path: root/perl-install
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install')
9 files changed, 249 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 57f310d6a..9d01673b9 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ sub getinfoFromXF86Config {
sub getinfoFromSysconfig {
my $o = shift || {};
- add2hash($o->{mouse}, getVarsFromSh("/etc/sysconfig/mouse"));
+ add2hash($o->{mouse} ||= {}, { getVarsFromSh("/etc/sysconfig/mouse") });
if (my %keyboard = getVarsFromSh "/etc/sysconfig/keyboard") {
$keyboard{KEYTABLE} or last;
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 04e7326b8..6068706d6 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package Xconfigurator;
use diagnostics;
use strict;
-use vars qw($in $install $resolution_wanted @depths @monitorSize2resolution @hsyncranges %min_hsync4wres @vsyncranges %depths @resolutions @svgaservers @accelservers @allservers %videomemory @ramdac_name @ramdac_id @clockchip_name @clockchip_id %keymap_translate %standard_monitors $intro_text $finalcomment_text $s3_comment $cirrus_comment $probeonlywarning_text $monitorintro_text $hsyncintro_text $vsyncintro_text $XF86firstchunk_text $keyboardsection_start $keyboardsection_part2 $keyboardsection_end $pointersection_text1 $pointersection_text2 $monitorsection_text1 $monitorsection_text2 $monitorsection_text3 $monitorsection_text4 $modelines_text_Trident_TG_96xx $modelines_text $devicesection_text $screensection_text1);
+use vars qw($in $install $resolution_wanted @depths @monitorSize2resolution @hsyncranges %min_hsync4wres @vsyncranges %depths @resolutions @svgaservers @accelservers @allservers %videomemory @ramdac_name @ramdac_id @clockchip_name @clockchip_id %keymap_translate %standard_monitors $intro_text $finalcomment_text $s3_comment $cirrus_comment $probeonlywarning_text $monitorintro_text $hsyncintro_text $vsyncintro_text $XF86firstchunk_text $keyboardsection_start $keyboardsection_part2 $keyboardsection_end $pointersection_text1 $pointersection_text2 $monitorsection_text1 $monitorsection_text2 $monitorsection_text3 $monitorsection_text4 $modelines_text_Trident_TG_96xx $modelines_text $devicesection_text $screensection_text1 %lines %xkb_options);
use pci_probing::main;
use common qw(:common :file :functional);
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ sub cardConfigurationAuto() {
($card->{identifier}, $_) = @$c;
$card->{type} = $1 if /Card:(.*)/;
$card->{server} = $1 if /Server:(.*)/;
+ push @{$card->{lines}}, @{$lines{$card->{identifier}} || []};
@@ -263,6 +264,11 @@ sub testFinalConfig($;$) {
unlink "$prefix/tmp/.X9-lock";
+ #- create a link from the non-prefixed /tmp/.X11-unix/X9 to the prefixed one
+ #- that way, you can talk to :9 without doing a chroot
+ unlink "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $prefix;
+ symlink "$prefix/tmp/.X11-unix/X9", "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $prefix;
my $f_err = "$prefix/tmp/Xoutput";
my $pid;
unless ($pid = fork) {
@@ -272,13 +278,14 @@ sub testFinalConfig($;$) {
chroot $prefix if $prefix;
exec @l, ":9" or exit 'true';
do { sleep 1 } until c::Xtest(":9") || waitpid($pid, c::WNOHANG());
my $b = before_leaving { unlink $f_err };
local *F; open F, $f_err;
while (<F>) {
- if (/^Fatal server error/) {
+ if (/\berror\b/i) {
my @msg; while (<F>) {
/^$/ and last;
push @msg, $_;
@@ -290,11 +297,6 @@ sub testFinalConfig($;$) {
- #- create a link from the non-prefixed /tmp/.X11-unix/X9 to the prefixed one
- #- that way, you can talk to :9 without doing a chroot
- unlink "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $prefix;
- symlink "$prefix/tmp/.X11-unix/X9", "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $prefix;
local *F;
open F, "|perl" or die '';
print F "use lib qw(", join(' ', @INC), ");\n";
@@ -541,6 +543,7 @@ sub write_XF86Config {
print F " RightAlt ", ($O->{altmeta} ? "ModeShift" : "Meta"), "\n";
print F $keyboardsection_part2;
print F qq( XkbLayout "$O->{xkb_keymap}"\n);
+ print F join '', map { " $_\n" } @{$xkb_options{$O->{xkb_keymap}} || []};
print F $keyboardsection_end;
#- Write pointer section.
