path: root/perl-install/share/po/br.po
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* sync with codeThierry Vignaud2012-12-141-8/+13
* sync with codeThierry Vignaud2012-12-111-97/+107
* merge translations from rpmdrakeThierry Vignaud2012-09-271-1/+1
* (install_completed) split paragraphsThierry Vignaud2012-09-181-21/+18
* fix some spacing at end of lineThierry Vignaud2012-09-181-1/+1
* split license titles from their paragraphsThierry Vignaud2012-09-181-21/+39
* sync with codeThierry Vignaud2012-09-181-12/+18
* updateThierry Vignaud2012-09-141-10/+10
* change license ownership (mga#7347)Thierry Vignaud2012-09-141-1/+1
* propagate license changeThierry Vignaud2012-09-141-8/+6
* sync with codeThierry Vignaud2012-09-141-159/+162
* remove trailling newlines (final syncing with sources)Thierry Vignaud2012-09-141-5/+5
* split translations like source wasThierry Vignaud2012-09-141-10/+21
* s/licence/license/ (mga#7347)Thierry Vignaud2012-09-141-1/+1
* Update POs to fix bug #1122.Yuri Chornoivan2012-07-291-498/+499
* This is better since we do not have the context the question whereasThierry Vignaud2012-05-231-1/+1
* updateThierry Vignaud2012-04-301-20/+18
* updateThierry Vignaud2012-03-121-47/+49
* sync with ../../install/share/poThierry Vignaud2012-03-111-1/+1
* sync with codeThierry Vignaud2012-03-111-413/+411
* update my emailThierry Vignaud2012-01-271-2/+2
* - sync with code (especially for #1011)Thierry Vignaud2011-08-051-201/+191
* sync with codeThierry Vignaud2011-04-291-16/+15
* replace Mageia Linux by MageiaAnne Nicolas2011-04-241-7/+7
* Update translation files.Anssi Hannula2011-04-171-134/+133
* - make it easier for rebranding by using %s magicAhmad Samir2011-04-071-11/+16
* - s/Ldap/LDAP/ in the po/pot files manually so as not to fuzzy the strings un...Ahmad Samir2011-04-071-2/+2
* - s/can not/cannot/ manually in the po/pot files so as not the make the stringsAhmad Samir2011-04-071-13/+13
* - revert 's,/boot partition,separate /boot partition,', .po/pot files shouldn'tAhmad Samir2011-04-051-3/+3
* - 's!Just select your tv card parameters!Just select your TV card parameters!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - s/api/API/Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-2/+2
* - perl -pi -e 's!trouble shoot!troubleshoot!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-2/+2
* - perl -pi -e 's!you can pick one in the above list!you can pick one from the...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!For this, create a partition!To accomplish this, create a pa...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!"Search new servers"!"Search for new servers"!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!Something bad is happening on your drive!Something bad is ha...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!"Activate ethernet cards promiscuity check."!"Activate Ether...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!Posix!POSIX!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!Hard drive!Hard disk drive!' (except install/ Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!need to reboot before the modification can take place"!"need...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-2/+2
* - perl -pi -e 's!"All data on this partition should be backed-up"!"All data o...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!"Check bad blocks\?"!"Check for bad blocks\?"!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!"Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"!"Do you want ...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!mountpoint!mount point!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - perl -pi -e 's!hard drive!hard disk drive!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-4/+4
* String changes: perl -pi -e 's!file system!filesystem!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-10/+10
* String changes: perl -pi -e 's!"Password should resist to basic attacks"!"Pas...Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-1/+1
* - string changes: perl -pi -e 's!Can not!Cannot!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-4/+4
* - string changes: perl -pi -e 's!/boot partition!separate /boot partition!'Ahmad Samir2011-04-041-3/+3
* - update the .po filesAhmad Samir2011-04-021-731/+636
