path: root/perl-install/Xconfig/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/Xconfig/ b/perl-install/Xconfig/
deleted file mode 100644
index 00881d9c9..000000000
--- a/perl-install/Xconfig/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-package Xconfig::resolution_and_depth; # $Id$
-use diagnostics;
-use strict;
-use Xconfig::card;
-use Xconfig::monitor;
-use common;
-our %depth2text = (
- 8 => N_("256 colors (8 bits)"),
- 15 => N_("32 thousand colors (15 bits)"),
- 16 => N_("65 thousand colors (16 bits)"),
- 24 => N_("16 million colors (24 bits)"),
-our @depths_available = ikeys(%depth2text);
-my %min_hsync4x_res = (
- 640 => 31.5,
- 800 => 35.1,
- 1024 => 35.5,
- 1152 => 44.0,
- 1280 => 51.0,
- 1400 => 65.5,
- 1600 => 75.0,
- 1920 => 90.0,
- 2048 => 136.5,
-my @bios_vga_modes = (
- { bios => 769, X => 640, Y => 480, Depth => 8 },
- { bios => 771, X => 800, Y => 600, Depth => 8 },
- { bios => 773, X => 1024, Y => 768, Depth => 8 },
- { bios => 775, X => 1280, Y => 1024, Depth => 8 },
- { bios => 784, X => 640, Y => 480, Depth => 15 },
- { bios => 787, X => 800, Y => 600, Depth => 15 },
- { bios => 790, X => 1024, Y => 768, Depth => 15 },
- { bios => 793, X => 1280, Y => 1024, Depth => 15 },
- { bios => 785, X => 640, Y => 480, Depth => 16 },
- { bios => 788, X => 800, Y => 600, Depth => 16 },
- { bios => 791, X => 1024, Y => 768, Depth => 16 },
- { bios => 794, X => 1280, Y => 1024, Depth => 16 },
-sub from_bios {
- my ($bios) = @_;
- find { $_->{bios} == $bios } @bios_vga_modes;
-sub size2default_resolution {
- my ($size) = @_; #- size in inch
- if (arch() =~ /ppc/) {
- require detect_devices;
- return "1024x768" if detect_devices::get_mac_model() =~ /^PowerBook|^iMac/;
- }
- my %monitorSize2resolution = (
- 13 => "640x480",
- 14 => "800x600",
- 15 => "800x600",
- 16 => "1024x768",
- 17 => "1024x768",
- 18 => "1024x768",
- 19 => "1280x1024",
- 20 => "1280x1024",
- 21 => "1600x1200",
- 22 => "1600x1200",
- );
- $monitorSize2resolution{round($size)} || ($size < 13 ? "640x480" : "1600x1200");
-sub to_string {
- my ($resolution) = @_;
- $resolution or return;
- $resolution->{X} ? sprintf("%sx%s %dbpp", @$resolution{'X', 'Y', 'Depth'}) : 'frame-buffer';
-sub allowed {
- my ($card) = @_;
- my ($prefered_depth, @resolution_and_depth);
- if ($card->{Driver} eq 'fbdev') {
- @resolution_and_depth = grep { $_->{Depth} == 16 } @bios_vga_modes;
- } else {
- my @depths;
- if ($card->{Driver} eq 'vmware') {
- @depths = (16, 8);
- } elsif ($card->{Driver} eq 'fglrx') {
- @depths = 24;
- } elsif ($card->{BoardName} eq 'RIVA128') {
- @depths = qw(8 15 24);
- } elsif ($card->{use_DRI_GLX}) {
- $prefered_depth = 16;
- @depths = (16, 24);
- } else {
- @depths = our @depths_available;
- }
- my @resolutions = @Xconfig::xfree::resolutions;
- push @resolution_and_depth,
- map {
- my $Depth = $_;
- map { m/(\d+)x(\d+)/ && { X => $1, Y => $2, Depth => $Depth } } @resolutions;
- } @depths;
- }
- $prefered_depth, @resolution_and_depth;
-# ($card->{VideoRam} || ($card->{server} eq 'FBDev' ? 2048 : 32768))
-sub filter_using_VideoRam {
- my ($VideoRam, @resolutions) = @_;
- my $mem = 1024 * $VideoRam;
- grep { $_->{X} * $_->{Y} * $_->{Depth}/8 <= $mem } @resolutions;
-sub filter_using_HorizSync {
- my ($HorizSync, @resolutions) = @_;
- my $hsync = max(split(/[,-]/, $HorizSync));
- grep { ($min_hsync4x_res{$_->{X}} || 0) <= $hsync } @resolutions;
