path: root/rescue/tree/usr/sbin
diff options
authorColin Guthrie <>2013-12-02 23:40:22 +0000
committerColin Guthrie <>2013-12-07 18:32:06 +0000
commite7aedc3aa7e08f3337c86085c6da10ca83445024 (patch)
tree4005be196198d60c655e345d43fef926bbac6702 /rescue/tree/usr/sbin
parent2ad4c4fc0b990dd0db23cdee815ac2a13c60929d (diff)
rescue: Move files around and introduce proper dep tracking.
This moves any perl files into bin and sbin folders which will be directly installed in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin. This is done such that the extract modes in list.xml still work and the files end up in the right places. All other files have been moved into the tree folder in their final destination.
Diffstat (limited to 'rescue/tree/usr/sbin')
5 files changed, 532 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/diskdrake-resize b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/diskdrake-resize
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..88372aac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/diskdrake-resize
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
+use devices;
+use log;
+use resize_fat::main;
+use diskdrake::resize_ntfs;
+use diskdrake::resize_ext2;
+my ($device, $fs_type, $size) = @ARGV
+ or die "usage: $0 <device> <fs type> <size>\n";
+my %fs_pkgs = (
+ vfat => 'resize_fat::main',
+ ntfs => 'diskdrake::resize_ntfs',
+ ext2 => 'diskdrake::resize_ext2',
+ ext3 => 'diskdrake::resize_ext2',
+ ext4 => 'diskdrake::resize_ext2',
+my $resize_pkg = $fs_pkgs{$fs_type}
+ or die "no support for $fs_type type\n";
+log::l("resizing $device to $size");
+my $resize = $resize_pkg->new($device, devices::make($device))
+ or die "unable to initialize resize\n";
diff --git a/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/genpasswd b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/genpasswd
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2f129673d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/genpasswd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+use strict;
+system "stty -echo";
+print STDERR "Give a password for ssh access: ";
+chomp(my $word = <STDIN>);
+print STDERR "\n";
+system "stty echo";
+my @salt = ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64];
+print crypt($word, join('', @salt));
+print "\n";
diff --git a/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/grabjournallogs b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/grabjournallogs
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ef2ea4a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/grabjournallogs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+if ! mountpoint -q /mnt ; then
+ echo "I do not seem to see a Mageia install mounted on /mnt. You need to mount it first!" >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -f /mnt/etc/machine-id ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find machine-id file (/mnt/etc/machine-id)" >&2
+ exit 1
+MID=$(cat /mnt/etc/machine-id)
+echo "Found machine-id: $MID"
+if [ ! -d /mnt/var/log/journal/$MID ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find journal log directory (/mnt/var/log/journal/<machine-id>)" >&2
+ exit 1
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ NEWTIMEFRAME=$(( 0 + $1 ))
+ if [ $NEWTIMEFRAME -gt 0 ]; then
+ fi
+SINCE="$(LC_ALL=c date --date=$TIMEFRAME' hours ago' +'%F %T')"
+echo "Will collect logs from the last $TIMEFRAME hour(s)"
+echo " NB give numeric argument to override capture period"
+TEMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/grabjournallogs.XXXXXX)
+echo -n "Extracting logs... "
+journalctl -D /mnt/var/log/journal/$MID --since "$SINCE" -o short >$TEMPFILE
+echo "done"
+if [ $(cat $TEMPFILE | wc -l) -lt 2 ]; then
