkpack2__;
    goto \&gtkpack2;
sub gtkpack2_($@) {
    my $box = shift;
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i += 2) {
	my $l = $_[$i + 1];
	ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l);
	$box->pack_start($l, $_[$i], 0, 0);

sub gtksetstyle {
    my ($w, $s) = @_;

sub gtkset_tip {
    my ($tips, $w, $tip) = @_;
    $tips->set_tip($w, $tip) if $tip;

sub gtkappenditems {
    my $w = shift;
    map {gtkshow($_) } @_;

sub gtkappend($@) {
    my $w = shift;
    foreach (@_) {
	my $l = $_;
	ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l);

sub gtkset_shadow_type {

sub gtkadd($@) {
    my $w = shift;
    foreach (@_) {
	my $l = $_;
	ref $l or $l = new Gtk::Label($l);
sub gtkput {
    my ($w, $w2, $x, $y) = @_;
    $w->put($w2, $x, $y);

sub gtktext_insert {
    my ($w, $t) = @_;
    $w->insert(undef, undef, undef, $t); 
    #- DEPRECATED? needs \n otherwise in case of one line text the beginning is not shown (even with the vadj->set_value)
#-    $w->vadj->set_value(0);

sub gtkroot {

sub gtkcolor($$$) {
    my ($r, $g, $b) = @_;

    my $color = bless { red => $r, green => $g, blue => $b }, 'Gtk::Gdk::Color';

sub gtkset_mousecursor {
    my ($type, $w) = @_;
    ($w || gtkroot())->set_cursor(Gtk::Gdk::Cursor->new($type));
sub gtkset_mousecursor_normal { gtkset_mousecursor(68, @_) }
sub gtkset_mousecursor_wait   { gtkset_mousecursor(150, @_) }

sub gtkset_background {
    my ($r, $g, $b) = @_;

    my $root = gtkroot();
    my $gc = Gtk::Gdk::GC->new($root);

    my $color = gtkcolor($r, $g, $b);

    my ($h, $w) = $root->get_size;
    $root->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, 0, 0, $w, $h);

sub gtkset_default_fontset {
    my ($fontset) = @_;

    my $style = Gtk::Widget->get_default_style;
    my $f = Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load($fontset) or die '';

sub gtkctree_children {
    my ($node) = @_;
    my @l;
    $node or return;
    for (my $p = $node->row->children; $p; $p = $p->row->sibling) {
	push @l, $p;

sub gtkcreate_xpm {
    my ($w, $f) = @_;
    my @l = Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm($w->window, $w->style->bg('normal'), $f) or die "gtkcreate_xpm: missing pixmap file $f";
sub gtkcreate_png {
    my ($f) = @_;
    $f =~ m|.png$| or $f="$f.png";
    if ( $f !~ /\//) { -e "$_/$f" and $f="$_/$f", last foreach $ENV{SHARE_PATH}, "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/libDrakX/pixmaps", "pixmaps" }
    my $im = Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage->load_image($f) or die "gtkcreate_png: missing png file $f";
    $im->render($im->rgb_width, $im->rgb_height);
    ($im->move_image(), $im->move_mask);
sub xpm_d { my $w = shift; Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm_d($w->window, undef, @_) }
sub gtkxpm { new Gtk::Pixmap(gtkcreate_xpm(@_)) }
sub gtkpng { new Gtk::Pixmap(gtkcreate_png(@_)) }
#- createXXX functions

#- these functions return a widget

sub create_okcancel {
    my ($w, $ok, $cancel, $spread, @other) = @_;
    my $one = ($ok xor $cancel);
    $spread ||= $::isWizard ? "end" : "spread";
    $ok ||= $::isWizard ? ($::Wizard_finished ? _("Finish") : _("Next ->")) : _("Ok");
    $cancel ||= $::isWizard ? _("<- Previous") : _("Cancel");
    my $b1 = gtksignal_connect($w->{ok} = new Gtk::Button($ok), clicked => $w->{ok_clicked} || sub { $w->{retval} = 1; Gtk->main_quit });
    my $b2 = !$one && gtksignal_connect($w->{cancel} = new Gtk::Button($cancel), clicked => $w->{cancel_clicked} || sub { log::l("default cancel_clicked"); undef $w->{retval}; Gtk->main_quit });
    $::isWizard and gtksignal_connect($w->{wizcancel} = new Gtk::Button(_("Cancel")), clicked => sub { die 'wizcancel' });
    my @l = grep { $_ } $::isWizard ? ($w->{wizcancel}, $::Wizard_no_previous ? () : $b2, $b1): ($b1, $b2);
    push @l, map { gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button($_->[0]), clicked => $_->[1]) } @other;

