path: root/perl-install/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* added multiple tablet support (wacom), moved usb probe for mouse and tabletFrancois Pons2001-03-231-1/+2
* (isUSBFDUDrive, usbfdus): removed, doesn't scalePascal Rigaux2001-03-231-9/+13
* added pci id reference.Francois Pons2001-03-211-1/+1
* old codePascal Rigaux2001-03-211-1/+0
* enable module load PPCStew Benedict2001-03-201-8/+0
*,, changed tempo...Stew Benedict2001-03-151-8/+9
* (burners): don't use cdroms() which return scdX for ide burners, andPascal Rigaux2001-03-131-1/+1
* fixed live update between GLIBC 2.1 and GLIBC 2.2. should work for otherFrancois Pons2001-03-121-2/+2
* (get_mac_model): fix for perl2fcallsPascal Rigaux2001-03-121-1/+1
* routine to detect MacIntosh model codeStew Benedict2001-03-091-0/+13
* (floppies): load module "floppy" before probingPascal Rigaux2001-03-081-1/+3
* cleanupPascal Rigaux2001-03-081-1/+1
* (isBurner): use syslog to detect scsi burnersPascal Rigaux2001-03-081-1/+9
* (stringlist): if no text description, display idsPascal Rigaux2001-03-061-1/+2
* fix typoPascal Rigaux2001-03-021-1/+1
* (getCompaqSmartArray): adapt for ccissPascal Rigaux2001-03-021-9/+9
* (pci_probe): fix to clean the logPascal Rigaux2001-02-241-1/+1
* (hasPCMCIA): created (check for /proc/pcmcia)Pascal Rigaux2001-02-071-0/+1
* (get): cleanup, remove hasIDE hasSCSI...Pascal Rigaux2001-02-021-22/+10
* (getCompaqSmartArray): /proc/array/ida0 can contain more than one ida/c0d0p*Pascal Rigaux2001-01-291-1/+0
* use ldetect-lst for usb => now auto detects mice types :)Pascal Rigaux2000-12-161-15/+7
* use ldetect-lstPascal Rigaux2000-12-161-3/+13
* pci_probing now done by libldetectPascal Rigaux2000-12-161-1/+12
* removed foreach (<... which are eating memoryFrancois Pons2000-11-141-12/+12
* (floppies, probeall): add require "modules" as it should bePascal Rigaux2000-10-231-0/+2
* (cdroms): fix the setting of scdX for ide burnersPascal Rigaux2000-10-161-3/+4
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-10-061-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-10-041-13/+14
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-10-021-3/+1
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-09-291-1/+20
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-281-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-211-7/+1
* really remove plip in standaloneGuillaume Cottenceau2000-09-211-2/+3
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-211-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-201-3/+10
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-181-8/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-181-2/+3
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-151-6/+2
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-141-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-121-3/+3
* *** empty log message ***Francois Pons2000-09-121-3/+4
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-111-15/+0
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-061-0/+14
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-061-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-09-011-1/+1
* *** empty log message ***Pascal Rigaux2000-08-271-1/+1
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-08-181-20/+0
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-08-181-9/+0
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-08-171-2/+4
* no_commentPascal Rigaux2000-08-061-1/+1
ef='#n581'>581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680
package install2; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw($o $version);

#- misc imports
use steps;
use common;
use install_any qw(:all);
use install_steps;
use install_any;
use lang;
use keyboard;
use mouse;
use fsedit;
use devices;
use partition_table qw(:types);
use modules;
use detect_devices;
use run_program;
use any;
use log;
use fs;

#-the big struct which contain, well everything (globals + the interactive methods ...)
#-if you want to do a kickstart file, you just have to add all the required fields (see for example
#-the variable $default)
$o = $::o = {
#    bootloader => { linear => 0, message => 1, timeout => 5, restricted => 0 },
    mkbootdisk => 0, #- no mkbootdisk if 0 or undef, find a floppy with 1, or fd1
#-    packages   => [ qw() ],
    partitioning => { clearall => 0, eraseBadPartitions => 0, auto_allocate => 0 }, #-, readonly => 0 },
    authentication => { md5 => 1, shadow => 1 },
    locale         => { lang => 'en_US' },
#-    isUpgrade    => 0,
    toRemove     => [],
    toSave       => [],
#-    simple_themes => 1,

    timezone => {
#-                   timezone => "Europe/Paris",
#-                   UTC      => 1,
#-    superuser => { password => 'a', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'God' },
#-    user => { name => 'foo', password => 'bar', home => '/home/foo', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'really, it is foo' },

