path: root/perl-install/standalone
diff options
authorThierry Vignaud <>2004-03-01 08:15:19 +0000
committerThierry Vignaud <>2004-03-01 08:15:19 +0000
commit20649b8aee281d00beef82fd7624f0f38babe57d (patch)
tree6a85de06383b2cc0daa864a33b93aa0187edbc8e /perl-install/standalone
parentfd88ae7391f493b186a58854241a5afc18e76788 (diff)
sanitize main explanation text (resizable, weight, margin, ...)
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/standalone')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/standalone/draksec b/perl-install/standalone/draksec
index 250398b26..082bfa761 100755
--- a/perl-install/standalone/draksec
+++ b/perl-install/standalone/draksec
@@ -64,7 +64,18 @@ sub wait_msg {
sub remove_wait_msg { $_[0]->destroy }
sub basic_seclevel_explanations() {
- my $text = gtkset_markup(Gtk2::WrappedLabel->new,
+ my $text = Gtk2::TextView->new;
+ use Gtk2::Pango;
+ my %common_opts = ('left-margin' => '10', 'right-margin' => '10');
+ gtktext_insert($text, [ map {
+ if (my ($title, $str) = m!<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">(.*)</span>(.*)!) {
+ if_($title, [ $title, { 'foreground' => 'royalblue3', 'weight' => Gtk2::Pango->PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, %common_opts } ]),
+ if_($str, [ $str . "\n\n", \%common_opts ]);
+ } else {
+ if_($_, [ "$_\n\n", \%common_opts ]);
+ }
+ } split("\n",
#-PO Do not alter the <span ..> and </span> tags
#-PO Translate the security levels (Poor, Standard, High, Higher and Paranoid) in the same way, you translated these individuals words
formatAlaTeX(N("Here, you can setup the security level and administrator of your machine.
@@ -100,8 +111,8 @@ your machine is only a client on the Internet, you should choose a lower level.
<span foreground=\"royalblue3\">Paranoid</span>: This is similar to the previous
level, but the system is entirely closed and security features are at their
- create_scrolled_window(gtkset_alignment($text, 0.5, 0.5), [ 'never', 'automatic' ]);
+maximum"))) ]);
+ create_scrolled_window($text, [ 'never', 'automatic' ]);
sub new_nonedit_combo {
'n221' href='#n221'>221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587
#- This file implement many common shell commands:
#- true, false, cat, which, dirname, basename, rmdir, lsmod, grep, tr,
#- mount, umount, mkdir, mknod, ln, rm, chmod, chown, mkswap, swapon,
#- swapoff, ls, cp, ps, dd, head, tail, strings, hexdump, more, insmod,
#- modprobe, route, df, kill, lspci, lssbus, dmesg, sort, du, 
package commands; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;
use vars qw($printable_chars);

#- misc imports
use MDK::Common::System;
use common;

#- Globals
my $BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;

#- Functions
sub getopts {
    my $o = shift;
    my @r = map { '' } (@_ = split //, $_[0]);
    while (1) {
	local $_ = $o->[0];
	$_ && /^-/ or return @r;
	for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) { /$_[$i]/ and $r[$i] = $_[$i]; }
	shift @$o;

sub true { exit 0 }
sub false { exit 1 }
sub cat { @ARGV = @_; print while <> }
sub which { ARG: foreach (@_) { foreach my $c (split /:/, $ENV{PATH}) { -x "$c/$_" and print("$c/$_\n"), next ARG; }}}
sub dirname_ { print dirname(@_), "\n" }
sub basename_ { print basename(@_), "\n" }
sub rmdir_ { foreach (@_) { rmdir $_ or die "rmdir: can't remove $_\n" } }
sub lsmod { print "Module                  Size  Used by\n"; cat("/proc/modules"); }

sub grep_ {
    my ($h, $v, $i) = getopts(\@_, qw(hvi));
    @_ == 0 || $h and die "usage: grep <regexp> [files...]\n";
    my $r = shift;
    $r = qr/$r/i if $i;
    @ARGV = @_; (/$r/ ? $v || print : $v && print) while <>;

sub tr_ {
    my ($s, $c, $d) = getopts(\@_, qw(s c d));
    @_ >= 1 + (!$d || $s) or die "usage: tr [-c] [-s [-d]] <set1> <set2> [files...]\n    or tr [-c] -d <set1> [files...]\n";
    my $set1 = shift;
    my $set2; !$d || $s and $set2 = shift;
    @ARGV = @_;
    eval "(tr/$set1/$set2/$s$d$c, print) while <>";

sub mount {
    @_ or return cat("/proc/mounts");
    my ($t, $r) = getopts(\@_, qw(tr));
    my $fs = $t && shift;

