path: root/kernel/update_kernel
diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <>2004-12-31 10:07:12 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <>2004-12-31 10:07:12 +0000
commitc6452b16deb3077f8cd0b224b2a0d705a47faeb8 (patch)
treea54db2744e088f26dc6a1dd33963ea5a77e73c2b /kernel/update_kernel
parentec6144a1513bb11f14bfc46222476233ce8a5be8 (diff)
ldd doesn't say anymore which file ld-linux is, so adding it explicitly
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/update_kernel')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
name = "/" . ($0 =~ m|([^/]+)$|)[0]; print header(), start_html(-TITLE => 'hd_grub configuration'); if (param()) { print_menu_lst(); } else { print_form(); } print end_html; sub menu_lst { my ($hd, $hd_linux, $partition_number, $directory) = @_; my $grub_partition_number = $partition_number - 1; <<EOF; timeout 0 default 0 title Mandriva Install root ($hd,$grub_partition_number) kernel $directory/isolinux/alt0/vmlinuz $default_append $default_acpi $default_vga automatic=method:disk,partition:$hd_linux$partition_number,directory:$directory initrd $directory/isolinux/alt0/all.rdz EOF } sub print_menu_lst { my $directory = param('directory'); $directory =~ s!^/!!; print ol(li(qq(Select the text below and save it in a file "menu.lst")), li(qq(Create a floppy from $directory/images/hd_grub.img (eg: <tt>dd if=hd_grub.img of=/dev/fd0</tt>))), li(qq(Copy the file "menu.lst" to the floppy, overwriting the existing one)), ), p(), start_form(-name => 'form', -action => $cgi_name, -method => 'get'), textarea(-default => menu_lst(param('hd'), param('hd_linux'), param('partition_number'), "/$directory"), -rows => 15, -columns => 120, ), end_form(), } sub print_form { print p(), start_form(-name => 'form', -action => $cgi_name, -method => 'get'), ul("Please choose the partition where Mandrivalinux is copied.", li(popup_menu(-name => "hd", -default => 'hd0', -values => [ 'hd0' .. 'hd3' ], -labels => { hd0 => '1st BIOS hard drive (usually hda or sda)', hd1 => '2nd BIOS hard drive', hd2 => '3rd BIOS hard drive', hd3 => '4th BIOS hard drive', })), li(popup_menu(-name => "hd_linux", -default => 'hda', -values => [ 'hda' .. 'hdd', 'sda' .. 'sdc', 'hde' .. 'hdh' ], -labels => { hda => '1st IDE hard drive (hda)', hdb => '2nd IDE hard drive (hdb)', hdc => '3rd IDE hard drive (hdc)', hdd => '4th IDE hard drive (hdd)', hde => '5th IDE hard drive (hde)', hdf => '6th IDE hard drive (hdf)', hdg => '7th IDE hard drive (hdg)', hdh => '8th IDE hard drive (hdh)', sda => '1st SCSI hard drive (sda)', sdb => '2nd SCSI hard drive (sdb)', sdc => '3rd SCSI hard drive (sdc)', })), li(popup_menu(-name => "partition_number", -default => '0', -values => [ 1 .. 15 ], -labels => { 1 => '1st primary partition (hda1, sda1 or ...)', 2 => '2nd primary partition', 3 => '3rd primary partition', 4 => '4th primary partition', 5 => '5th partition (hda5, sda5 or ...) (first logical partition)', map { $_ => $_ . 'th partition' } 6 .. 15 })), ), p(), ul("Please enter the directory containing the Mandrivalinux Distribution (relative to the partition chosen above)", li(textfield(-name => 'directory', -default => '/cooker/i586', size => 40)), ), p(submit(-name => 'Go')), end_form(); }