#-    keyboard => 'de',
#-    display => "",
    steps        => \%steps::installSteps,
    orderedSteps => \@steps::orderedInstallSteps,

#- for the list of fields available for user and superuser, see @etc_pass_fields in
#-    intf => { eth0 => { DEVICE => "eth0", IPADDR => '', NETMASK => '' } },

    netc => {},
    intf => {},
#-step : the current one
#-packages compss
#-printer haveone entry(cf


sub installStepsCall {
    my ($o, $auto, $fun, @args) = @_;
    $fun = "install_steps::$fun" if $auto;

#- Steps Functions
#- each step function are called with two arguments : clicked(because if you are a
#- beginner you can force the the step) and the entered number

sub selectLanguage {
    my ($_clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectLanguage', $ent_number == 1);

sub acceptLicense {
    my ($_clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'acceptLicense') if !$o->{useless_thing_accepted};

sub selectMouse {
    my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    require pkgs;
    my ($first_time) = $ent_number == 1;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectMouse', !$first_time || $clicked);

    addToBeDone { mouse::write($o, $o->{mouse}) if !$o->{isUpgrade} || $clicked } 'installPackages';

sub setupSCSI {
    my ($clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    if (!$::live && !$::g_auto_install && !$o->{blank} && !$::testing && !$::uml_install) {
	-d '/lib/modules/' . c::kernel_version() ||
	  -s modules::cz_file() or die \N("Can't access kernel modules corresponding to your kernel (file %s is missing), this generally means your boot floppy in not in sync with the Installation medium (please create a newer boot floppy)", modules::cz_file());

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupSCSI', $clicked);

sub selectKeyboard {
    my ($clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectKeyboard', $clicked);

    #- read keyboard ASAP (so that summary displays ok)
    addToBeDone {	
	$o->{keyboard}{unsafe} or return;
	if (my $keyboard = keyboard::read()) {
	    $o->{keyboard} = $keyboard;
    } 'formatPartitions';

sub selectInstallClass {
    my ($clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectInstallClass', $clicked);

    if ($o->{isUpgrade}) {
	$o->{keepConfiguration} and @{$o->{orderedSteps}} = grep { !/selectMouse|selectKeyboard|miscellaneous|setRootPassword|addUser|configureNetwork|installUpdates|summary|configureServices|configureX/ } @{$o->{orderedSteps}};

sub doPartitionDisks {
    my ($_clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    $o->{steps}{formatPartitions}{done} = 0;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisksBefore');
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisks');
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisksAfter');

sub formatPartitions {
    my ($_clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    $o->{steps}{choosePackages}{done} = 0;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'choosePartitionsToFormat', $o->{fstab}) if !$o->{isUpgrade};
    my $want_root_formated = fsedit::get_root($o->{fstab})->{toFormat};
    if ($want_root_formated) {
	foreach ('/usr') {
	    my $part = fsedit::mntpoint2part($_, $o->{fstab}) or next;
	    $part->{toFormat} or die \N("You must also format %s", $_);
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'formatMountPartitions', $o->{fstab}) if !$::testing;

    if ($want_root_formated) {
	#- we formatted /, ensure /var/lib/rpm is cleaned otherwise bad things can happen
	#- (especially when /var is *not* formatted)
	eval { rm_rf("$o->{prefix}/var/lib/rpm") };

    mkdir "$o->{prefix}/$_", 0755 foreach 
      qw(dev etc etc/profile.d etc/rpm etc/sysconfig etc/sysconfig/console 
	etc/sysconfig/network-scripts etc/sysconfig/console/consolefonts 
	home mnt tmp var var/tmp var/lib var/lib/rpm var/lib/urpmi);
    mkdir "$o->{prefix}/$_", 0700 foreach qw(root root/tmp root/drakx);

    chmod 0666, "$o->{prefix}/dev/null";



    require raid;
    raid::prepare_prefixed($o->{all_hds}{raids}, $o->{prefix});

sub choosePackages {
    my ($_clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    require pkgs;

    #- always setPackages as it may have to copy hdlist files and synthesis files.
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setPackages', $o->{isUpgrade} && $ent_number == 1);
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'choosePackages', $o->{packages}, $o->{compssUsers}, $ent_number == 1);
    log::l("compssUsersChoice's: ", join(" ", grep { $o->{compssUsersChoice}{$_} } keys %{$o->{compssUsersChoice}}));

