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index : drakx | |
Mageia Installer and base platform for many utilities | Thierry Vignaud [tv] |
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my %l;
my ($date, $user, $file);
local $_;
while (<>) {
if (my $e = /^description:/ .. /^={77}/) {
next if $e == 1 || $e =~ /E0/;
if (/^-{28}/ .. /^date: /) {
if (/^date: (\S+)\s.*author: (\S+);/) {
($date, $user) = ($1, $2);
} elsif (!/^branches: / && !/file .* was initially added on branch/ && !/empty log message/ && !/no_comment/) {
$l{$date}{$user}{$file} .= $_;
} elsif (/Working file: (.*)/) {
$file = $1;
my %users;
foreach my $date (reverse sort keys %l) {
foreach my $user (sort keys %{$l{$date}}) {
next if $ENV{AUTHOR} && $ENV{AUTHOR} ne $user;
my $fuser = $users{$user} || $user;
print "$date $fuser\n\n";
my %inv;
while (my ($file, $log) = each %{$l{$date}{$user}}) {
$log =~ s/^\s+( \*)?//ms;
$log =~ s/\s+$//ms;
$log = "\n$log" if $log =~ /^-/;
push @{$inv{$log}}, $file;
foreach my $log (keys %inv) {
my $line = join(', ', @{$inv{$log}}) . ($log !~ /^\(/ && ':') . " $log";
print "\t* ", join("\n\t", auto_fill($line, 72)), "\n\n";
sub auto_fill {
my ($line, $col) = @_;
map {
my @l;
my $l = '';
$_ = " $_" if /^-/;
while ($_) {
my $m = "$l$1$2";
if (length $m > $col) {
push @l, $l;
$l = $2;
} else {
$l = $m
@l, $l;
} split("\n", $line);
%users = (
'abiro' => 'Arpad Biro <biro_arpad at yahoo.com>',
'adelorbeau' => 'Arnaud de Lorbeau <adelorbeau at mandrakesoft.com>',
'adesmons' => 'Arnaud Desmons',
'aginies' => 'Antoine Ginies <aginies at mandrakesoft.com> ',
'alafox' => 'Alice Lafox <alice at lafox.com.ua>',
'alemaire' => 'Aur�lien Lemaire',
'alus' => 'Arkadiusz Lipiec <alipiec at elka.pw.edu.pl>',
'amaury' => 'Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie',
'baudens' => 'David Baudens <baudens at mandrakesoft.com>',
'camille' => 'Camille B�gnis <camille at mandrakesoft.com>',
'cbelisle' => 'Christian Belisle',
'chmou' => 'Chmouel Boudjnah',
'chmouel' => 'Chmouel Boudjnah',
'croy' => 'Christian Roy <croy at mandrakesoft.com>',
'damien' => 'dam\'s <dams at idm.fr>',
'daouda' => 'Daouda Lo <daouda at mandrakesoft.com>',
'dchaumette' => 'Damien Chaumette <dchaumette at mandrakesoft.com>',
'dindinx' => 'David odin',
'drdrake' => 'Dovix <dovix2003 at yahoo.com>',
'erwan' => 'Erwan Velu <erwan at mandrakesoft.com>',
'fabman' => 'Fabian Mandelbaum <fabman at 2vias.com.ar>',
'fcrozat' => 'Frederic Crozat <fcrozat at mandrakesoft.com>',
'flepied' => 'Frederic Lepied <flepied at mandrakesoft.com>',
'florin' => 'Florin Grad <florin at mandrakesoft.com>',
'fpons' => 'Fan�ois Pons',
'fred' => 'Frederic Bastok',
'fwang' => 'Funda Wang <fundawang at linux.net.cn>',
'gb' => 'Gwenole Beauchesne <gbeauchesne at mandrakesoft.com>',
'gbeauchesne' => 'Gwenole Beauchesne <gbeauchesne at mandrakesoft.com>',
'gc' => 'Guillaume Cottenceau <gc at mandrakesoft.com>',
'hilbert' => '(Hilbert) <h at mandrake.org>',
'install' => 'DrakX <install at mandrakesoft.com>',
'jdanjou' => 'Julien Danjou',
'jjorge' => 'Jos� JORGE <jjorge at free.fr>',
'jpomerleau' => 'Joel Pomerleau',
'keld' => 'Keld J�rn Simonsen <keld at dkuug.dk>',
'lmontel' => 'Laurent Montel <lmontel at mandrakesoft.com>',
'mscherer' => 'Michael Scherer <mscherer at mandrake.org>',
'nplanel' => 'Nicolas Planel <nplanel at mandrakesoft.com>',
'oblin' => 'Olivier Blin <oblin at mandrakesoft.com>',
'othauvin' => 'Olivier Thauvin <thauvin at aerov.jussieu.fr>',
'pablo' => 'Pablo Saratxaga <pablo at mandrakesoft.com>',
'peroyvind' => 'Per �yvind Karlsen <peroyvind at linux-mandrake.com>',
'phetroy' => 'Philippe Libat',
'philippe' => 'Philippe Libat',
'prigaux' => 'Pixel <pixel at mandrakesoft.com>',
'quintela' => 'Juan Quintela <quintela at mandrakesoft.com>',
'rchaillat' => 'Renaud Chaillat',
'rdalverny' => 'Romain d\'Alverny <rdalverny at mandrakesoft.com>',
'redhog' => 'RedHog',
'reinouts' => 'Reinout van Schouwen <reinout at cs.vu.nl>',
'rgarciasuarez' => 'Rafael Garcia-Suarez <rgarciasuarez at mandrakesoft.com>',
'rvojta' => 'Robert Vojta <robert.vojta at mandrake.cz>',
'sbenedict' => 'Stew Benedict <sbenedict at mandrakesoft.com>',
'sdetilly' => 'Sylvain de Tilly',
'siegel' => 'Stefan Siegel <siegel at linux-mandrake.com>',
'tbacklund' => 'Thomas Backlund <tmb at mandrake.org>',
'tkamppeter' => 'Till Kamppeter <till at mandrakesoft.com>',
'tpittich' => 'Tibor Pittich <Tibor.Pittich at phuture.sk>',
'tsdgeos ' => 'Albert Astals Cid <astals11 at terra.es>',
'tv' => 'Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud at mandrakesoft.com>',
'tvignaud' => 'Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud at mandrakesoft.com>',
'uid524' => 'Chmouel Boudjnah',
'vdanen' => 'Vincent Danen <vdanen at mandrakesoft.com>',
'vguardiola' => 'Vincent Guardiola <vguardiola at mandrakesoft.com>',
'warly' => 'Warly <warly at mandrakesoft.com>',
'yduret' => 'Yves Duret',
'yoann' => 'Yoann Vandoorselaere',
'yrahal' => 'Youcef Rabah Rahal <rahal at arabeyes.org>',