-sub choose {
- my ($in, $default_resolution, @resolutions) = @_;
- my $resolution = $default_resolution || {};
- $in->ask_from(N("Resolutions"), "",
- [ {
- val => \$resolution, type => 'list', sort => 0,
- list => [ sort { $a->{X} <=> $b->{X} } @resolutions ],
- format => sub { "$_[0]{X}x$_[0]{Y} $_[0]{Depth}bpp" },
- } ]) or return;
- $resolution;
-sub choices {
- my ($_raw_X, $resolution_wanted, $card, $monitors) = @_;
- $resolution_wanted ||= {};
- my ($prefered_depth, @resolutions) = allowed($card);
- @resolutions = filter_using_HorizSync($monitors->[0]{HorizSync}, @resolutions) if $monitors->[0]{HorizSync};
- @resolutions = filter_using_VideoRam($card->{VideoRam}, @resolutions) if $card->{VideoRam};
- my $x_res = do {
- my $res = $resolution_wanted->{X} || ($monitors->[0]{ModelName} =~ /^Flat Panel (\d+x\d+)$/ ? $1 : size2default_resolution($monitors->[0]{size} || 14));
- my $x_res = first(split 'x', $res);
- #- take the first available resolution <= the wanted resolution
- max map { if_($_->{X} <= $x_res, $_->{X}) } @resolutions;
- };
- my @matching = grep { $_->{X} eq $x_res } @resolutions;
- my @Depths = map { $_->{Depth} } @matching;
- my $Depth = $resolution_wanted->{Depth};
- $Depth = $prefered_depth if !$Depth || !member($Depth, @Depths);
- $Depth = max(@Depths) if !$Depth || !member($Depth, @Depths);
- #- finding it in @resolutions (well @matching)
- #- (that way, we check it exists, and we get field "bios" for fbdev)
- my @default_resolutions = sort { $b->{Y} <=> $a->{Y} } grep { $_->{Depth} eq $Depth } @matching;
- my $default_resolution = (find { $resolution_wanted->{Y} eq $_->{Y} } @default_resolutions) || $default_resolutions[0];
- $default_resolution, @resolutions;
-sub configure {
- my ($in, $raw_X, $card, $monitors, $b_auto) = @_;
- my ($default_resolution, @resolutions) = choices($raw_X, $raw_X->get_resolution, $card, $monitors);
- if ($b_auto) {
- #- use $default_resolution
- if ($card->{Driver} eq 'fglrx') {
- $default_resolution = first(find { $default_resolution->{Y} eq $_->{Y} && $_->{Depth} == 24 }
- $default_resolution, @resolutions);
- $default_resolution ||= first(find { $_->{Depth} == 24 } $default_resolution, @resolutions);
- }
- } elsif ($in->isa('interactive::gtk')) {
- $default_resolution = choose_gtk($in, $card, $default_resolution, @resolutions) or return;
- } else {
- $default_resolution = choose($in, $default_resolution, @resolutions) or return;
- }
- $raw_X->set_resolution($default_resolution);
- $default_resolution;
-sub configure_auto_install {
- my ($raw_X, $card, $monitors, $old_X) = @_;
- my $resolution_wanted = { X => $old_X->{resolution_wanted}, Depth => $old_X->{default_depth} };
- my ($default_resolution) = choices($raw_X, $resolution_wanted, $card, $monitors);
- $default_resolution or die "you selected an unusable depth";
- $raw_X->set_resolution($default_resolution);
- $default_resolution;
-sub choose_gtk {
- my ($in, $card, $default_resolution, @resolutions) = @_;
- my ($chosen_x_res, $chosen_y_res, $chosen_Depth) = @$default_resolution{'X', 'Y', 'Depth'};
- $chosen_x_res ||= 640;
- my %x_res2depth; push @{$x_res2depth{$_->{X}}}, $_->{Depth} foreach @resolutions;
- my %depth2x_res; push @{$depth2x_res{$_->{Depth}}}, $_->{X} foreach @resolutions;
- require ugtk2;
- ugtk2->import(qw(:create :helpers :wrappers));
