path: root/perl-install/
diff options
authorMystery Man <>2002-07-09 13:18:50 +0000
committerMystery Man <>2002-07-09 13:18:50 +0000
commitb6c80998f798afb98c5ebb42441c25668b31c93e (patch)
tree0a40adbce78a1b7ddee1ba637215ca857ffcae19 /perl-install/
parenta6a904a31e39b74144c53f0cc4086d496b70c09a (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'V1_1_8_4mdk'.V1_1_8_4mdk
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 597 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 893161f08..000000000
--- a/perl-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-package detect_devices; # $Id$
-use diagnostics;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($pcitable_addons $usbtable_addons);
-#- misc imports
-use log;
-use common;
-use devices;
-use run_program;
-use c;
-#- Globals
-my @netdevices = map { my $l = $_; map { "$l$_" } (0..3) } qw(eth tr fddi plip);
-my %serialprobe = ();
-#- Functions
-sub dev_is_devfs { -e "/dev/.devfsd" }
-sub get {
- #- Detect the default BIOS boot harddrive is kind of tricky. We may have IDE,
- #- SCSI and RAID devices on the same machine. From what I see so far, the default
- #- BIOS boot harddrive will be
- #- 1. The first IDE device if IDE exists. Or
- #- 2. The first SCSI device if SCSI exists. Or
- #- 3. The first RAID device if RAID exists.
- getIDE(), getSCSI(), getDAC960(), getCompaqSmartArray(), getATARAID();
-sub hds { grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'hd' && ($::isStandalone || !isRemovableDrive($_)) } get() }
-sub tapes { grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'tape' && ($::isStandalone || !isRemovableDrive($_)) } get() }
-sub cdroms { grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'cdrom' } get() }
-sub burners { grep { isBurner($_) } cdroms() }
-sub dvdroms { grep { isDvdDrive($_) } cdroms() }
-sub raw_zips { grep { member($_->{media_type}, 'fd', 'hd') && isZipDrive($_) } get() }
-#-sub jazzs { grep { member($_->{media_type}, 'fd', 'hd') && isJazzDrive($_) } get() }
-sub ls120s { grep { member($_->{media_type}, 'fd', 'hd') && isLS120Drive($_) } get() }
-sub zips { map { $_->{device} .= 4; $_ } raw_zips() }
-sub cdroms__faking_ide_scsi {
- my @l = cdroms();
- return @l if $::isStandalone;
- if (my @l_ide = grep { $_->{interface_type} eq 'ide' && isBurner($_) } @l) {
- require modules;
- modules::add_alias('scsi_hostadapter', 'ide-scsi');
- my $nb = 1 + max(-1, map { $_->{device} =~ /scd(\d+)/ } @l);
- foreach my $e (@l_ide) {
- log::l("IDEBurner: $e->{device}");
- $e->{device} = "scd" . $nb++;
- }
- }
- @l;
-sub zips__faking_ide_scsi {
- my @l = raw_zips();
- if (my @l_ide = grep { $_->{interface_type} eq 'ide' && $::isInstall } @l) {
- require modules;
- modules::add_alias('scsi_hostadapter', 'ide-scsi');
- my $nb = 1 + max(-1, map { if_($_->{device} =~ /sd(\w+)/, ord($1) - ord('a')) } getSCSI());
- foreach my $e (@l_ide) {
- my $faked = "sd" . chr(ord('a') + $nb++);
- log::l("IDE Zip: $e->{device} => $faked");
- $e->{device} = $faked;
- }
- }
- map { $_->{device} .= 4; $_ } @l;
-sub floppies() {
- require modules;
- eval { modules::load("floppy") };
- my @fds = map {
- my $info = (!dev_is_devfs() || -e "/dev/$_") && c::floppy_info(devices::make($_));
