path: root/perl-install/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* new perl_checker compliancePascal Rigaux2003-04-171-5/+5
* removed acpi reference here (should already been have removed earlier).Francois Pons2003-03-261-5/+6
* hp fixThierry Vignaud2003-03-241-1/+1
* cleanup (still need to handle permissions more cleanly, people using umask 0Pascal Rigaux2003-03-131-4/+2
* fix #3161 (ensure right permissions on /etc/sysconfig/autologin forThierry Vignaud2003-03-131-0/+2
* fix lilo-menu not working (bug #3048)Pascal Rigaux2003-03-111-1/+1
* launch startx.autologin instead of startx in autologinFrederic Lepied2003-03-071-1/+1
* don't create xxx.conf for standard devfs compatibility namesPascal Rigaux2003-03-061-1/+1
* make sure acpi is installed.Francois Pons2003-03-061-2/+2
* fix behaviour when only one lang is available (clickingGuillaume Cottenceau2003-03-051-0/+1
* any::selectLanguage: in standalone, don't categorize langs, forGuillaume Cottenceau2003-03-031-27/+37
* install acpi and acpid if "Enable ACPI" is ok.Francois Pons2003-02-281-0/+5
* added dmidecode in bug report.Francois Pons2003-02-251-0/+1
* (fileshare_config): create group "fileshare" in "Custom" modePascal Rigaux2003-02-251-0/+1
* allow Cancel in setupBootloader__entriesPascal Rigaux2003-02-201-1/+1
* cows go møøhGuillaume Cottenceau2003-02-201-1/+1
* - add "Force No APIC"Pascal Rigaux2003-02-201-8/+9
* add XF86Config and XF86Config-4 to report.bugPascal Rigaux2003-02-201-0/+2
* no autologin by default if more than one usersPascal Rigaux2003-02-201-1/+1
* to workaround perl bug removing UTF8 flag when passing scalars to die's, passGuillaume Cottenceau2003-02-191-1/+1
* have "all languages" and "utf8" before the list of languages, per request of ...Guillaume Cottenceau2003-02-191-9/+9
* s/boot partition/the root partition/ (cf bug #1803)Pascal Rigaux2003-02-191-1/+1
* don't use tmpfs on /tmp if /tmp is a separate partitionPascal Rigaux2003-02-181-1/+1
* add a checkbox "Force ACPI"Pascal Rigaux2003-02-171-0/+9
* clean $o->{locale}{langs}Guillaume Cottenceau2003-02-161-0/+1
* fix and some more HelpPascal Rigaux2003-02-131-0/+1
* - set_help is deprecatedPascal Rigaux2003-02-131-12/+14
* perl_checker compliance ("ref" now need parentheses in many case)Pascal Rigaux2003-02-121-1/+1
* language/country selection change:Guillaume Cottenceau2003-02-081-14/+58
* (ask_users): focus the "name" field, and change the buttons name & placePascal Rigaux2003-02-061-5/+7
* add isFat_or_NTFS() and use it where possible instead of isFat() since WindowsPascal Rigaux2003-01-301-1/+1
* log configured dvds for better post-debuggingPascal Rigaux2003-01-281-1/+1
* - remove createBootdisk stepPascal Rigaux2003-01-221-0/+67
* (setupBootloader__mbr_or_not): add ability to skip and to put on floppyPascal Rigaux2003-01-211-8/+17
* rework autologin dialog boxPascal Rigaux2003-01-211-9/+7
* (selectLanguage): no "Previous ->" during installPascal Rigaux2003-01-211-0/+1
* English proofreading by Stew BenedictsPablo Saratxaga2003-01-211-4/+4
* ensure cancel on setupBootloader__mbr_or_not do cancelPascal Rigaux2003-01-141-2/+3
* really install the bootloader.Francois Pons2003-01-081-1/+4
* "require bootloader" where neededPascal Rigaux2003-01-071-1/+2
* use "if any" instead of "if grep", and various other occurences of "any", "ev...Pascal Rigaux2003-01-071-1/+1
* - part of setupBootloader() are now in setupBootloader__mbr_or_not(),Pascal Rigaux2003-01-071-139/+144
* fix "Where do you want to install the bootloader?" dialog boxPascal Rigaux2003-01-061-1/+1