    #- check pre-condition where base backage has to be selected.
    pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'basesystem')->flag_available or die "basesystem package not selected";

    #- check if there are package that need installation.
    $o->{steps}{installPackages}{done} = 0 if $o->{steps}{installPackages}{done} && pkgs::packagesToInstall($o->{packages}) > 0;

sub installPackages {
    my ($_clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'readBootloaderConfigBeforeInstall') if $ent_number == 1;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'beforeInstallPackages');
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'installPackages');
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'afterInstallPackages');
sub miscellaneous {
    my ($clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneousBefore', $clicked);
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneous', $clicked);
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneousAfter', $clicked);

sub summary {
    my ($_clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'summaryBefore');
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'summary', $ent_number == 1);
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'summaryAfter');
sub configureNetwork {
    my ($_clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    #- get current configuration of network device.
    require network::network;
    eval { network::network::read_all_conf($o->{prefix}, $o->{netc}, $o->{intf}) };
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureNetwork') if !$o->{isUpgrade};
sub installUpdates {
    my ($_clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'installUpdates');
sub configureServices {
    my ($clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureServices', $clicked);
sub setRootPassword {
    my ($clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    return if $o->{isUpgrade};

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setRootPassword', $clicked);
sub addUser {
    my ($clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'addUser', $clicked) if !$o->{isUpgrade};

sub setupBootloader {
    my ($_clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
    return if $::g_auto_install || $::uml_install;


    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupBootloaderBefore') if $ent_number == 1;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupBootloader', $ent_number);

    eval { install_any::set_security($o) };
sub configureX {
    my ($_clicked, $_ent_number, $auto) = @_;

    #- done here and also at the end of, just in case...

    require pkgs;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureX') if pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'XFree86')->flag_installed && !$o->{X}{disabled} || $::testing;
sub exitInstall {
    my ($_clicked, $_xent_number, $auto) = @_;
    installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'exitInstall', getNextStep($::o) eq 'exitInstall');

sub start_i810fb() {

    my ($vga) = cat_('/proc/cmdline') =~ /vga=(\S+)/;
    return if !$vga || listlength(cat_('/proc/fb'));

    my %vga_to_xres = (0x311 => '640', 0x314 => '800', 0x317 => '1024');
    my $xres = $vga_to_xres{$vga} || '800';

    log::l("trying to load i810fb module with xres <$xres> (vga was <$vga>)");
    eval {
	any::ddcxinfos(); # keep the result otherwise ddcxinfos doesn't return good results afterwards
	modules::load([ 'i810fb',
			"xres=$xres", 'hsync1=32', 'hsync2=48', 'vsync1=50', 'vsync2=70',  #- this sucking i810fb does not accept floating point numbers in hsync!
			 'vram=2', 'bpp=16', 'accel=1', 'mtrr=1', 'hwcur=1', 'xcon=4' ]);

sub main {
    $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { chomp(my $err = $_[0]); log::l("warning: ", ref($err) eq 'SCALAR' ? $$err : $err) if $err !~ /^find_index failed/ };
    $SIG{SEGV} = sub { 
	my $msg = "segmentation fault: seems like memory is missing as the install crashes"; print "$msg\n"; log::l($msg);
	$o->ask_warn('', $msg);
	require install_steps_auto_install;
    umask 022;

    $::isInstall = 1;
    $::isWizard = 1;
    $::no_ugtk_init = 1;
    $::expert = $::g_auto_install = 0;

#-    c::unlimit_core() unless $::testing;

    my ($cfg, $patch, @auto);
    my %cmdline = map { 
	my ($n, $v) = split '=';
	$n => $v || 1;
    } split ' ', cat_("/proc/cmdline");