    @_ == 2 or die "usage: mount [-r] [-t <fs>] <device> <dir>\n",
    "       (use -r for readonly)\n",
    "       (if /dev/ is left off the device name, a temporary node will be created)\n";

    my ($dev, $where) = @_;
    $fs ||= $where =~ /:/ ? "nfs" :
            $dev =~ /fd/ ? "vfat" : "ext2";

    require fs;
    require modules;
    fs::mount($dev, $where, $fs, $r);

sub umount {
    @_ == 1 or die "umount expects a single argument\n";

    require fs;

sub mkdir_ {
    my ($rec) = getopts(\@_, qw(p));
    mkdir_p($_) foreach @_;

sub mknod {
    if (@_ == 1) {
	require devices;
	eval { devices::make($_[0]) }; $@ and die "mknod: failed to create $_[0]\n";
    } elsif (@_ == 4) {
	require c;
	my $mode = $ {{"b" => c::S_IFBLK(), "c" => c::S_IFCHR()}}{$_[1]} or die "unknown node type $_[1]\n";
	syscall_('mknod', my $a = $_[0], $mode | 0600, makedev($_[2], $_[3])) or die "mknod failed: $!\n";
    } else { die "usage: mknod <path> [b|c] <major> <minor> or mknod <path>\n"; }

sub ln {
    my ($force, $soft) = getopts(\@_, qw(fs));
    @_ >= 1 or die "usage: ln [-s] [-f] <source> [<dest>]\n";

    my ($source, $dest) = @_;
    $dest ||= basename($source);

    $force and unlink $dest;

    ($soft ? symlink($source, $dest) : link($source, $dest)) or die "ln failed: $!\n";

sub rm {
    my ($rec, undef) = getopts(\@_, qw(rf));

    my $rm; $rm = sub {
	foreach (@_) {
	    if (!-l $_ && -d $_) {
		$rec or die "$_ is a directory\n";
		rmdir $_ or die "can't remove directory $_: $!\n";
	    } else { unlink $_ or die "rm of $_ failed: $!\n" }

sub chmod_ {
    @_ >= 2 or die "usage: chmod <mode> <files>\n";

    my $mode = shift;
    $mode =~ /^[0-7]+$/ or die "illegal mode $mode\n";

    foreach (@_) { chmod oct($mode), $_ or die "chmod failed $_: $!\n" }

sub chown_ {
    my ($rec, undef) = getopts(\@_, qw(r));
    local $_ = shift or die "usage: chown [-r] name[.group] <files>\n";

    my ($name, $group) = (split('\.'), $_);

    my ($uid, $gid) = (getpwnam($name) || $name, getgrnam($group) || $group);

    my $chown; $chown = sub {
	foreach (@_) {
	    chown $uid, $gid, $_ or die "chown of file $_ failed: $!\n";
	    -d $_ && $rec and &$chown(glob_($_));

sub mkswap {
    @_ == 1 or die "mkswap <device>\n";
    require swap;
    swap::enable($_[0], 0);

sub swapon {
    @_ == 1 or die "swapon <file>\n";
    require swap;
sub swapoff {
    @_ == 1 or die "swapoff <file>\n";
    require swap;

sub uncpio {
    @_ and die "uncpio reads from stdin\n";

#    cpioInstallArchive(gzdopen(0, "r"), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &fail);

sub rights {
    my $r = '-' x 9;
    my @rights = (qw(x w r x w r x w r), ['t', 0], ['s', 3], ['s', 6]);
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @rights; $i++) {
	if (vec(pack("S", $_[0]), $i, 1)) {
	    my ($val, $place) = $i >= 9 ? @{$rights[$i]} : ($rights[$i], $i);
	    my $old = \substr($r, 8 - $place, 1);
	    $$old = ($$old eq '-' && $i >= 9) ? uc $val : $val;
    my @types = split //, "_pc_d_b_-_l_s";
    $types[$_[0] >> 12 & 0xf] . $r;

sub displaySize {
    my $m = $_[0] >> 12;
    $m == 4 || $m == 8 || $m == 10;

sub ls {
    my ($l , $h) = getopts(\@_, qw(lh));
    $h and die "usage: ls [-l] <files...>\n";