* in bootloader configuration, add return values to Add and Remove callbacksPascal Rigaux2003-01-051-0/+2
* add ask_from__add_modify_remove, and use it for bootloader entriesPascal Rigaux2003-01-021-60/+59
* cleanup (using ask_from instead of ask_from_listf_)Pascal Rigaux2002-12-291-10/+8
* cleanup (using "format => ...")Pascal Rigaux2002-12-291-7/+6
* move any::load_category() to network::interactive::load_category()Pascal Rigaux2002-12-291-116/+0
* move any::keyboard_group_toggle_choose() to keyboard::group_toggle_choose()Pascal Rigaux2002-12-291-17/+0
* move any::runlevel() to Xconfig::various::runlevel()Pascal Rigaux2002-12-291-12/+0
n> %EXPORT_TAGS = ( helpers => [ qw(create_okcancel createScrolledWindow create_menu create_notebook create_packtable create_hbox create_vbox create_adjustment create_box_with_title create_treeitem) ], wrappers => [ qw(gtksignal_connect gtkradio gtkpack gtkpack_ gtkpack__ gtkpack2 gtkpack2_ gtkpack2__ gtkpowerpack gtkset_editable gtksetstyle gtkset_tip gtkappenditems gtkappend gtkset_shadow_type gtkset_layout gtkset_relief gtkadd gtkput gtktext_insert gtkset_usize gtksize gtkset_justify gtkset_active gtkset_sensitive gtkset_visibility gtkset_modal gtkset_border_width gtkmove gtkresize gtkshow gtkhide gtkdestroy gtkcolor gtkset_mousecursor gtkset_mousecursor_normal gtkset_mousecursor_wait gtkset_background gtkset_default_fontset gtkctree_children gtkxpm gtkpng create_pix_text get_text_coord fill_tiled gtkicons_labels_widget write_on_pixmap gtkcreate_xpm gtkcreate_png gtkbuttonset create_pixbutton gtkroot gtkentry) ], ask => [ qw(ask_warn ask_okcancel ask_yesorno ask_from_entry ask_browse_tree_info ask_browse_tree_info_given_widgets ask_dir) ], various => [ qw(add_icon_path) ], ); $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = [ map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS ]; @EXPORT_OK = map { @$_ } values %EXPORT_TAGS; use ugtk qw(:helpers :wrappers :various); use common; use log; add_icon_path(@ugtk::icon_paths, "$ENV{SHARE_PATH}/libDrakX/pixmaps", '/usr/lib/libDrakX/icons', 'standalone/icons'); my $forgetTime = 1000; #- in milli-seconds $border = 5; #-############################################################################### #- OO stuff #-############################################################################### sub new { my ($type, $title, %opts) = @_; Gtk->set_locale; my $o = bless { %opts }, $type; $o->_create_window($title); while (my $e = shift @tempory::objects) { $e->destroy } foreach (@interactive::objects) { $_->{rwindow}->set_modal(0) if $_->{rwindow}->can('set_modal'); } push @interactive::objects, $o if !$opts{no_interactive_objects}; $o->{rwindow}->set_position('center_always') if $::isStandalone; $o->{rwindow}->set_modal(1) if $my_gtk::grab || $o->{grab}; if ($::isWizard && !$my_gtk::pop_it) { $o->{isWizard} = 1; $o->{window} = new Gtk::VBox(0,0); $o->{window}->set_border_width($::Wizard_splash ? 0 : 10); $o->{rwindow} = $o->{window}; if (!defined($::WizardWindow)) { $::WizardWindow = new Gtk::Window; $::WizardWindow->set_position('center_always'); $::WizardWindow->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { die 'wizcancel' }); $::WizardTable = new Gtk::Table(2, 2, 0); $::WizardWindow->add($::WizardTable); my $draw1 = new Gtk::DrawingArea; $draw1->set_usize(540,100); my $draw2 = new Gtk::DrawingArea; $draw2->set_usize(100,300); my ($im_up, $_mask_up) = gtkcreate_png($::Wizard_pix_up || "wiz_default_up.png"); my ($y1, $x1) = $im_up->get_size; my ($im_left, $_mask_left) = gtkcreate_png($::Wizard_pix_left || "wiz_default_left.png"); my ($y2, $x2) = $im_left->get_size; my $style = $draw1->style->copy; $style->font(Gtk::Gdk::Font->fontset_load(N("-adobe-utopia-regular-r-*-*-25-*-*-*-p-*-iso8859-*,*-r-*"))); $draw1->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { for (my $i = 0; $i < 540/$y1; $i++) { $draw1->window->draw_pixmap($draw1->style->bg_gc('normal'), $im_up, 0, 0, 0, $y1*$i, $x1, $y1); $draw1->window->draw_string( $style->font, $draw1->style->white_gc, 40, 62, ($::Wizard_title)); } }); $draw2->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { for (my $i = 0; $i < 300/$y2; $i++) { $draw2->window->draw_pixmap($draw2->style->bg_gc('normal'), $im_left, 0, 0, 0, $y2*$i, $x2, $y2); } }); $::WizardTable->attach($draw1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0); #- $::WizardTable->attach($draw2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0); $::WizardTable->set_usize(540,420); $::WizardWindow->show_all; flush(); } $::WizardTable->attach($o->{window}, 0, 2, 1, 2, ['fill', 'expand'], ['fill', 'expand'], 0, 0); } if ($::isEmbedded && !$my_gtk::pop_it && !eval { $::Plug && $::Plug->child }) { $o->{isEmbedded} = 1; $o->{window} = new Gtk::HBox(0,0); $o->{rwindow} = $o->{window}; $::Plug ||= new Gtk::Plug($::XID); $::Plug->show; flush(); $::Plug->add($o->{window}); } $o; } sub main { my ($o, $completed, $canceled) = @_; gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); my $timeout = Gtk->timeout_add(1000, sub { gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); 1 }); my $_b = MDK::Common::Func::before_leaving { Gtk->timeout_remove($timeout) }; $o->show; do { Gtk->main; } while ($o->{retval} ? $completed && !$completed->() : $canceled && !$canceled->()); $o->destroy; $o->{retval} } sub show($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{window}->show; $o->{rwindow}->show; } sub destroy($) { my ($o) = @_; $o->{rwindow} and $o->{rwindow}->destroy; gtkset_mousecursor_wait(); flush(); } sub DESTROY { goto &destroy } sub sync { my ($o) = @_; show($o); flush(); } sub flush { gtkflush() } sub exit { gtkset_mousecursor_normal(); #- for restoring a normal in any case flush(); c::_exit($_[1]) #- workaround } #- in case "exit" above was not called by the program END { print "BUG in $0 : my_gtk->exit was *NOT* called !! \n"; &exit() } #-############################################################################### #- createXXX functions #- these functions return a widget #-############################################################################### sub create_okcancel { my ($w, $ok, $cancel, $spread, @other) = @_; $spread ||= $::isWizard ? "end" : "spread"; $cancel = $::isWizard ? N("<- Previous") : N("Cancel") if !defined $cancel && !defined $ok; $ok = $::isWizard ? ($::Wizard_finished ? N("Finish") : N("Next ->")) : N("Ok") if !defined $ok; my $b1 = gtksignal_connect($w->{ok} = new Gtk::Button($ok), clicked => $w->{ok_clicked} || sub { $w->{retval} = 1; Gtk->main_quit }); my $b2 = $cancel && gtksignal_connect($w->{cancel} = new Gtk::Button($cancel), clicked => $w->{cancel_clicked} || sub { log::l("default cancel_clicked"); undef $w->{retval}; Gtk->main_quit }); $::isWizard and gtksignal_connect($w->{wizcancel} = new Gtk::Button(N("Cancel")), clicked => sub { die 'wizcancel' }); my @l = grep { $_ } $::isWizard ? ($w->{wizcancel}, if_(!$::Wizard_no_previous, $b2, $b1)) : ($b1, $b2); push @l, map { gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button($_->[0]), clicked => $_->[1]) } @other; $_->can_default($::isWizard) foreach @l; gtkadd(create_hbox($spread), @l); } sub _create_window($$) { my ($o, $title) = @_; my $w = new Gtk::Window; my $gc = Gtk::Gdk::GC->new(gtkroot()); !