path: root/perl-install/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 491 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 638bebd5b..000000000
--- a/perl-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
-package modules; # $Id$
-use strict;
-use vars qw(%conf %mappings_24_26 %mappings_26_24);
-use common;
-use detect_devices;
-use run_program;
-use log;
-use list_modules;
-%conf = ();
-sub modules_descriptions() {
- my $f = '/lib/modules/' . c::kernel_version() . '/modules.description';
- -e $f or $f = '/lib/modules.description';
- map { /(\S+)\s+(.*)/ } cat_($f);
-sub module2description { +{ modules_descriptions() }->{$_[0]} }
-sub category2modules_and_description {
- my ($categories) = @_;
- my %modules_descriptions = modules_descriptions();
- map { $_ => $modules_descriptions{$_} } category2modules($categories);
-%mappings_24_26 = ("usb-ohci" => "ohci-hcd",
- "usb-uhci" => "uhci-hcd",
- "uhci" => "uhci-hcd",
- "printer" => "usblp",
- "bcm4400" => "b44",
- "3c559" => "3c359",
- "3c90x" => "3c59x",
- "dc395x_trm" => "dc395x");
-%mappings_26_24 = reverse %mappings_24_26;
-sub mapping_24_26 {
- return map { c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.6/ ? $mappings_24_26{$_} || $_ : $_ } @_;
-sub mapping_26_24 {
- my ($modname) = @_;
- if (c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.6/) {
- if ($modname eq 'uhci-hcd') {
- return 'usb-uhci';
- } else {
- return $mappings_26_24{$modname} || $modname;
- }
- }
- $modname;
-#- module loading
-# handles dependencies
-# eg: load('vfat', 'reiserfs', [ ne2k => 'io=0xXXX', 'dma=5' ])
-sub load {
- #- keeping the order of modules
- my %options;
- my @l = map {
- my ($name, @options) = ref($_) ? @$_ : $_;
- $options{$name} = \@options;
- dependencies_closure(mapping_24_26($name));
- } @_;
- @l = difference2([ uniq(@l) ], [ map { my $s = $_; $s =~ s/_/-/g; $s, $_ } loaded_modules() ]) or return;
- my $network_module = do {
- my ($network_modules, $other) = partition { module2category($_) =~ m,network/(main|gigabit|usb|wireless), } @l;
- if (@$network_modules > 1) {
- # do it one by one
- load($_) foreach @$network_modules;
- load(@$other);
- return;
- }
- $network_modules->[0];
- };
- my @network_devices = $network_module ? detect_devices::getNet() : ();
- if ($::testing) {
- log::l("i would load module $_ (" . join(" ", @{$options{$_}}) . ")") foreach @l;
- } elsif ($::isStandalone || $::move) {
- run_program::run('/sbin/modprobe', $_, @{$options{$_}})
- or !run_program::run('/sbin/modprobe', '-n', $_) #- ignore missing modules
- or die "insmod'ing module $_ failed" foreach @l;
- } else {
- load_raw(map { [ $_ => $options{$_} ] } @l);
- }
- sleep 2 if any { /^(usb-storage|mousedev|printer)$/ } @l;
- if ($network_module) {
- add_alias($_, $network_module) foreach difference2([ detect_devices::getNet() ], \@network_devices);
- }
- when_load($_, @{$options{$_}}) foreach @l;
-sub unload {
- if ($::testing) {
- log::l("rmmod $_") foreach @_;
- } else {
- run_program::run("rmmod", $_) foreach @_;
- }
-sub load_category {
- my ($category, $o_wait_message) = @_;
- #- probe_category returns the PCMCIA cards. It doesn't know they are already
- #- loaded, so:
- read_already_loaded();
- my @try_modules = (
- if_($category =~ /scsi/,
- if_(arch() !~ /ppc/, 'parport_pc', 'imm', 'ppa'),
