path: root/perl-install/
diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2005-01-16 15:50:21 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2005-01-16 15:50:21 +0000
commitf2e596dd02dfdb0bbe2b5b25dcc58ac7f9c027cd (patch)
treea535c0152d8d465371531745c3c5581514509234 /perl-install/
parent4babc8a0ffdbb27b3b962505f7e1aa7a943c15c3 (diff)
when reading an existing X config file, ensure it is not too bad, otherwise propose to start from scratch
(bugzilla #8548)
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
6'>126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
package Xconfig::test; # $Id$

use diagnostics;
use strict;

use Xconfig::card;
use run_program;
use common;
use log;

my $tmpconfig = "/tmp/Xconfig";

sub xtest {
    my ($display) = @_;
    $::isStandalone ? 
      system("DISPLAY=$display /usr/X11R6/bin/xtest") == 0 : 

sub test {
    my ($in, $raw_X, $card, $auto, $skip_badcard) = @_;

    my $bad_card = !Xconfig::card::check_bad_card($card);
    return 1 if $skip_badcard && $bad_card;

    if ($bad_card || !$auto) {
	$in->ask_yesorno(N("Test of the configuration"), 
			 N("Do you want to test the configuration?") . ($bad_card ? "\n" . N("Warning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computer") : ''),
			 !$bad_card) or return 1;

    unlink "$::prefix/tmp/.X9-lock";

    #- create a link from the non-prefixed /tmp/.X11-unix/X9 to the prefixed one
    #- that way, you can talk to :9 without doing a chroot
    #- but take care of non X11 install :-)
    if (-d "/tmp/.X11-unix") {
	symlinkf "$::prefix/tmp/.X11-unix/X9", "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $::prefix;
    } else {
	symlinkf "$::prefix/tmp/.X11-unix", "/tmp/.X11-unix" if $::prefix;

    #- ensure xfs is running
    fuzzy_pidofs(qr/\bxfs\b/) or do { run_program::rooted($::prefix, "/etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs", $_) foreach 'stop', 'start' };
    fuzzy_pidofs(qr/\bxfs\b/) or die "xfs is not running";

    my $f = $::testing ? $tmpconfig : "/etc/X11/XF86Config.test";
    $raw_X->{Xconfig::card::using_xf4($card) ? 'xfree4' : 'xfree3'}->write("$::prefix/$f");

    $ENV{HOME} || $::isInstall or die q($HOME is unset, so I don't know where to put my temporary files);
    my $f_err = "$::prefix$ENV{HOME}/tmp/.drakx.Xoutput";
    my $pid;
    unless ($pid = fork()) {
	system("xauth add :9 . `mcookie`");
	open STDERR, ">$f_err";
	chroot $::prefix if $::prefix;
	exec $card->{prog}, 
	  if_($card->{prog} !~ /Xsun/, "-xf86config", $f),
	  ":9" or c::_exit(0);

    do { sleep 1 } until xtest(":9") || waitpid($pid, c::WNOHANG());

    my $_b = before_leaving { unlink $f_err };

    my $warn_error = sub {
	my ($error_msg) = @_;
	$in->ask_warn('', [ N("An error occurred:\n%s\nTry to change some parameters", $error_msg) ]);

    if (!xtest(":9")) {
	open(my $F, $f_err);

	local $_;
      i: while (<$F>) {
	    if (Xconfig::card::using_xf4($card)) {
		if (/^\(EE\)/ && !/Disabling/ || /^Fatal\b/) {
		    my @msg = !/error/ && $_;
		    local $_;
		    while (<$F>) {
			/reporting a problem/ and last;
			$warn_error->(join(@msg, $_));
			return 0;
	    } else {
		if (/\b(error|not supported)\b/i) {
		    my @msg = !/error/ && $_;
		    local $_;
		    while (<$F>) {
			/not fatal/ and last i;
			/^$/ and last;
			push @msg, $_;
		    return 0;

    $::noShadow = 1;
    open(my $F, "|perl 2>/dev/null");
    print $F 
    printf $F q(
        use lib qw(%s);
        BEGIN { $::no_ugtk_init = 1 }
        require lang;
        require ugtk2; #- help perl_checker
        ugtk2->import(qw(:wrappers :helpers)); #- help perl_checker
	use interactive::gtk;
        use run_program;
        use common;

        $::prefix = "%s";
        $::isStandalone = 1;


	$ENV{DISPLAY} = ":9";

        gtkset_background(200 * 257, 210 * 257, 210 * 257);
        my ($h, $w) = gtkroot()->get_size;
        $ugtk2::force_position = [ $w / 3, $h / 2.4 ];
	$ugtk2::force_focus = 1;
        my $text = Gtk2::Label->new;
        my $time = 12;
        Gtk2->timeout_add(1000, sub {
	    $text->set(sprintf(translate("%s"), $time));
	    $time-- or Gtk2->main_quit;

        eval {  #- eval it so that missing pixmap will not break the test completely
            my $root = gtkroot();
            my $gc = Gtk2::Gdk::GC->new($root);
            my $pixbuf = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file("/usr/share/mdk/xfdrake/xfdrake-test-card.jpg");
            my ($w, $h) = ($pixbuf->get_width, $pixbuf->get_height);
            my $pixmap = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixmap->new($root, $w, $h, $root->get_depth);
            $pixbuf->render_to_drawable($pixmap, $gc, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h, 'none', 0, 0);
            $root->set_back_pixmap($pixmap, 0);

        my $in = interactive::gtk->new;
	$in->exit($in->ask_yesorno('', [ translate("%s"), $text ], 0) ? 0 : 222);
    ), join(' ', @INC), $::prefix, N_("Leaving in %d seconds"), N_("Is this the correct setting?");
    my $rc = close $F;
    my $err = $?;

    $rc || $err == 222 << 8 or $warn_error->('');

    unlink "$::prefix/$f", "$::prefix/$f-4";
    unlink "/tmp/.X11-unix/X9" if $::prefix;
    kill 2, $pid;
    $::noShadow = 0;