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index b5b500185..e4dcaac61 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -87,64 +87,60 @@ $resolution_wanted = "1024x768";
1600 => 75.0,
-#- * Screen/video card configuration.
-%ramdacs = (
- __("No RAMDAC Setting (recommended)") => '',
- __("AT&T 20C490 (S3 and AGX servers, ARK driver)"), => 'att20c490',
- __("AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'att20c498',
- __("AT&T 20C409/20C499 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'att20c409',
- __("AT&T 20C505 (S3)"), => 'att20c505',
- __("BrookTree BT481 (AGX)"), => 'bt481',
- __("BrookTree BT482 (AGX)"), => 'bt482',
- __("BrookTree BT485/9485 (S3)"), => 'bt485',
- __("Sierra SC15025 (S3, AGX)"), => 'sc15025',
- __("S3 GenDAC (86C708) (autodetected)"), => 's3gendac',
- __("S3 SDAC (86C716) (autodetected)"), => 's3_sdac',
- __("STG-1700 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'stg1700',
- __("STG-1703 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'stg1703',
- __("TI 3020 (S3)"), => 'ti3020',
- __("TI 3025 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ti3025',
- __("TI 3026 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ti3026',
- __("IBM RGB 514 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb514',
- __("IBM RGB 524 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb524',
- __("IBM RGB 525 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb525',
- __("IBM RGB 526 (S3)"), => 'ibm_rgb526',
- __("IBM RGB 528 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb528',
- __("ICS5342 (S3, ARK)"), => 'ics5342',
- __("ICS5341 (W32)"), => 'ics5341',
- __("IC Works w30C516 ZoomDac (ARK)"), => 'zoomdac',
- __("Normal DAC"), => 'normal',
-@clockchip_name = (
- __("No Clockchip Setting (recommended)") => '',
- __("Chrontel 8391") => 'ch8391',
- __("ICD2061A and compatibles (ICS9161A => DCS2824)") => 'icd2061a',
- __("ICS2595") => 'ics2595',
- __("ICS5342 (similar to SDAC, but not completely compatible)") => 'ics5342',
- __("ICS5341") => 'ics5341',
- __("S3 GenDAC (86C708) and ICS5300 (autodetected)") => 's3gendac',
- __("S3 SDAC (86C716)") => 's3_sdac',
- __("STG 1703 (autodetected)") => 'stg1703',
- __("Sierra SC11412") => 'sc11412',
- __("TI 3025 (autodetected)") => 'ti3025',
- __("TI 3026 (autodetected)") => 'ti3026',
- __("IBM RGB 51x/52x (autodetected)") => 'ibm_rgb5xx',
+%lines = (
+ 'Cirrus Logic|GD 5446' => [ ' Option "noblt"' ],
+%xkb_options = (
+ 'ru' => [ 'XkbVariant "winkeys"', 'XkbOptions "grp:caps_toggle"' ],
+#-#- * Screen/video card configuration.