- if_(detect_devices::usbStorage(), 'usb-storage'),
- ),
- if_(arch() =~ /ppc/,
- if_($category =~ /scsi/, 'mesh', 'mac53c94'),
- if_($category =~ /net/, 'bmac', 'gmac', 'mace', 'airport'),
- if_($category =~ /sound/, 'dmasound_pmac'),
- ),
- );
- grep {
- $o_wait_message->($_->{description}, $_->{driver}) if $o_wait_message;
- eval { load([ $_->{driver}, if_($_->{options}, $_->{options}) ]) };
- $_->{error} = $@;
- $_->{try} = 1 if member($_->{driver}, 'hptraid', 'ohci1394'); #- don't warn when this fails
- !($_->{error} && $_->{try});
- } probe_category($category),
- map { { driver => $_, description => $_, try => 1 } } @try_modules;
-sub probe_category {
- my ($category) = @_;
- my @modules = category2modules($category);
- grep {
- if ($category eq 'network/isdn') {
- my $b = $_->{driver} =~ /ISDN:([^,]*),?([^,]*)(?:,firmware=(.*))?/;
- if ($b) {
- $_->{driver} = $1;
- $_->{type} = $2;
- $_->{type} =~ s/type=//;
- $_->{firmware} = $3;
- $_->{driver} eq "hisax" and $_->{options} .= " id=HiSax";
- }
- $b;
- } else {
- member($_->{driver}, @modules);
- }
- } detect_devices::probeall();
-#- modules.conf functions
-sub get_alias {
- my ($alias) = @_;
- $conf{$alias}{alias};
-sub get_probeall {
- my ($alias) = @_;
- $conf{$alias}{probeall};
-sub get_options {
- my ($name) = @_;
- $conf{$name}{options};
-sub set_options {
- my ($name, $new_option) = @_;
- log::l(qq(set option "$new_option" for module "$name"));
- $conf{$name}{options} = $new_option;
-sub add_alias {
- my ($alias, $module) = @_;
- $module =~ /ignore/ and return;
- /\Q$alias/ && $conf{$_}{alias} && $conf{$_}{alias} eq $module and return $_ foreach keys %conf;
- log::l("adding alias $alias to $module");
- $conf{$alias}{alias} = $module;
- $conf{$module}{above} = 'snd-pcm-oss' if $module =~ /^snd-/;
- $alias;
-sub add_probeall {
- my ($alias, $module) = @_;
- my $l = $conf{$alias}{probeall} ||= [];
- @$l = uniq(@$l, $module);
- log::l("setting probeall $alias to @$l");
-sub remove_probeall {
- my ($alias, $module) = @_;
- my $l = $conf{$alias}{probeall} ||= [];
- @$l = grep { $_ ne $module } @$l;
- log::l("setting probeall $alias to @$l");
-sub remove_alias($) {
- my ($name) = @_;
- log::l(qq(removing alias "$name"));
- remove_alias_regexp("^$name\$");
-sub remove_alias_regexp($) {
- my ($aliased) = @_;
- log::l(qq(removing all aliases that match "$aliased"));
- foreach (keys %conf) {
- delete $conf{$_}{alias} if /$aliased/;
- }
-sub remove_alias_regexp_byname($) {
- my ($name) = @_;
- log::l(qq(removing all aliases which names match "$name"));
- foreach (keys %conf) {
- delete $conf{$_} if /$name/;
- }
-sub remove_module($) {
- my ($name) = @_;
- remove_alias($name);
- log::l("removing module $name");
- delete $conf{$name};
- 0;
-sub read_conf {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my %c;
- foreach (cat_($file)) {
- next if /^\s*#/;
- s/#.*$//;
- my ($type, $alias, $val) = split(/\s+/, chomp_($_), 3) or next;
- $val =~ s/\s+$//;
- $val = [ split ' ', $val ] if $type eq 'probeall';
- $c{$alias}{$type} = $val;
- }
- #- cheating here: not handling aliases of aliases
- while (my ($_k, $v) = each %c) {
- if (my $a = $v->{alias}) {
- local $c{$a}{alias};
- delete $v->{probeall};
- add2hash($c{$a}, $v);
- }
- }
- #- convert old aliases to new probeall
- foreach my $name ('scsi_hostadapter', 'usb-interface') {
