path: root/mdk-stage1
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* gcsuxGuillaume Cottenceau2002-12-031-1/+1
* fixes for new kernel headers (It should problably be kernel-headers to beFrancois Pons2002-11-251-0/+1
* PPC TIOCSCTTY changed to 0x540EStew Benedict2002-11-051-1/+1
* cookerGuillaume Cottenceau2002-10-021-1/+1
* do not detect/configure pcmcia stuff when "noauto" paramGuillaume Cottenceau2002-10-021-1/+2
* try to not save the hostname answered by the dhcp serverGuillaume Cottenceau2002-09-262-9/+3
* http: don't add a / between the hostname and the url, apacheGuillaume Cottenceau2002-09-141-1/+1
* meuhGuillaume Cottenceau2002-09-111-0/+2
* probe for usb stuff in info and error msg alsoGuillaume Cottenceau2002-09-111-0/+2
* tag version as 9.0Guillaume Cottenceau2002-09-101-1/+1
* fake support the firewire in stage1 (as if it were usb ;p)Guillaume Cottenceau2002-09-054-2/+5
* merge some code from pcmcia-cs-3.2.1 so that some pci pcmcia driverGuillaume Cottenceau2002-08-291-49/+45
* Add missing includes, <string.h> for bzero()Gwenolé Beauchesne2002-08-011-0/+1
* hopefully fix "device or resource busy" problem in cdromGuillaume Cottenceau2002-07-311-4/+4
* fix typoPascal Rigaux2002-07-291-0/+0
* - usage of attribute unused (has not been rebuilt since -W? ;p)Guillaume Cottenceau2002-07-261-1/+5
* new logo (simplified for 9.0).Francois Pons2002-07-251-0/+0
* enhance (complicate? ;p) device detection so that scsi and usbGuillaume Cottenceau2002-07-2410-66/+130
* s/usb/moreprofessional/ thanks to vdanenGuillaume Cottenceau2002-07-231-1/+1
* stage1 version s/8.2/cooker/Guillaume Cottenceau2002-07-191-1/+1
* extend a bit fatal error when trying to executeGuillaume Cottenceau2002-07-161-0/+1
* small readability & size enhancementGuillaume Cottenceau2002-07-081-3/+3
* - do not use mar files for the list of modules, use via kerne...Pascal Rigaux2002-07-051-35/+18
* make it work with "use strict"Pascal Rigaux2002-07-051-6/+5
* do not look at the mar files anymore, only use kernel/ (and so list...Pascal Rigaux2002-07-051-33/+6
* pcmcia is now pcmcia_ (it was to begin with a clean branch of unmodified sour...Guillaume Cottenceau2002-07-0520-6798/+0
* new directory "kernel" containing:Pascal Rigaux2002-07-041-9/+5
* compile with -WGuillaume Cottenceau2002-07-0319-43/+54
* fixed static definition when non static declaration (gcc limitation).Francois Pons2002-07-031-1/+3
* english fixes thx to vincent meyerGuillaume Cottenceau2002-06-033-4/+4
* adapt to gcc-3.1Guillaume Cottenceau2002-05-133-5/+5
* support USB2 controllers as wellGuillaume Cottenceau2002-04-291-1/+1
* don't save DHCP_HOSTNAME if the value is voidGuillaume Cottenceau2002-03-201-1/+1
* comply better to ClientID stuffGuillaume Cottenceau2002-03-091-5/+5
* have 4 seconds of delay for usb stuffGuillaume Cottenceau2002-03-081-1/+1
* english fix thx to till & philGuillaume Cottenceau2002-03-071-1/+1
* better error msg regarding pcmcia netGuillaume Cottenceau2002-03-071-1/+1
* an old sucking PCI card needs oldskoolGuillaume Cottenceau2002-03-051-1/+7
* save dhcp_hostname for stage2Guillaume Cottenceau2002-03-053-15/+21
* add hostname/domain in dhcp negociation,Guillaume Cottenceau2002-03-011-0/+59
* miscGuillaume Cottenceau2002-02-271-3/+8
* also report when pcitable is "too old"Guillaume Cottenceau2002-02-271-0/+13
* add "restore Windows Boot Loader" to rescueGuillaume Cottenceau2002-02-271-2/+13
* write a short perl program to easily merge newGuillaume Cottenceau2002-02-271-0/+33
* add Keld Jørn Simonsen <>'s O2 MicroGuillaume Cottenceau2002-02-271-0/+3
* version 8.2Guillaume Cottenceau2002-02-261-1/+1
* don't segfault when fclose(NULL)Guillaume Cottenceau2002-02-261-0/+2
* fixes for cursor or nasty pixel displayed using syslinux-1.67-3mdkFrancois Pons2002-02-251-0/+0
* add an example on modules with optionsGuillaume Cottenceau2002-02-201-3/+7
* first line comment no more necessaryGuillaume Cottenceau2002-02-201-2/+1
66' href='#n566'>566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629
package partition_table; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use common;
use fs::type;
use partition_table::raw;
use detect_devices;
use log;

