path: root/perl-install/
diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2002-07-28 22:06:15 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2002-07-28 22:06:15 +0000
commit748e43ac03172adf9bd27d43dd53df762470353c (patch)
tree7eb87e49f33c3be101ee193c4fd1dcd36610ff6a /perl-install/
parentee295df5670f73b285e3de0cea0fdae7d92941bd (diff)
thou hast served well, you may now lie in peace
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e08af34a..000000000
--- a/perl-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-package Xconfig; # $Id$
-use diagnostics;
-use strict;
-use any;
-use log;
-use common;
-use mouse;
-use devices;
-use keyboard;
-use Xconfigurator_consts;
-sub keyboard_from_kmap {
- my ($loadkey) = @_;
- foreach (keyboard::keyboards()) {
- keyboard::keyboard2kmap($_) eq $loadkey and return keyboard::keyboard2xkb($_);
- }
- '';
-sub info {
- my ($X) = @_;
- my $info;
- my $xf_ver = $X->{card}{driver} && !$X->{card}{prefer_xf3} ? "4.2.0" : "3.3.6";
- my $title = ($X->{card}{use_DRI_GLX} || $X->{card}{use_UTAH_GLX} ?
- _("XFree %s with 3D hardware acceleration", $xf_ver) : _("XFree %s", $xf_ver));
- $info .= _("Keyboard layout: %s\n", $X->{keyboard}{XkbLayout});
- $info .= _("Mouse type: %s\n", $X->{mouse}{XMOUSETYPE});
- $info .= _("Mouse device: %s\n", $X->{mouse}{device}) if $::expert;
- $info .= _("Monitor: %s\n", $X->{monitor}{ModelName});
- $info .= _("Monitor HorizSync: %s\n", $X->{monitor}{hsyncrange}) if $::expert;
- $info .= _("Monitor VertRefresh: %s\n", $X->{monitor}{vsyncrange}) if $::expert;
- $info .= _("Graphics card: %s\n", $X->{card}{VendorName} . ' '. $X->{card}{BoardName});
- $info .= _("Graphics card identification: %s\n", $X->{card}{identifier}) if $::expert;
- $info .= _("Graphics memory: %s kB\n", $X->{card}{VideoRam}) if $X->{card}{VideoRam};
- if ($X->{default_depth} and my $depth = $X->{card}{depth}{$X->{default_depth}}) {
- $info .= _("Color depth: %s\n", translate($Xconfigurator_consts::depths{$X->{default_depth}}));
- $info .= _("Resolution: %s\n", join "x", @{$depth->[0]}) if $depth && !is_empty_array_ref($depth->[0]);
- }
- $info .= _("XFree86 server: %s\n", $X->{card}{server}) if $X->{card}{server};
- $info .= _("XFree86 driver: %s\n", $X->{card}{driver}) if $X->{card}{driver};
- "$title\n\n$info";
-sub getinfo {
- my $X = shift || {};
- getinfoFromDDC($X);
- getinfoFromSysconfig($X);
- my ($mouse) = mouse::detect();
- add2hash($X->{mouse}, $mouse) if !$X->{mouse}{XMOUSETYPE};
- add2hash($X->{mouse}{auxmouse}, $mouse->{auxmouse}) if !$X->{mouse}{auxmouse}{XMOUSETYPE};
- $X->{mouse}{auxmouse}{XMOUSETYPE} or delete $X->{mouse}{auxmouse};
- $X->{mouse}{device} ||= "mouse" if -e "/dev/mouse";
- $X;
-sub getinfoFromXF86Config {
- my ($X, $prefix) = @_; #- original $::o->{X} which must be changed only if sure!
- $X ||= {};
- #- don't keep the preference on upgrades??