$::isStandalone && !$::live && !$::g_auto_install and $my_gtk::shape_width = 3; #- $gc->set_foreground(gtkcolor(8448, 17664, 40191)); #- in hex : 33, 69, 157 $gc->set_foreground(gtkcolor(5120, 10752, 22784)); #- in hex : 20, 42, 89 #- $gc->set_foreground(gtkcolor(16896, 16896, 16896)); #- in hex : 66, 66, 66 my $inner = gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(new Gtk::Frame(undef), 'out'), my $f = gtkset_border_width(gtkset_shadow_type(new Gtk::Frame(undef), 'none'), 3) ); my $table; if ($::isStandalone || $::live || $::g_auto_install || $::noShadow) { gtkadd($w, $inner) if !$::noBorder } else { my $sqw = $my_gtk::shape_width; gtkadd($w, $table = new Gtk::Table(2, 2, 0)); $table->attach($inner, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1|4, 1|4, 0, 0); $table->attach(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_usize(new Gtk::DrawingArea, $sqw, 1), expose_event => sub { $_[0]->window->draw_rectangle($_[0]->style->bg_gc('normal'), 1, 0, 0, $sqw, $sqw); $_[0]->window->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, 0, $sqw, $sqw, $_[0]->allocation->[3]); }), 1, 2, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0); $table->attach(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_usize(new Gtk::DrawingArea, 1, $sqw), expose_event => sub { $_[0]->window->draw_rectangle($_[0]->style->bg_gc('normal'), 1, 0, 0, $sqw, $sqw); $_[0]->window->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, $sqw, 0, $_[0]->allocation->[2], $sqw); }), 0, 1, 1, 2, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0); $table->attach(gtksignal_connect(gtkset_usize(new Gtk::DrawingArea, $sqw, $sqw), expose_event => sub { $_[0]->window->draw_rectangle($gc, 1, 0, 0, $sqw, $sqw); }), 1, 2, 1, 2, 'fill', 'fill', 0, 0); $table->show_all; } $w->set_name("Title"); $w->set_title($title); $w->signal_connect(expose_event => sub { eval { $interactive::objects[-1]{rwindow} == $w and $w->window->XSetInputFocus } }) if $my_gtk::force_focus || $o->{force_focus}; $w->signal_connect(delete_event => sub { if ($::isWizard) { $w->destroy; die 'wizcancel' } else { Gtk->main_quit } }); $w->set_uposition(@{$my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position}}) if $my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position}; my $focusing; $w->signal_connect(focus => sub { return 1 if $focusing; $focusing = 1; Gtk->idle_add(sub { $w->ensure_focus($_[0]); $focusing = 0; 0 }, $_[1]); }) if $w->can('ensure_focus'); if ($::o->{mouse}{unsafe}) { $w->set_events("pointer_motion_mask"); my $signal; $signal = $w->signal_connect(motion_notify_event => sub { delete $::o->{mouse}{unsafe}; log::l("unsetting unsafe mouse"); $w->signal_disconnect($signal); }); } $w->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my $d = ${{ 0xffbe => 'help', 0xffbf => 'screenshot' }}{$_[1]{keyval}}; if ($d eq "help") { require install_gtk; install_gtk::create_big_help($::o); } elsif ($::isInstall && $d eq 'screenshot') { common::take_screenshot(); } elsif (chr($_[1]{keyval}) eq 'e' && $_[1]{state} & 8) { log::l("Switching to " . ($::expert ? "beginner" : "expert")); $::expert = !$::expert; } }); $w->signal_connect(size_allocate => sub { my ($wi, $he) = @{$_[1]}[2,3]; my ($X, $Y, $Wi, $He) = @{$my_gtk::force_center || $o->{force_center}}; $w->set_uposition(max(0, $X + ($Wi - $wi) / 2), max(0, $Y + ($He - $he) / 2)); if (!$::isStandalone && !$::live && !$::g_auto_install && !$::noShadow) { my $sqw = $my_gtk::shape_width; #square width my $wia = int(($wi+7)/8); my $s = "\xFF" x ($wia*$he); my $wib = $wia*8; my $dif = $wib-$wi; foreach my $y (0..