path: root/perl-install/standalone/draknet
diff options
authordamien <>2001-02-14 09:17:12 +0000
committerdamien <>2001-02-14 09:17:12 +0000
commit988176a9d2fc2e85b4ea273b9af6454db178ba28 (patch)
treed292001380a030a5cda39467841821fe2cd89689 /perl-install/standalone/draknet
parent8e3ba0f533b6169fd5923256e8db1096335be3b3 (diff)
wireless updated
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/standalone/draknet')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/standalone/draknet b/perl-install/standalone/draknet
index bba893e0e..c21682c41 100755
--- a/perl-install/standalone/draknet
+++ b/perl-install/standalone/draknet
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
use interactive;
use standalone;
use netconnect;
+use common qw(:common :file :functional :system);
use c;
$::isEmbedded = ($::XID, $::CCPID) = "@ARGV" =~ /--embedded (\w+) (\w+)/;
@@ -59,8 +60,9 @@ $::wizard_xpm = "/usr/share/pixmaps/internet.xpm";
my $in = vnew interactive('su');
-#$::isEmbedded or goto dd;
+$::isEmbedded or goto dd;
netconnect::read_net_conf('', $netcnx, $netc);
+any::setup_thiskind($in, 'net', !$::expert, 1);
my @all_cards = netconnect::conf_network_card_backend ('', $netc, $intf, undef, undef, undef, undef);
netconnect::load_conf('', $netcnx, $netc, $intf);
@@ -134,16 +136,18 @@ $vbox1->pack_start($frame2,1,1,0);
+my $vbox2 = new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
my $clist1 = new_with_titles Gtk::CList(_("Adapter"), _("Interface"), _("IP address"), _("Protocole"), _("Driver"));
$clist1->set_column_width (2, 80);
$clist1->set_column_width (4, 60);
+$vbox2->pack_start($clist1, 0, 0, 0);
-any::setup_thiskind($in, 'net', !$::expert, 1);
-my @eth_infos;
foreach (0..$#all_cards) {
$clist1->append($_+1, "eth$_", $intf->{"eth$_"}{IPADDR}, $intf->{"eth$_"}{BOOTPROTO}, $all_cards[$_]->[1]);
+$clist1->set_selectable($_, 0);
# $table2->attach(new Gtk::Label(_("Network adaptater n�%s", $_+1) . " (eth$_):"), 0, 1, $i, $i+1, 'fill', 'fill',0,0);
# $table2->attach(new Gtk::Label($intf->{"eth${_}"}{IPADDR} . " (" . $intf->{"eth${_}"}{BOOTPROTO} . ")"), 1, 2, $i, $i+1, 'fill', 'fill',0,0);
# $netc->{NET_DEVICE} eq "eth$_" and $table2->attach( _("connected to internet by %s", $netcnx->{type}), 2, 3, $i, $i+1, 'fill', 'fill',0,0);
@@ -154,6 +158,11 @@ $clist1->append($_+1, "eth$_", $intf->{"eth$_"}{IPADDR}, $intf->{"eth$_"}{BOOTPR
print "-----\n";
+my $button3 = new Gtk::Button(_("Configure..."));
+$button3->signal_connect( clicked => [ \&configure_lan, '', $netcnx, $netc, $intf]);
+$vbox2->pack_start($button3, 0, 0, 5);
# my $label9 = new Gtk::Label(_("Network adaptater 1 (eth0):"));
# $table2->attach($label9, 0, 1, 0, 1, 'fill', 'fill',0,0);
# my $label10 = new Gtk::Label(_("isdn_internal"));
@@ -208,6 +217,13 @@ sub update {
$label_host->set ($h);
$label6->set($netcnx->{type} eq 'lan' ? $netc->{GATEWAY} : $netc->{NET_INTERFACE});
+ $clist1->freeze();
+ $clist1->clear();
+ foreach (0..$#all_cards) {
+ $clist1->append($_+1, "eth$_", $intf->{"eth$_"}{IPADDR}, $intf->{"eth$_"}{BOOTPROTO}, $all_cards[$_]->[1]);
+ $clist1->set_selectable($_, 0);
+ }
+ $clist1->thaw();