    my $opt; foreach (@_) {
	if (/^--?(.*)/) {
	    $cmdline{$opt} = 1 if $opt;
	    $opt = $1;
	} else {
	    $cmdline{$opt} = $_ if $opt;
	    $opt = '';
    } $cmdline{$opt} = 1 if $opt;
    map_each {
	my ($n, $v) = @_;
	my $f = ${{
	    oem       => sub { $::oem = $v },
	    lang      => sub { $o->{locale}{lang} = $v },
	    flang     => sub { $o->{locale}{lang} = $v; push @auto, 'selectLanguage' },
	    method    => sub { $o->{method} = $v },
	    pcmcia    => sub { $o->{pcmcia} = $v },
	    vga16     => sub { $o->{vga16} = $v },
	    vga       => sub { $o->{vga} = $v },
	    step      => sub { $o->{steps}{first} = $v },
	    expert    => sub { $::expert = $v },
	    meta_class => sub { $o->{meta_class} = $v },
	    readonly  => sub { $o->{partitioning}{readonly} = $v ne "0" },
	    display   => sub { $o->{display} = $v },
	    askdisplay => sub { print "Please enter the X11 display to perform the install on ? "; $o->{display} = chomp_(scalar(<STDIN>)) },
	    security  => sub { $o->{security} = $v },
	    live      => sub { $::live = 1 },
	    noauto    => sub { $::noauto = 1 },
	    test      => sub { $::testing = 1 },
	    patch     => sub { $patch = 1 },
	    defcfg    => sub { $cfg = $v },
	    recovery  => sub { $::recovery = 1 },
	    restore   => sub { $::restore = 1 },
	    newt      => sub { $o->{interactive} = "newt" },
	    text      => sub { $o->{interactive} = "newt" },
	    stdio     => sub { $o->{interactive} = "stdio" },
	    corporate => sub { $::corporate = 1 },
	    kickstart => sub { $::auto_install = $v },
	    uml_install => sub { $::uml_install = 1 },
	    auto_install => sub { $::auto_install = $v },
	    simple_themes => sub { $o->{simple_themes} = 1 },
	    theme     => sub { $o->{theme} = $v },
	    doc       => sub { $o->{doc} = 1 },  #- will be used to know that we're running for the doc team,
	                                         #- e.g. we want screenshots with a good B&W contrast
	    useless_thing_accepted => sub { $o->{useless_thing_accepted} = 1 },
	    alawindows => sub { $o->{security} = 0; $o->{partitioning}{clearall} = 1; $o->{bootloader}{crushMbr} = 1 },
	    fdisk => sub { $o->{partitioning}{fdisk} = 1 },
	    g_auto_install => sub { $::testing = $::g_auto_install = 1; $o->{partitioning}{auto_allocate} = 1 },
	    nomouseprobe => sub { $o->{nomouseprobe} = $v },
	    blank         => sub { $o->{blank} = $::blank = 1 },
	    updatemodules => sub { $o->{updatemodules} = 1 },
	    move  => sub { $::move = 1 },
	}}{lc $n}; &$f if $f;
    } %cmdline;

    if ($::testing) {
	$ENV{SHARE_PATH} ||= "/export/Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/share";
	$ENV{SHARE_PATH} = "/usr/share" if !-e $ENV{SHARE_PATH};
    } else {
	$ENV{SHARE_PATH} ||= "/usr/share";

    undef $::auto_install if $cfg;
    if ($::g_auto_install) {
	(my $root = `/bin/pwd`) =~ s|(/[^/]*){5}$||;
	symlinkf $root, "/tmp/image" or die "unable to create link /tmp/image";
	$o->{method} ||= "cdrom";
	$o->{mkbootdisk} = 0;
    if (!$::testing && !$::live) {
	symlink "rhimage", "/tmp/image"; #- for compatibility with old stage1
	unlink $_ foreach "/modules/modules.mar", "/sbin/stage1";

    log::openLog(($::testing || $o->{localInstall}) && 'debug.log');
    log::l("second stage install running (", any::drakx_version(), ")");

    if ($::move) {
        require move;

    $o->{prefix} = $::prefix = $::testing ? "/tmp/test-perl-install" : $::live || $::move ? "" : "/mnt";
    $o->{isUpgrade} = 1 if $::live;
    mkdir $o->{prefix}, 0755;
    devices::make("/dev/zero"); #- needed by ddcxinfos

    #-  make sure we don't pick up any gunk from the outside world
    my $remote_path = "$o->{prefix}/sbin:$o->{prefix}/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/sbin:$o->{prefix}/usr/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/X11R6/bin";
    $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$remote_path" unless $::g_auto_install;

    eval { spawnShell() };

    modules::load_dependencies(($::testing ? ".." : "") . "/modules/modules.dep");
    modules::read_stage1_conf($_) foreach "/tmp/conf.modules", "/etc/modules.conf";

