path: root/perl-install/resize_fat
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* re-sync after the big svn lossPascal Rigaux2007-04-251-5/+0
* don't need use MDK::Common... when we have "use common" (which is the standar...Pascal Rigaux2005-06-101-1/+0
* gcc 4.0 was choking on lvalues of unpredictable type.Rafael Garcia-Suarez2005-05-061-2/+5
* remove old debug codePascal Rigaux2005-04-131-1/+0
* better english (writing style rather than spoken one)Thierry Vignaud2004-12-133-4/+4
* prototypes are dangerousPascal Rigaux2004-09-101-1/+1
* kill warningsThierry Vignaud2004-09-091-0/+3
* remove check_mounted(), it is done by diskdrakePascal Rigaux2004-08-121-11/+0
* perl_checker compliancePascal Rigaux2004-08-121-3/+2
* perl_checker fixesPascal Rigaux2004-01-051-1/+1
* perl_checker adaptations + fixesPascal Rigaux2003-04-241-1/+1
* new perl_checker compliancePascal Rigaux2003-04-172-4/+4
* remove unused variables or rename them with an underscore (eg: $o becomes $_o)Pascal Rigaux2002-12-043-3/+3
* perl_checker adaptationsPascal Rigaux2002-11-282-4/+4
* remove debug codePascal Rigaux2002-11-281-1/+0
* to export, one needs to inheritate from ExporterPascal Rigaux2002-11-281-1/+1
* perl_checker adaptationsPascal Rigaux2002-11-273-13/+10
* - add/remove spaces to make perl_checker happyPascal Rigaux2002-11-142-3/+3
* add/remove spaces to make perl_checker happyPascal Rigaux2002-11-131-2/+2
* add or remove spaces where need to please perl_checkerPascal Rigaux2002-11-113-4/+4
* - use "foreach" instead of "for" in list contextPascal Rigaux2002-11-111-1/+1
* various small syntax enhancements to please perl_checkerPascal Rigaux2002-11-111-2/+2
* make perl_checker happy again (replacing "{xx}->{yy}" by "{xx}{yy}")Pascal Rigaux2002-07-312-3/+3
* make new perl_checker happyPascal Rigaux2002-07-311-20/+1
* make new perl_checker happy (and that's not easy!)Pascal Rigaux2002-07-312-2/+2
* ensure things build as they should when perl is upgraded on compilation boxPascal Rigaux2002-07-221-1/+1
* fixPascal Rigaux2001-08-071-1/+1
* switch to MDK::Common (i wonder why it was not done yet)Pascal Rigaux2001-07-301-3/+4
* move to MDK::Common, bool->to_boolPascal Rigaux2001-07-245-5/+5
* s/Linux-Mandrake/Mandrake Linux/Pascal Rigaux2001-06-212-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-149-9/+9
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-08-111-1/+5
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-08-061-6/+11
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-05-021-3/+5
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-05-023-2/+5
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-04-142-10/+25
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-04-114-19/+87
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-03-301-1/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-02-111-1/+1
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-02-095-23/+29
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-02-091-1/+1
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-02-096-28/+81
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-02-091-11/+7
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-01-011-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-12-081-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-12-021-0/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-11-221-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-11-147-64/+126
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-10-251-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-10-131-1/+1
n573' href='#n573'>573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636
package mouse; # $Id$

#use diagnostics;
#use strict;