- if_($info && $info ne '(null)', { device => $_, media_type => 'fd', info => $info })
- } qw(fd0 fd1);
- my @ide = ls120s() and eval { modules::load("ide-floppy") };
- eval { modules::load("usb-storage") } if usbStorage();
- my @scsi = grep { $_->{media_type} eq 'fd' && !isZipDrive($_) && !isJazzDrive($_) } getSCSI();
- @ide, @scsi, @fds;
-sub floppies_dev() { map { $_->{device} } floppies() }
-sub floppy { first(floppies_dev()) }
-#- example ls120, model = "LS-120 SLIM 02 UHD Floppy"
-sub get_sys_cdrom_info {
- my (@drives) = @_;
- my @drives_order;
- foreach (cat_("/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info")) {
- my ($t, $l) = split ':';
- my @l = split ' ', $l;
- if ($t eq 'drive name') {
- @drives_order = map {
- s/^sr/scd/;
- my $dev = $_;
- first(grep { $_->{device} eq $dev } @drives);
- } @l;
- } else {
- my $capacity;
- if ($t eq 'Can write CD-R') {
- $capacity = 'burner';
- } elsif ($t eq 'Can read DVD') {
- $capacity = 'DVD';
- }
- if ($capacity) {
- each_index {
- ($drives_order[$::i] || {})->{capacity} .= "$capacity " if $_;
- } @l;
- }
- }
- }
-sub isBurner {
- my ($e) = @_;
- $e->{capacity} =~ /burner/ and return 1;
- #- do not work for SCSI
- my $f = tryOpen($e->{device}); #- SCSI burner are not detected this way.
- $f && c::isBurner(fileno($f));
-sub isDvdDrive {
- my ($e) = @_;
- $e->{capacity} =~ /DVD/ || $e->{info} =~ /DVD/ and return 1;
- #- do not work for SCSI
- my $f = tryOpen($e->{device});
- $f && c::isDvdDrive(fileno($f));
-sub isZipDrive { $_[0]->{info} =~ /ZIP\s+\d+/ } #- accept ZIP 100, untested for bigger ZIP drive.
-sub isJazzDrive { $_[0]->{info} =~ /\bJAZZ?\b/i } #- accept "iomega jaz 1GB"
-sub isLS120Drive { $_[0]->{info} =~ /LS-?120|144MB/ }
-sub isRemovableDrive { &isZipDrive || &isLS120Drive || $_[0]->{media_type} eq 'fd' } #-or &isJazzDrive }
-sub isFloppyOrHD {
- my ($dev) = @_;
- require partition_table_raw;
- my $geom = partition_table_raw::get_geometry(devices::make($dev));
- $geom->{totalsectors} < 10 << 11 ? 'fd' : 'hd';
-sub getSCSI() {
- my @drives;
- my ($driveNum, $cdromNum, $tapeNum) = qw(0 0 0);
- my $err = sub { chop; die "unexpected line in /proc/scsi/scsi: $_"; };
- local $_;
- local *F;
- open F, "/proc/scsi/scsi" or return;
- local $_ = <F>; /^Attached devices:/ or return &$err();
- while ($_ = <F>) {
- my ($id) = /^Host:.*?Id: (\d+)/ or return &$err();
- $_ = <F>; my ($vendor, $model) = /^\s*Vendor:\s*(.*?)\s+Model:\s*(.*?)\s+Rev:/ or return &$err();
- $_ = <F>; my ($type) = /^\s*Type:\s*(.*)/ or &$err();
- my $dev = { info => "$vendor $model", id => $id, bus => 0 };
- if ($type =~ /Direct-Access/) {
- $dev->{device} = "sd" . chr($driveNum++ + ord('a'));
- $dev->{media_type} = isZipDrive($dev) ? 'hd' : isFloppyOrHD($dev->{device});
- } elsif ($type =~ /Sequential-Access/) {
- $dev->{device} = "st" . $tapeNum++;
- $dev->{media_type} = 'tape';
- } elsif ($type =~ /(CD-ROM|WORM)/) {
- $dev->{device} = "scd" . $cdromNum++;
- $dev->{media_type} = 'cdrom';
- }
- push @drives, $dev if $dev->{device};
- }
- get_sys_cdrom_info(@drives);
- @drives;
-sub getIDE() {
- my @idi;
- #- what about a system with absolutely no IDE on it, like some sparc machine.
- -e "/proc/ide" or return ();
- #- Great. 2.2 kernel, things are much easier and less error prone.