s;, widget_name => 'background'); $win->realize; mygtk2::set_root_window_background_with_gc($win->style->bg_gc('normal')); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my %steps; sub create_steps_window { my ($o) = @_; return if $::stepswidth == 0; $o->{steps_window} and $o->{steps_window}->destroy; $steps{$_} ||= gtknew('Pixbuf', file => "steps_$_") foreach qw(on off); my $category = sub { gtknew('HBox', children_tight => [ gtknew('Label', text => $_[0], widget_name => 'Step-categories') ]); }; my @l = $category->(N("System installation")); foreach (grep { !eval $o->{steps}{$_}{hidden} } @{$o->{orderedSteps}}) { if ($_ eq 'setRootPassword') { push @l, '', $category->(N("System configuration")); } my $img = gtknew('Image', file => 'steps_off.png'); $steps{steps}{$_}{img} = $img; push @l, gtknew('HBox', spacing => 7, children_tight => [ '', '', $img, translate($o->{steps}{$_}{text}) ]); } my $offset = 20; $o->{steps_window} = gtknew('Window', width => ($::stepswidth - $offset), widget_name => 'Steps', position => [ lang::text_direction_rtl() ? ($::rootwidth - $::stepswidth - $offset) : $offset, 150 ], child => gtknew('VBox', spacing => 6, children_tight => \@l)); $o->{steps_window}->show; } sub update_steps_position { my ($o) = @_; return if !$steps{steps}; my $last_step; foreach (@{$o->{orderedSteps}}) { exists $steps{steps}{$_} or next; if ($o->{steps}{$_}{entered} && !$o->{steps}{$_}{done}) { $steps{steps}{$_}{img}->set_from_pixbuf($steps{on}); $last_step and $steps{steps}{$last_step}{img}->set_from_pixbuf($steps{off}); return; } $last_step = $_; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub create_logo_window { my ($o) = @_; return if $::logowidth == 0 || $::move; mygtk2::may_destroy($o->{logo_window}); my $file = $o->{meta_class} eq 'firewall' ? "logo-mandrake-Firewall.png" : "logo-mandrake.png"; $o->{logo_window} = gtknew('Window', width => $::logowidth, height => $::logoheight, widget_name => 'logo', child => gtknew('Image', file => $file), ); $o->{logo_window}->show; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub init_gtk { my ($o) = @_; symlink("/tmp/stage2/etc/$_", "/etc/$_") foreach qw(gtk-2.0 pango fonts); if ($o->{vga16}) { #- inactivate antialias in VGA16 because it makes fonts look worse output('/tmp/fonts.conf', q(<fontconfig> <include>/etc/fonts/fonts.conf</include> <match target="font"><edit name="antialias"><bool>false</bool></edit></match> </fontconfig> )); $ENV{FONTCONFIG_FILE} = '/tmp/fonts.conf'; } Gtk2->init; Gtk2->set_locale; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub init_sizes() { ($::rootwidth, $::rootheight) = (Gtk2::Gdk->screen_width, Gtk2::Gdk->screen_height); $::stepswidth = $::rootwidth <= 640 ? 0 : 200 if !$::move; ($::logowidth, $::logoheight) = $::rootwidth <= 640 ? (0, 0) : (500, 40); ($::windowwidth, $::windowheight) = ($::rootwidth - $::stepswidth, $::rootheight - $::helpheight - $::logoheight); ($::real_windowwidth, $::real_windowheight) = (576, 418); $::move and $::windowwidth -= 100; } sub handle_unsafe_mouse { my ($o, $window) = @_; $o->{mouse}{unsafe} or return; $window->add_events('pointer-motion-mask'); my $signal; $signal = $window->signal_connect(motion_notify_event => sub { delete $o->{mouse}{unsafe}; log::l("unsetting unsafe mouse"); $window->signal_handler_disconnect($signal); }); } sub special_shortcuts { my (undef, $event) = @_; my $d = ${{ $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{F2} => 'screenshot', $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Delete} => 'restart' }}{$event->keyval}; if ($d eq 'screenshot') { install_any::take_screenshot($::o); } elsif ($d eq 'restart' && member('control-mask', @{$event->state}) && member('mod1-mask', @{$event->state})) { log::l("restarting install"); ugtk2->exit(0x35); } 0; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub createXconf { my ($file, $mouse_type, $mouse_dev, $_wacom_dev, $Driver) = @_; symlinkf(devices::make($mouse_dev), "/dev/mouse") if $mouse_dev ne 'none'; #- needed for imlib to start on 8-bit depth visual. symlink("/tmp/stage2/etc/imrc", "/etc/imrc"); symlink("/tmp/stage2/etc/im_palette.pal", "/etc/im_palette.pal"); #- remove "error opening security policy file" warning symlink("/tmp/stage2/etc/X11", "/etc/X11"); if ($Driver) { output($file, sprintf(<<'END', ($::globetrotter ? "" : 'Option "XkbDisable"'), $mouse_type, $Driver, $Driver eq 'fbdev' ? '"default"' : '"800x600" "640x480"')); Section "Files" FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts:unscaled" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard" Driver "keyboard" %s Option "XkbModel" "pc105" Option "XkbLayout" "" EndSection Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Mouse" Driver "mouse" Option "Protocol" "%s" Option "Device" "/dev/mouse" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" EndSection Section "Monitor" Identifier "monitor" HorizSync 31.5-35.5 VertRefresh 50-70 EndSection Section "Device" Identifier "device" Driver "%s" EndSection Section "Screen" Identifier "screen" Device "device" Monitor "monitor" DefaultColorDepth 16 Subsection "Display" Depth 16 Modes %s EndSubsection EndSection Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "layout" Screen "screen" InputDevice "Mouse" "CorePointer" InputDevice "Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard" EndSection END } } 1;