- my @old_aliases =
- map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
- map { if_(/^$name(\d*)/ && $c{$_}{alias}, [ $_, $1 || 0 ]) } keys %c;
- foreach my $alias (@old_aliases) {
- push @{$c{$name}{probeall} ||= []}, delete $c{$alias}{alias};
- }
- }
- # Convert alsa driver from old naming system to new one (snd-card-XXX => snd-XXX)
- # Ensure correct upgrade for snd-via683 and snd-via8233 drivers
- foreach my $alias (sort keys %c) {
- $c{$alias}{alias} =~ s/^snd-card/snd/;
- $c{$alias}{alias} = 'snd-via82xx' if $c{$alias}{alias} =~ /^snd-via686|^snd-via8233/;
- }
- \%c;
-sub mergein_conf {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my $modconfref = read_conf($file);
- while (my ($key, $value) = each %$modconfref) {
- $conf{$key}{alias} ||= $value->{alias};
- $conf{$key}{options} = $value->{options} if $value->{options};
- push @{$conf{$key}{probeall} ||= []}, deref($value->{probeall});
- }
-sub write_conf() {
- my $file = "$::prefix/etc/modules.conf";
- rename "$::prefix/etc/conf.modules", $file; #- make the switch to new name if needed
- #- Substitute new aliases in modules.conf (if config has changed)
- substInFile {
- my ($type, $alias, $module) = split(/\s+/, chomp_($_), 3);
- if ($type eq 'post-install' && $alias eq 'supermount') {
- #- remove the post-install supermount stuff.
- $_ = '';
- } elsif ($type eq 'alias' && $alias =~ /scsi_hostadapter|usb-interface/) {
- #- remove old aliases which are replaced by probeall
- $_ = '';
- } elsif ($type eq 'above') {
- # Convert alsa driver from old naming system to new one (snd-card-XXX => snd-XXX)
- # Ensure correct upgrade for snd-via683 and snd-via8233 drivers
- s/snd-card/snd/g;
- s/snd-via686|snd-via8233/snd-via82xx/g;
- } elsif ($conf{$alias}{$type} && $conf{$alias}{$type} ne $module) {
- my $v = join(' ', uniq(deref($conf{$alias}{$type})));
- $_ = "$type $alias $v\n";
- } elsif ($type eq 'alias' && !defined $conf{$alias}{alias}) {
- $_ = '';
- }
- } $file;
- my $written = read_conf($file);
- open(my $F, ">> $file") or die("cannot write module config file $file: $!\n");
- while (my ($mod, $h) = each %conf) {
- while (my ($type, $v) = each %$h) {
- my $v2 = join(' ', uniq(deref($v)));
- print $F "$type $mod $v2\n"
- if $v2 && !$written->{$mod}{$type};
- }
- }
- my @l;
- push @l, 'scsi_hostadapter' if !is_empty_array_ref($conf{scsi_hostadapter}{probeall});
- push @l, grep { detect_devices::matching_driver('^$_$') } qw(bttv cx8800 saa7134);
- my @l_26 = @l;
- if (my ($agp) = probe_category('various/agpgart')) {
- push @l_26, $agp->{driver};
- }
- append_to_modules_loaded_at_startup("$::prefix/etc/modules", @l);
- append_to_modules_loaded_at_startup("$::prefix/etc/modprobe.preload", @l_26);
- #- use module-init-tools script for the moment
- run_program::rooted($::prefix, "/sbin/generate-modprobe.conf", ">", "/etc/modprobe.conf") if -e "$::prefix/etc/modprobe.conf";
-sub append_to_modules_loaded_at_startup {
- my ($file, @l) = @_;
- my $l = join '|', map { '^\s*'.$_.'\s*$' } @l;
- log::l("to put in $file ", join(", ", @l));
- substInFile {
- $_ = '' if $l && /$l/;
- $_ .= join '', map { "$_\n" } @l if eof;
- } $file;
-sub read_stage1_conf {
- mergein_conf($_[0]);
-#- pcmcia various
-sub configure_pcmcia {
- my ($pcic) = @_;
- #- try to setup pcmcia if cardmgr is not running.