$sqw-1) { vec($s, $wib-1-$dif-$_+$wib*$y, 1) = 0x0 foreach 0..$sqw-1 } foreach my $y (0..$sqw-1) { vec($s, (($he-1)*$wib)-$wib*$y+$_, 1) = 0x0 foreach 0..$sqw-1 } $w->realize; my $b = Gtk::Gdk::Bitmap->create_from_data($w->window, $s, $wib, $he); $w->window->shape_combine_mask($b, 0, 0); } }) if ($my_gtk::force_center || $o->{force_center}) && !($my_gtk::force_position || $o->{force_position}); $o->{window} = $::noBorder ? $w : $f; $o->{rwindow} = $w; $table and $table->draw(undef); } #-############################################################################### #- ask_XXX #- just give a title and some args, and it will return the value given by the user #-############################################################################### sub ask_warn { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_warn(@_); main($w) } sub ask_yesorno { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, N("Yes"), N("No")); main($w) } sub ask_okcancel { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_okcancel(@_, N("Is this correct?"), N("Ok"), N("Cancel")); main($w) } sub ask_from_entry { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_from_entry(@_); main($w) } sub ask_dir { my $w = my_gtk->new(shift @_); $w->_ask_dir(@_); main($w) } sub _ask_from_entry($$@) { my ($o, @msgs) = @_; my $entry = new Gtk::Entry; my $f = sub { $o->{retval} = $entry->get_text; Gtk->main_quit }; $o->{ok_clicked} = $f; $o->{cancel_clicked} = sub { undef $o->{retval}; Gtk->main_quit }; gtkadd($o->{window}, gtkpack($o->create_box_with_title(@msgs), gtksignal_connect($entry, 'activate' => $f), ($o->{hide_buttons} ? () : create_okcancel($o))), ); $entry->grab_focus; } sub _ask_warn($@) { my ($o, @msgs) = @_; gtkadd($o->{window}, gtkpack($o->create_box_with_title(@msgs), gtksignal_connect(my $w = new Gtk::Button(N("Ok")), "clicked" => sub { Gtk->main_quit }), ), ); $w->grab_focus; } sub _ask_okcancel($@) { my ($o, @msgs) = @_; my ($ok, $cancel) = splice @msgs, -2; gtkadd($o->{window}, gtkpack(create_box_with_title($o, @msgs), create_okcancel($o, $ok, $cancel), ) ); $o->{ok}->grab_focus; } sub _ask_file { my ($o, $title, $path) = @_; my $f = $o->{rwindow} = new Gtk::FileSelection($title); $f->set_filename($path); $f->ok_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { $o->{retval} = $f->get_filename; Gtk->main_quit }); $f->cancel_button->signal_connect(clicked => sub { Gtk->main_quit }); $f->hide_fileop_buttons; $f; } sub _ask_dir { my $f = _ask_file(@_); $f->file_list->parent->hide; $f->selection_entry->parent->hide; } sub ask_browse_tree_info { my ($common) = @_; my $w = my_gtk->new($common->{title}); my $tree = Gtk::CTree->new(3, 0); $tree->set_selection_mode('browse'); $tree->set_column_auto_resize($_, 1) foreach 1..2; $tree->set_column_width(0, 200); gtkadd($w->{window}, gtkpack_(new Gtk::VBox(0,5), 0, $common->{message}, 1, gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0,0), createScrolledWindow($tree), gtkadd(gtkset_usize(new Gtk::Frame(N("Info")), $::windowwidth - 490, 0), createScrolledWindow(my $info = new Gtk::Text), )), 0, my $l = new Gtk::HBox(0,15), 0, gtkpack(new Gtk::HBox(0,10), my $go = gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button($common->{ok}), "clicked" => sub { $w->{retval} = 1; Gtk->main_quit }), $common->{cancel} ? gtksignal_connect(new Gtk::Button($common->{cancel}), "clicked" => sub { $w->{retval} = 0; Gtk->main_quit }) : (), ) )); gtkpack__($l, my $toolbar = new Gtk::Toolbar('horizontal', 'icons')); if ($common->{auto_deps}) { gtkpack__($l, gtksignal_connect(gtkset_active(new