path: root/perl-install/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-221-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-141-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-06-071-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-06-031-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-04-171-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-12-071-1/+4
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-11-241-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-10-251-0/+3
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-09-271-3/+9
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-09-191-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-09-191-2/+9
* *** empty log message ***pad1999-09-141-5/+14
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-08-121-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-08-121-1/+4
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-08-121-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-07-301-1/+1
* *** empty log message ***Pascal Rigaux1999-07-081-2/+2
* "See_The_Changelog"Chmouel Boudjnah1999-07-011-0/+30
n206' href='#n206'>206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use XML::Parser;
use MDK::Common;
use utf8;

my $help;
my $dir = "doc/manualB/modules";
my $xsltproc = "/usr/bin/xsltproc";

if ( ! -x "$xsltproc" ){
    print "You need to have \"$xsltproc\" - ";
    print "so type \"urpmi libxslt-proc\" please.\n";
    exit 1;
my @langs = grep { !/pt/ } grep { /^..$/ && -e "$dir/$_/drakx-chapter.xml" } all($dir) or die "no XML help found in $dir\n";

my %helps = map {
    my $lang = $_;
    my $file = "$dir/$lang/drakx_full.xml";
    my $template_file = "$dir/$lang/drakx.xml";
    output($template_file, do { (my $s = $template) =~ s/__LANG__/$lang/g; $s });
    system("$xsltproc id.xsl $template_file > $file") == 0 or die "$xsltproc id.xsl $template_file failed\n";
    my $p = new XML::Parser(Style => 'Tree');
    my $tree = $p->parsefile($file);

    $lang => rewrite2(rewrite1(@$tree), $lang);
} @langs;

my $base = delete $helps{en} || die;

foreach my $lang (keys %helps) {
    print "Now transforming: $lang\n";
    local *F;
    my ($charset) = cat_("$lang.po") =~ /charset=([^\\]+)/ or die "missing charset in $lang.po\n";
    open F, ">:encoding($charset)", "help-$lang.pot";
    print F "\n";
    foreach my $id (keys %{$helps{$lang}}) {
	$base->{$id} or warn "$lang:$id doesn't exist in english\n", next;
	print F qq(# DO NOT BOTHER TO MODIFY HERE, SEE:\n#$dir/$lang/drakx-chapter.xml\n);
	print F qq(msgid ""\n");
	print F join(qq(\\n"\n"), split "\n", to_ascii($base->{$id}));
	print F qq("\nmsgstr ""\n");
	print F join(qq(\\n"\n"), split "\n", $helps{$lang}{$id});
	print F qq("\n\n);

sub save_help {
    my ($help) = @_;

    #- HACK, don't let this one disappear
    $help->{configureXxdm} = 
'Finally, you will be asked whether you want to see the graphical interface
at boot. Note this question will be asked even if you chose not to test the
configuration. Obviously, you want to answer \"No\" if your machine is to
act as a server, or if you were not successful in getting the display

    local *F;
    open F, ">:encoding(ascii)", "../../";
    print F q{package help;
use common;

# IMPORTANT: Don't edit this File - It is automatically generated 
#            from the manuals !!! 
#            Write a mail to <> if
#            you want it changed.

our %steps = (
    foreach (sort keys %$help) {
	my $s = to_ascii($help->{$_});
	print STDERR "Writing id=$_\n";
	print F qq(\n$_ => \nN_("$s"),\n);
    print F ");\n";

# i don't like the default tree format given by XML::Parser,
# rewrite it in my own tree format
sub rewrite1 {
    my ($tag, $tree) = @_;
    my ($attr, @nodes) = @$tree;
    my @l;
    while (@nodes) {
	my ($tag, $tree) = splice(@nodes, 0, 2);
	if ($tag eq '0') {
	    foreach ($tree) {
		s/\s+/ /gs;
	    push @l, $tree
	} elsif ($tag eq 'screen') {
	    $tree->[1] eq '0' or die "screen tag contains non CDATA\n";
	    push @l, $tree->[2];
	} else {
	    push @l, rewrite1($tag, $tree);
    { attr => $attr, tag => lc $tag, children => \@l };

# return the list of nodes named $tag
sub find_tag {
    my ($tag, $tree) = @_;
    if (!ref($tree)) {
    } elsif ($tree->{tag} eq $tag) {
    } else {
	map { find_tag($tag, $_) } @{$tree->{children}};

sub rewrite2 {
    my ($tree, $lang) = @_;
    our $i18ned_open_text_quote  = $ {{ 
	fr => "« ",
	de => "„",
	es => "\\\"",
	it => "''",
    our $i18ned_close_text_quote = $ {{ 
	fr => " »",
	de => "“",
	es => "\\\"",
	it => "''",
    our $i18ned_open_label_quote  = $ {{ fr => "« ", de => "„"}}{$lang};
    our $i18ned_close_label_quote = $ {{ fr => " »", de => "“"}}{$lang};
    our $i18ned_open_command_quote  = $ {{ fr => "« ", de => "„"}}{$lang};
    our $i18ned_close_command_quote = $ {{ fr => " »", de => "“"}}{$lang};
    our $i18ned_open_input_quote  = $ {{ fr => "« ", de => "»"}}{$lang};
    our $i18ned_close_input_quote = $ {{ fr => " »", de => "«"}}{$lang};
    our $i18ned_open_key_quote  = $ {{ de => "["}}{$lang};
    our $i18ned_close_key_quote = $ {{ de => "]"}}{$lang};
    # rewrite2_ fills in $help
    $help = {};