- my $running if 0;
- return if $running;
- $running = 1;
- log::l("i try to configure pcmcia services");
- symlink "/tmp/stage2/$_", $_ foreach "/etc/pcmcia";
- eval {
- load("pcmcia_core");
- load($pcic);
- load("ds");
- };
- #- run cardmgr in foreground while it is configuring the card.
- run_program::run("cardmgr", "-f", "-m", "/modules");
- sleep(3);
- #- make sure to be aware of loaded module by cardmgr.
- read_already_loaded();
-sub write_pcmcia {
- my ($prefix, $pcmcia) = @_;
- #- should be set after installing the package above otherwise the file will be renamed.
- setVarsInSh("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia", {
- PCMCIA => bool2yesno($pcmcia),
- PCIC => $pcmcia,
- PCIC_OPTS => "",
- CORE_OPTS => "",
- });
-#- internal functions
-sub loaded_modules() {
- map { /(\S+)/ } cat_("/proc/modules");
-sub read_already_loaded() {
- when_load($_) foreach reverse loaded_modules();
-my $module_extension = c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.4/ ? 'o' : 'ko';
-sub name2file {
- my ($name) = @_;
- "$name.$module_extension";
-sub when_load {
- my ($name, @options) = @_;
- $name = mapping_26_24($name); #- need to stay with 2.4 names, modutils will allow booting 2.4 and 2.6
- if ($name =~ /[uo]hci/) {
- -f '/proc/bus/usb/devices' or eval {
- require fs; fs::mount('/proc/bus/usb', '/proc/bus/usb', 'usbdevfs');
- #- ensure keyboard is working, the kernel must do the job the BIOS was doing
- sleep 4;
- load("usbkbd", "keybdev") if detect_devices::usbKeyboards();
- }
- }
- load('snd-pcm-oss') if $name =~ /^snd-/;
- add_alias('ieee1394-controller', $name) if member($name, 'ohci1394');
- add_probeall('usb-interface', $name) if member($name, qw(usb-uhci usb-ohci ehci-hcd uhci-hcd ohci-hcd));
- $conf{$name}{options} = join " ", @options if @options;
- if (my $category = module2category($name)) {
- if (c::kernel_version() =~ /^\Q2.6/ && member($name, 'imm', 'ppa')
- && ! -d "/proc/sys/dev/parport/parport0/devices/$name") {
- unload($name);
- undef $category;
- }
- if ($category =~ m,disk/(scsi|hardware_raid|usb|firewire),) {
- add_probeall('scsi_hostadapter', $name);
- eval { load('sd_mod') };
- }
- add_alias('sound-slot-0', $name) if $category =~ /sound/;
- }
-sub cz_file() {
- "/lib/modules" . (arch() eq 'sparc64' && "64") . ".cz-" . c::kernel_version();
-sub extract_modules {
- my ($dir, @modules) = @_;
- my $cz = cz_file();
- if (!-e $cz) {
- unlink $_ foreach glob_("/lib/modules*.cz*");
- require install_any;
- install_any::getAndSaveFile("Mandrake/mdkinst$cz", $cz) or die "failed to get modules $cz: $!";
- }
- eval {
- require packdrake;
- my $packer = new packdrake($cz, quiet => 1);
- $packer->extract_archive($dir, map { name2file($_) } @modules);
- map { $dir . '/' . name2file($_) } @modules;
- };
-sub load_raw {
- my @l = @_;
- extract_modules('/tmp', map { $_->[0] } @l);
- my @failed = grep {
- my $m = '/tmp/' . name2file($_->[0]);
- if (-e $m) {
- my $stdout;
- my $rc = run_program::run(["/usr/bin/insmod_", "insmod"], '2>', \$stdout, $m, @{$_->[1]});
- log::l(chomp_($stdout)) if $stdout;
- if ($rc) {
- unlink $m;
- '';
- } else {
- 'error';
- }
- } else {
- log::l("missing module $_->[0]");
- 'error';
- }
- } @l;
- die "insmod'ing module " . join(", ", map { $_->[0] } @failed) . " failed" if @failed;
-sub get_parameters {
- map { if_(/(.*)=(.*)/, $1 => $2) } split(' ', get_options($_[0]));