path: root/perl-install/fs/
diff options
authorFrancesc Pinyol Margalef <>2013-12-21 13:37:33 +0100
committerFrancesc Pinyol Margalef <>2013-12-21 13:37:33 +0100
commit095c6b25885ce3d22eedba8cdb98f1fd7e8708a5 (patch)
tree5bfc768996b3ddec185abeb02b602b48b14d10db /perl-install/fs/
parentdf60191bdbddfa7c8e5bd11a2578aae6740963c0 (diff)
parentf76dc0931e47338aa9c7db257d28e5015d8a2f47 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of git://
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/fs/')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/fs/ b/perl-install/fs/
index 750e02816..ddd54c9ec 100644
--- a/perl-install/fs/
+++ b/perl-install/fs/
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ use partition_table;
use partition_table::raw;
use partition_table::dos;
use POSIX qw(ceil);
-use mygtk2;
-use ugtk2 qw(:wrappers);
#- unit of $mb is mega bytes, min and max are in sectors, this
#- function is used to convert back to sectors count the size of
@@ -75,13 +73,13 @@ Then choose action ``Mount point'' and set it to `/'"), 1) or return;
sub partitionWizardSolutions {
- my ($in, $all_hds, $all_fstab, $manual_fstab, $partitions, $partitioning_flags, $skip_mtab, $target) = @_;
+ my ($in, $all_hds, $all_fstab, $manual_fstab, $partitions, $partitioning_flags, $skip_mtab, $o_target) = @_;
my $hds = $all_hds->{hds};
my $fstab;
my $full_fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ];
- if ($target) {
- $hds = [ $target ];
- $fstab = [ grep { $_->{rootDevice} eq $target->{device} } fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ];
+ if ($o_target) {
+ $hds = [ $o_target ];
+ $fstab = [ grep { $_->{rootDevice} eq $o_target->{device} } fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ];
} else {
$fstab = $full_fstab;
@@ -246,7 +244,7 @@ filesystem checks will be run on your next boot into Microsoft Windows®")) if $
\&partition_table::description, \@hds_rw) or return;
} else {
- $hd = $target;
+ $hd = $o_target;
$in->ask_okcancel_({ messages => N("ALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %s", partition_table::description($hd)),
title => N("Partitioning"),
@@ -297,17 +295,17 @@ sub create_display_box {
my @parts = diskdrake::hd_gtk::kind2parts($kind);
my $totalsectors = diskdrake::hd_gtk::kind2sectors($kind, @parts);
- my $width = 540;
+ my $width = 520;
my $minwidth = 40;
- my $display_box = ugtk2::gtkset_size_request(Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0), -1, 26);
+ my $display_box = ugtk3::gtkset_size_request(Gtk3::HBox->new(0,0), -1, 26);
my $sep_count = @parts - 1;
#- ratio used to compute initial partition pixel width (each partition should be > min_width)
#- though, the pixel/sectors ratio cannot be the same for all the partitions
my $initial_ratio = $totalsectors ? ($width - @parts * $minwidth - $sep_count) / $totalsectors : 1;
- my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new;
+ my $vbox = Gtk3::VBox->new;
my $part_sep;
my $desc;
@@ -315,9 +313,9 @@ sub create_display_box {
my $last = $resize && $resize->[-1];
foreach my $entry (@parts) {
- my $part_info = Gtk2::Label->new($entry->{device_LABEL});
+ my $part_info = Gtk3::Label->new($entry->{device_LABEL});
my @colorized_fs_types = qw(ext2 ext3 ext4 xfs swap vfat ntfs ntfs-3g);
- my $part_widget = Gtk2::EventBox->new;
+ my $part_widget = Gtk3::EventBox->new;
$entry->{width} = int($entry->{size} * $initial_ratio) + $minwidth;
if ($last && $last->{device} eq $entry->{device}) {
#- entry is the last resizable partition