- foreach my $d (sort @{[glob_('/proc/ide/hd*')]}) {
- cat_("$d/driver") =~ /ide-scsi/ and next; #- already appears in /proc/scsi/scsi
- my $t = chomp_(cat_("$d/media"));
- my $type = $ {{disk => 'hd', cdrom => 'cdrom', tape => 'tape', floppy => 'fd'}}{$t} or next;
- my $info = chomp_(cat_("$d/model")) || "(none)";
- my $num = ord (($d =~ /(.)$/)[0]) - ord 'a';
- push @idi, { media_type => $type, device => basename($d), info => $info, bus => $num/2, id => $num%2, interface_type => 'ide' };
- }
- get_sys_cdrom_info(@idi);
- @idi;
-sub getCompaqSmartArray() {
- my (@idi, $f);
- foreach ('array/ida', 'cpqarray/ida', 'cciss/cciss') {
- my $prefix = "/proc/driver/$_"; #- kernel 2.4 places it here
- $prefix = "/proc/$_" if !-e "${prefix}0"; #- kernel 2.2
- my ($name) = m|/(.*)|;
- for (my $i = 0; -r ($f = "${prefix}$i"); $i++) {
- foreach (cat_($f)) {
- if (m|^\s*($name/.*?):|) {
- push @idi, { device => $1, info => "Compaq RAID logical disk", media_type => 'hd', interface_type => 'ida' };
- }
- }
- }
- }
- @idi;
-sub getDAC960() {
- my %idi;
- #- We are looking for lines of this format:DAC960#0:
- #- /dev/rd/c0d0: RAID-7, Online, 17928192 blocks, Write Thru0123456790123456789012
- foreach (syslog()) {
- my ($device, $info) = m|/dev/(rd/.*?): (.*?),| or next;
- $idi{$device} = { info => $info, media_type => 'hd', device => $device, interface_type => 'dac960' };
- }
- values %idi;
-sub getATARAID {
- my %l;
- foreach (syslog()) {
- my ($device) = m|^\s*(ataraid/d\d+):| or next;
- $l{$device} = { info => 'ATARAID block device', media_type => 'hd', device => $device, interface_type => 'ataraid' };
- log::l("ATARAID: $device");
- }
- values %l;
-sub getNet() {
- grep { !(($::isStandalone || $::live) && /plip/) && c::hasNetDevice($_) } @netdevices;
-#sub getISDN() {
-# mapgrep(sub {member (($_[0] =~ /\s*(\w*):/), @netdevices), $1 }, split(/\n/, cat_("/proc/net/dev")));
-$pcitable_addons = <<'EOF';
-# add here lines conforming the pcitable format (0xXXXX\t0xXXXX\t"\w+"\t".*")
-$usbtable_addons = <<'EOF';
-# add here lines conforming the usbtable format (0xXXXX\t0xXXXX\t"\w+"\t".*")
-sub add_addons {
- my ($addons, @l) = @_;
- foreach (split "\n", $addons) {
- /^\s/ and die "bad detect_devices::probeall_addons line \"$_\"";
- s/^#.*//;
- s/"(.*?)"/$1/g;
- next if /^$/;
- my ($vendor, $id, $driver, $description) = split("\t", $_, 4) or die "bad detect_devices::probeall_addons line \"$_\"";
- foreach (@l) {
- $_->{vendor} == hex $vendor && $_->{id} == hex $id or next;
- put_in_hash($_, { driver => $driver, description => $description });
- }
- }
- @l;
-sub pci_probe {
- my ($probe_type) = @_;
- log::l("full pci_probe") if $probe_type;
- add_addons($pcitable_addons, map {
- my %l;
- @l{qw(vendor id subvendor subid pci_bus pci_device pci_function media_type driver description)} = split "\t";
- $l{$_} = hex $l{$_} foreach qw(vendor id subvendor subid);
- $l{bus} = 'PCI';
- \%l
- } c::pci_probe($probe_type || 0));
-sub usb_probe {
- -e "/proc/bus/usb/devices" or return ();
- add_addons($usbtable_addons, map {
- my %l;