    @_ or @_ = '.';
    @_ == 1 && -d $_[0] and @_ = glob_($_[0]);
    foreach (sort @_) {
	if ($l) {
	    my @s = lstat or warn("can't stat file $_\n"), next;
"@<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @*\n",
		     rights($s[2]), getpwuid $s[4] || $s[4], getgrgid $s[5] || $s[5],
		     displaySize($s[2]) ? $s[7] : join(", ", unmakedev($s[6])),
		     scalar localtime $s[9], -l $_ ? "$_ -> " . readlink $_ : $_);
	    print $^A; $^A = '';
	} else { print "$_\n"; }
sub cp {
    my ($force) = getopts(\@_, qw(f));
    @_ >= 2 or die "usage: cp [-f] <sources> <dest>\n(this cp does -Rl by default)\n";

    my $cp; $cp = sub {
	my $dest = pop @_;

	@_ or return;
	@_ == 1 || -d $dest or die "cp: copying multiple files, but last argument ($dest) is not a directory\n";

	foreach my $src (@_) {
	    my $dest = $dest;
	    -d $dest and $dest .= "/" . basename($src);

	    if (-e $dest) {
		$force ? unlink $dest : die "file $dest already exist\n";

	    if (-d $src) {
		-d $dest or mkdir $dest, (stat($src))[2] or die "mkdir: can't create directory $dest: $!\n";
		&$cp(glob_($src), $dest);
	    } elsif (-l $src) {
		unless (symlink((readlink($src) || die "readlink failed: $!"), $dest)) {
		    my $msg = "symlink: can't create symlink $dest: $!\n";
		    $force ? warn $msg : die $msg;		    
	    } else {
		local (*F, *G);
		open F, $src or die "can't open $src for reading: $!\n";
		open G, "> $dest" or $force or die "can't create $dest : $!\n";
		local $_;
		while (<F>) { print G $_ }
		chmod((stat($src))[2], $dest);

sub ps {
    @_ and die "usage: ps\n";
    my ($pid, $rss, $cpu, $cmd);
    my ($uptime) = split ' ', first(cat_("/proc/uptime"));
    my $hertz = 100;

    require c;
    my $page = c::getpagesize() / 1024;

    open PS, ">&STDOUT";
    format PS_TOP =
    format PS =
@>>>> @>>>> @>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$pid, $rss, $cpu, $cmd
    foreach $pid (sort {$a <=> $b} grep { /\d+/ } all('/proc')) {
	 my @l = split(' ', cat_("/proc/$pid/stat"));
	 $cpu = sprintf "%2.1f", max(0, min(99, ($l[13] + $l[14]) * 100 / $hertz / ($uptime - $l[21] / $hertz)));
	 $rss = (split ' ', cat_("/proc/$pid/stat"))[23] * $page;
	 (($cmd) = cat_("/proc/$pid/cmdline")) =~ s/\0/ /g;
	 $cmd ||= (split ' ', (cat_("/proc/$pid/stat"))[0])[1];
	 write PS;

sub dd {
    my $u = "usage: dd [-h] [-p] [if=<file>] [of=<file>] [bs=<number>] [count=<number>]\n";
    my ($help, $percent) = getopts(\@_, qw(hp));
    die $u if $help;
    my %h = (if => *STDIN, of => *STDOUT, bs => 512, count => undef);
    foreach (@_) {
	/(.*?)=(.*)/ && exists $h{$1} or die $u;
	$h{$1} = $2;
    local (*IF, *OF); my ($tmp, $nb, $read);
    ref $h{if} eq 'GLOB' ? *IF = $h{if} : sysopen(IF, $h{if}, 0   ) || die "error: can't open file $h{if}\n";
    ref $h{of} eq 'GLOB' ? *OF = $h{of} : sysopen(OF, $h{of}, 0x41) || die "error: can't open file $h{of}\n";