    $_->can_default($::isWizard) foreach @l;
    gtkadd(create_hbox($spread), @l);

sub create_box_with_title($@) {
    my $o = shift;

    $o->{box_size} = sum(map { round(length($_) / 60 + 0.5) } map { split "\n" } @_);
    $o->{box} = new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
    if (@_ <= 2 && $o->{box_size} > 4) {
	my $font = $o->{box}->style->font;
	my $wanted = $o->{box_size} * ($font->ascent + $font->descent) + 7;
	my $height = min(250, $wanted);
	my $has_scroll = $height < $wanted;

	my $wtext = new Gtk::Text;
	chomp(my $text = join("\n", @_));
	my $scroll = createScrolledWindow(gtktext_insert($wtext, $text));
	$scroll->set_usize(400, $height);
	gtkpack__($o->{box}, $scroll);
    } else {
	my $a = !$::no_separator;
	undef $::no_separator;
		  (map {
		      my $w = ref $_ ? $_ : new Gtk::Label($_);
		  } map { ref $_ ? $_ : warp_text($_) } @_),
		  if_($a, new Gtk::HSeparator)

sub createScrolledWindow {
    my ($W) = @_;
    my $w = new Gtk::ScrolledWindow(undef, undef);
    $w->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');
    member(ref $W, qw(Gtk::CList Gtk::CTree Gtk::Text)) ?
      $w->add($W) :
    $W->can("set_focus_vadjustment") and $W->set_focus_vadjustment($w->get_vadjustment);

sub create_menu($@) {
    my $title = shift;
    my $w = new Gtk::MenuItem($title);
    $w->set_submenu(gtkshow(gtkappend(new Gtk::Menu, @_)));

sub add2notebook {
    my ($n, $title, $book) = @_;

    my ($w1, $w2) = map { new Gtk::Label($_) } $title, $title;
    $book->{widget_title} = $w1;
    $n->append_page_menu($book, $w1, $w2);

sub create_notebook(@) {
    my $n = new Gtk::Notebook;
    add2notebook($n, splice(@_, 0, 2)) while @_;

sub create_adjustment($$$) {
    my ($val, $min, $max) = @_;
    new Gtk::Adjustment($val, $min, $max + 1, 1, ($max - $min + 1) / 10, 1);

sub create_packtable($@) {
    my ($options, @l) = @_;
    my $w = new Gtk::Table(0, 0, $options->{homogeneous} || 0);
    map_index {
	my ($i, $l) = ($_[0], $_);
	map_index {
	    my ($j) = @_;
	    if ($_) {
		ref $_ or $_ = new Gtk::Label($_);
		$j != $#$l ?
		  $w->attach($_, $j, $j + 1, $i, $i + 1, 'fill', 'fill', 5, 0) :
		  $w->attach($_, $j, $j + 1, $i, $i + 1, 1|4, ref($_) eq 'Gtk::ScrolledWindow' ? 1|4 : 0, 0, 0);
	} @$l;
    } @l;
    $w->set_col_spacings($options->{col_spacings} || 0);
    $w->set_row_spacings($options->{row_spacings} || 0);

sub create_hbox {
    my $w = new Gtk::HButtonBox;
    $w->set_layout($_[0] || "spread");
sub create_vbox {
    my $w = new Gtk::VButtonBox;

sub _create_window($$) {
    my ($o, $title) = @_;
    my $w = new Gtk::Window;
    my $f = new Gtk::Frame(undef);
    gtkadd($w, $f);


    $w->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { eval { $interactive::objects[-1]{rwindow} == $w and $w->window->XSetInputFocus } }) if $my_gtk::force_focus || $o->{force_focus};
    $w->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { $w->destroy; die 'wizcancel' });
    $w->set_uposition(@{$my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position}}) if $my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position};

    $w->signal_connect(focus => sub { Gtk->idle_add(sub { $w->ensure_focus($_[0]); 0 }, $_[1]) }) if $w->can('ensure_focus');

    if ($::o->{mouse}{unsafe}) {
	my $signal;
	$signal = $w->signal_connect(motion_notify_event => sub {
	    delete $::o->{mouse}{unsafe};
	    log::l("unsetting unsafe mouse");
    $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub {
	my $d = ${{ 65470 => 'help',
	            65481 => 'next',
		    65480 => 'previous' }}{$_[1]{keyval}};

	if ($d eq "help") {
	    require install_gtk;
	} elsif (chr($_[1]{keyval}) eq 'e' && $_[1]{state} & 8) {
	    log::l("Switching to " . ($::expert ? "beginner" : "expert"));
	    $::expert = !$::expert;
	} elsif ($d) {
	    #- previous field is created here :(
	    my $s; foreach (reverse @{$::o->{orderedSteps}}) {
		$s->{previous} = $_ if $s;
		$s = $::o->{steps}{$_};
	    $s = $::o->{step};
	    do { $s = $::o->{steps}{$s}{$d} } until !$s || $::o->{steps}{$s}{reachable};
	    $::setstep && $s and die "setstep $s\n";
    });# if $::isInstall;