Gtk::CheckButton($common->{auto_deps}), $common->{state}{auto_deps}), clicked => sub { invbool \$common->{state}{auto_deps} })); } $l->pack_end(my $status = new Gtk::Label, 0, 1, 20); $w->{window}->set_usize(map { $_ - 2 * $my_gtk::border - 4 } $::windowwidth, $::windowheight); $go->grab_focus; $w->{rwindow}->show_all; my @toolbar = (ftout => [ N("Expand Tree"), sub { $tree->expand_recursive(undef) } ], ftin => [ N("Collapse Tree"), sub { $tree->collapse_recursive(undef) } ], reload => [ N("Toggle between flat and group sorted"), sub { invbool(\$common->{state}{flat}); $common->{rebuild_tree}->() } ]); foreach my $ic (@{$common->{icons} || []}) { push @toolbar, ($ic->{icon} => [ $ic->{help}, sub { if ($ic->{code}) { my $_w = $ic->{wait_message} && $common->{wait_message}->('', $ic->{wait_message}); $ic->{code}(); $common->{rebuild_tree}->(); } } ]); } my %toolbar = @toolbar; $toolbar->set_button_relief("none"); foreach (grep_index { $::i % 2 == 0 } @toolbar) { gtksignal_connect($toolbar->append_item(undef, $toolbar{$_}[0], undef, gtkpng("$_.png")), clicked => $toolbar{$_}[1]); } $toolbar->set_style("icons"); my $widgets = { w => $w, tree => $tree, info => $info, status => $status }; ask_browse_tree_info_given_widgets($common, $widgets); } sub ask_browse_tree_info_given_widgets { my ($common, $w) = @_; my ($curr, $parent, $prev_label, $idle); my (%wtree, %ptree, %pix); my $update_size = sub { my $new_label = $common->{get_status}(); $prev_label ne $new_label and $w->{status}->set($prev_label = $new_label); }; my $set_node_state_flat = sub { my ($node, $state) = @_; $state eq 'XXX' and return; $pix{$state} ||= [ gtkcreate_png($state) ]; $w->{tree}->node_set_pixmap($node, 1, $pix{$state}[0], $pix{$state}[1]); }; my $set_node_state_tree; $set_node_state_tree = sub { my ($node, $state) = @_; $state eq 'XXX' and return; $pix{$state} ||= [ gtkcreate_png($state) ]; if ($node->{state} ne $state) { if ($node->row->is_leaf) { my $parent = $node->row->parent; my $stats = $parent->{state_stats} ||= {}; --$stats->{$node->{state}}; ++$stats->{$state}; my @list = grep { $stats->{$_} > 0 } keys %$stats; my $new_state = @list == 1 ? $list[0] : 'semiselected'; $parent->{state} ne $new_state and $set_node_state_tree->($parent, $new_state); } $w->{tree}->node_set_pixmap($node, 1, $pix{$state}[0], $pix{$state}[1]); $node->{state} = $state; #- hack to to get this features efficiently. } }; my $set_node_state = $common->{state}{flat} ? $set_node_state_flat : $set_node_state_tree; my $set_leaf_state = sub { my ($leaf, $state) = @_; $set_node_state->($_, $state) foreach @{$ptree{$leaf}}; }; my $add_parent; $add_parent = sub { my ($root, $state) = @_; $root or return undef; if (my $w = $wtree{$root}) { return $w } my $s; foreach (split '\|', $root) { my $s2 = $s ? "$s|$_" : $_; $wtree{$s2} ||= do { my $n = $w->{tree}->insert_node($s ? $add_parent->($s, $state) : undef, undef, [$_, '', ''], 5, (undef) x 4, 0, 0); $n; }; $s = $s2; } $set_node_state->($wtree{$s}, $state); #- use this state by default as tree is building. $wtree{$s}; }; my $add_node = sub { my ($leaf, $root, $options) = @_; my $state = $common->{node_state}($leaf) or return; if ($leaf) { my $node = $w->{tree}->insert_node($add_parent->($root, $state), undef, [$leaf, '', ''], 5, (undef) x 4, 1, 0); $set_node_state->($node, $state); push @{$ptree{$leaf}}, $node; } else { my $parent = $add_parent->($root, $state); #- hackery for partial displaying of trees, used in rpmdrake: #- if leaf is void, we may create the parent and one child (to have the [+] in front of the parent in the ctree) #- though