@@ -329,33 +327,31 @@ sub create_display_box {
$part_info->set_size_request(ceil($ratio * $entry->{min_win}), 0);
- my $mdv_widget = gtkadd(gtkset_name(Gtk2::EventBox->new, "PART_new"),
+ my $mdv_widget = gtkadd(gtkset_name(Gtk3::EventBox->new, "PART_new"),
gtkset_size_request(gtknew("Image", file => "small-logo"),
$ratio * MB(600), 0));
- my $hpane = Gtk2::HPaned->new;
- $hpane->add1($part_widget);
- $hpane->child1_shrink(0);
- $hpane->add2($mdv_widget);
- $hpane->child2_shrink(0);
+ my $hpane = Gtk3::HPaned->new;
+ $hpane->pack1($part_widget, 1, 0);
+ $hpane->pack2($mdv_widget, 1, 0);
$hpane->set_position(ceil($ratio * $entry->{req_size}));
- ugtk2::gtkset_size_request($hpane, $entry->{width}, 0);
- ugtk2::gtkpack__($display_box, $hpane);
+ ugtk3::gtkset_size_request($hpane, $entry->{width}, 0);
+ ugtk3::gtkpack__($display_box, $hpane);
my $add_part_size_info = sub {
my ($name, $label) = @_;
- ugtk2::gtkpack__($desc,
- gtkadd(gtkset_name(Gtk2::EventBox->new, $name),
- Gtk2::Label->new(" " x 4)),
+ ugtk3::gtkpack__($desc,
+ gtkadd(gtkset_name(Gtk3::EventBox->new, $name),
+ Gtk3::Label->new(" " x 4)),
gtkset_size_request(gtkset_alignment($label, 0, 0.5),
150, 20));
- $desc = Gtk2::HBox->new(0,0);
+ $desc = Gtk3::HBox->new(0,0);
- my $win_size_label = Gtk2::Label->new;
+ my $win_size_label = Gtk3::Label->new;
$add_part_size_info->("PART_vfat", $win_size_label);
- my $mdv_size_label = Gtk2::Label->new;
+ my $mdv_size_label = Gtk3::Label->new;
$add_part_size_info->("PART_new", $mdv_size_label);
my $update_size_labels = sub {
@@ -373,7 +369,7 @@ sub create_display_box {
$hpane->signal_connect('size-allocate' => sub {
my (undef, $alloc) = @_;
- $entry->{width} = $alloc->width;
+ $entry->{width} = $alloc->{width};
@@ -396,12 +392,12 @@ sub create_display_box {
$part_widget->set_size_request($entry->{width}, 0);
- ugtk2::gtkpack($display_box, $part_widget);
+ ugtk3::gtkpack($display_box, $part_widget);
- $part_sep = gtkadd(Gtk2::EventBox->new,
- gtkset_size_request(Gtk2::Label->new("."), 1, 0));
+ $part_sep = gtkadd(Gtk3::EventBox->new,
+ gtkset_size_request(Gtk3::Label->new("."), 1, 0));
gtkpack__($display_box, $part_sep);
$display_box->remove($part_sep) if $part_sep;
@@ -409,11 +405,11 @@ sub create_display_box {
my @types = (N_("Ext2/3/4"), N_("XFS"), N_("Swap"), arch() =~ /sparc/ ? N_("SunOS") : arch() eq "ppc" ? N_("HFS") : N_("Windows"),
N_("Other"), N_("Empty"));
my %name2fs_type = ('Ext2/3/4' => 'ext3', 'XFS' => 'xfs', Swap => 'swap', Other => 'other', "Windows" => 'vfat', HFS => 'hfs');
- $desc = ugtk2::gtkpack(Gtk2::HBox->new,
+ $desc = ugtk3::gtkpack(Gtk3::HBox->new,
map {
my $t = $name2fs_type{$_};
- my $ev = Gtk2::EventBox->new;
- my $w = Gtk2::Label->new(translate($_));
+ my $ev = Gtk3::EventBox->new;
+ my $w = Gtk3::Label->new(translate($_));
$ev->set_name('PART_' . ($t || 'empty'));
@@ -443,8 +439,8 @@ sub display_choices {
$contentbox->foreach(sub { $contentbox->remove($_[0]) });
$mainw->{kind}{display_box} ||= create_display_box($mainw->{kind});
- ugtk2::gtkpack2__($contentbox, $mainw->{kind}{display_box});
- ugtk2::gtkpack__($contentbox, gtknew('Label',
+ ugtk3::gtkpack2__($contentbox, $mainw->{kind}{display_box});
+ ugtk3::gtkpack__($contentbox, gtknew('Label',
text => N("The DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:"),
alignment => [0, 0]));
@@ -461,30 +457,30 @@ sub display_choices {
$item = create_display_box($mainw->{kind}, $solutions{$s}[3], undef, $button);