#- misc imports
use common;
use modules;
use detect_devices;
use run_program;
use devices;
use modules;
use any;
use log;

my @mouses_fields = qw(nbuttons MOUSETYPE XMOUSETYPE name EMULATEWHEEL);

my %mice = 
 arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? 
 'sunmouse' =>
 [ [ 'sunmouse' ],
   [ [ 3, 'sun', 'sun', N_("Sun - Mouse") ]
   ] ]
) :
 'PS/2' => 
 [ [ 'psaux' ],
   [ [ 2, 'ps/2', 'PS/2', N_("Standard") ],
     [ 5, 'ps/2', 'MouseManPlusPS/2', N_("Logitech MouseMan+") ],
     [ 5, 'imps2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Generic PS2 Wheel Mouse") ],
     [ 5, 'ps/2', 'GlidePointPS/2', N_("GlidePoint") ],
     if_(c::kernel_version() !~ /^\Q2.6/,
       [ 5, 'imps2', 'auto', N_("Automatic") ]
     [ 5, 'ps/2', 'ThinkingMousePS/2', N_("Kensington Thinking Mouse") ],
     [ 5, 'netmouse', 'NetMousePS/2', N_("Genius NetMouse") ],
     [ 5, 'netmouse', 'NetScrollPS/2', N_("Genius NetScroll") ],
     [ 7, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Microsoft Explorer") ],
   ] ],
 'USB' =>
 [ [ 'usbmouse' ],
   [ [ 1, 'ps/2', 'IMPS/2', N_("1 button") ],
     [ 2, 'ps/2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Generic 2 Button Mouse") ],
     [ 3, 'ps/2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Generic") ],
     [ 3, 'ps/2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Generic 3 Button Mouse with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
     [ 5, 'ps/2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Wheel") ],
     [ 7, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Microsoft Explorer") ],
   ] ],

 N_("serial") =>
 [ [ map { "ttyS$_" } 0..3 ],
   [ [ 2, 'Microsoft', 'Microsoft', N_("Generic 2 Button Mouse") ],
     [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'Microsoft', N_("Generic 3 Button Mouse") ],
     [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'Microsoft', N_("Generic 3 Button Mouse with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
     [ 5, 'ms3', 'IntelliMouse', N_("Microsoft IntelliMouse") ],
     [ 3, 'MouseMan', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech MouseMan") ],
     [ 3, 'MouseMan', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech MouseMan with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
     [ 2, 'MouseSystems', 'MouseSystems', N_("Mouse Systems") ],     
     [ 3, 'logim', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech CC Series") ],
     [ 3, 'logim', 'MouseMan', N_("Logitech CC Series with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
     [ 5, 'pnp', 'IntelliMouse', N_("Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+") ],
     [ 5, 'ms3', 'IntelliMouse', N_("Genius NetMouse") ],
     [ 2, 'MMSeries', 'MMSeries', N_("MM Series") ],
     [ 2, 'MMHitTab', 'MMHittab', N_("MM HitTablet") ],
     [ 3, 'Logitech', 'Logitech', N_("Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)") ],
     [ 3, 'Logitech', 'Logitech', N_("Logitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type) with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
     [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'ThinkingMouse', N_("Kensington Thinking Mouse") ],
     [ 3, 'Microsoft', 'ThinkingMouse', N_("Kensington Thinking Mouse with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
   ] ],

 N_("busmouse") =>
 [ [ arch() eq 'ppc' ? 'adbmouse' : ('atibm', 'inportbm', 'logibm') ],
   [ if_(arch() eq 'ppc', [ 1, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("1 button") ]),
     [ 2, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("2 buttons") ],
     [ 3, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("3 buttons") ],
     [ 3, 'Busmouse', 'BusMouse', N_("3 buttons with Wheel emulation"), 'wheel' ],
   ] ],

    if_(c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.6/,
 N_("Universal") =>
 [ [ 'input/mice' ],
   [ [ 7, 'ps/2', 'ExplorerPS/2', N_("Any PS/2 & USB mice") ],
     if_(is_xbox(), [ 5, 'ps/2', 'IMPS/2', N_("Microsoft Xbox Controller S") ]),
   ] ],