+#-%ramdacs = (
+#- __("No RAMDAC Setting (recommended)") => '',
+#- __("AT&T 20C490 (S3 and AGX servers, ARK driver)"), => 'att20c490',
+#- __("AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'att20c498',
+#- __("AT&T 20C409/20C499 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'att20c409',
+#- __("AT&T 20C505 (S3)"), => 'att20c505',
+#- __("BrookTree BT481 (AGX)"), => 'bt481',
+#- __("BrookTree BT482 (AGX)"), => 'bt482',
+#- __("BrookTree BT485/9485 (S3)"), => 'bt485',
+#- __("Sierra SC15025 (S3, AGX)"), => 'sc15025',
+#- __("S3 GenDAC (86C708) (autodetected)"), => 's3gendac',
+#- __("S3 SDAC (86C716) (autodetected)"), => 's3_sdac',
+#- __("STG-1700 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'stg1700',
+#- __("STG-1703 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'stg1703',
+#- __("TI 3020 (S3)"), => 'ti3020',
+#- __("TI 3025 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ti3025',
+#- __("TI 3026 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ti3026',
+#- __("IBM RGB 514 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb514',
+#- __("IBM RGB 524 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb524',
+#- __("IBM RGB 525 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb525',
+#- __("IBM RGB 526 (S3)"), => 'ibm_rgb526',
+#- __("IBM RGB 528 (S3, autodetected)"), => 'ibm_rgb528',
+#- __("ICS5342 (S3, ARK)"), => 'ics5342',
+#- __("ICS5341 (W32)"), => 'ics5341',
+#- __("IC Works w30C516 ZoomDac (ARK)"), => 'zoomdac',
+#- __("Normal DAC"), => 'normal',
+#-@clockchip_name = (
+#- __("No Clockchip Setting (recommended)") => '',
+#- __("Chrontel 8391") => 'ch8391',
+#- __("ICD2061A and compatibles (ICS9161A => DCS2824)") => 'icd2061a',
+#- __("ICS2595") => 'ics2595',
+#- __("ICS5342 (similar to SDAC, but not completely compatible)") => 'ics5342',
+#- __("ICS5341") => 'ics5341',
+#- __("S3 GenDAC (86C708) and ICS5300 (autodetected)") => 's3gendac',
+#- __("S3 SDAC (86C716)") => 's3_sdac',
+#- __("STG 1703 (autodetected)") => 'stg1703',
+#- __("Sierra SC11412") => 'sc11412',
+#- __("TI 3025 (autodetected)") => 'ti3025',
+#- __("TI 3026 (autodetected)") => 'ti3026',
+#- __("IBM RGB 51x/52x (autodetected)") => 'ibm_rgb5xx',
$intro_text = "
This program will create a basic XF86Config file, based on menu selections you make.
@@ -345,13 +341,13 @@ $keyboardsection_part2 = '
# XkbVariant ""
# XkbOptions ""
- XkbKeycodes "xfree86"
- XkbTypes "default"
- XkbCompat "default"
- XkbSymbols "us(pc101)"
- XkbGeometry "pc"
- XkbRules "xfree86"
- XkbModel "pc101"
+ XkbKeycodes "xfree86"
+ XkbTypes "default"
+ XkbCompat "default"
+ XkbSymbols "us(pc101)"
+ XkbGeometry "pc"
+ XkbRules "xfree86"
+ XkbModel "pc101"
$keyboardsection_end = '
diff --git a/perl-install/c/Makefile.PL b/perl-install/c/Makefile.PL
index edbabef13..85030d3c4 100644
--- a/perl-install/c/Makefile.PL
+++ b/perl-install/c/Makefile.PL
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ $libs .= ' -lrpm -ldb1 -lz' if $ENV{C_RPM};
'NAME' => 'c',
+ 'OPTIMIZE' => '-Os',
'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION
'LIBS' => [$libs], # e.g., '-lm'
'DEFINE' => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
- 'INC' => '-I/usr/include/rpm -Wall `gtk-config --cflags`', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
+ 'INC' => '-I/usr/include/rpm `gtk-config --cflags`', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other'
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index b18895f3e..a6d673358 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use printer;
use modules;
use detect_devices;
use modparm;
-use install_steps_graphical;
+#use install_steps_graphical;
use run_program;
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 9812c3efb..834c58a73 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ sub setPackages($$) {
$o->{compss} = pkgs::readCompss($o->{packages});
- $o->{compssListLevels} = pkgs::readCompssList($o->{packages});
+ $o->{compssListLevels} = pkgs::readCompssList($o->{packages}, $o->{compss});
$o->{compssListLevels} ||= $install_classes;
push @{$o->{base}}, "kernel-smp" if detect_devices::hasSMP();
push @{$o->{base}}, "kernel-pcmcia-cs" if $o->{pcmcia};
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index a829247fc..a938705d8 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sub get_stage1_conf {
%conf = read_conf($_[1], \$scsi);
add2hash(\%conf, $_[0]);
$conf{parport_lowlevel}{alias} ||= "parport_pc";
- $conf{pcmcia_core}{"pre-install"} ||= "/etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start";
+ $conf{pcmcia_core}{"pre-install"} ||= "CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start";
$conf{plip}{"pre-install"} ||= "modprobe parport_pc ; echo 7 > /proc/parport/0/irq";
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 7adb586fd..75a2434f5 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ sub readCompss($) {
-sub readCompssList($) {
+sub readCompssList($$) {
my ($packages, $compss) = @_;
my %compss; map { $compss{$_->{name}} = $_ } @$compss;
diff --git a/perl-install/share/po/no.po b/perl-install/share/po/no.po
index b393e6247..80d7da05e 100644
--- a/perl-install/share/po/no.po
+++ b/perl-install/share/po/no.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: panoramix VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 1999-09-30 01:32+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 1999-09-30 15:00+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 1999-08-25 11:07+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Terje Bjerkelia <>\n"
"Language-Team: norwegian\n"
@@ -13,23 +13,23 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:163
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:164
msgid "Choose a graphic card"
msgstr "Velg et grafikk-kort"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:164
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:165
msgid "Choose a X server"
msgstr "Velg en X-tjener"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:186
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:187
msgid "Select the memory size of your graphic card"
msgstr "Velg minnest�rrelsen til grafikk-kortet ditt"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:199
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:200
msgid "Choose a monitor"
msgstr "Velg en monitor"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:202
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:203
msgid ""
"The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the "
@@ -42,39 +42,39 @@ msgid ""
"conservative setting."
msgstr ""
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:209
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:210
msgid "Horizontal refresh rate"
msgstr "Horisontal oppfrisknings-rate"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:209
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:210
msgid "Vertical refresh rate"
msgstr "Vertikal oppfrisknings-rate"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:248
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:249
msgid "Monitor not configured"
msgstr "Monitor er ikke konfigurert"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:251
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:252
msgid "Graphic card not configured yet"
msgstr "Grafikk-kort er ikke konfigurert enn�"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:254
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:255
msgid "Resolutions not chosen yet"
msgstr "Oppl�sninger er ikke valgt enn�"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:261
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:262
msgid "Do you want to test the configuration?"
msgstr "Vil du teste konfigurasjonen?"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:261
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:262
msgid "Test configuration"
msgstr "Test konfigurasjon"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:286
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:293
msgid "An error occurred:"
msgstr "En feil oppsto:"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:288
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:295
msgid ""
"try changing some parameters"
@@ -82,144 +82,144 @@ msgstr ""
"pr�v � endre noen parametere"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:314
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:316
#, c-format
msgid "(leaving in %d seconds)"
msgstr "(slutter om %d sekunder)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:318
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:320
msgid "Is this ok?"
msgstr "Er dette ok?"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:326
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:328
msgid "An error occurred, try changing some parameters"
msgstr "En feil oppsto, pr�v � endre noen parametere"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:334 ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:483
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:336 ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:485
msgid "Automatic resolutions"
msgstr "Automatiske oppl�sninger"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:335
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:337
msgid ""
"To find the available resolutions i will try different ones.\n"
"Your screen will blink...\n"
"You can switch if off if you want, you'll hear a beep when it's over"
msgstr ""
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:382 ../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:404
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:384 ../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:404
#: ../install_steps_interactive.pm_.c:405
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Oppl�sning"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:416
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:418
msgid "Choose resolution and color depth"
msgstr "Velg oppl�sning og fargedybde"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:484
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:486
msgid ""
"I can try to find the available resolutions (eg: 800x600).\n"
"Alas it can freeze sometimes\n"
"Do you want to try?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:489
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:491
msgid ""
"No valid modes found\n"
"Try with another video card or monitor"
msgstr ""
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:673
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:676
#, c-format
msgid "Keyboard layout: %s\n"
msgstr "Tastatur-oppsett: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:674
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:677
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse type: %s\n"
msgstr "Type mus: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:675
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse device: %s\n"
msgstr "Enhet mus: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:676
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:679
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor: %s\n"
msgstr "Monitor: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:677
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:680
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor HorizSync: %s\n"
msgstr "Monitor HorizSync: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:678
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n"
msgstr "Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:679
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:682
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic card: %s\n"
msgstr "Grafikk-kort: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:680
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic memory: %s KB\n"
msgstr "Minne grafikk: %s KB\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:681
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:684
#, c-format
msgid "XFree86 server: %s\n"
msgstr "XFree86-tjener: %s\n"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:706
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:709
msgid "Change Monitor"
msgstr "Endre monitor"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:707
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:710
msgid "Change Graphic card"
msgstr "Endre grafikk-kort"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:708
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:711
msgid "Change Resolution"
msgstr "Endre oppl�sning"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:709
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:712
msgid "Automatical resolutions search"
msgstr "Automatisk oppl�sningss�k"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:713
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:716
msgid "Show information"
msgstr "Vis informasjon"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:714
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:717
msgid "Test again"
msgstr "Test igjen"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:715
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:718
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Slutt"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:718
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:721
msgid "What do you want to do?"
msgstr "Hva vil du gj�re?"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:723
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:726
msgid "X at startup"
msgstr "X ved oppstart"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:724
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:727
msgid ""
"I can set up your computer to automatically start X upon booting.\n"
"Would you like X to start when you reboot?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:729
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:732
msgid "X successfully configured"
msgstr "Konfigurasjon av X vellykket"
-#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:730
+#: ../Xconfigurator.pm_.c:733
msgid ""
"Configuration file has been written. Take a look at it before running "
@@ -326,158 +326,6 @@ msgstr "Monitor som kan klare 1600x1200 ved 70 Hz"
msgid "Monitor that can do 1600x1200 at 76 Hz"
msgstr "Monitor som kan klare 1600x1200 ved 76 Hz"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:92
