path: root/perl-install/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* ensure the log is flushed ASAP when using a local filePascal Rigaux2005-04-211-4/+6
* cleanup and allow openLog() to force the log filePascal Rigaux2005-04-131-20/+15
* (explanations) redirect log where appropriate at install timeThierry Vignaud2004-09-061-1/+7
* use $LOG instead of *LOGPascal Rigaux2004-07-051-10/+10
* "je n'en veux + de cette engeance" (c) pixel :Thierry Vignaud2003-01-161-0/+2
* perl_checker adaptationsPascal Rigaux2002-11-271-1/+2
* - have "local *FILEHANDLE" before each "open FILEHANDLE, ..."Pascal Rigaux2002-11-061-3/+3
* s/__END__/1;Thierry Vignaud2002-08-051-1/+1
* kill "wonderful perl"Thierry Vignaud2002-08-051-4/+1
* make new perl_checker happy (and that's not easy!)Pascal Rigaux2002-07-311-4/+4
* when testing, log on STDERRPascal Rigaux2002-07-241-1/+3
* move /root/* files (ddebug.log, install.log, report.bug,Guillaume Cottenceau2002-01-291-1/+1
* - write the 'common' part of the 'explanations' stuff,Guillaume Cottenceau2002-01-181-4/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-10-031-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-221-2/+4
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-141-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-12-091-11/+21
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-10-101-0/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-09-191-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-09-091-2/+2
* focus_outpad1999-09-051-1/+11
* pad stuffpad1999-09-031-1/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-08-251-2/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-07-311-1/+3
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-07-301-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux1999-07-291-2/+2
* "See_The_Changelog"Chmouel Boudjnah1999-07-011-0/+34
ass="hl kwb">@r; run($name, '>', \@r, @args) or return; wantarray() ? @r : join('', @r); } sub get_stdout_raw { my ($options, $name, @args) = @_; my @r; raw($options, $name, '>', \@r, @args) or return; wantarray() ? @r : join('', @r); } sub rooted_get_stdout { my ($root, $name, @args) = @_; my @r; rooted($root, $name, '>', \@r, @args) or return; wantarray() ? @r : join('', @r); } sub run { raw({}, @_) } sub rooted { my ($root, $name, @args) = @_; raw({ root => $root }, $name, @args); } sub raw { my ($options, $name, @args) = @_; my $root = $options->{root} || ''; my $real_name = ref($name) ? $name->[0] : $name; my ($stdout_raw, $stdout_mode, $stderr_raw, $stderr_mode); ($stdout_mode, $stdout_raw, @args) = @args if $args[0] =~ /^>>?$/; ($stderr_mode, $stderr_raw, @args) = @args if $args[0] =~ /^2>>?$/; my $home; if ($options->{as_user}) { my $uid; $uid = $ENV{USERHELPER_UID} && getpwuid($ENV{USERHELPER_UID}); $uid ||= common::get_parent_uid(); $options->{setuid} = getpwnam($uid) if $uid; my ($full_user) = grep { $_->[2] eq $uid } list_passwd(); $home = $full_user->[7] if $full_user; } local $ENV{HOME} = $home if $home; my $args = $options->{sensitive_arguments} ? '<hidden arguments>' : join(' ', @args); log::explanations("running: $real_name $args" . ($root ? " with root $root" : "")); return if $root && $<; $root ? ($root .= '/') : ($root = ''); my $tmpdir = sub { my $dir = $< != 0 ? "$ENV{HOME}/tmp" : -d '/root' ? '/root/tmp' : '/tmp'; -d $dir or mkdir($dir, 0700); $dir; }; my $stdout = $stdout_raw && (ref($stdout_raw) ? $tmpdir->() . "/.drakx-stdout.