our @fields2save = qw(primary extended totalsectors isDirty will_tell_kernel);

sub hd2minimal_part {
    my ($hd) = @_;
	rootDevice => $hd->{device}, 
	if_($hd->{usb_media_type}, is_removable => 1),

#- works for both hard drives and partitions ;p
sub description {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    my $win = $hd->{device_windobe};

    sprintf "%s%s (%s)", 
      $win && " [$win:]", 
	join(', ', 
	     grep { $_ } 
	       formatXiB($hd->{totalsectors} || $hd->{size}, 512),
	       $hd->{info}, $hd->{mntpoint}, $hd->{fs_type});

sub adjustStartAndEnd {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;


sub verifyNotOverlap {
    my ($a, $b) = @_;
    $a->{start} + $a->{size} <= $b->{start} || $b->{start} + $b->{size} <= $a->{start};
sub verifyInside {
    my ($a, $b) = @_;
    $b->{start} <= $a->{start} && $a->{start} + $a->{size} <= $b->{start} + $b->{size};

sub verifyParts_ {
    foreach my $i (@_) {
	foreach (@_) {
	    next if !$i || !$_ || $i == $_ || isWholedisk($i) || isExtended($i); #- avoid testing twice for simplicity :-)
	    if (isWholedisk($_)) {
		verifyInside($i, $_) or
		  cdie sprintf("partition sector #$i->{start} (%s) is not inside whole disk (%s)!",
			       formatXiB($i->{size}, 512), formatXiB($_->{size}, 512));
	    } elsif (isExtended($_)) {
		verifyNotOverlap($i, $_) or
		  log::l(sprintf("warning partition sector #$i->{start} (%s) is overlapping with extended partition!",
				 formatXiB($i->{size}, 512))); #- only warning for this one is acceptable
	    } else {
		verifyNotOverlap($i, $_) or
		  cdie sprintf("partitions sector #$i->{start} (%s) and sector #$_->{start} (%s) are overlapping!",
			       formatXiB($i->{size}, 512), formatXiB($_->{size}, 512));
sub verifyParts {
    my ($hd) = @_;
sub verifyPrimary {
    my ($pt) = @_;
    $_->{start} > 0 || arch() =~ /^sparc/ || die "partition must NOT start at sector 0" foreach @{$pt->{normal}};
    verifyParts_(@{$pt->{normal}}, $pt->{extended});

sub compute_device_name {
    my ($part, $hd) = @_;
    $part->{device} = $hd->{prefix} . $part->{part_number};

sub assign_device_numbers {
    my ($hd) = @_;