- @l{qw(vendor id media_type driver description)} = split "\t";
- $l{$_} = hex $l{$_} foreach qw(vendor id);
- $l{bus} = 'USB';
- \%l
- } c::usb_probe());
-sub pcmcia_probe {
- -e '/var/run/stab' || -e '/var/lib/pcmcia/stab' or return ();
- my (@devs, $desc);
- foreach (cat_('/var/run/stab'), cat_('/var/lib/pcmcia/stab')) {
- if (/^Socket\s+\d+:\s+(.*)/) {
- $desc = $1;
- } else {
- my (undef, $type, $module, undef, $device) = split;
- push @devs, { description => $desc, driver => $module, type => $type, device => $device };
- }
- }
- @devs;
-# pci_probe with $probe_type is unsafe for pci! (bug in kernel&hardware)
-# pcmcia_probe provides field "device", used in
-# => probeall with $probe_type is unsafe
-sub probeall {
- my ($probe_type) = @_;
- require sbus_probing::main;
- pci_probe($probe_type), usb_probe(), pcmcia_probe(), sbus_probing::main::probe();
-sub matching_desc {
- my ($regexp) = @_;
- grep { $_->{description} =~ /$regexp/i } probeall();
-sub stringlist {
- map {
- sprintf("%-16s: %s%s%s",
- $_->{driver} ? $_->{driver} : 'unknown',
- $_->{description} eq '(null)' ? sprintf("Vendor=0x%04x Device=0x%04x", $_->{vendor}, $_->{id}) : $_->{description},
- $_->{media_type} ? sprintf(" [%s]", $_->{media_type}) : '',
- $_->{subid} && $_->{subid} != 0xffff ? sprintf(" SubVendor=0x%04x SubDevice=0x%04x", $_->{subvendor}, $_->{subid}) : '',
- );
- } probeall(@_);
-sub tryOpen($) {
- local *F;
- sysopen F, devices::make($_[0]), c::O_NONBLOCK() and *F;
-sub tryWrite($) {
- local *F;
- sysopen F, devices::make($_[0]), 1 | c::O_NONBLOCK() and *F;
-sub syslog {
- -r "/tmp/syslog" and return map { /<\d+>(.*)/ } cat_("/tmp/syslog");
- `$ENV{LD_LOADER} /bin/dmesg`;
-sub get_mac_model() {
- my $mac_model = cat_("/proc/device-tree/model") || die "Can't open /proc/device-tree/model";
- log::l("Mac model: $mac_model");
- $mac_model;
-sub get_mac_generation() {
- my $generation = cat_("/proc/cpuinfo") || die "Can't open /proc/cpuinfo";
- my @genarray = split(/\n/, $generation);
- my $count = 0;
- while ($count <= @genarray) {
- if ($genarray[$count] =~ /pmac-generation/) {
- @genarray = split(/:/, $genarray[$count]);
- return $genarray[1];
- }
- $count++;
- }
- return "Unknown Generation";
-sub hasSMP { c::detectSMP() }
-sub hasPCMCIA { $::o->{pcmcia} } #- because /proc/pcmcia seems not to be present on 2.4 at least (or use /var/run/stab)
-#- try to detect a laptop, we assume pcmcia service is an indication of a laptop or
-#- the following regexp to match graphics card apparently only used for such systems.
-sub isLaptop {
- hasPCMCIA() || (matching_desc('C&T.*655[45]\d') || matching_desc('C&T.*68554') ||
- matching_desc('Neomagic.*Magic(Media|Graph)') ||
- matching_desc('ViRGE.MX') || matching_desc('S3.*Savage.*[IM]X') ||
- matching_desc('ATI.*(Mobility|LT)'));
-sub hasUltra66 {
- die "hasUltra66 deprecated";
- #- keep it BUT DO NOT USE IT as now included in kernel.
- cat_("/proc/cmdline") =~ /(ide2=(\S+)(\s+ide3=(\S+))?)/ and return $1;
- my @l = map { $_->{verbatim} } matching_desc('HPT|Ultra66') or return;
- my $ide = sprintf "ide2=0x%x,0x%x ide3=0x%x,0x%x",
- @l == 2 ?