    $h{bs} = removeXiBSuffix($h{bs});

    for ($nb = 0; !$h{count} || $nb < $h{count}; $nb++) {
	printf "\r%02.1d%%", 100 * $nb / $h{count} if $h{count} && $percent;
	$read = sysread(IF, $tmp, $h{bs}) or $h{count} ? die "error: can't read block $nb\n" : last;
	syswrite(OF, $tmp) or die "error: can't write block $nb\n";
	$read < $h{bs} and $read = 1, last;
    print STDERR "\r$nb+$read records in\n";
    print STDERR   "$nb+$read records out\n";

sub head_tail {
    my ($h, $n) = getopts(\@_, qw(hn));
    $h || @_ < to_bool($n) and die "usage: $0 [-h] [-n lines] [<file>]\n";
    $n = $n ? shift : 10;
    local *F; @_ ? open(F, $_[0]) || die "error: can't open file $_[0]\n" : (*F = *STDIN);

    local $_;
    if ($0 eq 'head') {
	while (<F>) { $n-- or return; print }
    } else {
	@_ = (); while (<F>) { push @_, $_; @_ > $n and shift; }
	print @_;
sub head { $0 = 'head'; &head_tail }
sub tail { $0 = 'tail'; &head_tail }

sub strings {
    my ($h, $o, $n) = getopts(\@_, qw(hon));
    $h and die "usage: strings [-o] [-n min-length] [<files>]\n";
    $n = $n ? shift : 4;
    $/ = "\0"; @ARGV = @_; my $l = 0; while (<>) {
	while (/[$printable_chars]{$n,}/og) {
	    printf "%07d ", ($l + length $') if $o;
	    print "$&\n" ;
	$l += length;
    } continue { $l = 0 if eof }

sub hexdump {
    my $i = 0; $/ = \16; @ARGV = @_; while (<>) {
	printf "%08lX  ", $i; $i += 16;
	print join(" ", (map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } unpack("C*", $_)),
		   ($_ =~ s/[^$printable_chars]/./og, $_)[1]), "\n";

sub more {
    @ARGV = @_;
    require devices;
    my $tty = devices::make('tty');
    local *IN; open IN, "<$tty" or die "can't open $tty\n";
    my $n = 0; while (<>) {
	if (++$n == 25) {
	    my $v = <IN>;
	    $v =~ /^q/ and exit 0;
	    $n = 0;

sub pack_ {
    my $t;
    foreach (@_) {
	if (-d $_) {
	} else {
	    print -s $_, "\n";
	    print $_, "\n";

	    local *F;
	    open F, $_ or die "can't read file $_: $!\n";
	    while (read F, $t, $BUFFER_SIZE) { print $t; }

sub unpack_ {
    my $t;
    @_ == 1 or die "give me one and only one file to unpack\n";
    local *F;
    open F, $_[0] or die "can't open file $_: $!\n";
    while (1) {
	my $size = chomp_(scalar <F>);
	defined $size or last;
	$size =~ /^\d+$/ or die "bad format (can't find file size)\n";
	my $filename = chomp_(scalar <F>) or die "expecting filename\n";

	print "$filename\n";
	my $dir = dirname($filename);
	-d $dir or mkdir_p($dir);

	local *G;
	open G, "> $filename" or die "can't write file $filename: $!\n";
	while ($size) {
	    $size -= read(F, $t, min($size, $BUFFER_SIZE)) || die "data for file $filename is missing\n";
	    print G $t or die "error writing to file $filename: $!\n";

sub insmod {
    my ($h) = getopts(\@_, qw(h));
    $h || @_ == 0 and die "usage: insmod <module> [options]\n";
    my $f = local $_ = shift;

    require run_program;

    #- try to install the module if it exist else extract it from archive.
    #- needed for cardmgr.
    unless (-r $f) {
	$_ = $1 if m@.*/([^/]*)\.o@;
	unless (-r ($f = "/lib/modules/$_.o")) {
	    $f = "/tmp/$_.o";
	    my $cz = "/lib/modules" . (arch() eq 'sparc64' && "64") . ".cz"; -e $cz or $cz .= "2";
	    if (-e $cz) {
		eval {
		    require packdrake;
		    my $packer = new packdrake($cz, quiet => 1);
		    $packer->extract_archive("/tmp", "$_.o");
	    } elsif (-e "/lib/modules.cpio.bz2") {
		run_program::run("cd /tmp ; $ENV{LD_LOADER} bzip2 -cd /lib/modules.cpio.bz2 | $ENV{LD_LOADER} cpio -i $_.o");
	    } else {
		die "unable to find an archive for modules";
    -r $f or die "can't find module $_";
    run_program::run(["/usr/bin/insmod_", "insmod"], "-f", $f, @_) or die("insmod $_ failed");
    unlink $f;