    #- done before auto_install is called to allow the -IP feature on auto_install file name
    if (-e '/tmp/network') {
	require network::network;
	#- get stage1 network configuration if any.
	log::l('found /tmp/network');
	$o->{netc} ||= {};
	add2hash($o->{netc}, network::network::read_conf('/tmp/network'));
	if (my ($file) = glob_('/tmp/ifcfg-*')) {
	    log::l("found network config file $file");
	    my $l = network::network::read_interface_conf($file);
	    $o->{intf} ||= { $l->{DEVICE} => $l };
	if (-e '/etc/resolv.conf') {
	    my $file = '/etc/resolv.conf';
	    log::l("found network config file $file");
	    add2hash($o->{netc}, network::network::read_resolv_conf($file));

    #- done after module dependencies are loaded for "vfat depends on fat"
    if ($::auto_install) {
	if ($::auto_install =~ /-IP(\.pl)?$/) {
	    my $ip = join('', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } split '\.', $o->{intf}{IPADDR});
	    $::auto_install =~ s/-IP(\.pl)?$/-$ip$1/;
	require install_steps_auto_install;
	eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, $::auto_install) };
	if ($@) {
	    if ($o->{useless_thing_accepted}) { #- Pixel's hack to be able to fail through
		log::l("error using auto_install, continuing");
		undef $::auto_install;
	    } else {
		print "Error using auto_install\n", formatError($@), "\n";
	} else {
	    log::l("auto install config file loaded successfully");
    $o->{interactive} ||= 'gtk' if !$::auto_install;
    if ($o->{interactive} eq "gtk" && availableMemory() < 22 * 1024) {
 	log::l("switching to newt install cuz not enough memory");
 	$o->{interactive} = "newt";

    if (my ($s) = cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /brltty=(\S*)/) {
	my ($driver, $device, $table) = split(',', $s);
	$table = "text.$table.tbl" if $table !~ /\.tbl$/;
	log::l("brltty option $driver $device $table");
	$o->{brltty} = { driver => $driver, device => $device, table => $table };
	$o->{interactive} = 'newt';
	$o->{nomouseprobe} = 1;

    # perl_checker: require install_steps_gtk
    # perl_checker: require install_steps_newt
    # perl_checker: require install_steps_stdio
    require "install_steps_$o->{interactive}.pm" if $o->{interactive};

    #- needed before accessing floppy (in case of usb floppy)

    #- oem patch should be read before to still allow patch or defcfg.
    eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, "Mandrake/base/"); log::l("successfully read oem patch") };
    #- recovery mode should be read early to allow default parameter to be taken.
    eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, "Mandrake/base/recovery.cfg"); log::l("successfully read recovery") } if $::recovery;
    $@ and $::recovery = 0; #- avoid keeping recovery if there was a problem reading the recovery.cfg file.
    #- patch should be read after defcfg in order to take precedance.
    eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, $cfg); log::l("successfully read default configuration: $cfg") } if $cfg;
    eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, "patch"); log::l("successfully read patch") } if $patch;

    eval { modules::load("af_packet") };

    require harddrake::sound;

    #- need to be after oo-izing $o
    if ($o->{brltty}) {
	symlink "/tmp/stage2/$_", $_ foreach "/etc/brltty";
	if (common::usingRamdisk()) {
	    mkdir '/tmp/stage2/etc/brltty';
	    mkdir '/lib/brltty';
	    foreach ($o->{brltty}{table}, "brltty-$o->{brltty}{driver}.hlp") {
		install_any::getAndSaveFile("/etc/brltty/$_") if $_;
	    install_any::getAndSaveFile("/lib/brltty/libbrlttyb$o->{brltty}{driver}.so") or do {
		local $| = 1;
		print("Braille driver $o->{brltty}{driver} for BRLTTY was not found.\n",
		      "Press ENTER to continue.\n\a");
	    chmod 0755, "/usr/bin/brltty";
	eval { modules::load("serial") };
	devices::make($_) foreach $o->{brltty}{device} ? $o->{brltty}{device} : qw(ttyS0 ttyS1);

    #- needed very early for install_steps_gtk
    unless ($::testing) {
	if ($o->{mouse}) {
	} else {
	    eval { $o->{mouse} = mouse::detect() } unless $o->{nomouseprobe};

    $o->{locale}{lang} = lang::set($o->{locale}) if $o->{locale}{lang} ne 'en_US' && !$::move; #- mainly for defcfg