 N_("none") =>
 [ [ 'none' ],
   [ [ 0, 'none', 'Microsoft', N_("No mouse") ],
   ] ],

sub xmouse2xId { 
    #- xmousetypes must be sorted as found in /usr/include/X11/extensions/xf86misc.h
    #- so that first mean "0", etc
    my @xmousetypes = (
		   "BusMouse", #MouseMan,
    my ($id) = @_;
    $id = 'BusMouse' if $id eq 'MouseMan';
    $id = 'IMPS/2' if $id eq 'ExplorerPS/2' && $::isInstall;
    eval { find_index { $_ eq $id } @xmousetypes } || 0;

my %mouse_btn_keymap = (
    0   => "NONE",
    67  => "F9",
    68  => "F10",
    87  => "F11",
    88  => "F12",
    85  => "F13",
    89  => "F14",
    90  => "F15",
    56  => "L-Option/Alt",
    125 => "L-Command (Apple)",
    98  => "Num: /",
    55  => "Num: *",
    117 => "Num: =",
    96 => "Enter",
sub ppc_one_button_keys() { keys %mouse_btn_keymap }
sub ppc_one_button_key2text { $mouse_btn_keymap{$_[0]} }

sub raw2mouse {
    my ($type, $raw) = @_;
    $raw or return;

    my %l; @l{@mouses_fields} = @$raw;
    +{ %l, type => $type };

sub fullnames() { 
    map_each { 
	my $type = $::a;
	grep { $_ } map {
	    if ($_) {
		my $l = raw2mouse($type, $_);
	    } else { 
		$type .= "|[" . N("Other") . "]";
	} @{$::b->[1]};
    } %mice;

sub fullname2mouse {
    my ($fname, %opts) = @_;
    my ($type, @l) = split '\|', $fname;
    my $name = pop @l;
    $opts{device} ||= $mice{$type}[0][0];
    foreach (@{$mice{$type}[1]}) {
	my $l = raw2mouse($type, $_);
	$name eq $l->{name} and return { %$l, %opts };
    if ($name eq '1 Button' || $name eq '1 button') {
	$name = "Generic 2 Button Mouse";
	goto search;
    die "$fname not found ($type, $name)";

sub serial_ports() { map { "ttyS$_" } 0..7 }
sub serial_port2text {
    $_[0] =~ /ttyS(\d+)/ ? "$_[0] / COM" . ($1 + 1) : $_[0];

sub read() {
    my %mouse = getVarsFromSh "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/mouse";
    eval { add2hash_(\%mouse, fullname2mouse($mouse{FULLNAME})) };
    $mouse{nbuttons} ||= $mouse{XEMU3} eq "yes" ? 2 : $mouse{WHEEL} eq "yes" ? 5 : 3;

sub write {
    my ($do_pkgs, $mouse) = @_;
    local $mouse->{FULLNAME} = qq("$mouse->{type}|$mouse->{name}"); #-"
    local $mouse->{XEMU3} = bool2yesno($mouse->{nbuttons} < 3);
    local $mouse->{WHEEL} = bool2yesno($mouse->{nbuttons} > 3);
    setVarsInSh("$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/mouse", $mouse, qw(MOUSETYPE XMOUSETYPE FULLNAME XEMU3 WHEEL device));
    any::devfssymlinkf($mouse, 'mouse');

    #- we should be using input/mice directly instead of usbmouse, but legacy...
    symlinkf 'input/mice', "$::prefix/dev/usbmouse" if $mouse->{device} eq "usbmouse";

    any::devfssymlinkf($mouse->{auxmouse}, 'mouse1') if $mouse->{auxmouse};

    various_xfree_conf($do_pkgs, $mouse);

    if (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
	my $s = join('',
	  "dev.mac_hid.mouse_button_emulation = " . to_bool($mouse->{button2_key} || $mouse->{button3_key}) . "\n",
	  if_($mouse->{button2_key}, "dev.mac_hid.mouse_button2_keycode = $mouse->{button2_key}\n"),
	  if_($mouse->{button3_key}, "dev.mac_hid.mouse_button3_keycode = $mouse->{button3_key}\n"),
	substInFile { 
	    $_ = '' if /^\Qdev.mac_hid.mouse_button/;
	    $_ .= $s if eof;
	} "$::prefix/etc/sysctl.conf";

sub probe_wacom_devices {
    my ($modules_conf) = @_;