sub get_profiles {
@@ -228,6 +244,89 @@ sub quit_global {
$::isEmbedded ? kill(USR1, $::CCPID) : Gtk->exit(0);
+sub configure_lan {
+ my (undef, $prefix, $netcnx, $netc, $intf) = @_;
+ my $window = new Gtk::Window -toplevel;
+ my @infos;
+ $window->set_policy (1, 1, 1);
+ $window->signal_connect ( delete_event => sub { Gtk->main_quit; });
+ $window->set_position(1);
+ $window->set_title(_("LAN configuration"));
+ $window->border_width(10);
+ my $vbox1 = new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
+ $window->add($vbox1);
+ $vbox1->pack_start(new Gtk::Label(_("LAN Configuration")),0,1,0);
+ my $notebook = new Gtk::Notebook;
+ $vbox1->pack_start($notebook,0,1,0);
+ my @eth_data;
+ foreach (0..$#all_cards) {
+ my $vbox_local=new Gtk::VBox(0,0);
+ $vbox_local->pack_start(new Gtk::Label(_("Adapter %s: %s", $_+1 , "eth$_")),1,1,0);
+ # Eth${_}Hostname=$netc->{HOSTNAME}
+ # Eth${_}HostAlias=" . do { $netc->{HOSTNAME} =~ /([^\.]*)\./; $1 } . "
+ # Eth${_}Driver=$all_cards[$_]->[1]
+ my @conf_data = ([_("IP address"), \$intf->{"eth$_"}->{IPADDR}],
+ [_("Netmask"), \$intf->{"eth$_"}{NETMASK}],
+ [_("Boot Protocol"), \$intf->{"eth$_"}{BOOTPROTO}, ["static", "dhcp", "bootp"]],
+ [_("Started on boot"), \$intf->{"eth$_"}{ONBOOT} , ["static", "dhcp"]],
+ [_("DHCP client"), \$netcnx->{dhcp_client}]
+ );
+ my $i=0;
+ foreach (@conf_data) {
+ $infos[2*$i]=new Gtk::HBox(0,0);
+ my $l=new Gtk::Label($_->[0]);
+ $l->set_justify('left');
+ $infos[2*$i]->pack_start($l,1,1,0);
+ $vbox_local->pack_start($infos[2*$i],0,0,0);
+ if (defined $_->[2]) {
+ my $c=new Gtk::Combo();
+ $c->set_popdown_strings(@{$_->[2]});
+ $infos[2*$i+1]=$c->entry;
+ $infos[2*$i+1]->set_editable(0);
+ $infos[2*$i]->pack_start($c,0,0,0);
+ } else {
+ $infos[2*$i+1]=new Gtk::Entry();
+ $infos[2*$i]->pack_start($infos[2*$i+1],0,0,0);
+ }
+ $infos[2*$i+1]->set_text(${$_->[1]});
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # $clist1->append($_+1, "eth$_", $intf->{"eth$_"}{IPADDR}, $intf->{"eth$_"}{BOOTPROTO}, $all_cards[$_]->[1]);
+ # $clist1->set_selectable($_, 0);
+ print "--eth$_\n";
+ $notebook->append_page($vbox_local, "eth$_");
+ }
+ my $bbox1 = new Gtk::HButtonBox;
+ $vbox1->pack_start($bbox1,0,0,0);
+ $bbox1->set_layout(-end);
+ my $button_ok = new Gtk::Button "OK";
+ $button_ok->signal_connect ( clicked => sub {
+ $i=0;
+ foreach (@mask) {
+ if ($_) {
+ print $conf_data[$i]->[1] . "\n";
+ print ${$conf_data[$i]->[1]} . " - " . $infos[2*$i+1]->get_text() . "\n";
+ ${$conf_data[$i]->[1]}=$infos[2*$i+1]->get_text();
+ update();
+ }
+ else { $infos[2*$i]->hide; }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $window->destroy(); Gtk->main_quit;
+ });
+ $bbox1->add($button_ok);
+ my $button_cancel = new Gtk::Button "Cancel";
+ $button_cancel->signal_connect ( clicked => sub { $window->destroy(); Gtk->main_quit });
+ $bbox1->add($button_cancel);
+ $window->set_modal(1);
+ $window->show_all();
+ $intf->{"eth$_"}{BOOTPROTO} eq dhcp or $infos[8]->hide;
+ $window->set_position('center_always');
+ Gtk->main;
sub configure_net {
my (undef, $prefix, $netcnx, $netc, $intf) = @_;
my $cnx={};