+ rm -f $TEMPFILE
+ echo >&2
+ echo "Cannot find any logs. Consider increasing the capture period by passing a" >&2
+ echo "numeric argument larger than $TIMEFRAME." >&2
+ exit 1
+echo -n "Compressing logs... "
+cat $TEMPFILE | xz >/journallogs.xz
+rm -f $TEMPFILE
+echo "done"
+echo "Your logs have been extracted to the file 'journallogs.xz'"
diff --git a/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/ b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f4f904f3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+setterm -powersave off
+setterm -blank 0
+if [ -r ./ ]; then
+ . ./
+elif [ -r /usr/lib/ ]; then
+ . /usr/lib/
+export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
+function read_config()
+ if [ -r "$images_config" ]; then
+ . $images_config
+ fi
+function image_list()
+ list=$(cat $images | awk -F',' \
+ '{ print $1 " " $2 " " $4 }')
+ echo $list
+function image_file()
+ country="$1"
+ file=$(grep ^$country $images | awk -F',' '{ print $3 }')
+ echo $file
+function welcome()
+ while true; do
+ clear
+ msg="\n Welcome to $TITLE\n\
+\nThe following images were found, select one:\n "
+ opcao=$(dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$TITLE" \
+ --stdout --radiolist "$msg" 0 0 0 \
+ $(image_list))
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ _yesno "\nInterrupt installation?\n "
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+ _shutdown
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ -z "$opcao" ]; then
+ continue
+ else
+ image=$(image_file $opcao)
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ # disable kernel messages in the console
+ echo "1 4 1 7" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
+function install_warning()
+ if [ -n "${win32_part_dev}" ]; then
+ warn_msg="Windows installation detected.\nWe will set it up as dual boot. \
+You may lose some data.\nPlease backup before proceeding."
+ else
+ warn_msg="WARNING: This process will erase all data in this machine, \
+do you want to continue?"
+ fi
+ clear
+ _yesno "\n$warn_msg\n"
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ _shutdown
+ fi
+function detect_root()
+ inst_source_dev=$(awk "\$2 == \"$restore_media\" { print \$1 }" /proc/mounts | sed -e 's/[0-9]$//')
+ inst_source_dev=${inst_source_dev#/dev/}
+ devices=$(grep "^ .*[^0-9]$" < /proc/partitions | grep -v ${inst_source_dev} | awk '$3 > '$MIN_DISKSIZE' { print $4,$3 }')
+ if [ -z "${devices}" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ devs_found=$(($(echo $devices | wc -w)/2))
+ root_data=$(detect_win32 ${inst_source_dev})
+ if [ -z "${root_data}" ]; then
+ if [ "$devs_found" -gt "1" ]; then
+ if [ -n "${inst_source_dev}" ]; then
+ opcao=$(dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$TITLE" --stdout --menu 'Choose one of the detected devices to restore to (check the blocks size column first):' 8 50 0 $devices )
+ if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+ _yesno "\nInterrupt installation?\n "
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
+ _shutdown
+ fi
+ else
+ root_data=${opcao}
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ root_data=$(echo ${devices} | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo ${root_data}
+function detect_win32()
+ # from detect_root()
+ skip_dev=${1}
+ # win32 detection won't handle complex layouts
+ if [ $(fdisk -l | grep "^/dev/" | grep -v ${skip_dev} | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then
+ exit
+ fi
+ # get the last created windows partition information
+ set -f
+ device=$(fdisk -l | grep "^/dev/" | grep -v ${skip_dev} | grep -e "FAT\|NTFS\|HPFS" | tail -1 | sed 's/ .*$//')
+ set +f
+ if [ -z "${device}" ]; then
+ exit
+ fi