    my $i = 1;
    my $start = 1; 
    #- on PPC we need to assign device numbers to the holes too - big FUN!
    #- not if it's an IBM machine using a DOS partition table though
    if (arch() =~ /ppc/ && detect_devices::get_mac_model() !~ /^IBM/) {
	#- first sort the normal parts
	$hd->{primary}{normal} = [ sort { $a->{start} <=> $b->{start} } @{$hd->{primary}{normal}} ];
	#- now loop through them, assigning partition numbers - reserve one for the holes
	foreach (@{$hd->{primary}{normal}}) {
	    if ($_->{start} > $start) {
		log::l("PPC: found a hole on $hd->{prefix} before $_->{start}, skipping device..."); 
	    $_->{part_number} = $i;
	    compute_device_name($_, $hd);
	    $start = $_->{start} + $_->{size};
    } else {
	foreach (@{$hd->{primary}{raw}}) {
	    $_->{part_number} = $i;
	    compute_device_name($_, $hd);
	foreach (map { $_->{normal} } @{$hd->{extended} || []}) {
	    my $dev = $hd->{prefix} . $i;
	    my $renumbered = $_->{device} && $dev ne $_->{device};
	    if ($renumbered) {
		require fs::mount;
		eval { fs::mount::umount_part($_) }; #- at least try to umount it
		will_tell_kernel($hd, del => $_, 'delay_del');
		push @{$hd->{partitionsRenumbered}}, [ $_->{device}, $dev ];
	    $_->{part_number} = $i;
	    compute_device_name($_, $hd);
	    if ($renumbered) {
		will_tell_kernel($hd, add => $_, 'delay_add');

    #- try to figure what the windobe drive letter could be!
    #- first verify there's at least one primary dos partition, otherwise it
    #- means it is a secondary disk and all will be false :(
    my ($c, @others) = grep { isFat_or_NTFS($_) } @{$hd->{primary}{normal}};

    $i = ord 'C';
    $c->{device_windobe} = chr($i++) if $c;
    $_->{device_windobe} = chr($i++) foreach grep { isFat_or_NTFS($_) } map { $_->{normal} } @{$hd->{extended}};
    $_->{device_windobe} = chr($i++) foreach @others;

sub remove_empty_extended {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    my $last = $hd->{primary}{extended} or return;
    @{$hd->{extended}} = grep {
	if ($_->{normal}) {
	    $last = $_;
	} else {
	    %{$last->{extended}} = $_->{extended} ? %{$_->{extended}} : ();
    } @{$hd->{extended}};

sub adjust_main_extended {
    my ($hd) = @_;

    if (!is_empty_array_ref $hd->{extended}) {
	my ($l, @l) = @{$hd->{extended}};

	# the first is a special case, must recompute its real size
	my $start = round_down($l->{normal}{start} - 1, $hd->{geom}{sectors});
	my $end = $l->{normal}{start} + $l->{normal}{size};
	my $only_linux = 1; my $has_win_lba = 0;
	foreach (map { $_->{normal} } $l, @l) {
	    $start = min($start, $_->{start});
	    $end = max($end, $_->{start} + $_->{size});
	    $only_linux &&= isTrueLocalFS($_) || isSwap($_);
	    $has_win_lba ||= $_->{pt_type} == 0xc || $_->{pt_type} == 0xe;
	$l->{start} = $hd->{primary}{extended}{start} = $start;
	$l->{size} = $hd->{primary}{extended}{size} = $end - $start;
    if (!@{$hd->{extended} || []} && $hd->{primary}{extended}) {
	will_tell_kernel($hd, del => $hd->{primary}{extended});
	%{$hd->{primary}{extended}} = (); #- modify the raw entry
	delete $hd->{primary}{extended};
    verifyParts($hd); #- verify everything is all right

sub adjust_local_extended {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;

    my $extended = find { $_->{normal} == $part } @{$hd->{extended} || []} or return;
    $extended->{size} = $part->{size} + $part->{start} - $extended->{start};

    #- must write it there too because values are not shared
    my $prev = find { $_->{extended}{start} == $extended->{start} } @{$hd->{extended} || []} or return;
    $prev->{extended}{size} = $part->{size} + $part->{start} - $prev->{extended}{start};

sub get_normal_parts {
    my ($hd) = @_;

