path: root/perl-install/standalone/icons/harddrake2/svg/hw-keyboard.svg
diff options
authorTimothée Giet <>2016-02-28 16:29:05 +0100
committerTimothée Giet <>2016-02-28 16:29:05 +0100
commitcaf65c4a9b306be5cf8b1ce7a15e282d807556be (patch)
tree19db1e7ca9952bdc2f55bfe5ed8202caa858a1f2 /perl-install/standalone/icons/harddrake2/svg/hw-keyboard.svg
parent89593f9438ccf493ba12b9e99c5bcfad1b9193dd (diff)
new icons for harddrake categoriesuser/animtim/designWork
new icons for harddrake categories
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/standalone/icons/harddrake2/svg/hw-keyboard.svg')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/standalone/icons/harddrake2/svg/hw-keyboard.svg b/perl-install/standalone/icons/harddrake2/svg/hw-keyboard.svg
new file mode 100644
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