$$" : "$root$stdout_raw"); my $stderr = $stderr_raw && (ref($stderr_raw) ? $tmpdir->() . "/.drakx-stderr.$$" : "$root$stderr_raw"); #- checking if binary exist to avoid clobbering stdout file my $rname = $real_name =~ /(.*?)[\s\|]/ ? $1 : $real_name; if (! ($rname =~ m!^/! ? -x "$root$rname" || $root && -l "$root$rname" #- handle non-relative symlink which can be broken when non-rooted : whereis_binary($rname, $root))) { log::l("program not found: $real_name"); return; } if (my $pid = fork()) { if ($options->{detach}) { $pid; } else { my $ok; add2hash_($options, { timeout => $default_timeout }); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "ALARM" }; my $remaining = $options->{timeout} && $options->{timeout} ne 'never' && alarm($options->{timeout}); waitpid $pid, 0; $ok = $? == -1 || ($? >> 8) == 0; alarm $remaining; }; if ($@) { log::l("ERROR: killing runaway process (process=$real_name, pid=$pid, args=@args, error=$@)"); kill 9, $pid; return; } if ($stdout_raw && ref($stdout_raw)) { if (ref($stdout_raw) eq 'ARRAY') { @$stdout_raw = cat_($stdout); } else { $$stdout_raw = cat_($stdout); } unlink $stdout; } if ($stderr_raw && ref($stderr_raw)) { if (ref($stderr_raw) eq 'ARRAY') { @$stderr_raw = cat_($stderr); } else { $$stderr_raw = cat_($stderr); } unlink $stderr; } $ok; } } else { if ($options->{setuid}) { require POSIX; my ($logname, $home) = (getpwuid($options->{setuid}))[0,7]; $ENV{LOGNAME} = $logname if $logname; # if we were root and are going to drop privilege, keep a copy of the X11 cookie: if (!$> && $home) { # FIXME: it would be better to remove this but most callers are using 'detach => 1'... my $xauth = chomp_(`mktemp $home/.Xauthority.XXXXX`); system('cp', '-a', $ENV{XAUTHORITY}, $xauth); system('chown', $logname, $xauth); $ENV{XAUTHORITY} = $xauth; } # drop privileges: POSIX::setuid($options->{setuid}); } sub die_exit { log::l($_[0]); c::_exit(128); } if ($stderr && $stderr eq 'STDERR') { } elsif ($stderr) { $stderr_mode =~ s/2//; open STDERR, "$stderr_mode $stderr" or die_exit("run_program cannot output in $stderr (mode `$stderr_mode')"); } elsif ($::isInstall) { open STDERR, ">> /tmp/ddebug.log" or open STDOUT, ">> /dev/tty7" or die_exit("run_program cannot log, give me access to /tmp/ddebug.log"); } if ($stdout && $stdout eq 'STDOUT') { } elsif ($stdout) { open STDOUT, "$stdout_mode $stdout" or die_exit("run_program cannot output in $stdout (mode `$stdout_mode')"); } elsif ($::isInstall) { open STDOUT, ">> /tmp/ddebug.log" or open STDOUT, ">> /dev/tty7" or die_exit("run_program cannot log, give me access to /tmp/ddebug.log"); } $root and chroot $root; chdir($options->{chdir} || "/"); my $ok = ref $name ? do { exec { $name->[0] } $name->[1], @args; } : do { exec $name, @args; }; if (!$ok) { die_exit("exec of $real_name failed: $!"); } } } # run in background a sub that give back data through STDOUT a la run_program::get_stdout but w/ arbitrary perl code instead of external program package bg_command; sub new { my ($class, $sub) = @_; my $o = bless {}, $class; if ($o->{pid} = open(my $fd, "-|")) { $o->{fd} = $fd; $o; } else { $sub->(); c::_exit(0); } } sub DESTROY { my ($o) = @_; close $o->{fd} or warn "kid exited $?"; waitpid $o->{pid}, 0; } 1; #- Local Variables: #- mode:cperl #- tab-width:8 #- End: