path: root/perl-install
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Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
index 8c9536821..8abd7eba4 100644
--- a/perl-install/
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -622,10 +622,56 @@ sub setPackages {
+sub count_files {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ -d $dir or return 0;
+ opendir my $dh, $dir or return 0;
+ my @list = grep { !/^\.\.?$/ } readdir $dh;
+ closedir $dh;
+ my $c = 0;
+ foreach my $n (@list) {
+ my $p = "$dir/$n";
+ if (-d $p) { $c += count_files($p) } else { ++$c }
+ }
+ $c;
+sub cp_with_progress {
+ my $wait_message = shift;
+ my $current = shift;
+ my $total = shift;
+ my $dest = pop @_;
+ @_ or return;
+ @_ == 1 || -d $dest or die "cp: copying multiple files, but last argument ($dest) is not a directory\n";
+ foreach my $src (@_) {
+ my $dest = $dest;
+ -d $dest and $dest .= '/' . basename($src);
+ unlink $dest;
+ if (-l $src) {
+ unless (symlink(readlink($src) || die("readlink failed: $!"), $dest)) {
+ warn "symlink: can't create symlink $dest: $!\n";
+ }
+ } elsif (-d $src) {
+ -d $dest or mkdir $dest, (stat($src))[2] or die "mkdir: can't create directory $dest: $!\n";
+ cp_with_progress($wait_message, $current, $total, glob_($src), $dest);
+ } else {
+ open(my $F, $src) or die "can't open $src for reading: $!\n";
+ open(my $G, ">", $dest) or die "can't cp to file $dest: $!\n";
+ local $/ = \4096;
+ local $_; while (<$F>) { print $G $_ }
+ chmod((stat($src))[2], $dest);
+ $wait_message->('', ++$current, $total);
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
sub copy_rpms_on_disk {
my ($o) = @_;
mkdir "$o->{prefix}/$_", 0755 foreach qw(var var/ftp var/ftp/pub var/ftp/pub/Mandrakelinux var/ftp/pub/Mandrakelinux/media);
- my $wait_w;
local *changeMedium = sub {
my ($method, $medium) = @_;
my $name = pkgs::mediumDescr($o->{packages}, $medium);
@@ -637,66 +683,38 @@ sub copy_rpms_on_disk {
cat_("/proc/mounts") =~ m,(/dev/\S+)\s+(/mnt/cdrom|/tmp/image),
and ($cdrom, my $mountpoint) = ($1, $2);
ejectCdrom($cdrom, $mountpoint);
- undef $wait_w;
$r = $o->ask_okcancel('', N("Change your Cd-Rom!
Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled \"%s\" in your drive and press Ok when done.", $name), 1);
- $wait_w = $o->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Copying in progress"));
return $r;
} else {
return 1;
- my $total = $o->{mediumsize};
- log::l("totalsize=$total");
- my $pid;
- #- will we show a progress bar?
- my $copy_has_progress_bar = !method_allows_medium_change($o->{method}) || $o->{method} =~ /-iso$/;
- if ($copy_has_progress_bar) {
- #- display the progress bar only for non-cdrom installation methods
- $pid = fork();
- if (!$pid && defined $pid) { #- child
- ($wait_w, my $wait_message) = fs::format::wait_message($o); #- nb, this is only called when interactive
- $wait_message->(N("Copying in progress"));
- #- from TODO: factorize, possibly in MDK::Common.
- my $f; $f = sub {
- my ($e) = @_;
- my $s = (lstat($e))[12];
- $s += sum(map { &$f($_) } glob_("$e/*")) if !-l _ && -d _;
- $s;
- };
- while (1) {
- my $s = $f->("$o->{prefix}/var/ftp/pub/Mandrakelinux/media") / 1024;
- $wait_message->('', $s, $total);
- sleep 1;
- last if $s > $total - 100;
- }
- undef $wait_w;
- c::_exit(0);
- }
- }
foreach my $k (pkgs::allMediums($o->{packages})) {
+ my ($wait_w, $wait_message) = fs::format::wait_message($o); #- nb, this is only called when interactive
my $m = $o->{packages}{mediums}{$k};
+ $wait_message->(N("Copying in progress") . "\n($m->{descr})"); #- XXX to be translated
if ($k != $current_medium) {
do {
askChangeMedium($o->{method}, $k)
or next;
- mountCdrom("/tmp/image", $cdrom);
+ mountCdrom("/tmp/image", $cdrom) if $o->{method} eq 'cdrom';
} while !-d "/tmp/image/$m->{rpmsdir}";
$current_medium = $k;
log::l("copying /tmp/image/$m->{rpmsdir} to $o->{prefix}/var/ftp/pub/Mandrakelinux/media");
- unless ($copy_has_progress_bar) { $wait_w = $o->wait_message(N("Please wait"), N("Copying in progress")) }
+ my $total = count_files("/tmp/image/$m->{rpmsdir}");
+ log::l("($total files)");
eval {
- cp_af("/tmp/image/$m->{rpmsdir}", "$o->{prefix}/var/ftp/pub/Mandrakelinux/media");
+ cp_with_progress($wait_message, 0, $total, "/tmp/image/$m->{rpmsdir}", "$o->{prefix}/var/ftp/pub/Mandrakelinux/media");
- undef $wait_w;
log::l($@) if $@;
$m->{prefix} = "$o->{prefix}/var/ftp/pub/Mandrakelinux";
$m->{method} = 'disk';
$m->{with_hdlist} = 'media_info/'; #- for install_urpmi
+ undef $wait_w;
- kill 15, $pid if defined $pid;
ejectCdrom() if $o->{method} eq "cdrom";
#- now the install will continue as 'disk'
$o->{method} = 'disk';