} elsif ($s eq 'existing_part') {
} elsif ($s eq 'wipe_drive') {
- $item = Gtk2::EventBox->new;
+ $item = Gtk3::EventBox->new;
my $b2 = gtknew("Image", file => "small-logo");
- $item->set_size_request(540,26);
+ $item->set_size_request(520,26);
} elsif ($s eq 'diskdrake') {
} else {
- ugtk2::gtkpack($vbox,
+ ugtk3::gtkpack($vbox,
text => $solutions{$s}[1],
alignment => [0, 0]));
- ugtk2::gtkpack($vbox, $item) if defined($item);
- $button->set_group($oldbutton->get_group) if $oldbutton;
+ ugtk3::gtkpack($vbox, $item) if defined($item);
+ $button->join_group($oldbutton) if $oldbutton;
$oldbutton = $button;
$button->signal_connect('toggled', sub { $mainw->{sol} = $solutions{$s} if $_[0]->get_active });
- ugtk2::gtkpack2__($choicesbox, $button);
+ ugtk3::gtkpack2__($choicesbox, $button);
$sep = gtknew('HSeparator');
- ugtk2::gtkpack2__($choicesbox, $sep);
+ ugtk3::gtkpack2__($choicesbox, $sep);
- ugtk2::gtkadd($contentbox, $choicesbox);
+ ugtk3::gtkadd($contentbox, $choicesbox);
$mainw->{sol} = $solutions{@solutions[0]};
@@ -494,30 +490,30 @@ sub main {
my $sol;
if ($o->isa('interactive::gtk')) {
- require mygtk2;
- mygtk2->import(qw(gtknew));
- require ugtk2;
- ugtk2->import(qw(:wrappers));
+ require mygtk3;
+ mygtk3->import(qw(gtknew));
+ require ugtk3;
+ ugtk3->import(qw(:wrappers));
- my $mainw = ugtk2->new(N("Partitioning"), %$o, if__($::main_window, transient => $::main_window));
+ my $mainw = ugtk3->new(N("Partitioning"), %$o, if__($::main_window, transient => $::main_window));
$mainw->{box_allow_grow} = 1;
- mygtk2::set_main_window_size($mainw->{rwindow});
+ mygtk3::set_main_window_size($mainw->{rwindow});
require diskdrake::hd_gtk;
- my $mainbox = Gtk2::VBox->new;
+ my $mainbox = Gtk3::VBox->new;
my @kinds = map { diskdrake::hd_gtk::hd2kind($_) } sort { $a->{is_removable} <=> $b->{is_removable} } @{ $all_hds->{hds} };
push @kinds, diskdrake::hd_gtk::raid2real_kind($_) foreach @{$all_hds->{raids}};
push @kinds, map { diskdrake::hd_gtk::lvm2kind($_) } @{$all_hds->{lvms}};
- my $hdchoice = Gtk2::HBox->new;
+ my $hdchoice = Gtk3::HBox->new;
- my $hdchoicelabel = Gtk2::Label->new(N("Here is the content of your disk drive "));
+ my $hdchoicelabel = Gtk3::Label->new(N("Here is the content of your disk drive "));
- my $combobox = Gtk2::ComboBox->new_text;
+ my $combobox = Gtk3::ComboBoxText->new;
foreach (@kinds) {
my $info = $_->{val}{info} || $_->{val}{device};
$info =~ s|^(?:.*/)?(.{24}).*|$1|;
@@ -526,16 +522,16 @@ sub main {
- ugtk2::gtkpack2__($hdchoice, $hdchoicelabel);
+ ugtk3::gtkpack2__($hdchoice, $hdchoicelabel);
- ugtk2::gtkpack2__($mainbox, $hdchoice);
+ ugtk3::gtkpack2__($mainbox, $hdchoice);
- my $contentbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(0, 12);
+ my $contentbox = Gtk3::VBox->new(0, 12);
- my $scroll = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
+ my $scroll = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new;
$scroll->set_policy('never', 'automatic'),
- my $vp = Gtk2::Viewport->new;
+ my $vp = Gtk3::Viewport->new;
@@ -564,7 +560,7 @@ sub main {
my $buttons_pack = $mainw->create_okcancel(N("Next"), undef, '', @more_buttons);
$mainbox->pack_end($buttons_pack, 0, 0, 0);
- ugtk2::gtkadd($mainw->{window}, $mainbox);
+ ugtk3::gtkadd($mainw->{window}, $mainbox);
@@ -599,6 +595,7 @@ sub main {
if ($err =~ /wizcancel/) {
$_->destroy foreach $::WizardTable->get_children;
} else {
+ log::l("Partitioning failed: $err");
$o->ask_warn('', N("Partitioning failed: %s", formatError($err)));