    $modules_conf->get_probeall("usb-interface") or return;
    my (@l) = detect_devices::usbWacom() or return;

    log::l("found usb wacom $_->{driver} $_->{description} ($_->{type})") foreach @l;
    my @wacom = eval { 
	modules::load("wacom", "evdev");
	grep { detect_devices::tryOpen($_) } map_index { "input/event$::i" } @l;
    @wacom or eval { modules::unload("evdev", "wacom") };

sub detect_serial() {
    my ($t, $mouse, @wacom);

    #- Whouah! probing all devices from ttyS0 to ttyS3 once a time!

    #- check new probing methods keep everything used here intact!
    foreach (0..3) {
	$t = detect_devices::probeSerial("/dev/ttyS$_") or next;
	if ($t->{CLASS} eq 'MOUSE') {
	    $t->{MFG} ||= $t->{MANUFACTURER};

	    $mouse = fullname2mouse("serial|Microsoft IntelliMouse") if $t->{MFG} eq 'MSH' && $t->{MODEL} eq '0001';
	    $mouse = fullname2mouse("serial|Logitech MouseMan") if $t->{MFG} eq 'LGI' && $t->{MODEL} =~ /^80/;
	    $mouse = fullname2mouse("serial|Genius NetMouse") if $t->{MFG} eq 'KYE' && $t->{MODEL} eq '0003';

	    $mouse ||= fullname2mouse("serial|Generic 2 Button Mouse"); #- generic by default.
	    $mouse->{device} = "ttyS$_";
	} elsif ($t->{CLASS} eq "PEN" || $t->{MANUFACTURER} eq "WAC") {
	    push @wacom, "ttyS$_";
    $mouse, @wacom;

sub detect {
    my ($modules_conf) = @_;

    if (arch() =~ /^sparc/) {
	return fullname2mouse("sunmouse|Sun - Mouse");
    if (arch() eq "ppc") {
        return fullname2mouse(detect_devices::hasMousePS2("usbmouse") ? 
			      "USB|1 button" :
			      # No need to search for an ADB mouse.  If I did, the PPC kernel would
			      # find one whether or not I had one installed!  So..  default to it.
			      "busmouse|1 button");

    my @wacom = probe_wacom_devices($modules_conf);

    if (c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.6/) {
	$modules_conf->get_probeall("usb-interface") and eval { modules::load('usbhid') };
        if (cat_('/proc/bus/input/devices') =~ /^H: Handlers=mouse/m) {
            if (is_xbox()) {
                return fullname2mouse('Universal|Microsoft Xbox Controller S');
            my $univ_mouse = fullname2mouse('Universal|Any PS/2 & USB mice', wacom => \@wacom);
            if (my ($synaptics_touchpad) = detect_devices::getSynapticsTouchpads()) {
                $univ_mouse->{auxmouse} = {
                                           name => N_("Synaptics Touchpad"),
                                           device => 'input/mice',
                                           XMOUSETYPE => 'auto-dev',
                                           ALPS => $synaptics_touchpad->{description} =~ /ALPS/,
	    return $univ_mouse;
    } else {
	my $ps2_mouse = detect_devices::hasMousePS2("psaux") && fullname2mouse("PS/2|Automatic", unsafe => 0);

	#- workaround for some special case were mouse is openable 1/2.
	if (!$ps2_mouse) {
	    $ps2_mouse = detect_devices::hasMousePS2("psaux") && fullname2mouse("PS/2|Automatic", unsafe => 0);
	    $ps2_mouse and detect_devices::hasMousePS2("psaux"); #- fake another open in order for XFree to see the mouse.