    @{$hd->{primary}{normal} || []}, map { $_->{normal} } @{$hd->{extended} || []};

sub get_normal_parts_and_holes {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    my ($start, $last) = ($hd->first_usable_sector, $hd->last_usable_sector);

    ref($hd) or print("get_normal_parts_and_holes: bad hd" . backtrace(), "\n");

    my $minimal_hole = put_in_hash({ pt_type => 0 }, hd2minimal_part($hd));

    my @l = map {
	my $current = $start;
	$start = $_->{start} + $_->{size};
	my $hole = { start => $current, size => $_->{start} - $current, %$minimal_hole };
	put_in_hash($hole, hd2minimal_part($hd));
	$hole, $_;
    } sort { $a->{start} <=> $b->{start} } grep { !isWholedisk($_) } get_normal_parts($hd);

    push @l, { start => $start, size => $last - $start, %$minimal_hole };
    grep { !isEmpty($_) || $_->{size} >= $hd->cylinder_size } @l;

sub read_one($$) {
    my ($hd, $sector) = @_;
    my ($pt, $info);

    #- it can be safely considered that the first sector is used to probe the partition table
    #- but other sectors (typically for extended partition ones) have to match this type!
    if (!$sector) {
	my @parttype = (
	  if_(arch() =~ /^ia64/, 'gpt'),
	  arch() =~ /^sparc/ ? ('sun', 'bsd') : ('dos', 'bsd', 'sun', 'mac'),
	foreach ('empty', @parttype, 'unknown') {
	    /unknown/ and die "unknown partition table format on disk " . $hd->{file};
	    eval {
		# perl_checker: require partition_table::bsd
		# perl_checker: require partition_table::dos
		# perl_checker: require partition_table::empty
		# perl_checker: require partition_table::gpt
		# perl_checker: require partition_table::mac
		# perl_checker: require partition_table::sun
		require "partition_table/$";
		bless $hd, "partition_table::$_";
		($pt, $info) = $hd->read($sector);
		log::l("found a $_ partition table on $hd->{file} at sector $sector");
	    $@ or last;
    } else {
	#- keep current blessed object for that, this means it is neccessary to read sector 0 before.
	($pt, $info) = $hd->read($sector);

    my @extended = $hd->hasExtended ? grep { isExtended($_) } @$pt : ();
    my @normal = grep { $_->{size} && !isEmpty($_) && !isExtended($_) } @$pt;
    my $nb_special_empty = int(grep { $_->{size} && isEmpty($_) } @$pt);

    @extended > 1 and die "more than one extended partition";

    put_in_hash($_, hd2minimal_part($hd)) foreach @normal, @extended;
    { raw => $pt, extended => $extended[0], normal => \@normal, info => $info, nb_special_empty => $nb_special_empty };

sub read {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    my $pt = read_one($hd, 0) or return 0;
    $hd->{primary} = $pt;
    undef $hd->{extended};
    eval {
	my $need_removing_empty_extended;
	if ($pt->{extended}) {
	    read_extended($hd, $pt->{extended}, \$need_removing_empty_extended) or return 0;
	if ($need_removing_empty_extended) {
	    #- special case when hda5 is empty, it must be skipped
	    #- (windows XP generates such partition tables)
	    remove_empty_extended($hd); #- includes adjust_main_extended
    die "extended partition: $@" if $@;



sub read_extended {
    my ($hd, $extended, $need_removing_empty_extended) = @_;

    my $pt = read_one($hd, $extended->{start}) or return 0;
    $pt = { %$extended, %$pt };

    push @{$hd->{extended}}, $pt;
    @{$hd->{extended}} > 100 and die "oops, seems like we're looping here :(  (or you have more than 100 extended partitions!)";

    if (@{$pt->{normal}} == 0) {
	$$need_removing_empty_extended = 1;
	delete $pt->{normal};
	print "need_removing_empty_extended\n";
    } elsif (@{$pt->{normal}} > 1) {
	die "more than one normal partition in extended partition";
    } else {
	$pt->{normal} = $pt->{normal}[0];
	#- in case of extended partitions, the start sector is local to the partition or to the first extended_part!
	$pt->{normal}{start} += $pt->{start};