    $o->{allowFB} = listlength(cat_("/proc/fb"));

    if (!$::move && !$::testing) {
	my $VERSION = cat__(install_any::getFile("VERSION")) or do { print "VERSION file missing\n"; sleep 5 };
	$::corporate = 1 if $VERSION =~ /corporate/i;
	$o->{meta_class} = 'desktop' if $VERSION =~ /desktop|discovery/i;
	$o->{meta_class} = 'download' if $VERSION =~ /download/i;
	$o->{meta_class} = 'firewall' if $VERSION =~ /firewall/i;
	$o->{meta_class} = 'server' if $VERSION =~ /server|prosuite/i;
    $o->{meta_class} eq 'discovery' and $o->{meta_class} = 'desktop';
    if ($::oem) {
	$o->{partitioning}{use_existing_root} = 1;
	$o->{compssListLevel} = 4;
	push @auto, 'selectInstallClass', 'doPartitionDisks', 'choosePackages', 'configureTimezone', 'exitInstall';
    if ($::recovery) {
	push @auto, 'selectLanguage', 'selectInstallClass', 'selectMouse', 'selectKeyboard', 'doPartitionDisks', 'formatPartitions', 'miscellaneous', 'choosePackages', 'configureTimezone';

    foreach (@auto) {
	my $s = $o->{steps}{/::(.*)/ ? $1 : $_} or next;
	$s->{auto} = $s->{hidden} = 1;

    my $o_;
    while (1) {
    	$o_ = $::auto_install ?
    	  install_steps_auto_install->new($o) :
    	    $o->{interactive} eq "stdio" ?
    	  install_steps_stdio->new($o) :
    	    $o->{interactive} eq "newt" ?
    	  install_steps_newt->new($o) :
    	    $o->{interactive} eq "gtk" ?
    	  install_steps_gtk->new($o) :
    	    die "unknown install type";
	$o_ and last;

	$o->{interactive} = "newt";
	require install_steps_newt;
    $::o = $o = $o_;

    install_any::remove_unused() if common::usingRamdisk();

    #-the main cycle
    my $clicked = 0;
    MAIN: for ($o->{step} = $o->{steps}{first};; $o->{step} = getNextStep($o)) {
	eval {
	    &{$install2::{$o->{step}}}($clicked || $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{noauto},
				       $clicked ? 0 : $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{auto});
	my $err = $@;
	$clicked = 0;
	if ($err) {
	    ref($err) eq 'SCALAR' and $err = $$err;
	    local $_ = $err;
	    if (!/^already displayed/) {
		eval { $o->errorInStep($_) };
		$o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{auto} = 0;
		$err = $@;
		$err and next;
	    $o->{step} = $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{onError};
	    next MAIN unless $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{reachable}; #- sanity check: avoid a step not reachable on error.
	    redo MAIN;
	$o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{done} = 1;

	last if $o->{step} eq 'exitInstall';

    #- save recovery file if needed (ie disk style install).
    $o->{method} eq 'disk' and
      output($o->{prefix}.any::hdInstallPath()."/Mandrake/base/recovery.cfg", install_any::g_auto_install(1));

    #- mainly for auto_install's
    #- do not use run_program::xxx because it doesn't leave stdin/stdout unchanged
    system("bash", "-c", $o->{postInstallNonRooted}) if $o->{postInstallNonRooted};
    system("chroot", $o->{prefix}, "bash", "-c", $o->{postInstall}) if $o->{postInstall};


    #- to ensure linuxconf doesn't cry against those files being in the future
    foreach ('/etc/modules.conf', '/etc/crontab', '/etc/sysconfig/mouse', '/etc/sysconfig/network', '/etc/X11/fs/config') {
	my $now = time() - 24 * 60 * 60;
	utime $now, $now, "$o->{prefix}/$_";
    $::live or install_any::killCardServices();

    #- make sure failed upgrade will not hurt too much.

    -e "$o->{prefix}/usr/sbin/urpmi.update" or eval { rm_rf("$o->{prefix}/var/lib/urpmi") };

    #- copy latest log files
    eval { cp_af("/tmp/$_", "$o->{prefix}/root/drakx") foreach qw(ddebug.log stage1.log) };

    #- ala pixel? :-) [fpons]
    common::sync(); common::sync();

    log::l("installation complete, leaving");
    log::l("files still open by install2: ", readlink($_)) foreach glob_("/proc/self/fd/*");
    print "\n" x 80;