we use '' as the label of the child; then rpmdrake will connect on tree_expand, and whenever #- the first child has '' as the label, it will remove the child and add all the "right" children $options->{nochild} or $w->{tree}->insert_node($parent, undef, ['', '', ''], 5, (undef) x 4, 1, 0); } }; $common->{delete_all} = sub { foreach (values %ptree) { delete $_->{state} foreach @$_; } foreach (values %wtree) { delete $_->{state}; delete $_->{state_stats}; } %ptree = %wtree = (); $w->{tree}->freeze; $w->{tree}->clear; $w->{tree}->thaw; }; $common->{rebuild_tree} = sub { $common->{delete_all}->(); $set_node_state = $common->{state}{flat} ? $set_node_state_flat : $set_node_state_tree; $w->{tree}->freeze; $common->{build_tree}($add_node, $common->{state}{flat}, $common->{tree_mode}); $w->{tree}->thaw; &$update_size; }; $common->{delete_category} = sub { my ($cat) = @_; exists $wtree{$cat} or return; $w->{tree}->freeze; foreach (keys %ptree) { my @to_remove; foreach my $node (@{$ptree{$_}}) { my $category; my $parent = $node; while ($parent->row->parent) { $parent = $parent->row->parent; my $parent_name = ($w->{tree}->node_get_pixtext($parent, 0))[0]; $category = $category ? "$parent_name|$category" : $parent_name; } $cat eq $category and push @to_remove, $node; } delete $_->{state} foreach @to_remove; @{$ptree{$_}} = difference2($ptree{$_}, \@to_remove); } if (exists $wtree{$cat}) { delete $wtree{$cat}{$_} foreach qw(state state_stats); $w->{tree}->remove_node($wtree{$cat}); delete $wtree{$cat}; } $w->{tree}->thaw; &$update_size; }; $common->{add_nodes} = sub { my (@nodes) = @_; $w->{tree}->freeze; $add_node->($_->[0], $_->[1], $_->[2]) foreach @nodes; $w->{tree}->thaw; &$update_size; }; $common->{display_info} = sub { gtktext_insert($w->{info}, $common->{get_info}($curr)); 0 }; my $children = sub { map { ($w->{tree}->node_get_pixtext($_, 0))[0] } gtkctree_children($_[0]) }; my $toggle = sub { if (ref $curr && ! $_[0]) { $w->{tree}->toggle_expansion($curr); } else { if (ref $curr) { my @l = $common->{grep_allowed_to_toggle}($children->($curr)) or return; my @unsel = $common->{grep_unselected}(@l); my @p = @unsel ? #- not all is selected, select all if no option to potentially override (exists $common->{partialsel_unsel} && $common->{partialsel_unsel}->(\@unsel, \@l) ? difference2(\@l, \@unsel) : @unsel) : @l; $common->{toggle_nodes}($set_leaf_state, @p); &$update_size; $parent = $curr; } else { $common->{check_interactive_to_toggle}($curr) and $common->{toggle_nodes}($set_leaf_state, $curr); &$update_size; } } }; $w->{tree}->signal_connect(key_press_event => sub { my ($_w, $e) = @_; my $c = chr($e->{keyval} & 0xff); $toggle->(0) if $e->{keyval} >= 0x100 ? $c eq "\r" || $c eq "\x8d" : $c eq ' '; 1; }); $w->{tree}->signal_connect(tree_select_row => sub { Gtk->timeout_remove($idle) if $idle; if ($_[1]->row->is_leaf) { ($curr) = $w->{tree}->node_get_pixtext($_[1], 0); $parent = $_[1]->row->parent; $idle = Gtk->timeout_add(100, $common->{display_info}); } else { $curr = $_[1]; } $toggle->(1) if $_[2] == 1; }); $common->{rebuild_tree}->(); &$update_size; my $_b = before_leaving { #- ensure cleaning here. foreach (values %ptree) { delete $_->{state} foreach @$_; } foreach (values %wtree) { delete $_->{state}; delete $_->{state_stats}; } }; $w->{w}->main; } 1; #-############################################################################### #- rubbish #-############################################################################### #-sub label_align($$) { #- my $w = shift; #- local $_ = shift; #- $w->set_alignment(!/W/i, !/N/i); #- $w #-}