- (map_index { hex($_) + (odd($::i) ? 1 : -1) } map { (split ' ')[3..4] } @l) :
- (map_index { hex($_) + (odd($::i) ? 1 : -1) } map { (split ' ')[3..6] } @l);
- log::l("HPT|Ultra66: found $ide");
- $ide;
-sub whatParport() {
- my @res = ();
- foreach (0..3) {
- my $elem = {};
- local *F;
- open F, "/proc/parport/$_/autoprobe" or open F, "/proc/sys/dev/parport/parport$_/autoprobe" or next;
- {
- local $_;
- while (<F>) {
- if (/(.*):(.*);/) {
- $elem->{$1} = $2;
- $elem->{$1} =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/;
- $elem->{$1} =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/;
- }
- }
- }
- push @res, { port => "/dev/lp$_", val => $elem};
- }
- @res;
-sub usbMice { grep { ($_->{media_type} =~ /\|Mouse/ || $_->{driver} =~ /Mouse:USB/) &&
- $_->{driver} !~ /Tablet:wacom/} usb_probe() };
-sub usbWacom { grep { $_->{driver} =~ /Tablet:wacom/ } usb_probe() }
-sub usbKeyboards { grep { $_->{media_type} =~ /\|Keyboard/ } usb_probe() }
-sub usbStorage { grep { $_->{media_type} =~ /Mass Storage\|/ } usb_probe() }
-sub whatUsbport() {
- # The printer manufacturer and model names obtained with the usb_probe()
- # function were very messy, once there was a lot of noise around the
- # manufacturers name ("Inc.", "SA", "International", ...) and second,
- # all Epson inkjets answered with the name "Epson Stylus Color 760" which
- # lead many newbies to install their Epson Stylus Photo XXX as an Epson
- # Stylus Color 760 ...
- #
- # This routine based on an ioctl request gives very clean and correct
- # manufacturer and model names, so that they are easily matched to the
- # printer entries in the Foomatic database
- my $i;
- my @res = ();
- foreach $i (0..15) {
- my $port = "/dev/usb/lp$i";
- my $realport = devices::make("$port");
- next if (!$realport);
- next if (! -r $realport);
- open PORT, "$realport" or do next;
- my $idstr = "";
- # Calculation of IOCTL function 0x84005001 (to get device ID
- # string):
- # len = 1024
- # _IOC(), _IOC_READ as defined in /usr/include/asm/ioctl.h
- # Use "eval" so that program does not stop when IOCTL fails
- eval{ my $output = "\0" x 1024;
- ioctl(PORT, 0x84005001, $output);
- $idstr = $output; } or do {
- close PORT;
- next;
- };
- close PORT;
- # Remove non-printable characters
- $idstr =~ tr/[\x00-\x1f]/\./;
- # Extract the printer data from the ID string
- my ($manufacturer, $model, $description) = ("", "", "");
- if (($idstr =~ /MFG:([^;]+);/) ||
- ($idstr =~ /MANUFACTURER:([^;]+);/)) {
- $manufacturer = $1;
- $manufacturer =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/;
- $manufacturer =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/;
- }
- if (($idstr =~ /MDL:([^;]+);/) ||
- ($idstr =~ /MODEL:([^;]+);/)) {
- $model = $1;
- }
- if (($idstr =~ /DES:([^;]+);/) ||
- ($idstr =~ /DESCRIPTION:([^;]+);/)) {
- $description = $1;
- $description =~ s/Hewlett[-\s_]Packard/HP/;
- $description =~ s/HEWLETT[-\s_]PACKARD/HP/;
- }
- # Was there a manufacturer and a model in the string?
- if (($manufacturer eq "") || ($model eq "")) {
- next;
- }
- # No description field? Make one out of manufacturer and model.