	#- the following verification can broke an existing partition table that is
	#- correctly read by fdisk or cfdisk. maybe the extended partition can be
	#- recomputed to get correct size.
	if (!verifyInside($pt->{normal}, $extended)) {
	    $extended->{size} = $pt->{normal}{start} + $pt->{normal}{size};
	    verifyInside($pt->{normal}, $extended) or die "partition $pt->{normal}{device} is not inside its extended partition";

    if ($pt->{extended}) {
	$pt->{extended}{start} += $hd->{primary}{extended}{start};
	return read_extended($hd, $pt->{extended}, $need_removing_empty_extended);
    } else {

sub will_tell_kernel {
    my ($hd, $action, $o_part, $o_delay) = @_;

    if ($action eq 'resize') {
	will_tell_kernel($hd, del => $o_part);
	will_tell_kernel($hd, add => $o_part);
    } else {
	my $part_number;
	if ($o_part) {
	    ($part_number) = $o_part->{device} =~ /(\d+)$/ or
	      #- do not die, it occurs when we zero_MBR_and_dirty a raw_lvm_PV
	      log::l("ERROR: will_tell_kernel bad device " . description($o_part)), return;

	my @para =
	  $action eq 'force_reboot' ? () :
	  $action eq 'add' ? ($part_number, $o_part->{start}, $o_part->{size}) :
	  $action eq 'del' ? $part_number :
	  internal_error("unknown action $action");

	push @{$hd->{'will_tell_kernel' . ($o_delay || '')} ||= []}, [ $action, @para ];
    if (!$o_delay) {
	foreach my $delay ('delay_del', 'delay_add') {
	    my $l = delete $hd->{"will_tell_kernel$delay"} or next;
	    push @{$hd->{will_tell_kernel} ||= []}, @$l;
    $hd->{isDirty} = 1;

sub tell_kernel {
    my ($hd, $tell_kernel) = @_;

    my $F = partition_table::raw::openit($hd);

    my $force_reboot = any { $_->[0] eq 'force_reboot' } @$tell_kernel;
    if (!$force_reboot) {
	foreach (@$tell_kernel) {
	    my ($action, $part_number, $o_start, $o_size) = @$_;
	    if ($action eq 'add') {
		$force_reboot ||= !c::add_partition(fileno $F, $part_number, $o_start, $o_size);
	    } elsif ($action eq 'del') {
		$force_reboot ||= !c::del_partition(fileno $F, $part_number);
	    log::l("tell kernel $action ($hd->{device} $part_number $o_start $o_size) force_reboot=$force_reboot rebootNeeded=$hd->{rebootNeeded}");
    if ($force_reboot) {
	my @magic_parts = grep { $_->{isMounted} && $_->{real_mntpoint} } get_normal_parts($hd);
	foreach (@magic_parts) {
	    syscall_('umount', $_->{real_mntpoint}) or log::l(N("error unmounting %s: %s", $_->{real_mntpoint}, $!));
	$hd->{rebootNeeded} = !ioctl($F, c::BLKRRPART(), 0);
	log::l("tell kernel force_reboot ($hd->{device}), rebootNeeded=$hd->{rebootNeeded}");

	foreach (@magic_parts) {
	    syscall_('mount', $_->{real_mntpoint}, $_->{fs_type}, c::MS_MGC_VAL()) or log::l(N("mount failed: ") . $!);

# write the partition table
sub write {
    my ($hd) = @_;
    $hd->{isDirty} or return;
    $hd->{readonly} and internal_error("a read-only partition table should not be dirty ($hd->{device})!");

    #- set first primary partition active if no primary partitions are marked as active.
    if (my @l = @{$hd->{primary}{raw}}) {
	foreach (@l) { 
	    $_->{local_start} = $_->{start}; 
	    $_->{active} ||= 0;
	$l[0]{active} = 0x80 if !any { $_->{active} } @l;

    #- last chance for verification, this make sure if an error is detected,
    #- it will never be writed back on partition table.