sub modprobe {
    my ($h) = getopts(\@_, qw(h));
    $h || @_ == 0 and die "usage: modprobe <module> [options]\n";
    my $name = shift;
    require modules;
    modules::load($name, '', @_);

sub route {
    @_ == 0 or die "usage: route\nsorry, no modification handled\n";
    my ($titles, @l) = cat_("/proc/net/route");
    my @titles = split ' ', $titles;
    my %l;
    open ROUTE, ">&STDOUT";
    format ROUTE_TOP =
Destination    Gateway        Mask           Iface
    format ROUTE =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<
$l{Destination}, $l{Gateway}, $l{Mask}, $l{Iface}
    foreach (@l) {
	/^\s*$/ and next;
	@l{@titles} = split;
	$_ = join ".", reverse map { hex } unpack "a2a2a2a2", $_ foreach @l{qw(Destination Gateway Mask)};
	$l{Destination} = 'default' if $l{Destination} eq "";
	$l{Gateway}     = '*'       if $l{Gateway}     eq "";
	write ROUTE;

sub df {
    my ($h) = getopts(\@_, qw(h));
    my ($dev, $size, $free, $used, $use, $mntpoint);
    open DF, ">&STDOUT";
    format DF_TOP =
Filesystem          Size      Used    Avail     Use  Mounted on
    format DF =
@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>>> @>>>>>% @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
$dev, $size, $used, $free, $use, $mntpoint
    my %h;
    foreach (cat_("/proc/mounts"), cat_("/etc/mtab")) {
	($dev, $mntpoint) = split;
	$h{$dev} = $mntpoint;
    foreach $dev (sort keys %h) {
	($size, $free) = MDK::Common::System::df($mntpoint = $h{$dev});
	$size or next;

	$use = int (100 * ($size - $free) / $size);
	$used = $size - $free;
	if ($h) {
	    $used = int ($used / 1024) . "M";
	    $size = int ($size / 1024) . "M";
	    $free = int ($free / 1024) . "M";
	write DF if $size;

sub kill {
    my $signal = 15;
    @_ or die "usage: kill [-<signal>] pids\n";
    $signal = (shift, $1)[1] if $_[0] =~ /^-(.*)/;
    kill $signal, @_ or die "kill failed: $!\n";

sub lspci {
    require detect_devices;
    print join "\n", detect_devices::stringlist(1), '';
*lssbus = *lspci;

sub dmesg { print cat_("/tmp/syslog"); }

sub sort {
    my ($n, $h) = getopts(\@_, qw(nh));
    $h and die "usage: sort [-n] [<file>]\n";
    local *F; @_ ? open(F, $_[0]) || die "error: can't open file $_[0]\n" : (*F = *STDIN);
    if ($n) {
	print sort { $a <=> $b } <F>;
    } else {
	print sort <F>;

sub du {
    my ($s, $h) = getopts(\@_, qw(sh));
    $h || !$s and die "usage: du -s [<directories>]\n";

    my $f; $f = sub {
	my ($e) = @_;
	my $s = (lstat($e))[12];
	$s += sum(map { &$f($_) } glob_("$e/*")) if !-l $e && -d $e;
    print &$f($_) >> 1, "\t$_\n" foreach @_ ? @_ : glob_("*");

sub  install_cpio($$;@) {
    my ($dir, $name, @more) = @_; 

    return "$dir/$name" if -e "$dir/$name";

    my $cpio = "$dir.cpio.bz2";
    -e $cpio or return;

    eval { rm("-r", $dir) };
    mkdir $dir, 0755;
    require run_program;
    my $more = join " ", map { $_ && "$_ $_/*" } @more;
    run_program::run("cd $dir ; $ENV{LD_LOADER} bzip2 -cd $cpio | $ENV{LD_LOADER} cpio -id $name $name/* $more");


sub bug {
    my ($h) = getopts(\@_, "h");
    $h and die "usage: bug\nput file report.bug on fat formatted floppy\n";

    require detect_devices;
    mount devices::make(detect_devices::floppy()), "/fd0";

    require install_any;
    output("/fd0/report.bug", install_any::report_bug("/mnt")); #- no other way :-(
    umount "/fd0";

sub loadkeys {
    my ($h) = getopts(\@_, "h");
    $h || @_ != 1 and die "usage: loadkeys <keyboard>\n";

    require keyboard;

sub sync { common::sync() }

#- Wonderful perl :(
1; #