- $X->{card}{prefer_xf3} = readlink("$::prefix/etc/X11/X") =~ /XF86_/ if $::isStandalone;
- my (%keyboard, %mouse, %wacom, %card, %monitor);
- my (%c, $depth);
- foreach (cat_("$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config-4")) {
- if (my $i = /^Section "InputDevice"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- %c = () if $i == 1;
- $c{driver} = $1 if /^\s*Driver\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{id} = $1 if /^\s*Identifier\s+"[^\d"]*(\d*)"/;
- $c{XkbModel} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"XkbModel"\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{XkbLayout} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"XkbLayout"\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{XMOUSETYPE} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"Protocol"\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{device} ||= $1 if /^\s*Option\s+"Device"\s+"\/dev\/(.*?)"/;
- $c{nbuttons} = 2 if /^\s*Option\s+"Emulate3Buttons"\s+/;
- $c{nbuttons} ||= 5 if /^\s*#\s*Option\s+"ZAxisMapping"\s.*5/;
- $c{nbuttons} = 7 if /^\s*#\s*Option\s+"ZAxisMapping"\s.*7/;
- if ($i =~ /E0/) {
- @keyboard{qw(XkbLayout)} = @c{qw(XkbLayout)}
- if $c{driver} =~ /keyboard/i;
- @{$mouse{auxmouse}}{qw(XMOUSETYPE device nbuttons)} = @c{qw(XMOUSETYPE device nbuttons)}
- if $c{driver} =~ /mouse/i && $c{id} > 1;
- @mouse{qw(XMOUSETYPE device nbuttons)} = @c{qw(XMOUSETYPE device nbuttons)}
- if $c{driver} =~ /mouse/i && $c{id} < 1;
- $wacom{$c{device}} = undef
- if $c{driver} =~ /wacom/i;
- }
- } elsif (/^Section "Monitor"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- $monitor{hsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*HorizSync\s+(.*)/;
- $monitor{vsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*VertRefresh\s+(.*)/;
- $monitor{VendorName} ||= $1 if /^\s*VendorName\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $monitor{ModelName} ||= $1 if /^\s*ModelName\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $monitor{ModeLines} .= $_ if /^\s*Mode[lL]ine\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/;
- } elsif (my $s = /^Section "Screen"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- $card{default_depth} ||= $1 if /^\s*DefaultColorDepth\s+(\d+)/;
- if (my $i = /^\s*Subsection\s+"Display"/ .. /^\s*EndSubsection/) {
- undef $depth if $i == 1;
- $depth = $1 if /^\s*Depth\s+(\d*)/;
- if (/^\s*Modes\s+(.*)/) {
- my $a = 0;
- unshift @{$card{depth}{$depth || 8} ||= []}, #- insert at the beginning for resolution_wanted!
- grep { $_->[0] >= 640 } map { [ /"(\d+)x(\d+)"/ ] } split ' ', $1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- my $first_screen_section;
- foreach (cat_("$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config")) {
- if (/^Section "Keyboard"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- $keyboard{XkbModel} ||= $1 if /^\s*XkbModel\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $keyboard{XkbLayout} ||= $1 if /^\s*XkbLayout\s+"(.*?)"/;
- } elsif (/^Section "Pointer"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- $mouse{XMOUSETYPE} ||= $1 if /^\s*Protocol\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $mouse{device} ||= $1 if m|^\s*Device\s+"/dev/(.*?)"|;
- $mouse{nbuttons} = 2 if m/^\s*Emulate3Buttons\s+/;
- $mouse{nbuttons} ||= 5 if m/^\s*ZAxisMapping\s.*5/;
- $mouse{nbuttons} = 7 if m/^\s*ZAxisMapping\s.*7/;
- } elsif (/^Section "XInput"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- if (/^\s*SubSection "Wacom/ .. /^\s*EndSubSection/) {