	if ($modules_conf->get_probeall("usb-interface")) {
	    sleep 2;
	    if (my (@l) = detect_devices::usbMice()) {
		log::l(join('', "found usb mouse $_->{driver} $_->{description} (", if_($_->{type}, $_->{type}), ")")) foreach @l;
		if (eval { modules::load(qw(hid mousedev usbmouse)); detect_devices::tryOpen("usbmouse") }) {
		    return fullname2mouse($l[0]{driver} =~ /Mouse:(.*)/ ? $1 : "USB|Wheel",
					  if_($ps2_mouse, auxmouse => $ps2_mouse), #- for laptop, we kept the PS/2 as secondary (symbolic).
					  wacom => \@wacom);
		eval { modules::unload(qw(usbmouse mousedev hid)) };
	} else {
	    log::l("no usb interface found for mice");
	if ($ps2_mouse) {
	    return { wacom => \@wacom, %$ps2_mouse };

    #- probe serial device to make sure a wacom has been detected.
    eval { modules::load("serial") };
    my ($serial_mouse, @serial_wacom) = detect_serial(); push @wacom, @serial_wacom;
    if ($serial_mouse) {
	{ wacom => \@wacom, %$serial_mouse };
    } elsif (@wacom) {
	#- in case only a wacom has been found, assume an inexistant mouse (necessary).
	fullname2mouse('none|No mouse', wacom => \@wacom);
    } elsif (c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.6/) {
	fullname2mouse('Universal|Any PS/2 & USB mice', unsafe => 1);
    } else {
	fullname2mouse("PS/2|Automatic", unsafe => 1);

sub load_modules {
    my ($mouse) = @_;
    my @l;
    for ($mouse->{type}) {
	/serial/ and @l = qw(serial);
	/USB/    and @l = qw(hid mousedev usbmouse);
    foreach (@{$mouse->{wacom}}) {
	/ttyS/   and push @l, qw(serial);
	/event/  and push @l, qw(wacom evdev);
    if ($mouse->{auxmouse} && $mouse->{auxmouse}{name} eq N_("Synaptics Touchpad")) {
	push @l, qw(evdev);
    eval { modules::load(@l) };

sub set_xfree_conf {
    my ($mouse, $xfree_conf, $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged) = @_;

    my ($synaptics, $mouse_) = partition { $_->{name} eq N_("Synaptics Touchpad") } ($mouse, if_($mouse->{auxmouse}, $mouse->{auxmouse}));
    my @mice = map {
	    Protocol => $_->{XMOUSETYPE},
	    Device => "/dev/mouse",
	    if_($_->{nbuttons} > 3, ZAxisMapping => [ $_->{nbuttons} > 5 ? '6 7' : '4 5' ]),
	    if_($_->{nbuttons} < 3, Emulate3Buttons => undef, Emulate3Timeout => 50),
	    if_($_->{EMULATEWHEEL}, Emulate3Buttons => undef, Emulate3Timeout => 50, EmulateWheel => undef, EmulateWheelButton => 2),
    } @$mouse_;

    if (!$mouse->{auxmouse} && $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged) {
	my (undef, @l) = $xfree_conf->get_mice;
	push @mice, @l;


    if (my @wacoms = @{$mouse->{wacom} || []}) {
	$xfree_conf->set_wacoms(map { { Device => "/dev/$_", USB => m|input/event| } } @wacoms);

    $synaptics and $xfree_conf->set_synaptics(map { {
        Device => "/dev/$_->{device}",
        Protocol => $_->{XMOUSETYPE},
        Primary => 0,
        ALPS => $_->{ALPS},
    } } @$synaptics);

sub various_xfree_conf {
    my ($do_pkgs, $mouse) = @_;

	my $f = "$::prefix/etc/X11/xinit.d/mouse_buttons";
	if ($mouse->{nbuttons} <= 5) {
	} else {
	    output_with_perm($f, 0755, "xmodmap -e 'pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5'\n");
	my $f = "$::prefix/etc/X11/xinit.d/auxmouse_buttons";
	if (!$mouse->{auxmouse} || $mouse->{auxmouse}{nbuttons} <= 5) {
	} else {
	    output_with_perm($f, 0755, "xinput set-button-map Mouse2 1 2 3 6 7 4 5\n");
	my $f = "$::prefix/etc/X11/xinit.d/xpad";
	if ($mouse->{name} !~ /^Microsoft Xbox Controller/) {
	} else {
	    output_with_perm($f, 0755, "xset m 1/8 1\n");
    if (member(N_("Synaptics Touchpad"), $mouse->{name}, $mouse->{auxmouse} && $mouse->{auxmouse}{name})) {