- my $W = ugtk2->new(N("Resolution"));
- my %monitor_images_x_res = do {
- my @l = qw(640 800 1024 1152 1280 1400 1600 1920 2048);
- my %h = map { $_ => ugtk2::_find_imgfile("monitor-$_.png") } @l;
- #- for the other, use the biggest smaller
- foreach my $x_res (uniq map { $_->{X} } @resolutions) {
- my $x_res_ = max(grep { $_ <= $x_res } @l);
- $h{$x_res} ||= $h{$x_res_};
- }
- %h;
- };
- my ($depth_combo, $x_res_combo) = (Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text, Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text);
- my $pix_colors = Gtk2::Image->new;
- my $set_chosen_Depth_image = sub {
- $pix_colors->set_from_file(ugtk2::_find_imgfile(
- $chosen_Depth >= 24 ? "colors.png" :
- $chosen_Depth >= 15 ? "colors16.png" : "colors8.png"));
- };
- my $set_chosen_Depth = sub {
- $chosen_Depth = $_[0];
- $depth_combo->entry->set_text(translate($depth2text{$chosen_Depth}));
- $set_chosen_Depth_image->();
- };
- my $pixmap_mo = Gtk2::Image->new;
- my $set_chosen_x_res = sub {
- $chosen_x_res = $_[0];
- if ($_[1]) {
- $chosen_y_res = $_[1];
- } else {
- #- take one
- my $one = find { $_->{X} eq $chosen_x_res } @resolutions;
- $chosen_y_res = $one->{Y};
- }
- my $image = $monitor_images_x_res{$chosen_x_res} or internal_error("no image for resolution $chosen_x_res");
- $pixmap_mo->set_from_file($image);
- $x_res_combo->entry->set_text($chosen_x_res . "x" . $chosen_y_res);
- };
- $set_chosen_x_res->($chosen_x_res, $chosen_y_res);
- my $help_sub = $in->interactive_help_sub_display_id('configureX_resolution');
- gtkadd($W->{window},
- gtkpack_($W->create_box_with_title(N("Choose the resolution and the color depth"),
- if_($card->{BoardName}, "(" . N("Graphics card: %s", $card->{BoardName}) . ")"),
- ),
- 1, gtkpack2(new Gtk2::VBox(0,0),
- gtkpack2__(new Gtk2::VBox(0, 15),
- $pixmap_mo,
- gtkpack2(new Gtk2::HBox(0,0),
- create_packtable({ col_spacings => 5, row_spacings => 5 },
- [ $x_res_combo, new Gtk2::Label("") ],
- [ $depth_combo, gtkadd(gtkset_shadow_type(new Gtk2::Frame, 'etched_out'), $pix_colors) ],
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 0, gtkadd($W->create_okcancel(N("Ok"), N("Cancel"), '', if_($help_sub, [ N("Help"), $help_sub, 1 ]))),
- ));
- $depth_combo->set_popdown_strings(map { translate($depth2text{$_}) } ikeys %depth2x_res);
- $depth_combo->entry->set_size_request(220, -1);
- $depth_combo->entry->signal_connect(changed => sub {
- my %txt2depth = reverse %depth2text;
- my $s = $depth_combo->entry->get_text;
- $chosen_Depth = $txt2depth{untranslate($s, keys %txt2depth)};
- $set_chosen_Depth_image->();
- if (!member($chosen_x_res, @{$depth2x_res{$chosen_Depth}})) {
- $set_chosen_x_res->(max(@{$depth2x_res{$chosen_Depth}}));
- }
- });
- $x_res_combo->set_popdown_strings(uniq map { "$_->{X}x$_->{Y}" } sort { $a->{X} <=> $b->{X} } @resolutions);
- $x_res_combo->entry->signal_connect(changed => sub {
- $set_chosen_x_res->($1, $2) if $x_res_combo->entry->get_text =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/;
- if (!member($chosen_Depth, @{$x_res2depth{$chosen_x_res}})) {
- $set_chosen_Depth->(max(@{$x_res2depth{$chosen_x_res}}));
- }
- });
- $set_chosen_x_res->($chosen_x_res);
- $set_chosen_Depth->($chosen_Depth);
- $W->{ok}->grab_focus;
- $W->main or return;
- find { $_->{X} == $chosen_x_res &&
- $_->{Y} == $chosen_y_res &&
- $_->{Depth} == $chosen_Depth } @resolutions;