- $wacom{$1} = undef if /^\s*Port\s+"\/dev\/(.*?)"/;
- }
- } elsif (/^Section "Monitor"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- $monitor{hsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*HorizSync\s+(.*)/;
- $monitor{vsyncrange} ||= $1 if /^\s*VertRefresh\s+(.*)/;
- $monitor{VendorName} ||= $1 if /^\s*VendorName\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $monitor{ModelName} ||= $1 if /^\s*ModelName\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $monitor{ModeLines_xf3} .= $_ if /^\s*Mode[lL]ine\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/;
- } elsif (my $i = /^Section "Device"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- %c = () if $i == 1;
- $c{indentifier} ||= $1 if /^\s*Identifier\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{VideoRam} ||= $1 if /VideoRam\s+(\d+)/;
- $c{needVideoRam} ||= 1 if /^\s*VideoRam\s+/;
- $c{driver} ||= $1 if /^\s*Driver\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{VendorName} ||= $1 if /^\s*VendorName\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{BoardName} ||= $1 if /^\s*BoardName\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{Chipset} ||= $1 if /^\s*Chipset\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{options_xf3}{$1} ||= 0 if /^\s*#\s*Option\s+"(.*?)"/;
- $c{options_xf3}{$1} ||= 1 if /^\s*Option\s+"(.*?)"/;
- add2hash(\%card, \%c) if ($i =~ /E0/ && $c{identifier} && $c{identifier} ne "Generic VGA");
- } elsif (my $s = /^Section "Screen"/ .. /^EndSection/) {
- $first_screen_section++ if $s =~ /E0/;
- $first_screen_section or next;
- $card{default_depth} ||= $1 if /^\s*DefaultColorDepth\s+(\d+)/;
- if (my $i = /^\s*Subsection\s+"Display"/ .. /^\s*EndSubsection/) {
- undef $depth if $i == 1;
- $depth = $1 if /^\s*Depth\s+(\d*)/;
- if (/^\s*Modes\s+(.*)/) {
- my $a = 0;
- unshift @{$card{depth}{$depth || 8} ||= []}, #- insert at the beginning for resolution_wanted!
- grep { $_->[0] >= 640 } map { [ /"(\d+)x(\d+)"/ ] } split ' ', $1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #- get the default resolution according the the current file.
- #- suggestion to take into account, but that have to be checked.
- $X->{card}{suggest_depth} = $card{default_depth};
- if (my @depth = keys %{$card{depth}}) {
- $X->{card}{suggest_x_res} = ($card{depth}{$X->{card}{suggest_depth} || $depth[0]}[0][0]);
- }
- #- final clean-up.
- $mouse{nbuttons} ||= 3; #- when no tag found, this is because there is 3 buttons.
- $mouse{auxmouse}{nbuttons} ||= 3;
- mouse::update_type_name(\%mouse); #- allow getting fullname (type|name).
- mouse::update_type_name($mouse{auxmouse});
- delete $mouse{auxmouse} if !$mouse{auxmouse}{XMOUSETYPE}; #- only take care of a true mouse.
- #- try to merge with $X, the previous has been obtained by ddcxinfos.
- put_in_hash($X->{keyboard} ||= {}, \%keyboard);
- add2hash($X->{mouse} ||= {}, \%mouse);
- @{$X->{wacom} || []} > 0 or $X->{wacom} = [ keys %wacom ];
- add2hash($X->{monitor} ||= {}, \%monitor);
- $X;
-sub getinfoFromSysconfig {
- my $X = shift || {};
- my $prefix = shift || "";
- add2hash($X->{mouse} ||= {}, { getVarsFromSh("$prefix/etc/sysconfig/mouse") });
- if (my %keyboard = getVarsFromSh "$prefix/etc/sysconfig/keyboard") {
- $X->{keyboard}{XkbLayout} ||= keyboard_from_kmap($keyboard{KEYTABLE}) if $keyboard{KEYTABLE};
- }
- $X;
-sub getinfoFromDDC {
- my $X = shift || {};
- my $O = $X->{monitor} ||= {};
- #- return $X if $O->{hsyncrange} && $O->{vsyncrange} && $O->{ModeLines};
- my ($m, @l) = any::ddcxinfos();
- $? == 0 or return $X;