#- write_conf : write the mouse infos into the Xconfig files.
#- input :
#-  $mouse : the hashtable containing the informations
#- $mouse input
#-  $mouse->{nbuttons} : number of buttons : integer
#-  $mouse->{device} : device of the mouse : string : ex 'psaux'
#-  $mouse->{XMOUSETYPE} : type of the mouse for gpm : string : ex 'PS/2'
#-  $mouse->{type} : type (generic ?) of the mouse : string : ex 'PS/2'
#-  $mouse->{name} : name of the mouse : string : ex 'Standard'
#-  $mouse->{MOUSETYPE} : type of the mouse : string : ex "ps/2"
#-  $mouse->{XEMU3} : emulate 3rd button : string : 'yes' or 'no'
sub write_conf {
    my ($do_pkgs, $modules_conf, $mouse, $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged) = @_;

    &write($do_pkgs, $mouse);
    $modules_conf->write if $mouse->{device} eq "usbmouse" && !$::testing;

    eval {
	require Xconfig::xfree;
	my $xfree_conf = Xconfig::xfree->read;
	set_xfree_conf($mouse, $xfree_conf, $b_keep_auxmouse_unchanged);

sub change_mouse_live {
    my ($mouse, $old) = @_;

    my $xId = xmouse2xId($mouse->{XMOUSETYPE});
    $old->{device} ne $mouse->{device} || $xId != xmouse2xId($old->{XMOUSETYPE}) or return;

    log::l("telling X server to use another mouse ($mouse->{XMOUSETYPE}, $xId)");
    eval { modules::load('serial') } if $mouse->{device} =~ /ttyS/;

    if (!$::testing) {
	symlinkf($mouse->{device}, "/dev/mouse");
	eval {
	    require xf86misc::main;
	    xf86misc::main::setMouseLive($ENV{DISPLAY}, $xId, $mouse->{nbuttons} < 3);

sub test_mouse_install {
    my ($mouse, $x_protocol_changed) = @_;
    require ugtk2;
    ugtk2->import(qw(:wrappers :create));
    my $w = ugtk2->new('', disallow_big_help => 1);
    my $darea = Gtk2::DrawingArea->new;
    $darea->set_events([ 'button_press_mask', 'button_release_mask' ]);  #$darea must be unrealized.
  	   gtkpack(my $vbox_grab = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 0),
		   gtkset_sensitive(create_okcancel($w, undef, undef, 'edge'), 1)
    test_mouse($mouse, $darea, $x_protocol_changed);
    $w->sync; # HACK
    Gtk2::Gdk->pointer_grab($vbox_grab->window, 1, 'pointer_motion_mask', $vbox_grab->window, undef, 0);
    my $r = $w->main;

sub test_mouse_standalone {
    my ($mouse, $hbox) = @_;
    require ugtk2;
    my $darea = Gtk2::DrawingArea->new;
    $darea->set_events([ 'button_press_mask', 'button_release_mask' ]);  #$darea must be unrealized.
    gtkpack($hbox, gtkpack(gtkset_border_width(Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 10), 10), $darea));
    test_mouse($mouse, $darea);

sub test_mouse {
    my ($mouse, $darea, $b_x_protocol_changed) = @_;