    $hd->write(0, $hd->{primary}{raw}, $hd->{primary}{info}) or die "writing of partition table failed";

    #- should be fixed but a extended exist with no real extended partition, that blanks mbr!
    if (arch() !~ /^sparc/) {
	foreach (@{$hd->{extended}}) {
	    # in case of extended partitions, the start sector must be local to the partition
	    $_->{normal}{local_start} = $_->{normal}{start} - $_->{start};
	    $_->{extended} and $_->{extended}{local_start} = $_->{extended}{start} - $hd->{primary}{extended}{start};

	    $hd->write($_->{start}, $_->{raw}) or die "writing of partition table failed";
    $hd->{isDirty} = 0;
    $hd->{hasBeenDirty} = 1; #- used in undo (to know if undo should believe isDirty or not)

    if (my $tell_kernel = delete $hd->{will_tell_kernel}) {
	if (fs::type::is_dmraid($hd)) {
	} else {
	    tell_kernel($hd, $tell_kernel);

sub active {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;

    $_->{active} = 0 foreach @{$hd->{primary}{normal}};
    $part->{active} = 0x80;
    $hd->{isDirty} = 1;

# remove a normal partition from hard drive hd
sub remove {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;
    my $i;

    #- first search it in the primary partitions
    $i = 0; foreach (@{$hd->{primary}{normal}}) {
	if ($_ eq $part) {
	    will_tell_kernel($hd, del => $_);

	    splice(@{$hd->{primary}{normal}}, $i, 1);
	    %$_ = (); #- blank it

	    return 1;

    my ($first, $second, $third) = map { $_->{normal} } @{$hd->{extended} || []};
    if ($third && $first eq $part) {
	die "Can not handle removing hda5 when hda6 is not the second partition" if $second->{start} > $third->{start};

    #- otherwise search it in extended partitions
    foreach (@{$hd->{extended} || []}) {
	$_->{normal} eq $part or next;

	delete $_->{normal}; #- remove it

	will_tell_kernel($hd, del => $part);
	return 1;

# create of partition at starting at `start', of size `size' and of type `pt_type' (nice comment, uh?)
sub add_primary {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;

	local $hd->{primary}{normal}; #- save it to fake an addition of $part, that way add_primary do not modify $hd if it fails
	push @{$hd->{primary}{normal}}, $part;
	adjust_main_extended($hd); #- verify
	$hd->raw_add($hd->{primary}{raw}, $part);
    push @{$hd->{primary}{normal}}, $part; #- really do it

sub add_extended {
    arch() =~ /^sparc|ppc/ and die N("Extended partition not supported on this platform");

    my ($hd, $part, $extended_type) = @_;
    $extended_type =~ s/Extended_?//;

    my $e = $hd->{primary}{extended};

    if ($e && !verifyInside($part, $e)) {
	#-die "sorry, can not add outside the main extended partition" unless $::unsafe;
	my $end = $e->{start} + $e->{size};
	my $start = min($e->{start}, $part->{start});
	$end = max($end, $part->{start} + $part->{size}) - $start;

	{ #- faking a resizing of the main extended partition to test for problems
	    local $e->{start} = $start;
	    local $e->{size} = $end - $start;
	    eval { verifyPrimary($hd->{primary}) };
	    $@ and die
N("You have a hole in your partition table but I can not use it.
The only solution is to move your primary partitions to have the hole next to the extended partitions.");

    if ($e && $part->{start} < $e->{start}) {
	my $l = first(@{$hd->{extended}});