sub rewrite2_ {
    my ($tree, @parents) = @_;
    ref($tree) or return $tree;
    !$tree->{attr}{condition} || $tree->{attr}{condition} !~ /no-inline-help/ or return '';

    my $text = do {
	my @l = map { rewrite2_($_, $tree, @parents) } @{$tree->{children}};
	my $text = "";
	foreach (@l) {
	    s/^ // if $text =~ /\s$/;
	    $text =~ s/ $// if /^\s/;
	    $text =~ s/\n+$// if /^\n/;
	    $text .= $_;

    if ($tree->{attr}{id} && $tree->{attr}{id} =~ /drakxid-(.+)/) {
	my $id = $1;
	my $t = $text;
	$t =~ s/^\s+//;

	my @footnotes = map { 
	    my $s = rewrite2_({ %$_, tag => 'para' });
	    $s =~ s/^\s+//;
	    "(*) $s";
	} find_tag('footnote', $tree);
	$help->{$id} = aerate($t . join('', @footnotes));

    if (0) {
    } elsif (member($tree->{tag}, 'formalpara', 'para', 'itemizedlist', 'orderedlist')) {
	$text =~ s/^\s(?!\s)//;
	$text =~ s/^( ?\n)+//;
	$text =~ s/\s+$//;
    } elsif (member($tree->{tag}, 'quote', 'citetitle', 'foreignphrase')) {
	$text =~ s/^\Q$i18ned_open_label_quote\E(.*)\Q$i18ned_close_label_quote\E$/$1/ if $i18ned_open_label_quote;
	($i18ned_open_text_quote || "``") . $text . ($i18ned_close_text_quote || "''");
    } elsif (member($tree->{tag}, 'guilabel', 'guibutton', 'guimenu', 'literal', 'filename')) {
	($i18ned_open_label_quote || "\\\"") . $text . ($i18ned_close_label_quote || "\\\"");
    } elsif ($tree->{tag} eq 'command') {
	($i18ned_open_command_quote || "\\\"") . $text . ($i18ned_close_command_quote || "\\\"");
    } elsif ($tree->{tag} eq 'userinput') {
	($i18ned_open_input_quote || ">>") . $text . ($i18ned_close_input_quote || "<<");
    } elsif ($tree->{tag} eq 'keycap') {
	($i18ned_open_key_quote || "[") . $text . ($i18ned_close_key_quote || "]");
    } elsif (member($tree->{tag}, 'keysym')) {
    } elsif (member($tree->{tag}, 'footnote')) {
    } elsif ($tree->{tag} eq 'warning') {
	$text =~ s/^(\s+)/$1!! /;
	$text =~ s/(\s+)$/ !!$1/;
    } elsif ($tree->{tag} eq 'listitem') {
	my $cnt = (any { $_->{tag} eq 'variablelist' } @parents) ? 1 : 0;
	$text =~ s/^\s+//;
	$text =~ s/^/' ' . ($cnt++ ? '  ' : '* ')/emg;
    } elsif (member($tree->{tag},  
		    'acronym', 'application', 'emphasis',  
		    'keycombo', 'note', 'sect1', 'sect2',
		    'superscript', 'systemitem', 
		    'tip', 'ulink', 'xref', 'varlistentry', 'variablelist', 'term',
		   )) {
	# ignored tags
    } elsif (member($tree->{tag},
		    qw(title article primary secondary indexterm revnumber
                       date authorinitials revision revhistory revremark chapterinfo
                       imagedata imageobject mediaobject figure
                       abstract book chapter)
		   )) {
	# dropped tags
    } elsif ($tree->{tag} eq 'screen') {
    } else {
	warn "unknown tag $tree->{tag}\n";

sub aerate {
    my ($s) = @_;
    #- the warp_text column is adjusted so that xgettext do not wrap text around
    #- which cause msgmerge to add a lot of fuzzy
    my $s2 = join("\n\n", map { join("\n", warp_text($_, 75)) } split "\n", $s);

sub to_ascii {
    local $_ = $_[0];
    s/\x81//g; #- why is this needed???

    $template = <<'EOF';
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>

<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"

<!ENTITY drakx-chapter SYSTEM 'drakx-chapter.xml'>

<!ENTITY % params.ent SYSTEM "../../manuals/Starter/__LANG__/params.ent">
<!ENTITY % strings.ent SYSTEM "../../manuals/Starter/__LANG__/strings.ent">

<!ENTITY step-only-for-expert "">

<!ENTITY % acronym-list SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/acronym_list.ent" >
<!ENTITY % button-list SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/button_list.ent" >
<!ENTITY % companies SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/companies.ent" >
<!ENTITY % icon-list SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/icon_list.ent" >
<!ENTITY % menu-list SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/menu_list.ent" >
<!ENTITY % tab-list SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/tab_list.ent" >
<!ENTITY % tech SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/tech.ent" >
<!ENTITY % text-field-list SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/text_field_list.ent" >
<!ENTITY % titles SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/titles.ent" >
<!ENTITY % typo SYSTEM "../../entities/__LANG__/typo.ent" >
<!ENTITY % common SYSTEM "../../entities/common.ent" >
<!ENTITY % common-acronyms SYSTEM "../../entities/common_acronyms.ent" >
<!ENTITY % prog-list SYSTEM "../../entities/prog_list.ent" >

<!ENTITY lang '__LANG__'>


  <title>DrakX Documentation</title>