    require ugtk2;
    my $suffix = $mouse->{nbuttons} <= 2 ? '2b' : $mouse->{nbuttons} == 3 ? '3b' : '3b+';
    my %offsets = (mouse_2b_right => [ 93, 0 ], mouse_3b_right => [ 117, 0 ],
		   mouse_2b_middle => [ 82, 80 ], mouse_3b_middle => [ 68, 0 ], 'mouse_3b+_middle' => [ 85, 67 ]);
    my %image_files = (
		       mouse => "mouse_$suffix",
		       left => 'mouse_' . ($suffix eq '3b+' ? '3b' : $suffix) . '_left',
		       right => 'mouse_' . ($suffix eq '3b+' ? '3b' : $suffix) . '_right',
		       if_($mouse->{nbuttons} > 2, middle => 'mouse_' . $suffix . '_middle'),
		       up => 'arrow_up',
		       down => 'arrow_down');
    my %images = map { $_ => ugtk2::gtkcreate_pixbuf("$image_files{$_}.png") } keys %image_files;
    my $width = $images{mouse}->get_width;
    my $height = round_up(min($images{mouse}->get_height, $::windowheight - 150), 6);

    my $draw_text = sub {
  	my ($t, $y) = @_;
	my $layout = $darea->create_pango_layout($t);
	my ($w) = $layout->get_pixel_size;
				    ($darea->allocation->height-$height)/2 + $y,
    my $draw_pixbuf = sub {
	my ($p, $x, $y, $w, $h) = @_;
	$w = $p->get_width;
	$h = $p->get_height;
	$p->render_to_drawable($darea->window, $darea->style->bg_gc('normal'), 0, 0,
			       ($darea->allocation->width-$width)/2 + $x, ($darea->allocation->height-$height)/2 + $y,
			       $w, $h, 'none', 0, 0);
    my $draw_by_name = sub {
	my ($name) = @_;
	my $file = $image_files{$name};
	my ($x, $y) = @{$offsets{$file} || [ 0, 0 ]};
	$draw_pixbuf->($images{$name}, $x, $y);
    my $drawarea = sub {
	if ($::isInstall || 1) {
	    $draw_text->(N("Please test the mouse"), 200);
	    if ($b_x_protocol_changed && $mouse->{nbuttons} > 3 && $mouse->{device} eq 'psaux' && member($mouse->{XMOUSETYPE}, 'IMPS/2', 'ExplorerPS/2')) {
		$draw_text->(N("To activate the mouse,"), 240);
		$draw_text->(N("MOVE YOUR WHEEL!"), 260);

    my $timeout;
    my $paintButton = sub {
	my ($nb) = @_;
	$timeout or $drawarea->();
	if ($nb == 0) {
	} elsif ($nb == 2) {
	} elsif ($nb == 1) {
	    if ($mouse->{nbuttons} >= 3) {
	    } else {
		my ($x, $y) = @{$offsets{mouse_2b_middle}};
  					  1, ($darea->allocation->width-$width)/2 + $x, ($darea->allocation->height-$height)/2 + $y, 20, 25,
  					  0, 360 * 64);
	} elsif ($mouse->{nbuttons} > 3) {
	    my ($x, $y) = @{$offsets{$image_files{middle}}};
	    if ($nb == 3) {
		$draw_pixbuf->($images{up}, $x+6, $y-10);
	    } elsif ($nb == 4) {
		$draw_pixbuf->($images{down}, $x+6, $y + $images{middle}->get_height + 2);
	    $timeout and Glib::Source->remove($timeout);
	    $timeout = Glib::Timeout->add(100, sub { $drawarea->(); $timeout = 0; 0 });
    $darea->signal_connect(button_press_event => sub { $paintButton->($_[1]->button - 1) });
    $darea->signal_connect(scroll_event => sub { $paintButton->($_[1]->direction eq 'up' ? 3 : 4) });
    $darea->signal_connect(button_release_event => $drawarea);
    $darea->signal_connect(expose_event => $drawarea);
    $darea->set_size_request($width, $height);


=head1 NAME

mouse - Perl functions to handle mice


   require modules;
   require mouse;


C<mouse> is a perl module used by mousedrake to detect and configure the mouse.


Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Mandriva <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