	#- the first is a special case, must recompute its real size
	$l->{start} = round_down($l->{normal}{start} - 1, $hd->cylinder_size);
	$l->{size} = $l->{normal}{start} + $l->{normal}{size} - $l->{start};
	my $ext = { %$l };
	unshift @{$hd->{extended}}, { pt_type => 5, raw => [ $part, $ext, {}, {} ], normal => $part, extended => $ext };
	#- size will be autocalculated :)
    } else {
	my ($ext, $ext_size) = is_empty_array_ref($hd->{extended}) ?
	  ($hd->{primary}, -1) : #- -1 size will be computed by adjust_main_extended
	  (top(@{$hd->{extended}}), $part->{size});
	my %ext = (pt_type => $extended_type || 5, start => $part->{start}, size => $ext_size);

	$hd->raw_add($ext->{raw}, \%ext);
	$ext->{extended} = \%ext;
	push @{$hd->{extended}}, { %ext, raw => [ $part, {}, {}, {} ], normal => $part };
    $part->{start}++; $part->{size}--; #- let it start after the extended partition sector
    adjustStartAndEnd($hd, $part);


sub add {
    my ($hd, $part, $b_primaryOrExtended, $b_forceNoAdjust) = @_;

    get_normal_parts($hd) >= ($hd->{device} =~ /^rd/ ? 7 : $hd->{device} =~ /^(sd|ida|cciss|ataraid)/ ? 15 : 63) and cdie "maximum number of partitions handled by linux reached";

    set_isFormatted($part, 0);
    put_in_hash($part, hd2minimal_part($hd));
    $part->{start} ||= 1 if arch() !~ /^sparc/; #- starting at sector 0 is not allowed
    adjustStartAndEnd($hd, $part) unless $b_forceNoAdjust;

    my $nb_primaries = $hd->{device} =~ /^rd/ ? 3 : 1;

    if (arch() =~ /^sparc|ppc/ ||
	$b_primaryOrExtended eq 'Primary' ||
	$b_primaryOrExtended !~ /Extended/ && @{$hd->{primary}{normal} || []} < $nb_primaries) {
	eval { add_primary($hd, $part) };
	goto success if !$@;
    if ($hd->hasExtended) {
	eval { add_extended($hd, $part, $b_primaryOrExtended) };
	goto success if !$@;
	add_primary($hd, $part);
    will_tell_kernel($hd, add => $part);

# search for the next partition
sub next {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;

	  sort { $a->{start} <=> $b->{start} }
	  grep { $_->{start} >= $part->{start} + $part->{size} }
sub next_start {
    my ($hd, $part) = @_;
    my $next = &next($hd, $part);
    $next ? $next->{start} : $hd->last_usable_sector;

sub load {
    my ($hd, $file, $b_force) = @_;

    my $F = ref $file ? $file : common::open_file($file) || die N("Error reading file %s", $file);

    my $h;
	local $/ = "\0";
	eval <$F>;
    $@ and die N("Restoring from file %s failed: %s", $file, $@);

    ref($h) eq 'ARRAY' or die N("Bad backup file");

    my %h; @h{@fields2save} = @$h;

    $h{totalsectors} == $hd->{totalsectors} or $b_force or cdie "bad totalsectors";

    #- unsure we do not modify totalsectors
    local $hd->{totalsectors};

    @$hd{@fields2save} = @$h;

    delete @$_{qw(isMounted isFormatted notFormatted toFormat toFormatUnsure)} foreach get_normal_parts($hd);
    will_tell_kernel($hd, 'force_reboot'); #- just like undo, do not force write_partitions so that user can see the new partition table but can still discard it

sub save {
    my ($hd, $file) = @_;
    my @h = @$hd{@fields2save};
    require Data::Dumper;
    eval { output($file, Data::Dumper->Dump([\@h], ['$h']), "\0") }
      or die N("Error writing to file %s", $file);