+ # it might be needed, for safety
+ device_type=$(blkid -o value -s TYPE ${device})
+ modprobe ${device_type}
+ # df for that partition
+ mount ${device} /mnt
+ size=$(df ${device} | tail -1)
+ umount /mnt
+ # its diskspace
+ used=$(echo ${size} | awk '{ print $3 }')
+ left=$(echo ${size} | awk '{ print $4 }')
+ avail=$((${left}/2))
+ if [ ! ${avail} -lt ${MIN_DISKSIZE} ]; then
+ win32_part_dev=${device}
+ win32_part_type=${device_type}
+ # our install takes half of 'left'
+ win32_part_new_size=$((${used}+${avail}))
+ dev=${win32_part_dev#/dev/}
+ disk=${dev%[0-9]}
+ number=${dev#[a-w][a-w][a-w]}
+ let number++
+ echo ${disk}${number} ${win32_part_dev} ${win32_part_type} ${win32_part_new_size}
+ fi
+function resize_win32()
+ device=${1}
+ device_type=${2}
+ new_win32_size=${3}
+ dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$TITLE" --infobox "\nResizing Windows partition...\n" 4 55
+ dev=${device#/dev/}
+ disk=${dev%[0-9]}
+ win32_number=${dev#[a-w][a-w][a-w]}
+ case ${device_type} in
+ vfat) device_id=b ;;
+ ntfs) device_id=7 ;;
+ hpfs) device_id=87 ;;
+ esac
+ # wrapper around libdrakx by blino
+ diskdrake-resize ${device} ${device_type} $((${new_win32_size}*2)) &>/dev/null
+ # we need some free sector here, rebuilding layout
+ fdisk /dev/${disk} &>/dev/null <<EOF
+ # adds linux partition to the end of the working disk
+ fdisk /dev/${disk} &>/dev/null <<EOF
+function detect_device()
+ dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$TITLE" --infobox "\nTrying to detect your root partition and disk...\n" 4 55
+ root_data=$(detect_root)
+ if [ -z "${root_data}" ]; then
+ _msgbox "\nError writing image: disk device not detected.\n"
+ # so that netbooks using USB sticks as disks can retry (like Gdium)
+ welcome
+ root_data=$(detect_root)
+ fi
+ set ${root_data}
+ root=$1
+ win32_part_dev=$2
+ win32_part_type=$3
+ win32_part_new_size=$4
+function write_image()
+ if [ -n "${win32_part_dev}" ]; then
+ resize_win32 ${win32_part_dev} ${win32_part_type} ${win32_part_new_size}
+ fi
+ image=$(cat $images_dir/list | cut -d ',' -f 3)
+ extension=${image/*./}
+ imagesize=$(ls -l $images_dir/$image | awk '{ print $5 }')
+ case $extension in
+ gz)
+ uncomp=zcat
+ total=$(gzip -l $images_dir/$image | tail -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
+ ;;
+ bz2)
+ uncomp=bzcat
+ total=$((imagesize * 3))
+ ;;
+ *)
+ uncomp=cat
+ total=$imagesize
+ ;;
+ esac
+ skipstart=/bin/true
+ if [ -n "$win32_part_dev" ]; then
+ skipstart='dd of=/dev/null bs=1 count=32256'
+ fi
+ # the actual dumping command, from image to disk
+ ${uncomp} ${images_dir}/${image} | (${skipstart} &>/dev/null; dd bs=4M of=/dev/${root} >/tmp/backup.out 2>&1>>/tmp/log) &
+ sleep 3
+ pid=$(ps ax | grep 'dd bs=4M of' | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ while [ true ]; do
+ ps | grep -q $pid
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ /bin/kill -SIGUSR1 $pid
+ complete=$(tail -n 1 /tmp/backup.out | awk '{ print $1 }')
+ echo $((complete*100/total))
+ sleep 1
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done | dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$TITLE" --gauge "\nWriting image..." 8 45
+ in=$(tail -n 3 /tmp/backup.out | grep 'in$' | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ out=$(tail -n 3 /tmp/backup.out | grep 'out$' | cut -d' ' -f1)
+ if [ x"$in" != x"$out" ]; then
+ _msgbox "\nError writing image!\n"
+ sleep 24h
+ fi
+ # Now re-read the partition table because 'dd' might have changed it
+ sfdisk -R /dev/${root}
+function grub_setup()
+ root=${1}
+ grub_dir=${2}
+ # install the bootloader
+ grub <<EOF
+device (hd0) /dev/${root%[0-9]}
+root (hd0,1)
+setup (hd0)
+ # change the partition order and boot timeout accordingly