-msgid "No RAMDAC Setting (recommended)"
-msgstr "Ingen RAMDAC-innstilling (anbefalt)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:93
-msgid "AT&T 20C490 (S3 and AGX servers, ARK driver)"
-msgstr "AT&T 20C490 (S3 og AGX-tjenere, ARK-driver)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:94
-msgid "AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:95
-msgid "AT&T 20C409/20C499 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "AT&T 20C409/20C499 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:96
-msgid "AT&T 20C505 (S3)"
-msgstr "AT&T 20C505 (S3)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:97
-msgid "BrookTree BT481 (AGX)"
-msgstr "BrookTree BT481 (AGX)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:98
-msgid "BrookTree BT482 (AGX)"
-msgstr "BrookTree BT482 (AGX)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:99
-msgid "BrookTree BT485/9485 (S3)"
-msgstr "BrookTree BT485/9485 (S3)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:100
-msgid "Sierra SC15025 (S3, AGX)"
-msgstr "Sierra SC15025 (S3, AGX)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:101
-msgid "S3 GenDAC (86C708) (autodetected)"
-msgstr "S3 GenDAC (86C708) (oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:102
-msgid "S3 SDAC (86C716) (autodetected)"
-msgstr "S3 SDAC (86C716) (oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:103
-msgid "STG-1700 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "STG-1700 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:104
-msgid "STG-1703 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "STG-1703 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:105
-msgid "TI 3020 (S3)"
-msgstr "TI 3020 (S3)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:106
-msgid "TI 3025 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "TI 3025 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:107
-msgid "TI 3026 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "TI 3026 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:108
-msgid "IBM RGB 514 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "IBM RGB 514 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:109
-msgid "IBM RGB 524 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "IBM RGB 524 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:110
-msgid "IBM RGB 525 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "IBM RGB 525 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:111
-msgid "IBM RGB 526 (S3)"
-msgstr "IBM RGB 526 (S3)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:112
-msgid "IBM RGB 528 (S3, autodetected)"
-msgstr "IBM RGB 528 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:113
-msgid "ICS5342 (S3, ARK)"
-msgstr "ICS5342 (S3, ARK)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:114
-msgid "ICS5341 (W32)"
-msgstr "ICS5341 (W32)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:115
-msgid "IC Works w30C516 ZoomDac (ARK)"
-msgstr "IC Works w30C516 ZoomDac (ARK)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:116
-msgid "Normal DAC"
-msgstr "Normal DAC"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:120
-msgid "No Clockchip Setting (recommended)"
-msgstr "Ingen Clockchip-innstilling (anbefalt)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:121
-msgid "Chrontel 8391"
-msgstr "Chrontel 8391"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:122
-msgid "ICD2061A and compatibles (ICS9161A => DCS2824)"
-msgstr "ICD2061A og kompatible (ICS9161A => DCS2824)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:123
-msgid "ICS2595"
-msgstr "ICS2595"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:124
-msgid "ICS5342 (similar to SDAC, but not completely compatible)"
-msgstr "ICS5342 (lik SDAC, men ikke helt kompatibel)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:125
-msgid "ICS5341"
-msgstr "ICS5341"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:126
-msgid "S3 GenDAC (86C708) and ICS5300 (autodetected)"
-msgstr "S3 GenDAC (86C708) og ICS5300 (oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:127
-msgid "S3 SDAC (86C716)"
-msgstr "S3 SDAC (86C716)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:128
-msgid "STG 1703 (autodetected)"
-msgstr "STG 1703 (oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:129
-msgid "Sierra SC11412"
-msgstr "Sierra SC11412"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:130
-msgid "TI 3025 (autodetected)"
-msgstr "TI 3025 (oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:131
-msgid "TI 3026 (autodetected)"
-msgstr "TI 3026 (oppdaget automatisk)"
-#: ../Xconfigurator_consts.pm_.c:132
-msgid "IBM RGB 51x/52x (autodetected)"
-msgstr "IBM RGB 51x/52x (oppdaget automatisk)"
#: ../diskdrake.pm_.c:15
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Opprett"
@@ -1291,71 +1139,71 @@ msgstr "ingen diskett tilgjengelig"
msgid "Total size: "
msgstr "Total st�rrelse: "
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:367
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:368
msgid "Choose the packages you want to install"
msgstr "Velg pakkene du �nsker � installere"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:379
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:380
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:384
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:386
msgid "Go"
msgstr ""
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:385
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:387
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select less"
msgstr "Velg fil"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:386
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:388
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select more"
msgstr "Velg fil"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:387
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:389
#, fuzzy
msgid "Show less"
msgstr "Vis alle"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:388
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:390
msgid "Show more"
msgstr ""
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:406
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:408
msgid "Installing"
msgstr "Installerer"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:412
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:414
msgid "Please wait, "
msgstr "Vennligst vent, "
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:414
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:416
msgid "Time remaining "
msgstr "Tid som gjenst�r "
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:415
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:417
msgid "Total time "
msgstr "Total tid "
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:420
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:422
msgid "preparing installation"
msgstr "forbereder installasjon"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:441
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:443
#, c-format
msgid "installing package %s"
msgstr "installerer pakke %s"
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:466
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:468
msgid "Go on anyway?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:466
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:468
msgid "There was an error ordering packages:"
msgstr ""
-#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:558 ../interactive.pm_.c:47
+#: ../install_steps_graphical.pm_.c:560 ../interactive.pm_.c:47
#: ../interactive.pm_.c:57 ../my_gtk.pm_.c:192 ../my_gtk.pm_.c:346
#: ../my_gtk.pm_.c:430
msgid "Ok"
@@ -2314,6 +2162,120 @@ msgstr "D�rlig sikkerhetskopi-fil"
msgid "Error writing to file %s"
msgstr "Feil ved skriving til fil %s"
+#~ msgid "No RAMDAC Setting (recommended)"
+#~ msgstr "Ingen RAMDAC-innstilling (anbefalt)"
+#~ msgid "AT&T 20C490 (S3 and AGX servers, ARK driver)"
+#~ msgstr "AT&T 20C490 (S3 og AGX-tjenere, ARK-driver)"
+#~ msgid "AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "AT&T 20C409/20C499 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "AT&T 20C409/20C499 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "AT&T 20C505 (S3)"
+#~ msgstr "AT&T 20C505 (S3)"
+#~ msgid "BrookTree BT481 (AGX)"
+#~ msgstr "BrookTree BT481 (AGX)"
+#~ msgid "BrookTree BT482 (AGX)"
+#~ msgstr "BrookTree BT482 (AGX)"
+#~ msgid "BrookTree BT485/9485 (S3)"
+#~ msgstr "BrookTree BT485/9485 (S3)"
+#~ msgid "Sierra SC15025 (S3, AGX)"
+#~ msgstr "Sierra SC15025 (S3, AGX)"
+#~ msgid "S3 GenDAC (86C708) (autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "S3 GenDAC (86C708) (oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "S3 SDAC (86C716) (autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "S3 SDAC (86C716) (oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "STG-1700 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "STG-1700 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "STG-1703 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "STG-1703 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "TI 3020 (S3)"
+#~ msgstr "TI 3020 (S3)"
+#~ msgid "TI 3025 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "TI 3025 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "TI 3026 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "TI 3026 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "IBM RGB 514 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "IBM RGB 514 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "IBM RGB 524 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "IBM RGB 524 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "IBM RGB 525 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "IBM RGB 525 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "IBM RGB 526 (S3)"
+#~ msgstr "IBM RGB 526 (S3)"
+#~ msgid "IBM RGB 528 (S3, autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "IBM RGB 528 (S3, oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "ICS5342 (S3, ARK)"
+#~ msgstr "ICS5342 (S3, ARK)"
+#~ msgid "ICS5341 (W32)"
+#~ msgstr "ICS5341 (W32)"
+#~ msgid "IC Works w30C516 ZoomDac (ARK)"
+#~ msgstr "IC Works w30C516 ZoomDac (ARK)"
+#~ msgid "Normal DAC"
+#~ msgstr "Normal DAC"
+#~ msgid "No Clockchip Setting (recommended)"
+#~ msgstr "Ingen Clockchip-innstilling (anbefalt)"
+#~ msgid "Chrontel 8391"
+#~ msgstr "Chrontel 8391"
+#~ msgid "ICD2061A and compatibles (ICS9161A => DCS2824)"
+#~ msgstr "ICD2061A og kompatible (ICS9161A => DCS2824)"
+#~ msgid "ICS2595"
+#~ msgstr "ICS2595"
+#~ msgid "ICS5342 (similar to SDAC, but not completely compatible)"
+#~ msgstr "ICS5342 (lik SDAC, men ikke helt kompatibel)"
+#~ msgid "ICS5341"
+#~ msgstr "ICS5341"
+#~ msgid "S3 GenDAC (86C708) and ICS5300 (autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "S3 GenDAC (86C708) og ICS5300 (oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "S3 SDAC (86C716)"
+#~ msgstr "S3 SDAC (86C716)"
+#~ msgid "STG 1703 (autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "STG 1703 (oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "Sierra SC11412"
+#~ msgstr "Sierra SC11412"
+#~ msgid "TI 3025 (autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "TI 3025 (oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "TI 3026 (autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "TI 3026 (oppdaget automatisk)"
+#~ msgid "IBM RGB 51x/52x (autodetected)"
+#~ msgstr "IBM RGB 51x/52x (oppdaget automatisk)"
#~ msgid "Hide"
#~ msgstr "Gjem"