    $w->signal_connect(size_allocate => sub {
	my ($wi, $he) = @{$_[1]}[2,3];
	my ($X, $Y, $Wi, $He) = @{$my_gtk::force_center || $o->{force_center}};
        $w->set_uposition(max(0, $X + ($Wi - $wi) / 2), max(0, $Y + ($He - $he) / 2));
    }) if ($my_gtk::force_center || $o->{force_center}) && !($my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position}) ;

    $o->{window} = $f;
    $o->{rwindow} = $w;

my ($next_child, $left, $right, $up, $down);
    my $next_child = sub {
	my ($c, $dir) = @_;

	my @childs = $c->parent->children;
	my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @childs; $i++) {
	    last if $childs[$i] == $c || $childs[$i]->subtree == $c;
	$i += $dir;
	0 <= $i && $i < @childs ? $childs[$i] : undef;
    $left = sub { &$next_child($_[0]->parent, 0); };
    $right = sub {
	my ($c) = @_;
	if ($c->subtree) {
	} else {
    $down = sub {
	my ($c) = @_;
	return &$right($c) if ref $c eq "Gtk::TreeItem" && $c->subtree && $c->expanded;

	if (my $n = &$next_child($c, 1)) {
	} else {
	    return if ref $c->parent ne 'Gtk::Tree';	
    $up = sub {
	my ($c) = @_;
	if (my $n = &$next_child($c, -1)) {
	    $n = ($n->subtree->children)[-1] while ref $n eq "Gtk::TreeItem" && $n->subtree && $n->expanded;
	} else {
	    return if ref $c->parent ne 'Gtk::Tree';	

sub create_treeitem($) {
    my ($name) = @_;
    my $w = new Gtk::TreeItem($name);
    $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub {
        my (undef, $e) = @_;
        local $_ = chr ($e->{keyval});

	if ($e->{keyval} > 0x100) {
	    my $n;
	    $n = &$left($w)  if /[Q´\x96]/;
	    $n = &$right($w) if /[S¶\x98]/;
	    $n = &$up($w)    if /[R¸\x97]/;
	    $n = &$down($w)  if /[T²\x99]/;
	    if ($n) {
	    $w->expand if /[+«]/;
	    $w->collapse if /[-\xad]/;
	    do { 
		$w->expanded ? $w->collapse : $w->expand; 
	    } if /[\r\x8d]/;

#- ask_XXX

#- just give a title and some args, and it will return the value given by the user

sub ask_warn       { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_warn(@_); main($w); }
sub ask_yesorno    { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, _("Yes"), _("No")); main($w); }
sub ask_okcancel   { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, _("Is this correct?"), _("Ok"), _("Cancel")); main($w); }
sub ask_from_entry { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_from_entry(@_); main($w); }
sub ask_file       { my $w = my_gtk->new(''); $w->_ask_file(@_); main($w); }

sub _ask_from_entry($$@) {
    my ($o, @msgs) = @_;
    my $entry = new Gtk::Entry;
    my $f = sub { $o->{retval} = $entry->get_text; Gtk->main_quit };
    $o->{ok_clicked} = $f;
    $o->{cancel_clicked} = sub { undef $o->{retval}; Gtk->main_quit };

		 gtksignal_connect($entry, 'activate' => $f),
		 ($o->{hide_buttons} ? () : create_okcancel($o))),

sub _ask_warn($@) {
    my ($o, @msgs) = @_;
		 gtksignal_connect(my $w = new Gtk::Button(_("Ok")), "clicked" => sub { Gtk->main_quit }),

sub _ask_okcancel($@) {
    my ($o, @msgs) = @_;
    my ($ok, $cancel) = splice @msgs, -2;

	   gtkpack(create_box_with_title($o, @msgs),
		   create_okcancel($o, $ok, $cancel),

sub _ask_file($$) {
    my ($o, $title) = @_;
    my $f = $o->{rwindow} = new Gtk::FileSelection $title;
    $f->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $o->{retval} = $f->get_filename ; Gtk->main_quit });
    $f->cancel_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { Gtk->main_quit });

#- rubbish

#-sub label_align($$) {
#-    my $w = shift;
#-    local $_ = shift;
#-    $w->set_alignment(!/W/i, !/N/i);
#-    $w