- $X->{card}{VideoRam} ||= to_int($m);
- local $_;
- while (($_ = shift @l) ne "\n") {
- my ($depth, $x, $y) = split;
- $depth = int(log($depth) / log(2));
- if ($depth >= 8 && $x >= 640) {
- push @{$X->{card}{depth}{$depth}}, [ $x, $y ]
- if ! grep { $_->[0] == $x && $_->[1] == $y } @{$X->{card}{depth}{$depth}};
- push @{$X->{card}{depth}{32}}, [ $x, $y ]
- if $depth == 24 && ! grep { $_->[0] == $x && $_->[1] == $y } @{$X->{card}{depth}{32}};
- }
- }
- my ($h, $v, $size, @m) = @l;
- $O->{hsyncrange} ||= first($h =~ /^(\S*)/);
- $O->{vsyncrange} ||= first($v =~ /^(\S*)/);
- $O->{size} ||= to_float($size);
- $O->{EISA_ID} = lc($1) if $size =~ /EISA ID=(\S*)/;
- $O->{ModeLines_xf3} ||= join '', map { " $_" } @m;
- $X;
-sub XF86check_link {
- my ($prefix, $ext) = @_;
- my $f = "$prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config$ext";
- touch($f);
- my $l = "$prefix/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config$ext";
- if (-e $l && (stat($f))[1] != (stat($l))[1]) { #- compare the inode, must be the sames
- -e $l and unlink($l) || die "can't remove bad $l";
- symlinkf "../../../../etc/X11/XF86Config$ext", $l;
- }
-sub add2card {
- my ($card, $other_card) = @_;
- push @{$card->{lines}}, @{$other_card->{lines} || []};
- add2hash($card, $other_card);
-sub readCardsDB {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my ($card, %cards);
- my $F = common::openFileMaybeCompressed($file);
- my ($lineno, $cmd, $val) = 0;
- my $fs = {
- NAME => sub {
- $cards{$card->{card_name}} = $card if $card;
- $card = { card_name => $val };
- },
- SEE => sub {
- my $c = $cards{$val} or die "Error in database, invalid reference $val at line $lineno";
- add2card($card, $c);
- },
- LINE => sub { push @{$card->{lines}}, $val },
- CHIPSET => sub { $card->{Chipset} = $val },
- SERVER => sub { $card->{server} = $val },
- DRIVER => sub { $card->{driver} = $val },
- DRIVER2 => sub { $card->{driver2} = $val },
- NEEDVIDEORAM => sub { $card->{needVideoRam} = 1 },
- DRI_GLX => sub { $card->{DRI_GLX} = 1 if $card->{driver} },
- UTAH_GLX => sub { $card->{UTAH_GLX} = 1 if $card->{server} },
- DRI_GLX_EXPERIMENTAL => sub { $card->{DRI_GLX_EXPERIMENTAL} = 1 if $card->{driver} },
- UTAH_GLX_EXPERIMENTAL => sub { $card->{UTAH_GLX_EXPERIMENTAL} = 1 if $card->{server} },
- MULTI_HEAD => sub { $card->{MULTI_HEAD} = $val if $card->{driver} },
- BAD_FB_RESTORE => sub { $card->{BAD_FB_RESTORE} = 1 },
- BAD_FB_RESTORE_XF3 => sub { $card->{BAD_FB_RESTORE_XF3} = 1 },
- UNSUPPORTED => sub { delete $card->{driver} },
- COMMENT => sub {},
- };
- local $_;
- while (<$F>) { $lineno++;
- s/\s+$//;
- /^#/ and next;
- /^$/ and next;
- /^END/ and do { $cards{$card->{card_name}} = $card if $card; last };
- ($cmd, $val) = /(\S+)\s*(.*)/ or next;
- my $f = $fs->{$cmd};
- $f ? $f->() : log::l("unknown line $lineno ($_)");
- }
- \%cards;
-sub install_matrox_proprietary_hal {
- my ($prefix) = @_;
- my $tmpdir = "$prefix/root/tmp";
- my $tar = "mgadrivers-2.0.tgz";
- my $dir_in_tar = "mgadrivers";
- my $dest_dir = "$prefix/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers";
- #- already installed
- return if -e "$dest_dir/mga_hal_drv.o";
- system("wget -O $tmpdir/$tar$tar") if !-e "$tmpdir/$tar";
- system("tar xzC $tmpdir -f $tmpdir/$tar");
- my $src_dir = "$tmpdir/$dir_in_tar/xfree86/4.2.0/drivers";
- foreach (all($src_dir)) {
- my $src = "$src_dir/$_";
- my $dest = "$dest_dir/$_";
- rename $dest, "$dest.non_hal";
- cp_af($src, $dest_dir);
- }
- rm_rf("$tmpdir/$tar");
- rm_rf("$tmpdir/$dir_in_tar");