- if ($description eq "") {
- $description = "$manufacturer $model";
- }
- # Store this auto-detection result in the data structure
- push @res, { port => $port, val =>
- MODEL => $model,
- MANUFACTURER => $manufacturer,
- DESCRIPTION => $description,
- }};
- }
- @res;
-#-MODEL:HP LaserJet 1100;
-#-DESCRIPTION:HP LaserJet 1100 Printer;
-sub whatPrinter() {
- my @res = (whatParport(), whatUsbport());
- grep { $_->{val}{CLASS} eq "PRINTER"} @res;
-sub whatPrinterPort() {
- grep { tryWrite($_)} qw(/dev/lp0 /dev/lp1 /dev/lp2 /dev/usb/lp0 /dev/usb/lp1 /dev/usb/lp2 /dev/usb/lp3 /dev/usb/lp4 /dev/usb/lp5 /dev/usb/lp6 /dev/usb/lp7 /dev/usb/lp8 /dev/usb/lp9);
-sub probeSerialDevices {
- #- make sure the device are created before probing.
- foreach (0..3) { devices::make("/dev/ttyS$_") }
- #- for device already probed, we can safely (assuming device are
- #- not moved during install :-)
- #- include /dev/mouse device if using an X server.
- -d "/var/lock" or mkdir "/var/lock", 0755;
- -l "/dev/mouse" and $serialprobe{"/dev/" . readlink "/dev/mouse"} = undef;
- foreach (keys %serialprobe) { m|^/dev/(.*)| and touch "/var/lock/LCK..$1" }
- print STDERR "Please wait while probing serial ports...\n";
- #- start probing all serial ports... really faster than before ...
- #- ... but still take some time :-)
- local *F; open F, "$ENV{LD_LOADER} serial_probe |";
- local $_;
- my %current = (); while (<F>) {
- $serialprobe{$current{DEVICE}} = { %current } and %current = () if /^\s*$/ && $current{DEVICE};
- $current{$1} = $2 if /^([^=]+)=(.*?)\s*$/;
- }
- close F;
- foreach (values %serialprobe) {
- $_->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /modem/i and $_->{CLASS} = 'MODEM'; #- hack to make sure a modem is detected.
- $_->{DESCRIPTION} =~ /olitec/i and $_->{CLASS} = 'MODEM'; #- hack to make sure such modem gets detected.
- log::l("probed $_->{DESCRIPTION} of class $_->{CLASS} on device $_->{DEVICE}");
- }
-sub probeSerial($) { $serialprobe{$_[0]} }
-sub hasModem($) {
- $serialprobe{$_[0]} and $serialprobe{$_[0]}{CLASS} eq 'MODEM' and $serialprobe{$_[0]}{DESCRIPTION};
-sub hasMousePS2 {
- my $t; sysread(tryOpen($_[0]) || return, $t, 256) != 1 || $t ne "\xFE";
-sub raidAutoStartIoctl {
- local *F;
- sysopen F, devices::make("md0"), 2 or return;
- ioctl F, 2324, 0;
-sub raidAutoStartRaidtab {
- my (@parts) = @_;
- require raid;
- #- faking a raidtab, it seems to be working :-)))
- #- (choosing any inactive md)
- raid::inactivate_all();
- foreach (@parts) {
- my ($nb) = grep { !raid::is_active("md$_") } 0..7;
- output("/etc/raidtab", "raiddev /dev/md$nb\n device " . devices::make($_->{device}) . "\n");
- run_program::run('raidstart', devices::make("md$nb"));
- }
-sub raidAutoStart {
- my (@parts) = @_;
- log::l("raidAutoStart");
- eval { modules::load('md') };
- my %personalities = ( '1' => 'linear', '2' => 'raid0', '3' => 'raid1', '4' => 'raid5' );
- raidAutoStartIoctl() or raidAutoStartRaidtab(@parts);
- if (my @needed_perso = map {
- if_(/^kmod: failed.*md-personality-(.)/ ||
- /^md: personality (.) is not loaded/, $personalities{$1}) } syslog()) {
- eval { modules::load(@needed_perso) };
- raidAutoStartIoctl() or raidAutoStartRaidtab(@parts);
- }
-sub is_a_recent_computer {
- my ($frequence) = map { /cpu MHz\s*:\s*(.*)/ } cat_("/proc/cpuinfo");
- $frequence > 600;
-#- Wonderful perl :(
-1; #