+ sed -i 's/(hd0,0)/(hd0,1)/g;/^timeout/s/$/0/' ${grub_dir}/menu.lst
+ # dualboot configuration for grub
+ cat >> ${grub_dir}/menu.lst <<EOF
+title Microsoft Windows
+root (hd0,0)
+chainloader +1
+function expand_fs()
+ if [ -z "$win32_part_dev" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$MAIN_PART_NUMBER" ]; then
+ part_number=$MAIN_PART_NUMBER
+ else
+ part_number=1
+ fi
+ root=${root%[0-9]}$part_number
+ fi
+ filesystem_type=$(dumpe2fs -h /dev/${root} 2>/dev/null| grep "Filesystem OS type" | awk '{ print $4 }')
+ if [ "${filesystem_type}" = "Linux" ]; then
+ dialog --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$TITLE" --infobox "Finishing Install... Expanding ${root}" 3 40
+ disk=/dev/${root%[0-9]}
+ main_part=/dev/${root}
+ # FIXME: absurdly dirty hack
+ main_part_num=${root:3}
+ swap_part_num=$((main_part_num+1))
+ swap_part=${disk}${swap_part_num}
+ main_part_sectors=
+ if [ -n "$SWAP_BLOCKS" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$EXPAND_FS" ]; then
+ total_blocks=$(sfdisk -s $disk)
+ main_part_blocks=$((total_blocks-SWAP_BLOCKS))
+ main_part_sectors=$((main_part_blocks*2))
+ else
+ main_part_sectors=$(sfdisk -d $disk | perl -lne 'm|^'$main_part'\b.*,\s*size\s*=\s*(\d+)\b| and print($1), exit')
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$SWAP_BLOCKS" ]; then
+ parted $disk -- mkpartfs primary linux-swap ${main_part_sectors}s -1s yes
+ mkswap -L swap $swap_part
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$EXPAND_FS" ]; then
+ e2fsck -fy $main_part
+ fdisk $disk << EOF
+ sfdisk -R $disk
+ e2fsck -fy $main_part
+ resize2fs $main_part
+ fi
+ mkdir -p $mnt_dir
+ mount $main_part $mnt_dir
+ grub_dir="$mnt_dir/boot/grub"
+ if [ -d "$grub_dir" ]; then
+ echo "(hd0) $disk" > "$grub_dir/"
+ if [ -n "$win32_part_dev" ]; then
+ grub_setup ${root} ${grub_dir}
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$MKINITRD" ]; then
+ mount -t sysfs none "$mnt_dir/sys"
+ mount -t proc none "$mnt_dir/proc"
+ chroot $mnt_dir bootloader-config --action rebuild-initrds
+ umount "$mnt_dir/sys"
+ umount "$mnt_dir/proc"
+ fi
+ umount $mnt_dir
+ fi
+# installation steps
+# all done!
+_msgbox "\nInstallation process finished.\nPress ENTER to shutdown.\n "
diff --git a/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/startssh b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/startssh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e14bb10e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rescue/tree/usr/sbin/startssh
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# test for an up interface != lo
+if test "x"`ifconfig | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep -v '^$' | grep -v lo` = "x"; then
+ echo "There is no up interface, you can try to execute 'drvinst' to find drivers and 'dhcp-client' to configure your interface for DHCP." >&2
+ exit 5
+# generate host keys
+mkdir -p /etc/dropbear
+[[ -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key ]] || dropbearkey -t dss -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key >/dev/null || { echo "Can't generate dsa host key" >&2 ; exit 4; }
+[[ -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key ]] || dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key >/dev/null || { echo "Can't generate rsa host key" >&2 ; exit 3; }
+# set a password
+if (( $? != 0 )); then
+ reset
+ exit $?
+sed -E -i -e 's/^root:[^:]*:/root:'"${passwd//\//\\/}"':/' /etc/passwd || { echo "Can't set password" >&2 ; exit 2; }
+# test for /dev/pts
+grep '^devpts /dev/pts devpts ' /proc/mounts >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
+echo ""
+echo -n "Starting ssh daemon... "
+dropbear -E 2>/var/log/dropbear.log && echo "OK" || { echo "Failed" ; exit 1; }